Mr. Entertainment RP
* Mr. Entertainment RP for C08.
(((FADE IN to Mr Entertainment standing in front of his damaged, defaced statue. He’s calmed down from the end of Cyberstrike, and has freshly polished the New ERA Championship belt which he wears around his waist)))
ME: You think yer pretty clever don’t ya, Chaos? I bet ya do. I bet ya think yer the hardest guy on the New ERA roster. After all, yer the first man ta have a second chance at winnin’ this belt. Yer the guy who attacked the New ERA champ from behind, an’ then tried ta topple the only true monument ta New ERA, the monument ta the true icon of professional wrestling, ME.
Mister Entertainment.
I bet you thought you could take down my New ERA with the swing of a sledgehammer, an’ rebuild it in yer own image. In your own little monster’d image. The problem with that, Chaos, is buildin’ anything in your image… in the image of Chaos… would be death. It would kill New ERA. Because someone like you? Yeah, yer tough. Yer strong, an’ fer some damn reason the fans think yer cool. But you don’t have what it takes ta be a real champion, without fightin’ in gimmick matches. Ya’ve already shown that. Once when ya got DQ’d against Montgomery, an’ twice at Cyberstrike Seven, when ya attacked ME
Mister Entertainment
From behind, an’ then took a sledge hammer ta this… gift ta the world. A statue more iconic than the Colossus of Rhodes. A statue tha’ was ta give form to the dawning of a true, New, ERA.
Ya know what those three events show the world, Chaos? That without a gimmick, ya can’t get it done. Withou’ a weapon, yer a coward. Without someone’s back turned – mine, or Hart’s, ya can’t get it done. You, Chaos, are a sham. A poser. A pretender ta my throne.
Because only a coward attacks from behind. Because only an idiot gets himself disqualified. Because only a barbarian would come ta my domain, ta my New ERA, an’ try ta destroy what only I am capable of building.
But you know something, Chaos? Until you proved to ME
Mister Entertainment
At Cyberstrike Seven that you’re a coward, an idiot an’ a barbarian, there was a place for ya in today’s New ERA. I had it all planned out. You wouldn’t’ve been a relic of the past, someone known fer bein’ a gimmick match champion and part of my Dupree Cup TEAM winning New ERA team. Ya wouldn’t’ve been known fer constantly beatin’ up people like Trevor Cane in the now distant Old ERA.
Ya wouldn’t’ve been merely someone who gets a cheap pop from the fans fer comin’ ou’ an’ attackin’ people from behind. You would have been one of the true highlights of each an’ every show, a beacon fer the people. In time, ya might have even had yer own, small, statue in the hallowed halls of my New ERA. I saw you, an’ I saw someone who was willing ta sweat an’ bleed ta make New ERA’s dominance of the wrestling world a reality. I saw someone who knew their role – the strong, silent enforcer, ready ta throw into the trash anyone who tried ta defile the New ERA Championship.
But no. I was wrong. Yer not the strong silent type. Ya’ve decided ya need ta run yer damn mouth. Ya’ve decided tha’ I, the creator of the edifice, ain’t good enough ta hold the belt. Ya wanted ta take the belt from Shawn Hart, fer reasons I don’t give a rat’s ass abou’. Maybe ya think he’s easier ta beat – which he is. Maybe ya think tha’ since you were the reason the Wrestling Bieber was able ta take the belt from Hart in the first place, you should have a chance ta avenge yer title-match loss. Maybe ya just had some bad cheese an’ve been havin’ nightmares of Shawn Hart with his sister, MWG an’ Peter File, I don’t care.
What I care abou’ is that you’ve shown yer not gonna fulfil your role. Yer not gonna help build New ERA into what it should be. Yer selfishly tryin’ ta destroy my New ERA, ta kill it in its infancy.
Well, Chaos, I can’t let ya do that. I cannot let ya deprive the fans of true, honest, ENTERTAINMENT. Not only does New ERA need ME
Mister Entertainment
As its champion, but the fans do, too. The fans need ME
Mister Entertainment
Ta show them the truth about you. That yer a coward, an idiot, a barbarian, an’ someone who doesn’t deserve a place in my New ERA. Someone who’s lower, lower, lower than everybody else. Lower than Shawn Hart. Lower than Yossi Hait. Lower than Cameron Cruise, lower than First, an’ lower even than Fanatic.
Someone who can’t get the job done without weapons. Someone who can’t face a man head on when they’re fresh. Someone who wants ta just destroy, destroy, destroy.
Well, Chaos, yer kinda gonna get yer wish. Somethin’ is gonna be destroyed at Cyberstrike. It won’t be New ERA. It won’t be the New ERA Championship. What’s gonna get destroyed is any chance you’ve got of ever comin’ fer my New ERA championship again. What’s gonna get destroyed is any chance you’ve got of havin’ a legacy that will last the test of time. This isn’t some newcomer yer dealin’ with. This isn’t some broken down wreck like Shawn. Yer goin’ up against the greatest entertainer an’ wrestler today. Yer goin’ up against the man who single-handedly built the foundations fer the greatest edifice mankind will ever know. Yer goin’ up against the New ERA Champion.
Mister Entertainment.
The King of New ERA.
I assure ya, Chaos. From the remains of this statue will rise an even greater monument ta my greatness. An’ it’ll be built on the broken down wreck that is you.
This New ERA is about ME.
Mister Entertainment.
And you? You were a passenger, an Icarus who’s flown too high.
Prepare ta come crashin’ down.
(((FADE OUT)))