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MAIN EVENT: Steel Cage BRAWL - Chaos v ANTAEUS v Rabesque (c)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
All RP for the Steel Cage BRAWL match for the New ERA World Heavyweight championship between CHAOS, ANTAEUS and JEAN RABESQUE (c) should be posted in this thread.

RP and angles are due Friday, December 3rd, at 11:59pm. All angles should be sent to sedmunds@goucher.edu ... enjoy!
Last edited:


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Miami, Florida
(Posted on behalf of Antaeus' handler)

(ANTAEUS is walking down an alley way of a run down inner city looking out among the homeless who are huddled in with their newspapers inside their cardboard boxes for long winter’s night rest with a bag in his hand.)

ANTAEUS: Every Thanksgiving since I was a mere child, my father and I would make it a point to come down to the homeless shelter to help prepare meals for the homeless. He always felt a need that because life had rewarded him so much that he needed to do as much possible to give a little back and he did. When people saw my father in back cooking, their faces would light up with a big smile and despite all of their problems, for that brief moment, they were happy. As a child witnessing the affect that my dad had on those people, I realized that I too wanted my life to have that meaning and I wanted to give back all that I could.

(ANTAEUS walks down the alley and he sees a man shivering trying desperately to get warm huddled in a fetal position)

As I walk, the sadness of these people weighs on my soul. For all the good I have done and for all the good I will do, so much is left undone. My mission has yet to be accomplished. So many good people have been left behind…

That is why I have set my sights on you Rabesque. You stepped on El Arco Iris, Jonathon Marxs, and Peter Files of the world and treated them like garbage just like society has treated these men and women. Instead of climbing the ladder against those who have been here since day one waiting for their opportunity at the gold, you took the easy way to the top. They may all be a little bit insane and they may not hold themselves to the level that you hold yourself to, but they have heart and given an opportunity to shine, they will and they will define what New Era Wrestling is all about.

When I step into the cage at Battle BRAWL, I will not come alone, I will bring the fighting spirits of all those deserving with me and I will win the NEW World Heavyweight Title for those who were denied their opportunity. I will be the man who gives them their chance. I will be everything that Rabesque is not. I will unite the wrestlers and I will raise the hopes of all wrestling fans and put New Era on the map as the premiere wrestling federation in all of the world. Beating you Rabesque is the ony the first step.

(ANTAEUS hands the shivering man a blanket and some money for coffee and looks back at the camera.)

As for you Chaos, my battle with you is not personal, but you stand in my way from taking what Rabesque holds most dear, his NEW World Heavyweight Title belt which makes you my enemy. I will not let you distract me from my goal and let Rabesque walk out of the cage as champion. We need to work as a team, the elimination of Rabesque as champion must be our common goal or we will lose much more than a match. This is a battle for the future of NEW itself. You have to ask yourself Chaos, are you willing to do whatever it takes to win? Are you willing to go above and beyond, risking life and limb to bring home the gold? Because this title means more to me than any other title in all of wrestling…. The Ultratitle… nobody even has a chance besides Southern and Manson, The WFW World Heavyweight Title… They won’t even let me in… this is my time, this is my place, this is where I want to be for the rest of my career. I have waited too long, I have entrusted too many others to do the job I should have done a long time ago. ANTAEUS is the only man who can win this battle and I will or I will die trying because hope lives and dies with me.

(ANTAEUS opens up his bag and he starts throwing blankets to the other homeless people in the alley who rush to grab them, ANTAEUS then dumps a pile of cash underneath the blankets onto the floor of the alleyway as people scatter to grab it and he slowly walks away out of sight.)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river

(The screen comes in on a locker room, where a sweat covered Jean Rabesque sits by a locker, toweling himself, grabbing an occasional drink of water as the cameras come rolling in, he looks up and acknowledges the camera, stops for a moment, and then speaks)

“That was one hell of a performance you put on there Antaeus. Throwing out the blankets, giving money to the poor, just dishing out the cash so they can liquor themselves up for free the next time. But that’s you Antaeus, the humanitarian. (Chuckles) You have got to be kidding me!

“But here’s what really gets me Antaeus. You spoke at great lengths about how I am the death of NEW, about how I have ruined things and how I have tarnished things. About how I waltzed into this title and I did nothing to prove myself, about how I walked over El Arco Iris and Jonathan Marx. YOU GOD D(FCC)M HYPOCRITE! While you’re at it Antaeus, why don’t you step up and tell me what you’ve done to deserve a title shot? Unless you’re Suicide in mask #2, I’m pretty damn confident you haven’t done one single thing. YOU’RE DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU’RE CONDEMNING ANTAEUS! Tell me right now, your path to the title? You blind side the champ from behind and then go about screwing him any match he’s in. You then are match #1 that you didn’t earn, and you go about getting your ass beat in that one. You then continue on that same path so that you’re granted match #2 that you didn’t earn. And you then go on some crusade talking about a phony champion. But at least I’m a champion that has actually won a match in this league.

“But let’s compare, me, I was outside of the ring as my team lost a tag match in the World title tournament. So I entered the TV title tournament, went through every damn wrestler placed in front of me and won it. And to this day, I’m still the longest reigning TV champ in the history of New ERA. So then I went about defending that title against any and all comers, even though I didn’t give a damn about that belt, until you decided I had held it long enough. So then, I set my sights on what I really wanted and I EARNED a title shot. And then, I did something that you couldn’t do Antaeus, I actually got the job done! I beat the champion, and I climbed the top of the ladder and pulled that belt down and I did what no one else in this company was able to do, and that is beat Larry Tact.

“So you know you have nothing to say, so you make up things. You make up about how I have kept other people down in this league. Now, the truth is, I haven’t dodged a single person in this league. Yes, it is true that I don’t book my matches. To be honest, I have more important things to do. I take on whomever the league wants whenever they want it. If they want me wrestling Marx on the next show, then I’ll wrestle Marx on the next show. If they want me taking on Iris, then you damn well better believe I’ll be dragging Iris’ ass all over the ring.

“And then the whole Thanksgiving stunt, as cute as it was, no one believes it. But allow me to tell you how I spent my Thanksgiving Antaeus. I was right here, alone, taking care of business. If you want to be the altruistic type, knock yourself out. I’m sorry to share that none of that is going to make a damn bit of difference when the match comes around. You’re not going to win the title for being a supposed nice guy. You’re not going to get it for being the best at speaking loads of crap. No, in fact, you’re not going to get the title at all. I told you the first time around that you had the advantage there. I need a time around to really understand an opponent, and the second time around, things improve. And Antaeus, you couldn’t even beat me on the trial run. You’re choked, just like you’re about to yet again. And no lies you can tell will change that one iota.

“But you may have been right about one thing. The only chance you or Chaos have of winning this match is if you double team me. Draw straws, play high card, it doesn’t matter, but that’s the only shot you have. But somehow, I doubt when the time comes, that it’s going to work out that way. I’ve already proven no one in this league can beat me straight up, one on one, and in the heat of the moment, neither of you will let the other get the win. So I guess you can say the odds are stacking up nicely in my favor.

“So while the three words that best describe Antaeus would be: POSER, HYPOCRITE, EMBARRASSMENT, the word to describe you Chaos...... WANNABE. You went this title more than anything, and you’ve been close before, just like in everything else you’ve ever done. But you just can’t reach that brass ring. Every time you try to go through that open door you slam it in your own face. No, Chaos, you can’t get the job done because every time that opportunity comes to you, you find a way to blow it. Sure, you were TV champ, you beat me with help for a belt I didn’t even want, but what have you really done Chaos?

“Sure, you put on a good show and you get the people out of their seats, but at the end of the day, that’s all you are. You’re the sideshow attraction to keep the people entertained before they get to the real show of the night. You don’t belong here right now. You will someday, but you’re not there yet.

“Now, I do need to be forthright about one thing. You didn’t deserve the beating you received last show. I acknowledge that I cheap shotted you. But the difference between Antaeus and myself is that I didn’t do anything to earn a match I don’t deserve. I did it to simply prove a point to you, Antaeus, DREDD, or anyone else who thinks they can dictate what the champ is going to do. I am now going to be any kind of whipping boy, and anyone who thinks otherwise can get a Singapore Cane right in the back of the head. But don’t take that personally Chaos, you just happened to be in the wrong place.... at the wrong time.

“Allow me to close this little shindig with one final thing. Pay per view, the main event, I get to defend against a man who hasn’t won a legitimate NEW match and another man getting yet another shot. I understand that the appeal isn’t there for the average fan. But allow me to make one decree. Buy the show, and you won’t regret it. You will see the best damn wrestler going today annihilate not one, but two opponents in a performance not to be soon duplicated. That.... sport fans, is a promise I make to you. This is going to be one.... that you’re not going to want to miss.

“No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am the New ERA World Heavyweight Champion, I am Jean Rabesque!”



League Member
Jan 1, 2000

(The camera opens before a NEW backdrop. smiling back att he camera Chaos has a vicious look in his eyes as he stares into the camera. His hands reaches forward and grasps the one wall of steel cage set-up before him. He tightens his grip and small amounts of blood flow from his finger tips)

Chaos: Now this is more like it. Finally at long last I get another shot at what I'm after. I get a shot at the NEW Heavyweight title. The last time I was in a ring with you Rabesque I challenged you to a match like this. I put forth the dare for you to step into a cage and settle this just between us.

(He chuckles and smiles)

Chaos: You smartly declined and as I had your title in my hands and the Python-Lock around your neck...what I suspected all along would happen...did. You...

(He points a finger ahead through the steel mesh)

Chaos: You once again stuck your head in MY business and cost ME from submitting Jean for the title. I had in MY grasp something you can only dream of. I heard your speech...your not Kennedy, your not King, hell your not even Koresh. Your just a guy who knows how to stick a knife in the back, because your afraid to get it stuck in your belly when you face the man.

(He shakes the finger scoldingly)

Chaos: You really think I'm going to help you defeat Rabesque? Do you really think I'd help a man who cost me a shot at what you can't earn on your own. Sorry pal...not today. this is everyman for himself. Don't b***h about all the places you don't have the skill to belong in. EARN a shot at the place your in. I've NEVER agreed with Rabesque before, but he's right at least he's earned a shot.

(Chaos pulls back his hand and grins once more)

Chaos: Ah, but then there's you Jean. The man I've been after. You can say whatever you want. go ahead, put me down. dismiss me, that's what every champ does till his belt is finally taken away. However Jean...answer me this...has any man in NEW gotten into the ring with you four times and you've failed to beat him.

(The grin grows into a smile)

Chaos: hell I even have a victory over you and no matter how far you'll got to dismiss that at the end of the day I came out the winner in that match.

(He shrugs his shoulders)

Chaos: Come on Jean...even you can admit...at the end of that day...that's all that really matters. Ah, but what matters to me is this Jean

(He again grabs the cage with his hand)

Chaos: This is the match I wanted. Suicide needed three men to defeat me in a cage last time. Hell there's only two of you. there's no place to run, there's no pace to hide. My best asset...power can be applied to cold hard steel and that's a loser for BOTH of you.

(He leans his head forward and licks the steel bar with his tongue)

Chaos: This...this tastes like victory to me. And Jean...save the obvious joke for Anteus. when all is said and down I will tear flesh, I will spill blood, I will risk ALL to walk out the champion. When the final bell I'll have your belt Jean. and then with TWO victories over you.

(He smiles and chuckles)

Chaos: we'll see how cocky you are then

(He holds the bloody palm of his hand up to the camera and waves Good-Bye)



Active member
Jun 18, 2004
OOC: Posted on behalf of the mystery man!

(ANTAEUS is out on the lake, sitting in a rowboat with a with a Shakespeare fishing pole in hand watching the sun come up.)

ANTAEUS: Here fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy… here fishy, fishy, fishy…

(ANTAEUS moves back in the boat to avoid being hit by the flying fish, but nothing happens.)

ANATEUS: Strange, taking shortcuts worked for Ernie. Hell, it even worked for Rabesque and he isn’t half as bright…. But speaking of fishing exhibitions, I must tip my hat to you. Trying to get crucial information out of me by getting me angry by saying that I don’t deserve a title shot… that I haven’t done enough in NEW to warrant getting a title shot by my own requirements… that is priceless Rabesque, just priceless.

Apparently my moral indignation means nothing, all of my disgust, all that I have said, is all just part of a larger conspiracy to bring Rabesque down. You are asking yourself, how could one man actually believe everything that I am saying? That is what makes you worry. You can’t believe that someone like me actually exists because none of these feelings, none of these values are in you… that is why I am doing this Rabesque.

I admit, some of my means are a little bit suspect. Attacking people from behind, wearing a mask to hide my identity, gang style prison rape… wait, forget about that last one, we are saving that for the PPV… but in the end, doesn’t the end justify the means? There are only so many times that you can put on your uniform and march in unison with the rest of your troop and see your friends picked off by Americans hiding behind bushes before you realize, maybe there is a better way to do this. Maybe I should be like the enemy and damn honor to hell because when it comes down to it Rabesque, this is a war… if you wind up on the winning side of history as I plan on being, you get to write your own version of history.

I like how you ASSUME that I have never been NEW World Heavyweight Champion before cutting down that list of people that you have actually have to prepare for or you ASSUME that I haven’t beaten you countless times before I dawned this mask and simply just didn’t dog it in our last encounter so I wouldn’t give anything away for our match at the PPV. You better hope that you are right, because there will not be any margin for error this time. This is going to be inside of a steel cage where EVERYTHING and ANYTHING is allowed. I may even surprise you with the dreaded small package, which was undoubtedly named after your obvious short comings, and send you home like Shane Southern did.

Chaos, it is sad that you have deluded yourself with such visions of grandsire that you are looking a gift horse in the mouth. I have stepped in the ring with superstars tougher than you could ever dream of being and have come out on top time after time. Hell, I have beaten men Rabesque couldn’t beat in his dreams. Wouldn’t you rather have me as a friend than as an enemy or have you been touched in the head with too many chairshots to know the opportunity of a lifetime? That is the difference between you and me Chaos, I am smart enough to do whatever it takes to accomplish my mission and you hang on to foolish pride and that is why you will never be champion. That is why you could never be half the champion that Larry Tact was and that is why I have to be the one to beat Rabesque once and for all.

At Battle BRAWL, live from Seattle, Washington, a new era will begin…

(ANTAEUS takes out his fishing pole and casts it into the water.)

Here fishy, fishy, fishy….



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Sinking Ship

(Seven in the morning comes early at the top Rank gym in Vegas. Already well worked out for oven an hour a sweaty Chaos takes a break from his morning routine. five rounds of sparring are done and he leans his powerful arms upon the top rope and stares forward)

Chaos: Here I work...here I train...here I strive and for what? to listen to a fool sitting in a boat. Another mystery trying to become enigma. to tell you the truth I could not care ANTAEUS, I really could not. You ask me why I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well it's simple too many times that gift horse turns into a useless jackass and you already have when it comes to me. Time after time you've interfered in my matches. time after time you've stopped me from doing what you couldn't get done. Time after time you've shown you don't have courage.

(He extends his palm)

Chaos: Now you see your chance. Now you finally might have the odds against Rabesque and you need my help? That goes against everything you just stated. You've beaten men Rabesque couldn't beat in his dreams then why extend a hand to me? If you so damn confident in your ability...then take of the mask and be a man. At least when I wanted to take that title from around Frenchy's I got up and went after it own my own.

(He taps a finger on his forehead)

Chaos: ah, but if I didn't have the skill...if I didn't have the ability...if I didn't have the will...well I'd then take every shortcut I could find and for that I commend you.

(pumps his fist)

Chaos: You've accepted your limitations and you've tried your best to overcome them, but Antaues you come up short when trying to hook me. Why?...well it's simple. You don't have the right bait. You don't have the goods. You don't hold the Title. Your just another fool in a mask. I don't care about the past or who you might be. I don't care if your Larry Tact, that coward Suicide, hell I don't care if your Jean's lackey and this is all a set-up. I know one thing and I stand firm.

(He leans forward and stares coldly into the camera)

Chaos: this is what I wanted. Not just a match for the title, but a steel cage match. The only thing I didn't want was the addition of you. You’re an annoyance, an obstacle an intrusion into my plans. When this is all over I want to be the one not just holding the title, but the sole man who won it and own his own. Call that pride, hell call it stubbornness, call it whatever you want.

(He shrugs his shoulders)

Chaos: At the end of the day the only way Rabesque walks out with the title is if...

(Points towards the camera)

Chaos: YOU'VE somehow prevented me from taking it from him. I let you do that once...

(He shakes his head)

Chaos: It's not going to happen again. When that bell rings I've got ONE goal and two men to beat...can't put it any simpler then that. For you at least...keep the boat. Everyman needs a hobby and your going to have all the spare time in the world.

(He smiles wide)

Chaos: Even Jean's ship isn't sinking as fast as yours

(He laughs outloud, turns his back and walks away)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river

(The camera comes in on an NEW background, and as we pan out, we see the New ERA Heavyweight Title, and even moreso, we see Rabesque with the belt over his left shoulder, NO FALSE GIMMICKS shirt proudly sported, as he looks into the camera and speaks)

“Sorry that I have to step in and break up the banterfest guys, but I figured it was about time the champ spoke again. I know it’s been a bit, but we’ve already covered in detail that it’s a little more important to be spending some time in the gym, than in front of the camera, but at least you two kept it, well, somewhat interesting in my absence.

“Chaos, I want you to understand one thing right now. Never in my career have I submitted, not will I ever. If you were waiting on me to tap out to your little chokehold, the match would still be going on right now because it wasn’t going to happen. That’s something that’s ingrained into the heads of guys like me that grew up on the streets. Yeah, I understand it was a long time ago, but it never leaves. I am the kind of guy that the moment I ever would have quit, you would have found me lying in a gutter somewhere. It’s not part of the vocabulary, so you might as well stop with the nonsense that Antaeus ‘cost you the title,’ because you weren’t winning that match.

“But yes, you do own a victory over me Chaos, and yes, you took that run-in win like a man should. Now, I’m not saying you should not accept it or anything, but to gloat over it? A true wrestler like myself doesn’t feel the need to gloat over matches we know we didn’t deserve. And the only way you beat me was because of me being attacked on the damn outside. But yes, congratulations, you’re the only man to this day to have defeated me in New ERA, but allow me to ask you a question in retort. What has it gotten you? You became a shallow champion, easily dethroned, in what, your first defense? And now what, you get to fail repeatedly trying to get another belt off of me? Obviously I’m over it Chaos, you’re apparently not, and the fact that you still need to mention sums up about anything else that I might have to say.

“You’ve failed how many times? And yet, you still sound confident. But let’s go ahead and get to the reality of the situation. None of you can beat me straight up. Hell, I’ve lost CLEANLY exactly one time in the last three years, and yes, I did lose to Joey Melton. On that day, he was the better man. Antaeus, if you’re Melton, congratulations, if you’re not (chuckles), then it sucks to be you. But Chaos, in the middle of the ring, no one else around, you have failed to have gotten the job done. It really is that simple. Me? I’m the champion, I don’t need to get the job done, I already went through that. Now will I? Of course I will, I’m the best damn technical wrestler on the planet (OORP: I’ve been saying that longer than Benoit, so dammit, I’m keeping it), and I will show that to anybody who needs it. But like I’ve said before Chaos, you will be good someday, you just ain’t there yet. You’re right on the precipice, too bad you’re about to be falling off to a fiery death.

“But the pressure is on you Chaos. You have to realize that the amount of title shots is dwindling. They’re not just going to throw one at you every PPV anymore. This could be it! Hell, I understand flukes happen and I’ll have every rematch clause I need, plus it would be foolish for NEW to keep their main headliner out of any main event as long as he’s wrestling in the company, so I know I’ll get another shot.

“Speaking of no more title shots, maybe Antaeus needs to think about actually winning an NEW match before he ever gets another damn title shot. So when is the charade going to end? When you ‘win’ the title, are you going to unmask to the world? Or more likely, when Jean Rabesque denies you.... AGAIN, are you going to crawl back into your hole?

“You see, I don’t care who you’ve beaten, to be honest, I don’t even care who you are, because you really aren’t that great of a wrestler, and I’ve seen it first-hand. You’re mediocre at best. And to think that if this cause really is legit, that the entire NEW is on your shoulders to get the title off of me...... then the NEW is in a world of hurt!

“Honestly, I think it’s quite sad. I’m everything to everyone right now. Hell, you came to the league with one goal in mind, to beat me. I’m #1 on everyone’s radar, I’m their reason for being in this promotion. I’ve inspired entire organizations to form.

“And to me Antaeus, you’re simply........... next.

“You hold absolutely no significance to me. I’m not incredibly worked up over this. I understand that three of us are going inside a cage and only one, if we’re lucky, is going to walk out of that ring, but other than that, this match doesn’t have me worked up. I’m never going to join a promotion simply for you Antaeus. I’m not going to try to form any kind of alliance the way Doe and Marx did. I’m just going to go about my business. You’re just sad. You put so much effort into one person..... and that one person uses the word...... insignificant to describe you.

“Or.... at least you’ll be insignificant soon.

“So, yes, I may have lost to Shane Southern, who sold his soul to beat me. Yes, I may be vincible, but not against you. Both you chumps can go back to your putrid lives as soon as this is over. Hell, Chaos, maybe you can go back and fight for the TV title, a spot on the card you deserve, but this is as close as either one of you are ever going to be, to becoming World Heavyweight Champion!

“It doesn’t matter who you’ve fought, it doesn’t matter who you’ve beaten.......

“Because neither one of you have what it takes inside of the cage...... to finish me off. No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am the New ERA Heavyweight Champion, I am Jean Rabesque!”

(Fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
The Home

(ANTAEUS stands in the middle of the lobby of an old folks home,
watching old people drool all over themselves, as the camera turns on,
the smile comes through ANTAEUS mask.)

Rabesque, it is time to face facts, this is where you belong, you are
in your mid forties now and you are getting a bit long in the tooth,
isn't it time for you to step aside before someone younger like me
retires you before you can say goodbye? Do you really want to wind up
some toothless ninny wandering the halls in some hospital gown
smelling of urine because you took too many shots to the head?

(A nurse walks by ANTAEUS wheeling an old person back to their room.)

NURSE: And crap running down their league! I don't forget that.

ANTAEUS: This doesn't have to be you Rabesque. You are a legend,
legends shouldn't die this way. You should go down in a blaze of glory
and make people remember why you became the star that you are. You
aren't some CSWA guy just wrestling on shows for a drug cocktail and a
little gay sex. You still have a lot of energy in you, you have just
let yourself be bogged down in pools of crap for so long that you
think all of wrestling is like that. You have forgotten what it means
to love what you do and in an atmosphere where you are free to do what
you want and be who you are.

Whether I agree or not with how you won the title, I just want to let
you know you are a hell of a wrestler. When I was growing up, I really
admired how there was at least one guy out there in a sea of big men
and goth monsters who still loved wrestling. At times I see glimpses
of that man down deep. But it has been buried under a sea of
negativity to the point I barely recognize you anymore.

You have been wearing a mask longer than I have and I am sick of it.
At Battle BRAWL if I win the NEW World Heavyweight Title, I don't want
to beat some old person on the way out, all I want to beat the real Jean
Rabesque in that ring to do it.

Don't make me put you into this home, because if the real Jean
Rabesque doesn't show up, you are going to wind up here among all of
these drooling idiots and this "insignificant no one" is going to have
to live with the guilt of putting someone I looked up to growing up in
a forced retirement.

As for you Chaos, who are you of all people to give me advice on how I
should conduct my business? Weren't you same person who was turned
away by Rabesque for the World Title? When have you ever beaten
Rabesque when it counted to win it all? Rabesque admitted that he
dropped the title to move on to bigger and better things. That NEW
World Heavyweight Title is the most precious thing in the world to me
and I will win it back by any means necessary.
If I have to put a pillow over your head to end NEW's collective
suffering, so be it. If I have to pull the plug on Rabesque's life
support, I'll do that as well because there is nothing more important
in all of wrestling than the NEW World Heavyweight Title and you two
have no idea what depths I will go to win. No idea.

(OLD MAN in a wheelchair yanks on ANTAEUS shirt.)

OLD MAN: Sonny, can you get me a pillow?

ANTAEUS: I am in the middle of an interview here!

OLD MAN: All the nurses are busy, I really would appreciate it.

ANTAEUS: Fine, fine.

(ANTAEUS goes into a nearby closet and pulls out a pillow from the top shelf.)

OLD MAN: Bless you son.

ANTAEUS: Is it up to your standards?

(The OLD MAN picks up the pillow to feel how soft it is.)

OLD MAN: It is fine, but it could be a bit more fluffy!

(ANTAEUS kicks the pillow into the face of the old man and he topples
over in his wheel chair as nurses rush to see what the commotion is as
ANTAEUS slowly walks away whistling. ANTAEUS whispers towards the

Rabesque, that is going to be you. No false gimmicks, no false hype,
I am the future NEW World Heavyweight Champion. ANTAEUS!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
(The screen comes in on Rabesque, quietly sitting in front of his locker, the title belt hanging behind him in his locker, he looks down at the ground, an almost somber look on his face, until he slowly peers towards the camera, and speaks)

“Every now and then I am actually legitimately surprised. Periodically, in the midst of all the crap thrown about, somebody actually will say something that makes a little sense. Antaeus, I applaud you for that. Now, I might not agree with the setting or the end result, but at least for a little while, you made a valid point.

“Yeah, I’m over 40, in most circles that makes me an old man. Hell, I even got Joey Melton beat, despite what some in the NFW might try to convince you. I don’t talk about it much, because to me, it really doesn’t matter. I can still wrestle with anyone in this business, any time, anywhere. I can go up to the top rope and hit a moonsault if I need to, I can swing a chair with the best. You see, to me age is irrelevant, it’s all about production. Antaeus, you’re #938 to come out on the air and tell the world that I should ‘step aside’ and let the younger generation come through. My opinion through the entire ordeal is that I am not blocking anyone from their rightful spot. Someday, in the future, someone will come along and unseat me. When that day comes, I will gladly step aside and let whomever that is take their rightful place. But allow me to assure that that time IS NOT NOW! If anything, I’m better right at this moment than I have ever been through any time in my career. Just now are things really beginning to click, just now is the world beginning to take notice. Just in time as far as I’m concerned.

“But like I said, you were right about one thing. I have let the negativity of the world take its toll. Between the crooked promoters, the downright stupid wrestlers, and the demands of the road, I have taken a negative spin on things at times. Hell, I found myself caning a woman from behind last month at the NFW show. But sometimes, someone just has to do.... what they have to do. I understand that it’s survival of the fittest out here, and in a way, I’ve had to adapt with the times. Am I proud of it? Not necessarily, but I definitely wouldn’t use the word ashamed. But there are definitely times where I do have to step back and remind myself why I started doing this in the first place. For the competition, for the love, to give myself a better life. Not to be caught up in some trivial word battle.

“You have said that the NEW title means everything to you, in fact you said, winning it BACK. Either you’re not too smart or you’re pretty damn clever Antaeus, either way I caught it. You seem to know a lot about me, whether you are who you exposed yourself to be or not. Either way, I’m pretty confident that I don’t need to go into a great amount of detail about how much that title means to me. I’m pretty sure you already now. And for you to question how I wonder this title? I climbed a ladder and grabbed it, there is no controversy there....... we’ve been over this.

“But if you think you got what it takes to be the one to send me to the ‘Old Folks Home’ Antaeus, then you step up and go ahead and be my guest. You won’t be the first and I guarantee you won’t be the last. But if you honestly think you’re not getting the best Jean Rabesque then you do need to pay attention. The same man that has been getting standing ovations all over the planet for years upon years simply for his technical wrestling ability has you directly in his crosshairs. This isn’t some bastardized version, you have my word on that. If you get the job done, you can say you took out the best technical wrestler walking the planet today..... at the top of his game.

“Chaos, do us a favor and go back to the kid’s table where you belong. I think everybody is just about sick and tired of hearing anything from you. You’ve had your chances and you still have nothing to show for it. I understand that you’re the wild card in this thing, but do you honestly think you have any chance of winning? We all know you don’t, but somehow you steadfastedly how onto some belief that someday, you’re going to be NEW champ. That day may come..... in 2008. Go back to the junior circuits where you belong, because I’m tired of playing games with you.

“You’ve had your moment in the sun, and now it’s time reality sets in. You can accept it, or you can die trying to defy it. To be honest, either way’s fine with me.

“No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am and will remain the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, I am Jean Rabesque.”



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fight Night

(The camera opens backstage where the tension can be cut with a knife. Just a few hours till the main event. while tech support runs around making sure every cable is tight and every feed is primed Chaos leans his hand against the wall and stares out at the empty arena. He lowers his arm and smiles att he camera)

Chaos: Ah Jean...It's amazing how after being in the ring with me so many times you could know so little about me. Maybe I'm not giving yo credit, maybe your hiding more then you want to let off. Maybe your not the arrogant ass you seem to be.

(He shrugs his shoulders)

Chaos: Now I'm giving you too much credit. See I never went out and tried to make you tap Jean. the Python-Lock isn't about making you tap. It's about putting you to sleep Jean. I never expect your arm to tap, I wanted it to drop three times and for you to realize you lost when the ref revived you. Don't lie Jean. I could feel your body falling limp right in the ring. I'm sure plenty of women have had the same experience with you, but should it happen again with me...your going to sleep Jean. Much like most of us do whenever you open your mouth and start to talk

(He mockingly yawns and then smiles)

Chaos: However when I had put you to sleep I had been more then happy to leave you off in a gutter. It's right where you belong.
It's funny how my victory over you is a cheap win, one not to be excepted, but your victories over me in the same way is somehow me not getting the job done. You might like to both ways Jean, but can you get your story straight? That's all any of us ask. I don't care if your over it, I don't care what you think Jean. None of what happened in the past matters tonight. We're not filling out a resume. You can run down all the names you want, it just means when you finally get beat, I get to add a BIGGER notch on the belt then usual.

(He crosses his arms and looks boldly into the camera)

Chaos: And why should I not sound confident Jean? What are we supposed to just hang our heads and admit defeat because we're stepping in with pure Canadian Vanilla? Big deal if you’re the best damn technical wrestler in the world. You fail to notice what's around you Jean. this is a STEEL CAGE match. A head lock won't help. Go ahead take one of us down. The other will stomp you to pieces. Put a headlock on me, I'll shove you into a wall of steel. the main reason I wanted this match was because it took away your biggest advantage. Your pure wrestling ability. That won't do you any good tonight Jean. Not when your being run through a steel cheese grater.

(His arms fall tot he side as the smile returns)

Chaos: And how does the pressure ALL fall on me? As you pointed out I have no title. You do. I'm not the one whose only been pinned once in the last three years...you are. Hell Jean your greatness should have surpassed me long ago, but here I still stand four matches and months later. Maybe Jean, maybe all those years you keep reminding us of are starting to catch up with you.

(He checks his watch, nods his head and looks back up)

Chaos: That's it Jean. The time is ticking away. Your up against the wall Jean. You enter the cage outnumbered, and out powered. The only thing you have on your opponents tonight is years and as I explained your biggest asset won't help you tonight. I think when all is said and done, what I already know to be true will be known to all. The gimmick is up, the hype is over. Jean Rabesque will be defeated and as you've already said...you'll do whatever it takes to try and get what you had back.

(He pauses for a moment and then smiles)

Chaos: tell me again Jean...just what is that? and after ALL these years, why is it you still need to prove how good you are? I already know the answer to that, Guess we'll see it happen for real when the bell rings.

(He checks his watch again)

Chaos: Times up

(Chaos smiles, turns his back and walks away)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
Show time!

(The screen comes in backstage at Battle Brawl, where Jean Rabesque is his final preparations for his match, lacing his boots as he notices the cameras, he gives a hint of a smile, and as he continues to lace, he speaks, occasionally looking up as he feels the need)

“Yeah, Chaos, I caught the comments. You know, I honestly can’t expect you to understand and I guess the main the that I can promise you is that someday..... you will. You asked the question of why I consistently feel the need to go out prove myself every single time I take the ring. It’s actually quite simple, it’s because the day that I stop trying to prove myself, is the day that my career ends. You reach a certain point where you become the gold standard, where you have achieved the goals you have set for yourself. From that day onward, the struggle becomes staying at that level, avoiding the throngs of competitors who would literally sell their soul to get where you are. You have no idea how that is Chaos, but like I said, someday you might.

“I know what I’ve accomplished, I know what I’ve done. I know who I’ve beaten. But I also realize that every day a new Chaos comes along, with his sights set on gold. Hell, Chaos, we all go through it, and we all have our eventual person we crash through the wall with. I’ve said this to you before, but someday you will get there and someday you might just find that person, but as long as I’m breathing, it’s not going to be, and it’s definitely not going to be tonight.

“So this is a steel cage, I am aware, and apparently this is your type of match. That’s funny, because the last time I recall you being inside of a steel cage Chaos, that no-talent chump Suicide was walking out with the TV title. Now, of course the means weren’t that great, but you’ve always been once that attested that the means don’t make a difference, just the ends. That’s at least how you always talked when critiquing my matches.

“So what, you don’t think I can cut it in this type of match? Chaos, let me tell you something. I’ve won in every single type of match you can imagine. Cage, ladder, exploding barbed wire, I Quit, scaffold, escape, you name it, I’ve done it. What, you don’t think submissions count inside of there? Hell, all this means is that I can legally bash into some metal this time before I twist you into a pretzel, it doesn’t matter to me. Antaeus, you want to interfere while I’m doing it, I’ll twist you just the same. Wrestling is still wrestling Chaos, the quicker you figure that out, the quicker you’ll achieve the success you want in this business. It doesn’t matter the surroundings, I will pick a body part, I will wrench it, grind it, and pulverize it until I get what I want. The fact that there will be walls around us means NOTHING to me.

“And the best part is, all the pressure’s on you. Like I’ve said, I’ll get another shot. Even if I lose, flukes happen, I understand it. I’ve already staked my claim Chaos, everybody knows what I’m capable of. Everyone knows I can produce when everything is on the line. They’ve seen me do it time and again. You...... you’re rapidly approaching the choke label. Everybody knows how great you are leading up to the big one, but everybody also knows how much you CHOKE when everything is on the line. Now, if you ask me Chaos, it sounds like all the pressure’s on you. But that’s just me.

“You were right about one thing however Chaos. We aren’t filling out resumes here. I don’t need a resume, my reputation proceeds me. The people will confirm that in just a few. You on the other hand? What would your resume say? You couldn’t complete one even if you wanted to. And that’s the big difference the two of us. I am great, you MIGHT be great. Just not today.

“Chaos..... Antaeus..... I would love to stay and chat, but right now is the time where the stars shine. I guess you can say I’m used to the main event right now, my time has come.

“No false gimmicks, no false hype, the champ.....now and forever, I am Jean Rabesque.”

(Rabesque finishes lacing, grabs his belt, and slowly leaves the locker room, FADEOUT)

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