The Revelation
::We take a look into a dark, desolate place with grimy water dripping from mangled, leaky pipes shooting from the ceiling. the water drips with such persistance - drip, drop -that it makes the viewer want to rip their ears off. Drip, drop, drip, drop. wearing away at one's sanity. Like chinese water torture. Like the constant, annoying tide of the ocean. But most specifically, like loss after loss. Like one's career withering away, piece by piece. The is a puddle on the cold, cement floor. Showing the reflection of the mangled piece of wrapped steel and aluminum the drips the water without mercy on it's surface. The room we are in is eerie. The drip, and nothing. Just the drip and it's constant echos. Quiet, and loud at the same time.::
::Then we see the man. The self proclaimed "FTO Champion." One half of the turbulant stable "FATE." The rookie who has not only been taking the wrestling world by storm, but has now landed a role in the upcoming independant film: "Kill The Midget." The FTO Champ has also been seen in the upstart E Fed GWA, where he helped his brother win a championship there. The past month or so has been a roller coaster ride for this man. First, he lost to BLITZ in the MCW tag team tournament. Then landed his movie role, came back to hear that his tag team partner: Nakita Dahaka, is doubting his loyalties (with good reason), stumbles upon his oppertunity to make it big in the MCW title battle royal, and is challenged by said partner in said battle royal. The man is Rob Franklin. Rob steps into what little light is available. He has on a black and red "gothic" looking polo shirt this time, and a dark, black top hat. As always, he has his infamous FTO title draped over his shoulder. Looking more intense then he has ever looked before, Rob speaks.::
Rob: Everyone thinks I'm some kind of rich snob.
::Rob shakes his head, almost to say that he is disapointed in this.::
Rob: People think that I'm afraid or something. Scared to let go of my ego, and put it all on the line. People even say that I'm hiding behind this FTO title.
::Rob pats the title lovingly.::
Rob: The people that think that, are the ones that don't understand me. They don't really get who I am. I am not scared. I am not looking to "get over" or gain the appoval from anyone. Not the fans, not the guys in the back, no one. I could care less what anyone says or thinks about me. I AM the best there is. Everyone here simply needs to face facts.
::Rob sighs, and the room fills with silence. All that is heard is his faint breathing, and the drip, drip, drop, of the leaky pipe overhead.::
Rob: Now, to Nakita. Nakita, I never said I wanted to get out of this contract. I may hate being controlled by a woman, and treated like s*it, but I am a man of my word. I'm not going to ask you or suggest that you in any way breach this contract that you won at the MCW finale.
However, since you want to put the contract on the line, I'm gonna take you up on it. If the FTO Champion throws "The Dark Phenom" over the top rope, the Rob Franklin, "The Epitome of Defiance." is in fact, a free man.
You see, this match is set to be THE defining moment in the career of a true legend. This is where I make my permanent mark on the wrestling business, and more importantly, Hollywood. Think about that for a movie plot huh? The most talented performer of his generation: Rob Franklin wins the MCW world title in his rookie year after being screwed out of title shots time and time again. The true champion steps onto his throne, only to leave it for Hollywood, and bigger and better things, leaving his old foes jealous, and bitter. Starring: Rob Franklin.
Man, that would be HUGE.
And just think about the buy rates when Rob Franklin decides to TRASH the MCW title and keep his FTO belt. Huh? What if Rob Franklin defended the FTO title as the MCW Championship? No matter what I do, it will get ratings. I am the key. The key to unlock the door to financial prosperity....Until, of course, I drop that piece of s*it belt and move to Hollywood.
::Rob takes a deep breath, obviously excited at the possibilities.::
Rob: Now, you may have noticed that today I am dressed sort of like I'm going to a funeral. That is because I AM going to a funeral. Tonight I BURY MY ROOKIE YEAR. That's right. I've said over and over again in this interview that I am a rookie. Well, it's 2007 now, and once I win the MCW World title, you can't really call me a rookie any more can you? From now on, I am to be called "Champion." Whether you call me that, or "Champ", or "FTO Champ", or "MCW champ." is up to you, but no more rookie. Not after the battle royal. I am now a vetran. I am the kind of guy who everyone in the locker room looks up to and envies.
I also take this time to bury my long time close and personal friend: Pieske. You see, I kicked that fat ass son-of-a-***** to the curb. No more need for a manager. You see, unlike SOME people, I have no need for a fat, idiototic, retard, or a slutty bikini model for that manner. So let the funeral begin, shall we?
::An organ plays in the background, and now we start to see a more common style of Rob Franklin promo.::
Rob: Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of two things that once took the wrestling world by storm. Two things that flipped the sport as we know it, and turned it on it's ear.
Rob Franklin's rookie year
Fat-ass Pieske.
These two kept Rob Franklin down for his entire rookie year, and are now being laid to rest for his benefit.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we hope you will join us soon as we celebrate Rob Franklin's title victory, and lay to rest the tag team of "FATE."