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Me against the Knowles.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Nazareth, PA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-02 AT 04:31 PM (EDT)]FADEIN:A seedy hotel outside of the NFW BRAWL site in Concord, NH.

RAZE:What's happening? DAMNIT. I could have takin you, Knowles and you know it. Prancing around the ring like a girl. I'm Travis Knowles and I'm gay. Look at me and my pink shoes. Knowles, I'm coming for you. No arena, no ring, and no ref. Mano y mano er mano y womano.

RAZE:You're all buddy buddy with the NFW management. My leg was on ropes and you know it. Damnit. I know they fixed the match. They fixed my match at IMPACT so how is the house show any different. DREAD got all the credit for wrestling so well at IMPACT but he didn't win our match at the terms we agreed. DREAD is less of a man now but I'll get my revenge. The NFW Mgmt is scared of me, RAZE. Don't be scared of change. I'm bigger, I'm stronger, and I'm better.

RAZE: This is making my head hurt. I will Skull Slam you straight to hell, Knowles. See ya at the next house show. I won't be wrestling but rest assured I will be there.

RAZE: As for the NFW Mgmt, leave your office doors locked because I'm coming for you all. I'll even lay out the cameraman if me gives me a dirty look. Nobody messes with me.


Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.
::FADEIN on the locker room at the Paul Tsongas Arena. MISTER DREAD sits on a bench, leaning up against a locker with his eyes closed::

MISTER DREAD: For the love of God, kid. Yes, I agreed to the stip. But it came too late. The match was never booked that way. It WAS A STRAIGHT-FORWARD SINGLES MATCH. You got beat. Just deal with it. Shut up, quit whining, and move on.

MISTER DREAD: Let me reiterate, since you seem to be slightly mentally deficiant: YOUR STIP WAS NOT BOOKED. QUIT PISSING AND MOANING ABOUT BEING OUTWRESTLED. Now go away.



(FADEIN to Travis Knowles standing in front of an NFW backdrop...)

TRAVIS KNOWLES: RAZE, you sure got a lot of pent-up agression from within, but it's a shame you can't take it out on anyone in that ring.... (laughs) because YOU SUCK! You need to get a new gimmick, get a life... hell, I say you've gotta figure something else out, and stop playing that same old beaten record. You're not as tough as you claim, ha ha, and I proved that at the last house show. What it all comes down to is the fact that you're JEALOUS that I've wrestled ONE MATCH, and you've WRESTLED TWO... and look who has chalked one up in that win column, ME! All the fans know it... all the guys in the back know it, hell even that little guy Mister Dread knows it. You don't want a match in the ring, you want a boxing match? Bring it on, big man.... show me WHAT YOU GOT! I was trained by one of the best wrestlers in the world today, SHAWN MATTHEWS. What do you have? Who trained you? I really don't think anyone did, because you sure aren't showing it in the ring. Whoever it was must've been PISS-POOR, or else didn't really think you could do it. You want a streetfight? Damn chief, I'm from the mean streets of SOUTH BETHLEHEM. You want a match by the sea, well damn... to quote Jimi Hendrix, I'll WHOOP YOUR ASS ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER! Well, he didn't quite say that, but you get my jist. Whatever it is, you're never gonna be the same after you step in there with me... and that's all I've got to say about that.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Nazareth, PA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-02 AT 06:38 PM (EDT)]FADEIN::After Travis Knowles' long and extremely boring segment, RAZE enters. He looks pissed. He is normal clothes which are his leather jacket, tapered blue jeans, and a NFW Psycho Ward t-shirt.

RAZE:pent up aggression? I'm crazy insane Knowles. You're right Knowles, I have no wins so far. I'm 0-2. I like to be the underdog it's makes my reign of terror more dramatic. I'm developing the plot. My ultimate plan of destruction. I can the see headline now, the underdog RAZE beats the hell out of the big talk no walk guy. I can move on but you wouldn't be able to walk once I get my hands on you. I'm bigger, I'm stronger, and I'm better. The street fight is my cup tea, as the English would say or something like that. Anytime you feel froggy just jump. (Sarcasm)I from the mean streets of South Bethlehem. I'm gonna whoop your ass along the watchtower. What the hell are you talking about? Speak in english, cheesy song lyrics don't impress me. Or wait maybe you're one of those senstive guys. A homosensual. I'm shaking in my booties, hold me, Travis. Anyways, DREAD beat me and you beat me but my losing streak stops here and now. You can sing all you want in the hospital or maybe I can come by and sing to you. How about "Purple Haze"? Purple haze is in your brain once I bash your face in, dumbass.

RAZE:Since the house show I've had some time to get some extra training. This may come to a surprise to you, but your mentor does in fact know my trainer. My trainer did train MATTHEWS and have faced on many occasions. I know all about you. It's almost as if I'm inside your head. Isn't that special. You may have gotten the best of me at House Show in NH but I'm watching you. Like I said rest assured Knowles, I will be at the next House Show and you will SUFFER.

RAZE:As for DREAD, I won't be whining when my foot is in your ass, kid. This is no childrens league so go home to Mommy. You had me at Hello, tear.



(FADEIN to Travis Knowles, working out in the gym... he stops to talk to the camera.)

TRAVIS KNOWLES: That's a pretty slick one there, RAZE.... now you're quoting songs, or at least haphazardly trying. "Crazy Insane, or Insane Crazy... you say Hussein, I say Shady." Now you're trying to steal my schtick, because you can't think of JACK yourself. You come out here and talk as if you're all ELATED that you have no victories, and that it's all part of your big plan. (Holds hands up and waves fingers in mock fear) Ooooooh. All you're doing is making EXCUSES, RAZE... that's all you've got. My DEBUT MATCH, and I'm victorious.... as you continue your REIGN OF SUCK! You know what else I don't get, RAZE? You're supposed to be this big BAD ASS, who killed somebody in the ring in a boxing match.... well instead of being a BAD ASS, you come in here and you EAT ASS. People don't give a SH*T about you, and no matter what you do... that ain't gonna change. And you can come out here and call me a PANSY, call me a HOMO.... hell, you can come out here and call me a PIECE OF MONKEY CRAP, because you're opinion don't count, RAZE. And if there's one thing you can't come out here and call me, it's a LOSER.... because you know why? You can't. I'll beat you on the streets that have no name... I'll kick your ass before these crowded streets, and dammit..
I'll do it all with a huge smile on my face. Because in the end it doesn't even matter... and no matter what comes of this, it won't even matter when I send you even FURTHER... INTO MEDIOCRITY.


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