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New Blabber, Rant, and Rave


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
Just a thought, but I feel the old topic has become a bit crowded, so I figured I might take the liberty of starting a new one here. So feel free to blabber, rant, or rave to your heart's content.

Steve A.


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
WWE Bad Blood or PPV?

Cool, I'll be the first!


Ok, I'm going to go over some of the matches that are going to be on this PPV coming up.

Triple H vs Big Lazy Nash (Hell In Cell/World Title)
What in the "HELL" are they thinking? Does the WWE honestly think the HELL IN THE CELL will work for these guys? I mean, when I think of these two guys in the cage it makes me think back to the Undertaker vs Big Boss Man at Wrestlemania XV. In all honesty who is actually going to take the "BIG BUMP"? I really don't care who wins.

Shawn Michaels vs Ric Flair
Boy, about F'N time. I'm actually looking forward to this match for some reason. It's too bad it had to happen in 2003 instead of 1993. Should be entertaining and I see Michaels winning.

Booker T vs Christian (I-C Championship)
Well they fooled us last PPV. Pretty much everybody thought G.I Bro would win but Christian came out the winner. I think the PPV is in Texas so I see Booker T being the hometown hero winning the I-C title.

La Resistance vs. RVD & Kane
LOL! Do you really want my comment?

Chris Jericho vs Bill Goldberg
I believe this will be the last match on the card. Jericho/Goldberg fued makes me think back to 'ol Nitro. Should be a great match, and of course Jericho will do the JOB unless they have some twisted ending to it.

[/u]Other Notes:[/u]
Are they going to finally have Steiner/Test fued? Get it over with please! Also I find the duo of Stonecold and Eazy E very entertaining. Also, I'm sure THE ROCK will be there as well. I can see this PPV being a snooze-fest. And my final note....

R.I.P King Of The Ring (For now, I'm sure they'll bring it back next year)

-Barry Clark Jr -BCJ-

Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.
RE: WWE Bad Blood or PPV?

Well, Flair and Micheals did have one match sometime in the early/mid nineties ... Colisuem Home Video exclusive, I believe it was Flair and HBK v. Randy Savage and Bret Hart.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: WWE Bad Blood or PPV?

Last match on the card? Heh...Goldberg isn't even going to have a match at Bad Blood, from what I hear. Granted, that's a stupider-than-##### idea, since they didn't book him on the last PPV either, but hey, maybe whatever match they replace it with (Trish-Victoria part 29 anyone?) will be just as as good.

I'm not going to order Bad Blood, but I would pay the $30 if I could somehow see the looks on the faces of all the people who pay for it and then have to suffer what I'm sure will be a god-awful HHH-Nash main event.

And I don't think the WWE plans to bring back King of the Ring but they GODDAMN SHOULD. Why not keep King of the Ring and make Survivor Series a Raw-only pay-per-view? They never have actual survivor series matches anymore these days, anyway. The bastards.

I will be shocked if the Rock shows up at Bad Blood, at least in any sort of wrestling capacity. He's probably already off shooting some hideous action/comedy co-starring Ashton Kutcher or something.

I wish I didn't keep missing SmackDown (all of them except one since like January, I think...). I understand it's a lot better than Raw these days, but Raw is the only one a catch anymore. Grrrrrr.


Simply Tactilizing
Jan 1, 2000

[updated:LAST EDITED ON May-30-03 AT 04:47 PM (EST)]I'm curious to know what other people think of NWA-TNA, as it is right now. Does it have a chance to get a TV deal that will be a platform for it to other things? Or will it just be an ECW-MSG type of deal, with NWA on at 1am...

Also, does anyone think that, with a TV deal, they'd have a good shot at becoming a legitimate threat to WWE? Right now, realistically, I don't think they are. But perhaps with a TV deal, increased income and exposure/marketing, it might be a possibility.

And just as a side note, does anyone see WWE folding once Vince hands over the reigns of power to Stephanie and Shane? Not immediately, but perhaps a couple years down the line? Triple H would be in pseudo-full control, keep in mind....

Any thoughts...?


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland

1. I enjoy NWA-TNA. Reminds me of Nitro a little bit. As far as TV chances? I don't think so. Unless maybe Vince could give them a hand in signing for a TV deal and keeping the WWE totally out of it. But neither of those will ever happen.

2. If they got a TV deal, sure they have a great shot going against the WWE. Realistically, they would have to do something thats never been done in wrestling before. Just like when nWo started in '96.

3. I don't ever see the WWE folding. If Shane/Step take over, they'll blow it and 'ol daddy will come back for sure. But again, anything could happen. I'm sure all of Vince Sr. people were thinking the same thing when he handed the WWWF to Vince Jr back in the day.



Simply Tactilizing
Jan 1, 2000
Fantasy Booking

This is just a random thought I had, and I'm not sure what people will think about it, so here you go...

If you had the position of head writer on a new promotion's booking team, would you place your FW character in as a gimmick for somebody to use?

Consider it a poll of sorts, just not with the "poll" format. I'd like to hear any other comments people think about it, rather than just getting a simple "yes" or "no."

Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.
RE: Fantasy Booking

I sure would, since it's me. But if I were to slap my gimmick on someone else, I'd give him a push. But since he's roughly the size of Taka Michinoku, I don't know how the fans would react. I guess it wouldn't be much of a push, at least at first, to see which way the fans would go.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

I enjoy NWATNA, despite their wishy-washy programs as of late. I really think too much emphasis is being placed on Glen Gilberti. I've never been a fan of his, and I don't believe I ever will.

I think they have a chance to land a TV deal. They already have one, actually, being on Urban America. I think it's going to take the right timing for them to score a deal. The Raven/Jarrett fued might help shoot them into a deal. I believe if the buyrates for the weekly PPV's increase -- a TV deal would have to be on the horizon. Buyrates translated to cable stations equal better advertising dollars in the commercials.

As I stated before, for NWATNA to make a run at WWE, they need to pick what style of wrestling show they want to produce. One week it's some good matches with some short viginettes. The next week they are having four-five minute matches and some off the wall storylines. Once they shore up their show and tighten it up they could make a run in my estimation.

As for WWE, the product will survive. I think once Triple H retires he'll do a good job in the back. You've got to admit, as much as you hate Triple H, he's the #1 heel in the company. I don't blame him for holding the title. Who else can hold the title and have credibility? Keep in mind that the best ratings WWF got was when Austin was chasing the champion.

Booker T? Upper-midcard talent, I don't think he's got the drawing power of Triple H.

Rob Van Dam? Again, nothing more than upper-midcard talent. He's got a strong fan base, but his mic skills certainally don't reflect his in-ring skills.

Kane? Before he was a talking goody-goody I thought he'd have a shot. As for now, the gimmick is wearing thin in my eyes and he's nothing more than a support talent.

Hurricane? I enjoy him quite a bit. However putting the belt on him would be an incredible mistake. Too small for the WWE!

I think WWE will survive. They just need to work on building some faces to complement the heels. I think the talent in there, they just need to channel it right -- aka -- the writing department needs to be shaken up. Let Triple H in on the meetings -- make him head writer -- hell -- do anything, 'cause at this rate, Gerwitz has no clue what the wrestling fans want.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

Check out Ring of Honor too... they have some great talent and in some regards, I enjoy them better than NWATNA.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Fantasy Booking

That's a good question...

On the one hand, it would be cool to see one of my FW characters as a real-life competitor. But on the other hand, I think I'd be somewhat afraid that the person assigned the character would totally ##### it up, or at least not perform it as well as I'd like (I admit I'd be kind of a perfectionist).

It might depend on the character. I think it wouldn't be too tough to swing a real-life Cannonball Kidd if I could make the backstory convincing (the drug-addicted past is an important part of his character but I think I could lie through that). On the other hand, I think it would be nigh-impossible to create a real-life Copycat, since the character has such a specific mindset and you can't really force someone to have a certain mindset.

But I think the biggest problem would be that the nature of FW is such that almost all character development takes place in RP, and in real life wrestlers can't really RP. Most character development takes place in the ring, or at least fairly close to the ring. Therefore, a lot of characters that work very well in FW wouldn't have the chance to work the same way in real life, and even if the gimmick could fundamentally stay the same, the character would never be as good as you'd like him to be.

It'd be kick-ass to see some of my made-up finishers used in real life though. If I could hear Jim Ross yell "LITTERBOMB!" or "CRATER CREATOR!" just once in my life I would die happy.


Simply Tactilizing
Jan 1, 2000

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-03 AT 10:11 PM (EST)]Just a few points I thought I'd throw at ya....

1) Don't you think other wrestlers competing with Triple H would have credibility if Triple H hadn't buried all of them?

2) I think Booker T has drawing power, and more than Triple H at that. If he had gotten the strap at WrestleMania XIX, he would probably have shot up immensely, even by now, only two months later. I think it would have been very similar to The Rock's huge surge in '98, after he won the belt at Survivor Series.

3) RVD may not have great mic skills, but neither does Triple H. The difference is, Triple H uses his backstage power to get WWE to have Flair be his mouthpiece, while RVD doesn't have that luxury. But give RVD Heyman to talk for him, and I guarantee you that RVD would be gold, and certainly better than Triple H. Even if RVD didn't have such a figure, it doesn't mean he couldn't main event. Just look at these three examples: Triple H before he aligned with Flair; Brock Lesnar after Heyman left him; and Goldberg.

4) Ric Flair draws Triple H's heel heat. Triple H, on his own, draws "go away" heat.

5) Triple H has been sitting in on production meetings for the past several years, with the exception of the few months when he was solely rehabilitating from his quad injury.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Heaven is now Classy

I just want to say that the production crew did a terrific job again in making a video to a fallen soldier. Every wrestling fan was saddened this week with the passing of a true legend, "Classy" Freddy Blassie. We can only be thankful that his stories will live on in his book and his knowledge in the wrestlers of today and tomorrow. Farewell Freddy, and thank you for contributing to the business in the way that you have, and making it possible for the wrestlers of today and tomorrow to live out their dreams for without you, the business wouldn't be where it's at.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
RE: Heaven is now Classy

Hey guys. Just wanted to throw my two cents in on the Classy one....

Even in the face of a poor storyline with Three Minute Warning and Eric "Let's See How Much Blood I can suck out of WWE" Bischoff, Freddy Blassie was truly "classy...."

He will be missed. But I have to wonder.....

Did he take a look at God and say "pencil-necked geek?"


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
RE: Heaven is now Classy

not only did he call him that, but he probably also challenged the 12 apostles to a battle royal.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Really Quick

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-03 AT 07:20 AM (EST)]ok, i just want to say this one thing. the whole deal with kane taking off his mask is F*#%ING STUPID!! that's it, he's done. How many bad angles is this guy going to recieve? he doesn't deserve this. and unfortunately he's not gonna put the mask back on, so it's not like we can all get drunk and forget about that katie vick angle...(oh damn, i remembered that angle, well, gotta drink some more later on). he looks...well...normal. WHERE THE HELL IS THIS GRUESOME FACE?! WASN'T IT SUPPOSE TO BE HORRIBLE? i swear the wwe has totally killed his gimmick, he was perfect being the quiet, hardly feels pain monster. since then, he's had dates with tori, he apparently was driving around hitting on girls when he was younger, he now goes down from a freaking punch, he has promos that make him feel even less of a bad ass, and now his whole mistique of not knowing what he looked like is gone. the wwe creative team must REALLY hate kane.

oh yeah, and one more thing, on a positive note, i really like the zack gowen angle. it's a happy up beat angle that makes ya feel good, and hey, he does pretty well for himself. and as it pertains to the end of smackdown, it honestly got my adrenaline flowing, a lot of action and emotion being displayed by everyone and although cole isn't the best announcer, he did very well by geting that across.

well that's it for now, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


Simply Tactilizing
Jan 1, 2000
WWE logic at its best....

A lot of WWE fans tend to have this weird little attribute. It's sort of like amnesia...yeah, selective amnesia. In this case, it'd be as follows....

WWE Fan B: So what does Kane look like under that mask he always wears?

WWE Fan Y: I dunno man!! I read off turnbucklenizzle.com that he even wears it in the shower though!!

WWE Fan B: Yeah man, I know! Just listen to how they talk about him. They say he's got a s***load of permanent scars and burns all over his body!

WWE Fan Y: Man, that'd be some scary face.

WWE Fan B: Yeah, I'd never kiss that if I were a girl!

WWE Fan Y: Man that's gross! What girl would kiss Kane?!

(general laughter)

WWE Fan B: Dude, did you see Raw on Monday?

WWE Fan Y: Yeah! Holy cow, Kane had a chick! How'd she manage to get turned on by him?!

WWE Fan B: Well he just has those scars and burns on some of his face...it's not like he's got them all over his body or anything.

WWE Fan Y: Yeah, that's true. Oh, and Triple H thought she was hot, even when she was dead and he f***ed her in the casket!!

WWE Fan B: Dude! If Triple H thinks that, then she's gotta be hot! I mean, he's "The Game" and knows who the best chicks are!

WWE Fan Y: Yeah, so she must have been even hotter when Kane was with her then!

WWE Fan B: Yeah! Damn, Kane's one lucky dude!

(general laughter)

WWE Fan B: So Kane finally showed his face to the world!

WWE Fan Y: Yeah, and he looks like Undertaker! They must be brothers in real life too!

WWE Fan B: Dude! And he looks like, all scary and monstrous!

WWE Fan Y: Yeah! Wait...what about those scars and burns he was supposed to have on his face?

WWE Fan B: Man, get serious! He's had that mask on ever since he came into WWE! That's like...six years or something! And he's probably had it on way longer than that! Those scars and burns heal after a while....

WWE Fan Y: Oh yeah! Right, I forgot. Dude! Kane's a monster!

WWE Fan B: Yeah!

(general laughter)

*sigh* The saddest part is, the creative team seems to follow something along that train of thought, as well. I guess it just makes the general populace of WWE, creative and fans, happy campers. It's just the latest chapter in WWE Idiotology to me.

As for Kane...well, unless there's a small miracle, he will....

[font color=gray" size="6" face="1]REST[/font]

[font color=orange" size="6" face="1]IN[/font]

[font color=blood red" size="6" face="1]PIECES[/font]


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.
RE: WWE logic at its best....

unmasked Kane = Ratings.
Ratings = what people putting on a TV wrestling show are interested in getting. Cuz that way they make money. If they paid close careful attention to continuity, to make sure the shows they put on now were in keeping with plotlines from 5 years ago, well...most people just plain don't have the attention span for that sort of thing.

and like, guh, A - assuming wrestling isn't staged or anything crazy like that, Kane got all those scars when UT burned their house down when they were both little kids. Maybe he was still all gross looking when he first came to the WWF, but he's prolly made tons of money since then, so he just got lots of plastic surgery and now he looks normal.

B - actually, wrestling is staged on more levels than people realize. Anyone who's ever heard Kane talk w/o his scary voice know he's not really Issac Yankem. He's James Hetfield from Metalica. They got the idea for the burned up face gimmick from that pyro accident Hetfield was in way back...


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA

Although a lot can be said about Triple H and how boring he has become and how he is now merely a shadow of his former self on the mic there is one thing i can say...i like the evolution thing. I think it gives his character a little twist, keeps flair on tv, and is giving orton the spotlight. now, i have always reframed from bashing triple h because i know the business enough not to. If you bash him because you don't like how he's wrestling that's one thing, but i reframed from bashing him as it pertains to his character because of one simple reason, it'll change. Lets face it, in wrestling characters change, sometimes often, sometimes only here and there, but the bottom line is they change. For example,the Undertaker. How many times has he changed? has everybody liked every character? no. You may love the old undertaker with the gray gloves but hate the one that ran the ministry. You may have hated the one that fought mankind in the hell in a cell but love the bad ass. You can't please everyone but what you can do is try to create as many characters so everyone goes home happy eventually. As it pertains to triple h people have the "blue blood", the degenerate, the corporation, the anti-authority, the mcmahon-helmsley era, the returing babyface and now evolution. and true before evolution came back he was a heel but i really don't know what to call those months...ok, how bout "current title reign". yes i know, u'd rather have "months of heat sucking, match blowing, making people snoring era", but hey, i'll cut him a little break. Personally i've liked everything and although his promos haven't been the greatest...whatever. i'm not gonna let that bother me. why should it? So what is the point in all this? basically, if you don't like a character right now, hold on, it'll eventually change. unless of course the change prevents the wrestler from getting to where u'd like it to go. example, kane can never go back to being masked and that pisses me off.

actually that last sentence leads into my next idea to write about. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO KANE? now, i haven't seen all of raw yet, i taped it and just haven't gotten around to finishing it, as a matter of fact i'm in the middle of the michaels/jericho match. but all i know is that this whole thing is stupid. it's beyond stupid. i mean, now they're admitting that his face isn't scared and that it's all his imagination......AND NEXT WEEK ON YOUNG IN THE RESTLESS...Give me a freakin break will ya? how stupid is that? that's dumber than the amnesia trick in any tv show or movie. What about the time that brisco and patterson ripped kane's mask off and took the picture of kane's face and they bragged about how ugly it was? true not many people remember that BUT DAMN IT I DO! For the love of god why don't they just call in paul heyman and say "dude, ur running the freakin show". this is stupid. Oh wait...here's an idea, why not have had kane remove the mask once? or does that make too much sense? why not have had kane lose the match with the stipulation that he has to take the mask off next week? they can hype it up all week, and then he can come down, remove it with gruesome make up and what not and then put the damn mask back on? and then he can turn on rvd or whatever they want him to do. how's that? it's better than what they came up with.

and another thing. they have goldberg come down to the ring and nothing happens? what the hell is that? here's what i think they should have done. when goldberg came down have orton take off his shirt like he's ready for a fight. then once they leave the ring have orton run back in to get goldberg but gets spared, then evolution can play that heel by saying "i was just going to get my shirt back and i got speared." it's a dumb excuse but then have hhh say something like "orton went back in the ring to get his shirt to prevent a riot of women running to the ring to grab it." yeah, maybe u don't find it funny but i do and have them saying that in a room full of women they're trying to impress, and it makes it even funnier. Then on a raw u have goldberg vs. orton, then vs flair, then vs all three, then at the pay per view, after all the hype and close confrontations, they finally meet up and fight. sounds good to me if they can pull off a descent fight. oh another idea, have them hang around girls. have a locker room of girls and they're all hanging out and they're trying to impress the girls and they're saying stuff like "u know, i retired a hardcore legend, his name was mick foley." and then have some stupid stuff like one of them saying "remember the man who slammed a 700 pound andre the giant? well ur looking at him." it's dumb, pointless, but would put a smile on my face.

Ok, one more thing, Gail Kim. Who's in charge of her gimmick? They could have done sooo much much with her character. i mean it's not that hard. If she's suppose to be matrix then have the lights go out or something. Have the lights go out, her music hit, then have some kind of laser thing...or something like that, then have her wear something along the lines of victoria and tell her to stop freaking smiling and act mysterious. good wrestler, but needs some character in the right direction.

Well that's it for now, THANKS FOR LETTIN ME HOLLA ATCHA PLAYA! lol, bye:)

Showtime Steven James

p.s. the evolution shirt kicks ass.

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