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NFW East Season II Applications


Jan 1, 1970
Hey all,

I'll try and keep this long, confusing and sour.

For those that don't know me, I'm Katz. I run that little thing called NFW here on FW Central. NFW stands for New Frontier Wrestling - a federation that I've helped run for almost 5 years now. If you ask around, we're not known for being a fed that produces weekly results...and we've taken our fair share for not being timely...well, ever.

I am trying to work on a system that will help get cards out on a bi-weekly basis, but more on that later.

If you've never heard of NFW, the best I can describe it is like if Professional Wrestling combined with the worlds of the NBA, NFL, etc. Meaning, wrestlers battle each other during a regular season earning points - where the wrestlers with the most points, advance to the post-season playoffs to try and win the penultimate prize in wrestling - the ULTRATITLE TROPHY.

Currently, we're about to hold our Conference Finals championship for Season I. That being said, I'm looking to go ahead with Season II -- crossing my fingers for a late January start.

This season started with the North and South conferences, but as of Season II - things will change and a rogue conference (NFW East) will become part of the Ultratitle (the trophy for the one winner to rule them...)

Confused yet?


So here's the real skinny on things: I'd say that the NFW East has 8-10 definites; depending on the Season I fallout -- we'll see how many South wrestlers want to go East, West, or home.

I've also got 8 characters that have either applied to the East recently, or were half-active members last season that have talked about returning. Last season, I had a turnover problem that I want to avoid...so I'm really stressing anyone that would be committed to a project like this would apply. If you've been in NFW, I know you all too well and your work all too well to require an application.

Now...some things you probably want to know...

NFW EAST MANAGEMENT: In the spirit of Michael Manson's character, we're going Communist! Ok, just kidding. However...I do have some ideas. Michael McNichols, the originator and Creator of the East has agreed to oversee some of the cardwriting - probably pertinent or whacky Manson material. From there, I've got 1-3 individuals that said they can write matches. In terms of booking the conference, I'm looking to form a committee once the East roster is set. Or a system, where NFW fedheads aren't the only judges for matches. Not a mass vote -- but I feel in order to keep the spirit of the conference intact, members should have a dominant say in storylines, etc. If handlers can agree on results of their matches, even better. Take that as you want.


1) Steady old-school RPers. Take a look around FWC if you don't know what I mean.

2) While the basis for this league is competitive, if you have any sort of ego or think that your opinion is grander and greater than anyone in NFW or fWc for that matter -- you might as well turn around and hit the open road. This is a hobby where we pretend to be characters involved with a fake sport. Insanity, I say.

3) Don't complain about card lateness, if you DON'T write matches. While I appreciate the effort in people roleplaying steadily -- I can't stand anyone that's not willing to respect the cardwriting process, especially since we all have real lives to attend to at the most inopportune times.

4) That being said, MATCHWRITERS. In fact, if you're a steady matchwriter -- you have a much better chance of getting into the fed at this point as I'm more interested in producing quality bi-weekly cards. (sounds like Skinemax, yeesh)


If you wish to apply, keep all this in mind (or not, its probably impossible ;)) and send an email to new_frontier_wrestling@yahoo.com with the following:






ARE THERE ANY EXTRACURRICULARS YOU CAN HELP WITH? (website, matchwriting, article writing)

--IF YES, please explain. (how many matches, web skills, article idea)

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