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Pressure Chief
Jan 1, 2000

(that's the sound of the police!)


Please leave discussions/reaction on this card RIGHT HERE.

So what's next?

A SPECIAL LUNCHTIME NFW PRESS CONFERENCE with President Dennis Edward Mayfield coming around noonish tomorrow will set the tone for the next two shows: BRAWL 67 and RELOADED 19.

And what about that? How do we move forward?

It's really up to you guys. I want to see some feedback/activity around here, and I am not looking forward to writing for a ghost town, so it's time for everybody to step up. I've set it up so almost EVERYBODY has something to do, so GET GOING.

I work the best over a buzzing board, and it's NOT that right now. That has to change.

In any event,

If you want to react to RL 18, use NFW FILMS. I will give info about RL 19 soon enough, as in the Press Conference.




League Member
Jun 1, 2007
I'm fucking exhausted after a long day today, but I do plan on responding in full this weekend with actual feedback..

All I will say is that I'm happy as to how my debut went (Chromatic Dragons) and I look forward to running them, new characters are always a big adventure.


UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
Great, you post this when I'm at work where CBS filters and denies me access to the NFW's site for some reason.

Well, I think that's pretty obvious now that I'm thinking about it.


League Member
Jun 5, 2007
Firstly congratulations to the winner of the triathlon match, a good main event. It'll be interesting to see how Chromatic Dragons do in NFW, the tag division's going to be fun as new challengers come to face the Graverobbers - always a good thing. The clues towards StrYfe get closer and is a nice mystery...

Shall be interesting to see how the next chapter goes...


League Member
Jun 1, 2007
As non-spoiler as possible.

What ruled:
-The drama caused by the 60 minute match and the result. I would not have wanted to judge that match. Grats to the winner, good call breaking it up in 10 minute increments, and hell of an ending. Also, Harmen's strategy was solid and fitting of his character.
-Return of a Triple-Crown Contender
-Two other debuts: the winner of the showcase and The Chromatic Dragons
-Peter Windham being funny.

What sucked:

-I admire the dedication to go through with a 60 minute Iron-Man match, but by its very nature it was hard to slog through. By the 40 minute mark I found myself skimming for the bell sound effects and then reading the paragraphs surrounding it.
-Hollywood's on Fire came to a solid conclusion, but it felt like they took forever to just get to the point. If that's the Lamont Hollywood character (who did about 85% of the talking), then I can accept that, but I found myself skimming for Calvin's lines.
-August De La Rossi...I'm not sure if I'd have given him X-Pac heat or legit heel heat. I don't know the history, and the text implies that there is some between him and Hollywood, which knowing that better would have maybe made it better context. But yeah, I felt like he detracted from the commentary once the match started.

Line of the Night (I woke my wife up laughing at this, sadly she wasn't as amused by it as I was):
H’WOOD: “He’s got two handfuls of back hair, Beanpole! I’ve heard many men have tried this exact technique when they’re giving Shaniqua the Double Hump Pump!”


Pressure Chief
Jan 1, 2000
As non-spoiler as possible.

What ruled:
-The drama caused by the 60 minute match and the result. I would not have wanted to judge that match. Grats to the winner, good call breaking it up in 10 minute increments, and hell of an ending. Also, Harmen's strategy was solid and fitting of his character.
-Return of a Triple-Crown Contender
-Two other debuts: the winner of the showcase and The Chromatic Dragons
-Peter Windham being funny.

What sucked:

-I admire the dedication to go through with a 60 minute Iron-Man match, but by its very nature it was hard to slog through. By the 40 minute mark I found myself skimming for the bell sound effects and then reading the paragraphs surrounding it.
-Hollywood's on Fire came to a solid conclusion, but it felt like they took forever to just get to the point. If that's the Lamont Hollywood character (who did about 85% of the talking), then I can accept that, but I found myself skimming for Calvin's lines.
-August De La Rossi...I'm not sure if I'd have given him X-Pac heat or legit heel heat. I don't know the history, and the text implies that there is some between him and Hollywood, which knowing that better would have maybe made it better context. But yeah, I felt like he detracted from the commentary once the match started.

August De La Rossi was a foot soldier in Troy Windhams WINDHAM CLAN, who were JUST in NFW in a company-wide takeover angle. He wound up in their AAA league and is now UWA World Champion. His heat is based off the residue from the Windham Clan, AND being a douchebag hipster AND being a pretentious heel.

I did write some lines into that match explaining who he was, so I hope it was clear.

And RE: Skimming- yeah that's the nature of the beast, so I consider it a challenge! You unlock an XBOX Achievement if you read the whole show top to bottom :)

Thanks for the feedback!


Pressure Chief
Jan 1, 2000
Great, you post this when I'm at work where CBS filters and denies me access to the NFW's site for some reason.

Well, I think that's pretty obvious now that I'm thinking about it.

Cool, well I can't wait to see when you get a chance to read through without roadblocks!



Pressure Chief
Jan 1, 2000
Firstly congratulations to the winner of the triathlon match, a good main event. It'll be interesting to see how Chromatic Dragons do in NFW, the tag division's going to be fun as new challengers come to face the Graverobbers - always a good thing. The clues towards StrYfe get closer and is a nice mystery...

Shall be interesting to see how the next chapter goes...

I'm real excited for the next leg of the ROAD TO RANDOM RUMBLE.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Glad people enjoyed the Triathalon. Quite a challenge JN sent my way but it was fun to put together. Props to Jack, the new Champion.

I'm continuing to be a fan of LDO, he's awesome... for a newbie. BWAHAHAHAH.

With the amount of words devoted to the UWA at the card open it felt like that entire series should've been later in the show. Thematically it makes sense to put it at the start but as far as a breakdown of words goes, the card started with lots of long form in depth stuff, shortened up a bit, and then ended with the long form in depth stuff. I just think it would've flown better to build to it. But what do I know? :)



League Member
Aug 8, 2007
The entire card is long-form/in-depth.

Anywho .... FEEDBACK.

Welcome to the Show! - Katz does a great O'Connor voice and you definitely get the feeling that it's a special show. Great cuts all the way through. Impulse/JB/Harmen on the cracked Liberty Bell was a nice image. I really dug the Radio Moscow song - never heard that before.

UWA Blacklist Showcase Match - I read a bunch of this as it was going and I thought it was great. The characters got defined early and often - good job on that. The whole pirate theme is fun - did a really nice job w/ the opening on that. "Rolls" Royce Ramsey was fun to read ... same w/ Skottie Smart and Devon Epoch. Kuroyama fits nicely into the niche that Impulse had been in before he left. Good match.

HOF w/ Calvin Carlton - Calvin might be the best character in the NFW; his state of mind and Lamont totally off-base on why Calvin was out there was fun. I had been missing Calvin as an integral part of NFW (it's probably only been two or three shows) so this is a good sign. I imagine he'll be getting into some shenanigans. Looking forward to it!
Last edited:

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
The entire card is long-form/in-depth.

To elaborate, since it seems I need to - the opening of the show with the UWA was written with the detail and emotion that I've come to expect from main event matches, and it's the opener. While I appreciate the positives of a hot opener, and while the card took place in the UWA's backyard, my opinion for what it's worth is that the show rolled a bit like an egg with epic open, epic close, and solid middles. Opening with a NFW match, maybe LDO vs. Austin, would have evened the card out a bit more in my opinion.


League Member
Aug 8, 2007

SELLING THE SHOWCASE - Well done on this bit. I think NOSELLUS WALLACE needs to appear every so often w/ PETER WINDHAM. The characters - BANJO BEARD, GREYSOCK, and MYSTERY MEAT - were fun creations. Not characters I would want to see all the time, but perfect for the situation.

PETER WINDHAM PRESENTS: THE PETER WINDHAM SHOWCASE I - Good stuff here. PETER is absolutely hilarious. There's so much fun and potential to be had w/ him. Now, onto Brian's team ... I dug them. I think their personalities and style stood out well (maybe not delved into reeeeeally deep). It's a short, squash match, but you still want to get a solid glimpse and that happened here.

PETER WINDHAM PRESENTS: THE PETER WINDHAM SHOWCASE II - PETER owes LANE CASH and so he feeds LANE a couple lemons. Good to see Mystery Meat get stretched out a bit (no, not like that). I think the Beautiful Blondes stepped up a lot on this card and went from the kind of "why are they here" eye candy to damn "those hot broads are evil". Really cool spot to end LANE/COJONES, too. The story that's developing between DIRTY MONEY has a lot of potential. Should be good!



Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Some spoilers below, though at this point it's been a couple days so I feel less guilty if you're reading this and have something go awry for you.

- UWA Showcase: A great way to debut new characters, particularly Kerry Kuroyama. Saw him in action briefly when IWF was up and running, and this is a guy who's going to be a good fit for sure. Loved to get a lot more backstory into the world of the NFW farm system. The hipster referee made me lawl, and lots of this makes me want to see more of the up-and-comer show (I'm an avid NXT watcher, which may be why).
- I have a music degree, and have been a classically trained musician for roughly 16 years at this point, so "Chromatic Dragons" may have a different meaning to me than it would to other people. All I want to say (apart from "thank GOD there's a potential face tag team on the roster) is that if the tag team finisher is the "Twelve Tone Row", they will have my undying allegiance and LDO will job to them 24/7.
- THE CONTINUATION OF "BLACK". Rook Black seems obvious, and probably too obvious...if I was around NFW longer maybe I'd have more of a pool of wrestlers to choose from that had a Black last name. Though Austin did say "Black...Black". BlackBlack could be the guy. Regardless, big time intrigue.
- VOSS IS BACK AHHHH. I'm positively giddy about the direction things are going with the Triple Crown Championship. Teddy Alexander is an absolute monster and an LDO/Alexander feud has a huge number of rad avenues it can take. Super super psyched about this.
- What a massive main event. Kudos to the new champ, it's most certainly well-deserved and I think the character has taken a a lot of interesting and compelling storylines lately that can make this reign a big deal. As for the aftermath...well, the press conference covers a part of it. Wonder when (or if) he'll be back down the line.

My one critique (and this very well could be just me)...this was a 60+ page show. It's hard to get through all of that in a single sitting, or even a couple. The main event was certainly a major major deal and deserved to have a lot of airplay, but in my personal opinion, I think non-PPV shows could come out quicker and could be easier reads if things were more concentrated. I'm positive I'm missing a ton of important details and will need to reread parts again and again over the next week or two to fully digest the full scope of this show...which on the one hand, great to have this much to digest, and yet on the other hand, if this is a RAW and not a Royal Rumble (to use WWE analogy), I'm not sure this is the best route every time.

There's a lot of really cool stuff that is opened up for down the line, and I think the road to the Random Rumble is going to be fun as hell.


Pressure Chief
Jan 1, 2000
Considering how long it takes people to read things has never entered my mind.

I really see all this stuff as teleplay, so I try to think about the clock - so the Triathalon match should feel like an hour. I'll keep all of that in mind for the future though, but also that's what BRAWLS are for - the quick and dirties.

And also also - this card wasn't the smoothest baby to give birth to, so there's that chestnut...

Thanks man.



Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Considering how long it takes people to read things has never entered my mind.

I really see all this stuff as teleplay, so I try to think about the clock - so the Triathalon match should feel like an hour. I'll keep all of that in mind for the future though, but also that's what BRAWLS are for - the quick and dirties.

And also also - this card wasn't the smoothest baby to give birth to, so there's that chestnut...

Thanks man.


Like I said, it could just be a "me" thing. Lots of people may prefer this length. 95% of my thoughts on this card are warm and fuzzy things.


Jan 1, 2000
First of all, let me open my feedback by clarifying I'm about as pure of a first-time reader as it comes. Besides Brawlbequerque, this card pretty much marks my first legitimate NFW reading experience.

Initial reaction is one of being overwhelmingly impressed by the product this federation puts out. The level of detail in continuity and overall "epicness" really convinces me that a lot of love, time, and effort goes into the creation of these cards, and I really admire that.

So, I cowboy'd-up and decided to read this card from beginning to end to get the full experience. Here's the breakdown...

- Really dig the style of intro. The flashback clips helped me as a first-time reader to dive into things, getting names and feuds and storylines right off the bat, and recapping the events and recent shows. I didn't really feel lost right off the bat, so that's a good thing. The references to UWA being in Philadelphia was also a nice touch; I dig it when references are made in the card to the location, so that it's not simply and interchangeable afterthought.

- UWA Showcase was an enjoyable read. One of the good things it had working for it is that I couldn't really tell if most of these characters and their backstory had already been previously established, or if all of this was pretty much developed for this card. What I mean by that is, there seemed to be so much familiarity and detail with each character as they appeared that I felt like they had already been established, even if they hadn't. They felt that genuine. Glad to hear the positive reaction to Kuroyama's debut, and was pretty satisfied with how he was written. Got some good feelings moving him forward.

- Not going to lie... totally in the dark on Cal Carlton, and what led him to appear on the Hollywood on Fire segment in shambles. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the read. I got an immediate grasp on the kind of person Lamont Hollywood is, from the opening to the verbal dismemberment of Carlton. Looking forward to see how all that transpires.

- Showcase segment was a hilarious read. Can't go wrong with Pulp Fiction homages and the deprecation of the hipster culture. And Mystery Meat has to be the funniest name for a jobber I've seen in a while. Again, I might sound like a tool for this admission, but "Windham Clan" puts my mind into a blank... but I dig Peter as the Commissioner. The recurring theme here is, I don't know who these people are, but I quickly learn who they are by the way they are written.

- Showcase part one was decent, if a little brief. Did the job of making the Chromatic Dragons look strong. Good introduction to that team and those characters, while keeping Peter Windham in the spotlight. It's his showcase, after all. In any case, looking forward to see more of the tag team division in subsequent cards.

- Again, I feel like an idea, because there's a good likelihood that I've skimmed through the roleplays or segments featuring Stryfe, and oafishly assumed it was the original Castor. So this segment brought me to the realization that there's an imposter angle in the mix, which is cool, and believable. Castor cornering Austin and trying to squeeze the name from him was an awesome and tense moment. No idea on who "Black" could be, given it's a common name for e-wrestlers... so my guess at this point is either Rook Black or Black Zack Dragon. Not sure if either choice is very logical, but again, I have very limited knowledge on NFW's history at this point. I'll ride it out and anticipate seeing how Castor resolves it all.

- Ocho's probably my favorite character on FWrestling right now. Great imagination put into developing him, and good to see him still rolling strong. Enjoyable read here with this match... good emphasis on Austin's catch wrestling strengths, and I thought they came across pretty clearly in his performance. Ocho being the babyface that never gives up also came through, especially in the win. It was a little out of left-field, but pulled off at an appropriate moment, right when Alex was getting overconfident and going for the killing blow.

- Teddy Alexander's return was the big surprise for me. Really dug the character in Empire Pro, and I'm glad to see him back and determined to breaking necks and taking names once again. Making his return while the tour was passing through Philadelphia is also a pretty awesome touch. I think an Alexander/Ocho rivalry could be REALLY awesome. Good things here.

- Excellent main event... truly epic experience reading through it. Breaking it up into segments of ten minutes was a good way to pace through it. Never got the sensation that it was dragging... there was good use of storytelling at play here, like Impulse losing stamina as he continued to bleed, Bryant getting angrier with every minute the match dragged on, and Harmen falling behind and scheming a way to pull back into the front. Ending was excellent... really good way to save face for all characters involved by using a creative way to use the match stipulations to finish things off. Hit it out of the park with this one. Huge congratulations to the winner.

So yeah... in conclusion, awesome card, glad to be a part of New Frontier, and looking forward to some of the things that appear to be on the way.


Pressure Chief
Jan 1, 2000

Glad you got involved.

The NFW has really nice archives - pull up a chair for 5 years and read through it! http://nfw.e-wrestling.org/content.php?p=archives

In honesty, since this is a legacy fed, it pays to get an idea of who the characters are. I would suggest at the very least reading through the last year or so of cards, possibly the beginning of the JOE THE PLUMBER era to get a scope of what we're doing, and Eddie Mayfield's place in it. Or even bumming around on the NFW site (click the NEW FRONTIER star up in the banner up top)

I'd also love if someone would ever want to do a NFW RETROSPECTIVE, like a year-by year recap of the fed by major angles and such...

Thanks again - would love to see some RP from you in NFW FILMS in the interim.



Jan 1, 1970
Thanks to everyone providing feedback on the show. One immediate takeaway for us over the next couple of shows is to remember that this may be the first or third show for our newcomers, so we'll do a better job introducing tenured character background/details to help give a clearer understanding of everything.

Maybe one day I'll update bios/artwork as well to supplement that. :)


UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
I read my match the night it was posted, and progressively read the card from start to finish over the next couple days. Then I had some work shit, and turkey day, but here are my thoughts!

We need to go to Philly more so I can hear more of H'Wood talk trash about the city. I love how rooted NFW truly is in Philly with the UWA influence. It allows us to pretend it's our hometown, with guys like Jack Bryant and now Kerry Kuroyama getting the push to the main show. It provides a place for characters to go when they are not needed for a storyline, and yet keep them "relevant" within the NFW's main fan base. Guys like August de la Rossi can disappear and show up whenever they like in this scenario. It's a unique way to introduce a slew of characters and have them at your disposal without feeling obligated to utilize them on a weekly basis.

I mentally checked out on the drama of the match when Kuroyama was introduced as a participant, since I knew as a backstage viewer that there was no way Kerry wasn't going to come out with the win. The characters themselves were quite interesting and their backstories with one another and personalities were pretty clear from the start. Like Pete said, I might have rearranged the order of the show, but it makes sense for the UWA personalities to get the opening bell in their hometown.

Calvin's almost retirement isn't what I expected the segment to initially be about. I figured it'd be about lighting a fire back under Cal, and I like that he took a shot at H'Wood's commentary gig. I could see that being the eventual outcome of Cal's career :). I love the swerve face turn from a heel. It's my favorite thing to do in wrestling. "Oh, this guy is finally seeing the light! OH! NO, it's actually the OPPOSITE of that." Fun stuff :)

I like the Chromatic Dragons, but this was a very short squash match and didn't really allow time for the characters to really breathe in their debut. I think they're a well put together team though. I like how Windham hated that they destroyed Banjo & Greysock. He spent more time in the prematch segment with them than they did in the ring :). I think the Dragons will fill a role in the tag division we didn't know was missing, and that's a great thing.

Lane Cash being fed to Mercado after facing two jabros was great. Plain Brown Rapper is one of my more favorite jobbers we've used so I like seeing him beaten down. I think we missed out on using Green Man however during this. Mystery Meat is a nice joke, but I don't think I want him coming back. I really like the interactions of Cash and Windham, Windham putting Cash through the ringer and celebrating when he comes out the other side victorious. I kinda wanna see Cash do the same to Windham somehow next, and Windham not nearly have the success Cash did.

Castor / Austin at each other's necks is nice, long overdue. I'd like to see Austin somehow overcome Castor, but he hasn't earned it yet. As for last name Black, first name ???, I think it's a total red herring for Rook Black. If it is Rook though, that makes me a happy panda, and a Rook / Castor match / feud would be phenomenal.

Ocho / Austin was a great match, very technically well written to put over Austin's submission expertise and his inexperience in the ring. On the other side, you had the recently crowned champion fighting to keep what he just worked so hard to earn, eking out a victory by using his opponents weaknesses to his advantage. Love the counter for Ocho to get the win. I think this match did everything it needed to to put both guys over. That's all you can ask for.

Then Teddy Alexander returns, and SQUASH KILLS MURDERS Ocho. Excited to see Voss back, and his character will inject quite a lot of a FLAVA into the Triple Crown scene. Perfect transition for Ocho now that he's done with Black.

And the main event. Very fun read. Thank you Pete for the service you did to NFW and to me and Biron. Thanks to those who deemed me worthy of being the champion when it could have gone either way. As others have already said, this match had some great psychology to it, with Impulse in control for the most of it, increasingly enraging Jack Bryant, Harmen weakened and worried until he pulled a trick out of his back pocket to turn the Iron Man match into a fifteen minute one fall match. The big spot of the match that was kind of glossed over was Harmen kicking out of the shooting star. The course of events if he didn't would have been completely different, and that allowed the ending where Pulse had Bryant hooked and Bryant refused to submit.

I think every character was portrayed just as they should have been. My ONLY complaint is the lack of chekhov's gun. Instead of using the chair, Harmen should have used the Bryant Basher to smash Impulse and Bryant. Or, now, thinking of it, it could have been awesome if it was Calvin sliding a steel chair into Harmen. That would have been a fun moment.

My ONLY complaint is that the show could have been reorganized. Not sure exactly how, but it felt like there were multiple parts to stories that could have been spaced out better. Don't ask me how, but it just felt like characters showed up, stayed on screen until they were done, and we moved on to the next story.

Show felt less like a patchwork quilt of awesomeness than a bunch of short stories filled with awesomeness. Not a bad thing, but it may have made the show feel a little "off" to some.

Also guys, you already do better than most feds on keeping track of history and implementing it into stories. But now is certainly the time and the place to continue that trend to get everyone on board with the storied history of this longstanding federation. :)

Thanks everyone, and it's on to the next one. I'll be e-mailing you guys shortly.

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