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No overSIGHT


League Member
Feb 5, 2004
South Carolina
(Eddy Love stands at the gate of his Lake Hartwell estate. The gate is black wrought iron with "E L" encased in a heart at the center of each side. Eddy wears a pair of faded Levi jeans and a T-shirt that reads "valentines day is for LOVE".)

Hurricane Eddy Love…. the man known as Legend Killer since I was 3 years old and tore the pages out of the "Cat in the Hat"…… the man who has reinforced that name every step along the way….. whether he was defeating varsity stars who had never tasted defeat by the time I was in the 9th grade….. whether it was at Clemson University where in the 3rd week of practice he pinned former national champion Noel Lobin who was working with our squad….. whether it was in the Federation he made his debut the old NWCI, where on a single night Hurricane Eddy won the World Title in a battle royal, then not only defeated, but broke the neck of wrestling legend Rocky Ford Meloneer, right in front of his future boss Chad Merrit who had been hired as a special guest announcer……. Now we know the history of the CSWA, where the Southern Dandy went from a man known in a small circle as a legend killer to Hurricane Eddy Love, International man of fame and *THE* Legend Killa…..

Now with Hurricane Eddy’s hands firmly clenched around the throat of the legacy of Mike Randalls, and with what many believe may be the final chapter in the Randalls novel only a few short days away….. I turn on the TV to hear a grown man who calls himself, catch this, Wicked Site, fantasizing about what it must look like in the rectum of Hurricane Eddy Love. Well, Mike Plett, you wanna know "what’s up Eddy’s ass" as you so eloquently put it. I could supply an array of answers to that, Mike. I could explain how I came back to this Federation to save it from three of the most talented, greedy, mean spirited S.O.B.’s the sport has ever known…… I could tell you how I assembled my army to defend Chad Merrit from these men staking their claim, I could explain that it is in my ass, Mike, that I came and saved it for a group of fans who had never done anything nicer than dumping their $7.00 Budweiser on me after I sweated blood for 90 minutes for their entertainment…… I could tell you how it chaps that very ass, that I came back to save this company so that ungrateful hacks like you could have somewhere to earn the winner’s share of the preliminary card and graduate to collecting the loser’s share of the mid card, Mike, then instead of thanks, I get one of those wrestlers fantasizing about the King’s daughter….. no not Troy Windham the other king….. being found in Eddy’s ass. I could tell you, Mike, that my trainer was thrown 20 foot to her disability check, that for a year Troy and I fell from cages, pinned great wrestlers, put our careers on the line every night for this company, while you topped out at Havoc and Kevin Powers. I could tell you that it sticks in my craw that while we fought this war Merrit tried to get second rate talent like Steve Radder and now Evan Aho over by soiling the 20 pounds of gold *I* made famous….. I mean hell Aho has put the belt on a diet, it’s already down to 15 pounds of metal and leather by his own admission…… I could even tell you that it gaulds me that while I did these things for Merrit he throws me into a tag match without my partner on the same night he basically hands that Damn Hornet my title. Let’s face it The Greatest American Hero may have proven himself incapable of ever beating a Playboy, but does anyone really think that Larry Stanley and Evan Aho pose any threat. Did you see Aho’s lip trembling when he called Hornet’s name, It’s pathetic, but truth is that’s not in my ass, Wicked Boy. I could tell you that it burns my rectum that I’ve admitted to myself to the Wolf’s delight that no matter how bad I beat Randalls up, over and over again he still gets on TV every week drooling about the WAY we were and about it all means nothing……

But the truth is, Mike Sight, as much as these things might stick in the buttocks of a lesser man, they have not "crawled up my ass and died"…… and while I would LOVE to ask if your Mother knows you talk like that I will instead, Wicked Plett, point out to you that I reviewed my recent interviews for when I may have mentioned the bottom eighth of the roster, but I could never find that reference to silly gimmicks and poor ring fundamentals, that must have made you mention my name….. so Wicked Sight I answer your question with a question….. What is it that’s crawled up your ass when it comes to Eddy Love??? Do you think you become a star by just calling my name??? As busy as I am with days to make and hearts to break, do you think I’m too busy to bust down a hack like you, Mike??? I’ve walked through tougher turnstiles than you on the way to a fight, Sight, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll forget you know my name.

As for my man Mike Rambles, yes Wolf I heard your words…. And as tempted as I am to address them I think I’ll just send you copies of the last year of interviews I’ve where I discounted your notions that no one’s accomplishments in life are worthy of the chore of climbing out of bed when you’re a chronically depressed, egotistical menace to *MY* sport. Yes, Wolf, it did turn to be a bit of the War that you promised, and yes no one has shown up for their nightly beatings any more reliably than you and your other three Csers…… but you also promised my nights of dancing until the Wolves howled were over, you promised that you could turn that sweet taste of chilled Dom sour in my mouth Randalls and yet here we are a year later and no one still smiles brighter or dances later than Eddy Love, although a few, a very few but still a few, do now have better hair. You’re right also, Randalls, about the value of a mystery tag match…. I figured that must be your idea, but if it falls on Merrit then so be it, unlike you , I take those lemons and make electric lemonade.

Randalls, in Greensboro…. In the Carolinas that have always been Eddy Love country….. I spring another Wolf trap…. And this time Wolf, after you drop your jaw in awe at just how big the names are that line up to be associated with Eddy Love…. then it’s Hurricane Pile Driver, sirens, flashing lights and orthopedic specialists for you, you Mean Mean Man.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Feel the LOVE

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-02 AT 10:17 PM (EDT)][font color= red]WS:[/font][font color= black] Eddy Love – muttered the words Mike Plett? Wicked Sight? Somebody, quick, edit out those words, because even though the fans know he’s able, we don’t want them to know that Eddy said his name, because they might catch on, and that runs the risk of showing the Old Hurricane up, doesn’t it?

Paranoia starts to sit in with the Hurricane. You’ve got people throwing your name left and right, why would you pick out one of my one-liners and blow up on it? Because Eddy Love is losing his grip with reality, and there’s not a thing ANY of us can do about it. He’s losing his grip with reality when he says the fans have given him nothing more than their overpriced Budweiser, because Eddy… these fans MAKE us! If Eddy Love wasn’t a pro wrestler, he’d be a washed up poet or something! They love us, or they wouldn’t pay to sit in an overcrowded, overheated arena for three hours to watch us deliver the STELLAR performances that I LOVE to give so much!

Eddy is losing his grip with reality when he says I’m below him – because deep down inside, Eddy Love knows the only reason my comments got to him, were because I was RIGHT… and I’m able to do what he’s been unable to do as of late… BEAT MY ENEMIES, BY MYSELF… And go for the gold.

You remember these words, Eddy Love. Anniversary will come, and Anniversary will go. Your partner, the match with Randalls, my number one contendership… Come and go. World title, around my waist, the fans in a frenzy, Eddy Love, you remember these words then, and if you want to come get some… You can do it then, Hurricane. You can do it when I’m through with Tom Adler. You can do it when I’m through with TRIPLE X, with Cameron Cruise, with that UNHOLY bastard from White Sands… When I’m through with Shane Southern, your good ol’ friend… You can come get some when the smoke clears, and I’ve pinned the World Champion’s shoulders to the canvas.

And then, I’ll finally be able to show the other Playboy just who runs this pageantry.


[font color= red]FADEOUT[/font]


League Member
Feb 5, 2004
South Carolina
RE: Feel the LOVE

I don't know who the Hurricane is, Mike, but I certainly sympathize with him while he loses his grip on reality. As for yours truly, Hurricane Eddy, I think you should watch your videos a little closer before you step your little number one contender smart ass out here and stick your foot in your mouth. You see, Mike, I gave you a list of things that *might* be stuck in my ass, I’m not Mike Randalls, Mike. If you’ll listen a little closer *OR* listen to Eddy Love all those times that he doesn’t mention the illustrious number one contender that you’ve become, you’d know no one LOVE’s their job more than Hurricane Eddy. You’d also realize that I used the opportunity of deciphering your third grade schoolyard anal obsessed gibberish on TV to take a backhanded slap at my next opponent. Since you find it difficult to follow my promo meanings, I will make a point in the future, Sight, of always bringing an overhead projector to future interviews that may mention your name so I can draw you a picture.

As for your generous offer of giving Eddy Love the superstar rub and climbing in the ring with him even though he’s not the number one contender, offer accepted Wicked Sight. I’ve been a take all comers wrestler my whole career, Mike. It’s the other half of Playboys Inc. that doesn’t do Primetime, big man, I’ve been pulling every show they’ll put me on for 5 years now….. And I welcome the chance to try and prove myself against the self appointed number one contender. Don’t be fooled by the fact that Chad Merrit has thrown me between him and his three biggest threats week after week for the last 9 months….. I’d welcome the opportunity to take that metaphorical nap in the hammock of wrestling a big talent like yourself.

It hasn’t gotten under my skin, Mike, that hacks like you and Radder and Aho are part of a championship picture that I’m not…... It’s not even under my skin that you’ve got the nerve to mention my name in an unflattering manner. I need not edit out of my videos names like yours, Plett, I’m a CSWA team player and I want all you stars to get even more over than you already are. Problem is, Sight, you’re too young and dumb to know what’s best for ya, but I like that….. I’ve made a career out of beating up second rate hacks in every small town around the world….. So you pick you a spot, big man….. I’m your Huckleberry, and since you’re such an officiando of Eddy Love’s you know when I speak the, words are already written in stone, so I don’t feel the need to promise. See you soon, Sight.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Feel the LOVE

{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern stands in front of a CSWA backdrop, the Greensboro title over his shoulder...}}

Shane Southern: " How lovely. Sight, I wouldn't go 'round plannin' who yer first title defense will be 'gainst 'till you've actually gotten' tha' belt 'round yer waist. Promises may be good, but it's RESULTS that make tha' man. This belt, {{...takes the belt off his shoulder...}} is a RESULT of what Shane Southern can do when he puts his mind to it. Sure, it's a fourth rate belt, sure it may not mean much ta' guys like Eddie, here's yer blurb huckleberry, Love and Mike Randalls, and it may not be a belt that signifies tha' best in tha' company...still, it's a belt our World Champion was wearing just a few weeks ago, n' it shows, that fer one night at least, Shane Southern was better th'n Evan Aho, it shows that Shane Southern IS World Championship material, and it shows that if you take me LIGHTLY, I'll burn your ass...no ifs, ands, or buts about it. "

" I've been underestimated my entire career. Ever'where I go, people talk 'bout tha' dumb hick from Loo-siana n' how even though he made it in tha' last place, he won't be able ta' survive here. But EVERYWHERE I've gone, I've proved them wrong. Everywhere I've gone, I've come out on top. EVERYWHERE. Tha' CSWA will be no exception Sight. Even though this is considered tha' very TOP of tha' ladder, that don't mean Shane Southern can't ascend ta' new heights. Tha' only limitation fer me are those I put on MYSELF, n' if ya' don't know it by now, there ain't much I can't do. "

" I'm not here ta' play a role. I'm not here ta' be tha' Greensboro Champion. I'm not here ta' play 'round on tha' bottom n' be content. Guys like Aho and Randalls CLAIM that belts mean nuthin' to them, that it's all about tha' game. Even though I respect those men tremendously, they're full of <bleep>. So is anybody else who expects me ta' believe that holdin' that gold belt don't mean somethin'. I'm HERE ta' win that title. I'm here ta' elevate tha' competition in tha' GAME. "

" You may think you've cornered tha' market on DESIRE my friend, you may think you're tha' best...but I sure hope you don't think it's gonna' be a walk in tha' park come Anniversary, 'cause I'm comin' ta' take away yer hope Sight, I'm comin' ta' beat YOU. "

" Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Feel the LOVE

That belt on your shoulder - the belt I defended against every top name that I could convince to meet me in the ring - is fourth rate NOTHING. You should carry that thing with PRIDE... Because men like me, Card, Blade... we made that belt worth a damn again. You spend your time in N'awlins, Shane-O. You buy yourself some women with a handful of beads, watch the Superbowl, CHEER FOR THE RAMS, CHEER FOR THE PATS...

And most of all, be Shane Southern's head cheerleader.

But none of that matters. Because when times get tough, the tough lace their boots up, head to the ring, and deliver the STELLAR performance needed to get the job done, and the fans take note. And the great people that are putting food in our mouths are going to be out in troves at Merritt Auditorium... And when Cold's music hits and Wicked Sight hits the ramp, YOU WILL KNOW... that you're in for a fight. You've been told you can't do it? Oh Hell, it looks like a recurring theme, because when I stood in the middle of the WAR*GAMES cage, or atop TCW's DOOMSDAY, or in the middle of the ring with Troy Windham, people told me I wouldn't amount to anything.

Two incredible title reigns later... Mike Plett stands before you with a smile on his face, a glare in his eyes and the world championship sitting right in front of him.

Desire? That's a half of it. But the fact that I'm born to prove people like you wrong - the fact I was put here to give people a reason to stand on the edge of their seats - pretty much says it all.

The Freaks Run The Pageantry, Shane.

[font color= blue] -- Wicked Sight[/font]

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