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NWL Combat: Hacker vs. Ronnie Valentine

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New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
All roleplays for this match must be posted in this thread. Thank you, good luck, and have fun.


League Member
Apr 12, 2004
(Camera Fades In..Ronnie Valentine is sitting in a chair watching NWL Combat 6. He isn't watching his match. No. He is watching the Wedding between Data and Hacker...)

RV: Wedding days are supposed to be the happiest days of any couples lives. It is a day to show love for the person whom you are about to share the rest of your life with. Hacker and Data...You two were planned on getting married, all that had to be said was the last I Do. then it would have been official. I know how you feel Hacker. And you may say that's impossible...but last night...after my match...Rosie was taken away. I highly doubt the same person did it. The person that took my Rosie away from me was my cousin. I have my doubts that he had anything to do with the kidnapping of Data and my cousin, does not have the darkness in his heart to do what the person did to Hacker. His mother is too religious.

Regardless, Hacker. In any other situation I would never do this, however since this involves love. I have compassion for you. I am willing to help you find who did this to your fiancee.

My father was murdered on the day of his wedding to my would be step-mother.

No one deserves their wedding day to be ruined...definately not the way it was done to you.

So I will help you. Also I plan on speaking to Mr. Medina about re-assigning me since i feel fighting you is not something you need.

Sorry about the unfortunate accident...

As far as you Scott...I am going to find where you are...and take you out. Trust Me.

(Camera Fades Out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
New Jersey
Camera fades to what looks to be a doorway with steps leading down. After going down the steps and leading down one of those long winding hallways, kinda like a maze game where it is easy to get lost. You see a few doors, on is open and a rather large man steps out. His face though can't be seen, the camera does get a glimpse in to see Data locked in a small cage. The last we saw Data was when she was taken on her wedding day before given the chance to say "I do" to her fiance. Her wedding dress mostly has been ripped off of her. The door opens again but nobody is seen in the darkness, it is actually pretty hard to see in the room. A voice is then heard.

Voice: Where once was light, is now dark. In place of happiness, is now sorrow. This young lady shall be the vessel through which I birth into this world my hatred. This is just the beginning of what is in store...

Data- *fear in her voice* Where are you? Why are you doing this to me?

Voice: Do not fret, child, for you are going to play a very important role in plans that will change your life. I will turn you into a martyr for my cause. Just relax...and everything will be just fine...

Data- Why though? Who are you? I want to go home...please let me go home!!!

Voice: This is now your home...here with me. Forget everything you once knew and loved. I am now all that you need.

Data- Why?

Voice: Shh....*caresses Data's cheek* All will be revealed in due time. Right now...you should just be quiet

Data- but....

Voice: *grabs Data, and squeezes her mouth shut* You will do good to listen to me when I tell you what to do. This could either be very pleasing...or very, very painful in ways your nightmares can't even conjur up.

Data tries to move but in the small cage there isn't where to move. She whimpers in fear to what is going to happen to her.

Voice: Much better...Now, just get some rest...you have a very busy day ahead of your tomorrow...

Data- Please...please don't leave me here alone again in the dark

Voice: Trust me...you'll get used to it...

The door opens and then shuts again leaving Data alone in the dark as the camera fades to Hacker who is standing in the church where the wedding happened. His head is banaged from the attack that accured. He looks up at the cross where he was bound to with pain in his eyes.

Hacker- The SOB that did this is going to pay. I don't care who it is..they are going to pay dearly when I get my hands on them. What they did in this church is sacreligious and very disrespectful. They also took Data. I don't even know why? Why ask why? When I find out who they will pay with their life. But until then I deal with Ronnie Valentine. Am I ready while the woman that supposed to be my wife might be suffering somewhere. I do thank you for you concern Ronnie Valentine but don't worry about me..worry more of your safety because I am now a man on a mission..nothing personal but people will slowly pay one by one until I find her. I don't care who you are...let this be a warning to the person that has my wife...your life is going to end. Death becomes you..you were warned.

Hacker leaves the church as it once again shows the room that Data is in. We are not sure how much time has passed..it could have been minutes, hours, or days but a noice can be heard and now it looks like Data is picking the lock on the cage she is in with a bobby pin that was in her hair. We finally hear a click and the cage door opens. Data crawls out and slowly makes her way to the door. She listens and then opens it to see that no one is around. She quickly makes her way down the hall but then hears a door opens and quickly hides. After a minute, she reappears and makes her way down the hall again until she hits a dead end. She slowly starts to back up in the direction she came when someone grabs her from behind and whispers in her ear..it's the same voice as before.

Voice: Where are you going, girlie?

Data- I...I was...

Voice: Yo-you was...?

Data- *suddenly get's brave* I was going home you dam perverted jackass!

Voice: No, you're not. You don't know the way out of here

Data stomps on his foot and manages to get lose enough to make a run for it but doesn't get to far until the person grabs her again but this time he covers her mouth with his hand.

Voice: Now now, girlie. What did I tell you before? We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I really don't think you want to do this the hard way...

The man uncovers her mouth and then drags her back towards where the stairs are. Data is trying to fight his grip the whole way.

Data- Where are you taking me?

Voice: It is obvious that the cage won't hold you, so I'll just take you to something that will.

The man drags Data down the stairs by her hair as Data starts to scream for help as the camera fades out.


League Member
Apr 12, 2004
(Camera Fades In...Scott O'Neal stands outside a door.)

SCOTT: Ronnie, cousin. Your trying to help your opponent...unfortunately your in the same exact situation...see behind this door...your Rosie is being RAPED and TORTURED...all because she is a whore. Why don't you take care of yourself instead of trying to look out for others that don't want your help. Helping the people who aren't in need never gets you anywhere...you should know that by now.

(Scott laughs...we fade into Ronnie Valentine laying in a bed passed out with pills spilled all over the place.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
New Jersey
Camera fades to a now what looks like a middle of the room. There is candles lit everywhere. In the room sits a chair that has Data sitting in it. Her arms is strapped to the chair arms by straps. Her legs are also strapped to the bottom of the chair. She now has been blindfolded and has a gag around her mouth. Someone slightly touches her face and she jumps. The hand then takes the gag out of her mouth.

Voice- Hush now, darling...all will be ok.

Data- Why are you doing this to me?

Voice- You were chosen by a higher power

Data- What higher power? Why won't you tell me who you are? I want to know who you are!!!

Voice- Who I am is not important. You will know what you need to know when you need to know it.

Data- *starts to cry* What are you going to do to me? Please don't kill me!!

Voice- I'm not going to kill you. You will serve me no purpose dead. I need you alive,

Data- I want my husband...

Voice- He can't help you here.

Data- I hope he kicks your ass.

Voice- Please, your "husband" can't hurt me. Technically, you're not even married. Isn't that sad....you were so close...

Data- I still don't understand why me though? Why did you do this to use to our wedding day?

Voice- Why not your wedding day? In order for one to truly know happiness, one must first know true pain, and we all know the worst kind of pain...is emotional.

Data- I already know true pain, what else can happen that is more painful then what we already been through?

Voice- Oh trust me, there is a lot worse...

Data- Worse?

Voice- Oh yes. Pain that can drive you to the point of madness physically, when you are allready there mentally

Data starts to struggle when a hand grabs her face

Voice- Child, you must relax. We haven't begun the fun stuff yet

Data- What fun stuff?

Voice- In due time, child...In due time

A back of a head appears and kisses Data on the lips. Data tries to pull free but the guy is to strong for her. He finally pulls back

Voice- You see, physical pain is simply temporary, as is physical love. We will explore both in our time together.

Data- *cries* Please...

Voice- Shhhhh

The man kisses her again and then puts the gag back around her mouth

Voice- You need'nt worry yourself with such trivial matter, when the bigger picture is what you should worry about...

A hand brushes Data's hair out of her face and then walks out of the room as the camera fades to Data her head down and crying softly.


League Member
Apr 12, 2004
(Camera Fades In. Ronnie Valentine is standing in front of a mirror. He looks bad. Sick. He talks normal except for a slight slur.)

RONNIE: Hacker...a little while ago you told me to stay out of your way. That it was nothing personal. You're right it's not...right now though...You are not the only one on a mission. I am going to make an example of you. To Scott, and to the man who is doing harm upon my love, my life, my everything. My Rosie. Scott, I am happy you are not signed legally with the great company that this is. Because the things I have thought about doing to you would not be able to be shown here in the NWL. I gaurantee you Scott. Your day is coming. Scott, we grew up together like brothers. You have commited the ultimate betrayal...nothing anybody does now can hurt me as much as you have over the years.

Hacker I am a very pissed off man with love being the means of my rage. My love for Rosie and my concern for her safety is a powerful source of strength and I will not hold anything back. I go into this match not only for myself and Rosey...but for my family who has to deal with Scott as well. I am going to go out to that ring...I will not be putting on a show for the fans. Right now, I could care less if the fans were there or not. I am going out there to do my job. The match is signed, there is no way out of it. I am going to have to do things to you that I can only wish of doing to Scott. Do not take it personal...and do not hold a hatred for me if I take you out of the business. Hacker, my specialty is love...and heartbreak. I know what you are going through is tough. What I am going through is just as hard. You are going to take your frustration out on me. I will be doing the same to you.

I can only pray that you will come out of it with only bumps, bruises, and possibly scars. But I cannot be dishonest and say that I will try to be merciful. Hacker this is probably the largest feat you will have to overcome, your lover is down and out...she is being held captive. I hope everything turns out fine. But when the bell rings...you better be able to put that behind you and concentrate on the match, if not...you WILL be in pain. I am going to be using me frustration as a offense. For your safety you should do the same.

(Camera fades out. We slowly fade into Scott O'Neal standing in the room where Rosey is sitting in a chair, tied by chains.)

SCOTT: Ronnie...looks like you have returned to your old ways...like I have told you people before he has been known to abuse drugs...as you saw in a recent video. But on to more important things.
(Turns To Rosie.)

Rosie...for a while now...I have to be honest...I have been attracted to you...I have even caught myself looking at you...wondering what you are like as a lover...and where can I find a girl like you....I know how....now i do. Just take her. Rosie...I think I love you...and after we watch Hacker defeat Ronnie together...we will be united FOREVER!

(Looks back at the camera...)


(Camera fades out as Scott looks at Rosie and runs his hands through her hair.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
New Jersey
We see Hacker walking out the Police Station. It is obvious that those dam cops haven't done a single thing about his fiancee being kidnapped. The very woman that was suppost to be his wife. Hacker walks down the street and stops in front of a tv store to see Ronnie talking about his match with Hacker. Hacker just glares at the tv and shuts his eyes. He opens them again and keeps hearing Ronnie talk. Hacker just shakes his head.

Hacker- Winning isn't everything Ronnie, I have learned that. I thought I had it all. I won the true prize. Data and myself have had a rough past. There was a time where I actually put her through hell and I regret it. We worked through it and I promised her that she would be safe...I let her down. Now I see that you have the same problem..yours is slightly different. You know who has your girlfriend...some family member that has a grudge against you. I don't know who has Data. I don't know who tied me to a dam cross with barbwire..but when I fine out, it will be there funeral.

Hacker starts to walk again down the street and notices a man and woman making out on a park bench. A few other couples are walking around the area together as well. Hacker just looks down.

Hacker- Mark my words Ronnie, this match for both of us is going to be hell. You want revenge as do I, but I want something more. I don't give a flying f*ck why your family member has Rosey, I don't even know why you are dating some has been old talk show host who last I checked was a lesbian. I don't want to know nor do I care but I will tell you this Ronnie, this match is going to be hell. Lot of blood, caious, and distruction and that will be just the first 5 minutes. Don't mess with a man on a mission because you won't end up on the winning end.

Hacker gets on his motorcycle and drives off as the camera fades back to Data strapped to the chair. She is still gagged and blindfolded. A sound of the door shuts and a person walks around her as another voice comes up.

Voice- You want answers to who I am dear child..

The blindfold is suddenly taken off and Data eyes get wide as she starts to scream under the gag as the voice continues to speak.

Voice- Shhh Data...it will be ok, in fact Hacker will learn who I am this week and I got quite a surprise for him.

A hand touches Data faces and whips away a few of her tears as the camera fades out.


League Member
Apr 12, 2004
(Camera Fades In...Ronnie...pissed off....obviously.)

RV: I'm gonna keep this short and straight to the point Hacker...first off where do you get off mocking my situation? You son of a *****? listen to me...I can play the name game too...Your dating a twelve year old chinese kid that teams up with a bunch of other kids to find a treasure. The Goonies...what a great movie? Hack...I am going to make your face look like Sloth's...

You come from the world of cyberspace or whatever? I AM GOING TO CTRL, ALT, DELETE Your ASS!

I'm going to make you so ugly, that when Data finally sees you again...shes going to go back to her kidnapper and fall in love with him because your so hideous. She's going to delete you like a bad game on her computer.

Hacker...consider me a virus in your cyberworld...I am infecting your system...And come NWL Combat...You will be the one that is Hacked.


It just got personal.

(Camera fades out.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
New Jersey
Camera fades to a dark room with only the glowing light of the computer in the background. A door opens and in walks Hacker with a bottle of water. He sits back down at his computer and just starts to type like mad. He is in the process of trying to find something but keeps getting the message access denied. He finally get's so angry that he punches the computer screan breaking the monitor. Hacker sits back and takes a drink of his water as he tries to calm down.

Hacker- Dammit, I lose more monitor's that way. *looks at the camera* I guess I owe you an apology Ronnie, in the heat of the moment I said something that I regret and I'm sorry.

Hacker looks at the computer screen and then leans back to think.

Hacker- I suppose we are both in the same situation but like I said earlier, we both know who has your girlfriend. Your lucky that way, you know who to kill. I am left in the dark, not knowing what exactly is happening to the woman that would have been my wife. Does that mean I won't do what I said to you..nope, I am still going to go out there and make your life a living hell but at least I am going to have a clear conscience why I do it. I could easierly get mad and say some crap about your looks and all but why bring it to your level yet again. Like I said I had a moment of weekness and said some crap...we all seem to have that happen once in our lives. This match is what I need to get people talking, to get the wheels in motion. I want answers and this week I get them. I will provail and if your in the way, then that is your fault. I warned you and now you are playing with fire..get ready to burn Ronnie cause this game is now deadly.

Hacker looks at the computer monitor again.

Hacker- I wonder if I can convience Circut City that this is the way it came.

Hacker turns the computer off as the camera fades out.
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