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NWL Combat: John Doe vs. "Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin

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John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
My Favorite Wrestler

[Fade in with John Doe sitting in front of the Empire State Building John looks around as he sets eyes upon it. He gazes looking bouncing his tennis ball, he stops bouncing the ball as he looks at the camera]

“ It’s is wonderful isn’t it? The first tallest building ever, this is where King Kong got his bullets put in him and he was ended. And this is where I stand. Of course King Kong was a movie and this is real life. Unlike others that think this is a game. Well sort to speak it is a game, a game that I have mastered easily. I have came into NWL and am still here with more knowledge than when I came here, I have had my fair square of title shots, such as the TV title, which Jarod Poe still has around his belt. Know I look away from that and look at the present staying here in the present is all that matters really. If I focus here I get my act together and then I become the best. Well one man is standing in my path of greatness. He knows who he is, and I will make notice of him, his name easy as said “Yours Truly” Adam Benjamin.”

“Now we have all seen Adam around NWL and EPW, in fact last time I checked he was the IC Champ of EPW, but that is a different federation this is NWL my friends not and thing else. This is one of the few best federations there is today, except for CWSA of course. So I face off with one of the best wrestlers I think there is, Adam Benjamin. I admire and I take great honor stepping in the ring with the man, but don’t take me lightly Adam, as much as I like you doesn’t mean I don’t dislike you. Let’s take a grand look at this Adam.”

“See YT (Yours Truly) I have seen you wrestle, and I enjoy it. You aren’t as boring as some of these fellows around this place, but just because I say this doesn’t mean I am brown nosing or anything, and to think that I am will make me angered. With my anger comes destruction and that is something you do not want unleashed upon you at Combat. I warn you Adam do not anger someone such as myself it will cost you dearly in the long run. “

“Although I know the type of fellow you are and to say that you are a worthy opponent is also ironic, being that you are a cheating loser. No offense Adam, but I have seen the dirty side of your wrestling in EPW, and I do not play that way. So on the contrary YT I do wish to break your bones in that friendly sort of way. Catch my drift?”

[John opens the door to the Empire State and walks in as he glances around looking around for the stairwell. John pauses for a second and bounces his tennis ball]

“Well I get to face off with you it is quite interesting, I thought I was going to have to face off with someone like Jarod Poe or Ryan Cruz, looks like to bookies are actually become nicer and not making a mess of this federation. Well it seems that I am moving up the rankings here, you Adam are not to get in my way, if you take my word for it. So Benjamin what is it that makes you so darn good anyway?
Ah, it was your cheating that got you this far, your ignorant bliss of thoughts may be telling you to retaliate against what I am saying, but I a sure you Adam do not do something you will not get anything from.”

“Adam I do not like the fact that I had to face off with a bunch of nobodies my first couple of weeks, now I am going to face off with you, a true wrestler. I think that I will learn much from this victory, that I will have, and you will learn a lot from the loss you will encounter. Ironic isn’t it, I get to face off with the man I shadow most of my wrestling style off of…who knew.”

“This may prove my true potential, my goal if you will, it’s based upon how good I can do against a great. If I win, I win knowing I have defeated one of the best, but if I lose, I lose losing to the best, practically either way is to my advantage. If I were you Adam I would fight for the TV Championship I have great faith you can beat Jarod Poe, one because I hate the man with a passion and two because you are that good of a wrestler. Not as good as me, but a good wrestler non the less. And I have total faith in you and that you can get pinned by the likes of me.”

[John stops the tennis balls as he opens the door to the stairwell he looks up the stairs making a face about the length. John walks out of the stairwell. And walks to the elevator]

‘Damn this place has too many stairs, anyway…”

“I really think that this is going to be a great match between you and me Adam just because I want to beat the living crap out of a guy and because it is a stepping stone for me. If I defeat you, which I will, then it is going to be a swell day. For you Adam it is going to be a bad say, a very bad day for one of many reasons you lost to me. That is kind of a good thing if you think about it at least you were beat by the best. Not including you of course. Then I will walk out with a clear-cut victory and you my friend will walk out as you came…a loser. It is ok thought, I will give you a run for your money, you will have to rain your balls off to defeat me, but with all good time you will see that I am better.”

“Think about it Adam, think about it very clear, you and me facing off at Combat you and will should be the main event don’t you agree? But we do not highlight that section of the card. I think we are the middle of it, with good time my friend will you and I emerge to the top of the card, and when that time comes I will hold the greatest of titles the NWL World Heavyweight Belt! Adam if you reach it to the belt before I do make sure you give me a title shot so I can beat you gain, like I am going to do at Combat. What I am going to do for you is going to save you a lot of trouble in the long run, see if I defeat you now then later you will know that I am greater. Interesting isn’t it?”

[John presses a button to the elevator as the lights at the top of it blink. John whistles as he waits. He turns back to a camera]

“But what is truly interesting is what is going to happen at Combat. See at Combat I am going to teach you a dear lesson, one that is unavoidable. See this lesson is going ot be great, and it is going ot be the best one you will see in your life, see you will face off with me Adam, not only me but with yourself. See I mirrored my moves off you, so you better know yourself before you can step up to me. Adam I am going to show you why I am better see I am better for three solid reasons.”

1. I am quicker
2. I am smarter
3. I am Greater

“The three I Am’s of John Doe. See I am all of those things and you aren’t. This is going to be a breaking point that I am going to prove to you, see I will prove all of those facts, and probably more. If I prove those Adam, well then there is nothing left for me to prove, I have beating Adam Benjamin well YT what do you think, I know you think that is the truth you are just not willing to admit it.”

[John enters the elevator as it climbs up John turns back to the camera as he chooses the floor he wants to stop at]

“You are trying to keep me down, well gentlemen this is where I break free. Sorry YT you are have to be my example to the fans, to the wrestlers, and more importantly TO THE WORLD YT! Get it through your head that I am going to be invincible and I will be a champion, that championship is undecided. But what is decided what is set in stone is your fate YT, your fate is going to happen at Combat, your fate I simple and plain, you will lose. “

[The elevator dings, as John steps out, he looks out the windows the New York Skyline colorful with skyscraper lights]

“I love this view, Actually this is the first time I have been up here.”

“Well Adam I think that you and me have a lot to work on? I have a match to train for and you have a match to lose. I am going to walk out victorious and you my good friend are going to walk with another loss to your record. So Adam, I wish you luck, not like it is going to do you any good, but I wish you luck non the less. See at Combat Adam, and don’t forget “I Am Not Just Anyone…I Am John Doe!”

[Fade out on the Statue of Liberty. Fade To Black]


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{Fade into Adam Benjamin sitting inside his gym, talking to some reporters. Adam Finishes up and walks towards the NWL camera and begins talking}


“Ladies and Gentlemen the show is now starting please take your seats. Many of you out there in TV land watching me the man of the hour prepare for his first of many NWL classics. Yes the time has come for “Yours Truly” Adam Benjamin to grace the ring. The big picture is slowly being painted, the PPV is just around the corner, ah good old Mal the contract is signed and sealed, your fate soon will lie in my hands.

(Adam smiles as he takes a sip of water)


“However until the PPV I must “prove” myself to the NWL by facing a few opponents. First on the list is John Doe. John I have seen you in EPW, and from the outside looking in I have watched you a little in NWL. You are in my opinion a hit and miss type of wrestler. Some nights you shine other nights you are a blackout. Now you have come out on NWL TV and stated boldly that I am in fact this week standing in front of your greatness? That’s funny knowing full well that I am greatness. I mean take a look at “Yours Truly” I am the definition of a wrestler. But hey even you are looking forward to facing me, you said it in your very own interview. Now John boy you have given me warning not to get you angry, because as you stated bad things happen when John Doe gets mad.

(Adam laughs)


“Look John I hope you get mad, do whatever you have to, or whatever it takes to get pumped up. Because the fact is that as mad as you get, you will be ten times upset after I leave you laying out cold. You call the New Age Technician a cheating loser? Why would you of all people, more importantly who are you to call me anything close to a loser? I do what it takes to win, I am the best technical wrestler walking the earth today John, and in a short time I will beat you clean and there is nothing you can really do about it. Its funny how you are happy to be moving up the ranks by facing me, yet I am simply stepping into my first match here in NWL. You see John you get to stand in the ring with me, your name up in lights with mine, think about it John, you are facing “Yours Truly” the two very words that have built this company into PPV status. For the past four months my nickname has taken over the NWL, and now you get the first crack at taking me down.

(Adam brushes his shoulders off)


“You are a weird one John, you call me a cheater than call me a true wrestler in the next breathe. Forgetful Sam I am, ha you are in trouble fool and you have no clue, because your thick head gives you thoughts of greatness, yet you pathetic body leaves you a mediocre wrestler. I mean you claim you shadow off of me, I can’t blame you I am worth emulating. However realize this as much as you will learn from this defeat I will simply be warming up. Warming up for the bigger match, and yeah I am looking past you, looking past you and straight at the PPV. And John I can do that, because even on my worst day I know I can defeat you. I am not cocky, I am confident, I am proud of what I have done and what I do in the ring. This is not your coming out party, it is just simply Yours Truly’s debut, sucks that you have been chosen to be my first victim. Hey at least you will go into the records as the man Benji defeated first in NWL, there you go John your name is finally important.

(Adam smiles)


“Fans out there do not allow John to fill your head with lies. I am in fact still all of your favorite wrestlers. This is true because I stand for all of you, and not this company, I am not some rat sent out by the man in the suits to perform. This is the beginning, the ride is just starting… See you John…

(Fade to black)
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John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL

[Camera’s fade in as John Doe is standing in front of a NWL backdrop he stands there for a couple seconds, his shirt black with the usual black pants. Cameras are on but John doesn’t seem to notice it.]

Doe: “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts there they are a standing in a row…

Camera Man: Um Mr. Doe……

Doe: “Bid ones, small ones, some as big as your head……”

Camera Man: Mr. Doe!

Doe: WHAT!

Camera Man: We are on the air….


“Oh, I see so, whom am I facing again? Adam Benjamin, there are few men in this business that I respect Adam, you are on the list with two other men, Troy Douglas and Christian Sands. This is ironic though I don’t respect anyone in NWL just in EPW, but lately Adam, my respect for you is slipping. I mean I am starting to have more respect for Jarod Poe than you, to top that off, I am starting to take in the as whopping I received from Jean Rabesque as a lesson. Now I learned a lot in my short few months of wrestling, I learned after leaving the Black Water Mental Institution that maybe this is the place where I feel most comfortable.”

“Listen up Adam and listen well, you come into NWL as though you are the king of the f*cking world. Adam, I don’t care if Medina hand picked you out or if god himself hand picked you out to wrestle in NWL, I just say what I see and what I see is a man that cheats his way to win. Now Adam I may say you are a cheating loser, but that fact still remains that I have respect for you. See Adam I watch you wrestle and although you cheat and whatnot, I still take note about what you perform in the ring. See I mirror myself off you and I have the out most respect for you Adam although most men hate your god d*mn guts.”

“Adam if you think about it we strive for the same thing. See I strive to be the best you do the same, see we both aim for the title as what we want the most, see I have my eye on the title, and I know you definitely have yours on the title as well. See Adam I strive to be the best, and since you are the best Adam, in my eyes, then to beat you shows how d*mn good I really am. I think, no, I know I can beat you, it is predictable, I watch you wrestle and I know what you can do in the ring. Frankly Adam, I think you are too predictable, you the new age technician? Adam I highly doubt that, I think that I am the new age technician, why? Because if you think about it, I am better than you.”

“Adam I think you and I are going to put on one hell of a show. We are going to sell out NWL Combat this week and no one else will. See Adam two great super stars such as ourselves sell tickets, that why they put us two in a match against each other, the “Insane Rookie” versus the “Great”. That is what the fans what to see and that is what sells, what also sells is me winning. See this in not your time Adam, this is my time to shine, see I plane to walk out as a winner and lift you from the canvass to shake your hand.”

“If I dominate this match, which I hope I will, it will show the world how d*mn good John Doe is! See Adam I am not in it for the money or the self-glory, I am in this industry for the one reason, I LOVE THIS JOB! See you think you will pity me or destroy me in the ring because you are “Yours Truly” but there is the opposite end of that statement Adam, I am going to dominate the ring because I am John Doe!”

“See I am a superstar and I am going to reign supreme. Adam I believe that I can defeat you, and I believe that you are going to learn from me and I the same. Adam I know that you will show me a tough match, that you will give me the best match of my career in NWL. So I want you to train your heart out, I want you to condition for this match up because I am going to show you what I can perform in ring.”

“Though I see certain people like to hold the great ones down to make sure they stay the best, I know that if I go the distance in this match it will show my worthiness to the higher-achy of NWL. Adam you are the point where I can actually prove that I can beat anyone at any given time, Adam I plan to prove myself in anyway possible and you my friend are my example. Adam I want you to fight and I want you to bleed, I will give my best to end you, I expect the same form you. Oh if you think you are going to pin me…I tell you one thing…”

“Good f*cking luck”

“This is the time for me to show myself Adam, this is the time for me to shine, I am going to prove myself in front of the world. Adam “I Am Not Just Anyone…I AM John Doe!”

[FADE TO: Black]


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{Fade into Adam Benjamin standing on a pitchers mound at a local Park in Tampa Bay. Adam has a glove in hand as he pitches a strike to a known catcher. As the ball hits the catcher’s mitt Adam begins talking.}


“Right down the middle baby! Ok welcome all to another Yours Truly speaks his mind interview; I am your host “Yours Truly” Adam Benjamin. Today’s topic “Greatness vs. clueless”.

(Adam smiles)


“You see this week in NWL the federation that is all about the Benjamin’s, I am facing a man that is down right out of his mind. You see John Doe looks at himself as an NWL superstar when in reality he is nothing more that a NWL joke. He is a mental case to say the least, and he believes that he is on a level that only he can perform on. Doe also will tell you that there are castles in the sky, and that blue rabbits love to eat gingersnap cookies. You see Doe will tell you anything that cross’s his insane mind, because he is just that insane. Now the only thing this fool ever says that makes any true sense is that he believes I am one of the very best this sport has to offer. I mean thank god you the fans already know that, I mean coming from him you might think it was a made up story. But hey I am Yours Truly you know what I can do in the ring.

(Adam pats his shoulders)


“Now take Doe who claims to be a wrestler, yet to me he is more of an actor, who mastered some moves, a little of the talk, and somewhat of the walk of a wrestler, but never once has he done anything to backed up his talk, yet in every interview he will speak as if he was standing on the top of the mountain, yet in reality he is simply standing in the background peeking through the curtain watching stars like me perform nightly. I mean I would like Doe to tell me one person that is a witness to his superstar status; you know the very status that gives him the right to compare himself in the same sentence with Yours Truly. But I guess he being crazy must be true, I mean he actually thinks that he will win this match this week. Then he calls himself the real new age technician? He is more like the new age dreamer floating on cloud nine drinking rum and coke watching old reruns of Zero that is what he is.

(Adam laughs)


“You see Doe flew over the coo coo’s nest, this week the building will be packed, and the fans will get a chance to watch all their NWL dreams come true, as Yours Truly walks into the ring for the first time. They are coming to see a star such as myself because they know that I bring it every single night. They are not coming out spending there unemployment checks to see a man who defines what a true loser truly is. I mean your very own name mirrors your entire being, and that is an unknown. None of the fans care about you Doe; you are what they are all telling their kids not to be like. You are what is wrong with this country, people like you should be locked up not facing stars like me. You see Doe in the real world people like you don’t belong, but for some reason you are out free, but this week much like “Lenny” I am going to have to put your insane mind out of its misery. This week in my first match I am going to show everyone why Yours Truly is the future of the NWL and at the same time show why John Doe does not belong in the ring, he belongs in a cage or something.

(Adam smiles and waves)


“Fans this has been another wonderful interview conducted by a man that all of you wish you could one day amount to be. Yes I am Yours Truly signing out have a nice day.

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