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NWL Underground: Promo vs. Ronnie Valentine

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New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
NWL Combat: Promo vs. Ronnie Valentine

All roleplays for this match belong in here. Good luck and have fun.


League Member
Nov 22, 2003
Lafayette, Tennessee
You call this Underground?

(FADEIN to a man wearing a solid black mask with white flames shooting upwards from the bottom of it. The mask has no holes for eyes, nose, or mouth. The man holds in his right hand a Singapore Cane and in his left, a championship belt.)

MAN: When the word went out that the NWL was creating a show called Underground, it sent chills down my back.


I'll tell you why. You see this belt?


This is the UXW Heavyweight Championship. That UXW for UNDERGROUND Xtreme Wrestling.

I took this belt as a rookie and was the only man to ever hold it. I tore down a Burger King restaurant in Philadelphia against a man called Rat. That's right, we wrestled INSIDE A DAMNED BURGER KING RESTAURANT!

Now NWL, you want to call your show the Underground, then I'm laying claim to that show. It's my show now.

Ronnie Valentine. You get the privilege of being the first to fall by my hands. The NWL has offered you up to me as a sacrifice, something for me to put my talents on display here in my first match.

Now then, I'll go ahead and get the pleasantries over up front. Ronnie Valentine, I don't know you from Adam. But when you pull those laces up tight and you walk out to that ring, you're going to get to know me real well. You're going to get to know this (Promo slams his Singapore Cane into the wall behind him) cane real well before the night is over.

And then Valentine, I'm going to pin your shoulders to the mat as easy as one.......two......three.

NWL, you brought me here.

Ronnie Valentine will be the first to pay for that mistake.

Promo has arrived.

Let the madness begin.




League Member
Apr 12, 2004
(Fade In. Ronnie Valentine sits at a chair...leaning back looking up.)

WHY! why have I been in these ridiculous matches with ridiculous maniacs? Why? Damnit, first I go against Distributor of Pain...almost win, but lose. Same thing with Hacker. Now them two are looking as if they are gonna be having a huge war in the ring soon. I am stuck here. Oh and Two. Still trying to get my foot in the door. and within the two weeks I have been here...My girl gets stolen by my cousin. Which has caused me to just lose all focus. I demand that my Record gets destroyed and a new one shall be created. From now on I will be focused. I am going against some punk. He thinks he's hot stuff cause he has a mask and ridiculously baggy pants. Well, Mr. Medina if you are watching this, please, for the love of god...make this match a No DQ, falls count anywhere match.

I want to beat the hell out of someone. and Promo...you seem like a good person to start my winning streak with. I have given up all hope on Rosie. Scott has stopped making videos, I can't find her. She is messing up my career, my dad always told me to keep my focus on my passion, and my passions away from my focus. That's what I plan to do.

On the other hand, Mr. Medina, please allow me to take part in any match of your choosing involving Distributor of Pain and Hacker, my two losses, my first two opponents, and my two single most embarassing moments.

I'll be the ref, I'll be the guest ring announcer, I'll be the man in the third corner ready to take them out. I just want to be in it, and let them know that they can only beat me ONCE...

A new, focused Ronnie Valentine has arrived...I will take the NWL by storm.

(a knock is heard at the door.)

excuse me.

(he gets up and walks to the door behind him, still in camera view we see him get hit and fall to the ground. Scott O'Neal is standing there smiling. A large man walks in and grabs Ronnie.

fade out.)


League Member
Nov 22, 2003
Lafayette, Tennessee
Be careful what you wish for.....

(FADEIN to Promo standing inside an empty NWL ring. Only one light in the arena is still on and it is shining directly down into the middle of the ring.)

PROMO: Ronnie Valentine, if I were you, I'd be careful what I wish for (pauses), because you just might get it.

You want a No-Disqualification, No-Countout match with me? The King of the ****ing Underground? Then you're one step closer to being retired than you thought.

You see Valentine, that's the match that I live for. Those are Promo's rules. Nobody can stop me and the match ends only when I decide that it ends.

The insane part of it is that you're actually begging Medina to make this match happen. You don't have to do that, pal, because EVERY match that I'm in is this way.

That's the Underground way!

I'm here NWL, I'm not hiding. Ronnie Valentine is the first lamb of the slaughter, but I guarantee that he will not be the last.

If you're an NWL wrestler, I don't care if you're name is Pulsar, The American, Hacker, or even the legendary Pandorian himself, then you're on notice that you're gonna have to deal with me sooner or later.

Welcome to my world, people, where my madness reigns supreme.

(FADEOUT as the single light goes dim.)


League Member
Apr 12, 2004
(Fade In. Scott O'Neal sits with Ronnie Valentine next to him, tied up. There is a big man behind the two of them. They are looking at something behind the camera. There is music in the back, Scott O'Neal is smiling.)

Scott: She really is beautiful, isn't she Ronnie?

(Ronnie speaks, although his voice is muffled from the cloth covering his mouth, the words are not understandable)

Let him speak.

(the man behind him uncovers his mouth.)

Ronnie: Yeah, she is.

Scott: Yes. Now, Ronnie, you can have her back, under one condition.

Ronnie: What's that?

Scott: Quit the NWL.

Ronnie: What?

Rosie(off screen): Ronnie please.

Scott: Keep dancing.

Ronnie: I can't Scott, I won't.

Scott: Then say goodbye to Rosie.

Ronnie: I'll give you anything, Money...you want money?

Scott: No.

Ronnie: I'll give you anything.

Scott: So let me get this straight. You will give me anything, in exchange for Rosie, and you can keep your NWL career?

Ronnie: Yes.

Scott: Good.

Ronnie: What do you want?

Scott: That (points below Ronnie's waist.)

Ronnie: No way.

Scott: Yes.

Rosie: No.

Scott: Yes.

Ronnie: No.

Scott: Yes.

Ronnie: You mean...cut it...

Scott: Off. Yes.

Ronnie: And I get her back, and I can stay in NWL?

Scott: Yes.

Ronnie: I need it to be with her. and I need it otherwise I will be the laughing stock of the NWL.

Rosie: I will love you either way.

Ronnie: I can't go on without it though, what if things don't work out between us?

Rosie: What? How can you say that?

Ronnie: Well you know.

Rosie: Ugh.

Ronnie: Scott, Give me some time.

Scott: You have the night.

Ronnie: Alright.

(We fade out, then Fade in...It's daylight out.)

Ronnie: I can't do it.

Scott: fine, which one will it be...goodbye Rosie...or goodbye NWL?

Ronnie: I don't know...

(Fade Out...

Tune in to Combat to see if RV will show up, or will he be a no-show and never return to NWL)
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