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Of Strengths and Weaknesses...


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
(OORP: This is also a post for storyline use in General RP.)

(Fadein, the local Gym in Jacksonville, North Carolina, where Mercedes Devon, dressed in a leather wrestling suit (similiar to the one Stratus would wear) and her hair in a tight ponytail and Cruise in his ring attire, are sparring. Despite Cruise's attempts to set her into a submission hold, Mercedes seemingly finds a way to "slither" out everytime into a counter, finally frustrating Cruise to the point where he rolls out of the ring, slamming the apron in disgust. Devon, sitting down on the apron, crosses her arms on the apron, sighs.)

MD: You know you're better than that. I've seen it.

CC: Yeah, I know. Something's bugging me, I just don't know....

MD: It's because I signed you to face Randalls' at On Time isn't it?

CC: Gee...let me think...(Cruise mockingly pauses)..Yeah!!

MD: So what? What difference does it make? You've faced his kind before?

(Cruise shakes his head rolling back in. Mercedes sneaks outside behind him while Cruise sits on his rear, arms wrapped around his legs.)

CC: I've faced a kinda similiar to his before, but not HIM. Facing him is something else. 'Less you forget the whole episode involving him and a friggin' wooden stake? The man is a goddamned LUNATIC!!

MD: (Slowly creeping in behind him) True, but from what I hear, he's been reformed.

CC: Awesome, just awesome. I beat one of the best men in the league and my wife presents me with a reformed MONSTER as my reward. Just what the (BLEEP!) am I suppose to do now?

(Cruise continues to rant for a minute as Mercedes sets herself behind him, from above. Cruise, not seeing Mercedes behind him, stands to his feet.)

MD: Cameron, honey?

(Cruise turns around)

CC: Yes, sweethea--

(Mercedes, now with Cruise's attention grabs both legs of a steel chair, and swings with all her might, at Cruise's head.)


(Cruise crumples to the ground, unconscious. Shaking her head in dissappointment, Mercedes straddles Cruise's stomach to revive him.)

MD: Lesson number one honey: Expect the unexpected.

Fadeout as she continues to revive him.


Jan 1, 1970
(FADEIN: Nothing, but blackness...)

"Expect the unexpected...I suppose your wife is correct, Cameron. For I doubt that you know the nature of the Wolf that will stand across that ring from you in Greensboro. You can watch all the tapes from ten years ago that shows violence that Mark Windham or Eli Flair wouldn't dare subject their bodies or minds to..."

"You can watch the tape from nearly three years ago when I shaved Eddy Love bald..."

"You can watch the tape from one year ago when I showed Tom Adler what it means to be a TRUE champion of this sport...."

"But none of those tapes will prepare you Cameron, none of those tapes will give you one inkling of what MY purpose will be this weekend when I step across the ring from you. You don't know the man that I am anymore...NOBODY does."

"For the five years you've been in this sport, you've begged and pleaded to be taken seriously. You've questioned every promoter and peer why YOU have not been able to take that step from good to GREATNESS."

"I am your path, Cameron...I am your stepping stone. Ten years ago that would've meant that I would stop at NOTHING to shatter your kneecap and tear through every tendon and limb that held your body together..."

"But times change...the man you've known as the Wolf has changed..."

"You want to feel the spotlight? You want to know what its like to be considered one of the GREATS? Fine, Cameron...for I will give you the opportunity to prove yourself. I will NOT impede the accolades and dreams you desire..."

"Just understand that what you want and what you NEED are two different entities...I no longer NEED weapons, I no longer NEED to see your blood..."

"I NEED Salvation...and this weekend, you will help me take one step CLOSER."


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
I realize that your mind is clearly capable of thought deeper than the Grand Canyon, Michael. But, for those of us who are of limited chemical dependency, please let me know if I have this correct...

Conning the owner of the company into letting you compete... UNDER a mask... against a man who had no time to prepare... in a chemically induced rage... is how a TRUE champion goes about things?

And here, all this time, I thought sportsmanship and ability had something to do with it. Who knew.

-Eric Wright


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
Stages of interest.

"Everything seems to be hilarious these days."

(Cruise slowly paces onto a CSWA-pencil-sketched-backdrop. Wearing black jeans, a solid blue shirt, and a backwards Brooklyn Dodgers cap, Cruise pauses to form his words.)

CC: Especially recently, in that of the whole NFW-Allstar Week fiasco. Just a quick summery Mike, before the half-way mark, Steel Viper couldn't give two-(bleep!) about what it is I do or say, or how I conducted things, because I was in the basement of the NFW South Conference.

(Cruise gives a quick chuckle)

CC: Hell, I'm still in the basement of the NFW South Conference. But for a few moments, I had begun to make my way up and towards the top with a few victories, and all of a sudden, Viper's interested. So interested that he challenges me to a match at All-star Week....just after Chris McMillan had made one that intrigued me more.

What did he do? He bawled like a baby until the so-called "Third Quarter" started and got his wish.

A match with me.

Now, see what the difference now is that I just lost to Chris McMillan at All-Star Week.

"The Wolf" Chris McMillan.

Next thing ya know, Cobra-Kai is all high and mighty again, and nothing can bother him at all.

At least that's what he thinks.

See Mike, whether or not he likes it, Steel Viper has got a Reality Check coming to him that he won't like. One that says that the world doesn't revolve around him, and no one will step aside just because he's "3 feet taller and boasts more jungle war stories than Forrest Gump."

Then I'm going beat Viper right there in the middle of the ring where he won't have anymore excuses to make when he gets beat.


Because he won't be conscious enough to make them.

Now, from what I understand, you're not the monster you once were known for, and that you're on a path toward that of Salvation.

The Reformed Lunatic needs Salvation.

Heck, Mike....

(Cruise takes his cap off and rubs his eyes a moment, before putting it back on.)

You don't need me.

You don't need me, Stanley, or any other people you've set your sights on to help you.

Now far beit the fact that I can stand here and tell you what you need, I won't try it. That in itself is your own mission, and I wish you well on your quest.

However, there is just...one...small request I ask of you, Salvation or nil, and that's when we stand toe-to-toe with each other in the ring.

I want to see the TRUE WOLF in your eyes.

You claim that you've found yourself again, and that's wonderful Mike, I applaud you for it.

But, you don't have to see the blood to fight me. You don't even have to use any weapons.

(The camera slowly pans in closer for a close-up shot. Cruise's face turns of thought and concern to that of a controlled anger, his emotions betrayed by the raspiness that has found it's way into his voice.)

Just give me the wolf.

I want...THE WOLF.



Jan 1, 1970
(FADEIN: Darkness, nothingmore...)

"I don't need summaries, Cameron. I'm watching, I'm ALWAYS watching..."

"I want the Wolf..."

a small laugh is heard...

"It's not like the words haven't been spoken before, its not like your life history, or your wrestling career deems the statement more important to the grand schemes of life, the path of Mike Randalls, or the lessons of Cameron Cruise."

"You're only a student, Cameron. You're full of questions, you're full of uncertainty. Your vision remains clouded for you do not have the knowledge required to possess an immovable faith within yourself - mind, body and spirit."

"This should not dishearten you, Cameron. Men like Shane Southern, Dan Ryan and Hornet still fight to cultivate their identities, to understand their final purpose, to KNOW where their end lies and the means it will take to reach the destination."

"You want a man that does not exist. You look at the Mike Randalls of three years ago as a bar for your future success? What have I done, Cameron? I've done nothing, but destroy this sport for ten years. There was no good coming out of my decisions, my style of wrestling nor the way I conducted myself..."

"You see titles, victories and accolades as a measure of your success. You, like Chris McMillan think that by simply honoring the past that you will have a shot of success in the future."

"The TRUTH is that it is those that have learned from the past will succeed in the future. This sport evolves every day, nothing remains the same."

"I don't mind you calling me a lunatic, Cameron - I've earned that stigma, but don't mistake the man coming to Greensboro as someone defeated, nor thinking blindly. Don't mistake myself for a man that's questioning his role in this sport, or in that ring."

"You don't know who the Wolf was, Cameron...you don't know who the Wolf is...and you don't know who the Wolf will be..."

"It is only a name, it is only a myth...that you SEEK."

A match lights, a candle is lit...'THE WOLF' MIKE RANDALLS sits in a lotus position of a black draperied room - his eyes closed in thought...

"The reality check will be in that ring, Cameron - where all you've said, all you've promised and all you say you believe will be put to trial against myself..."

RANDALLS' eyes open, the flame flickering into his emerald eyes...

"You can summarize my career, you can summarize your state of affairs. The words you speak are unwise and unimaginative. For if you wanted 'The Wolf'...if you wanted the eyes...it would require something you don't have..."

"A blackened heart."

"I come to Greensboro with the best of intentions for yourself, Cameron. I only hope that what you learn in that ring, that what I try to teach you will not be lost..."

"I am no longer the guillotine nor the executioner of this sport, nor will I play the role of heartless assassin..."

"Nor will I listen to your thoughtless meandering and vanilla pandering...in the end, Cruise - we all get what we earn...you have earned a lesson..."

"I only hope through my teachings, I someday shall earn Salvation."



Jan 1, 1970
TWhitefield said:
I realize that your mind is clearly capable of thought deeper than the Grand Canyon, Michael. But, for those of us who are of limited chemical dependency, please let me know if I have this correct...

Conning the owner of the company into letting you compete... UNDER a mask... against a man who had no time to prepare... in a chemically induced rage... is how a TRUE champion goes about things?

And here, all this time, I thought sportsmanship and ability had something to do with it. Who knew.

-Eric Wright

RANDALLS: (grinning, nodding his head) "Simply because that would be the only way to get Tommy in the ring, Eric. Or am I forgetting the Ten Commandments of Adler? Thou shalt not book me against Randalls...and here I thought, you'd know better. As for conning Merritt...(shrugs) He came to me."


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Katz said:
RANDALLS: (grinning, nodding his head) "Simply because that would be the only way to get Tommy in the ring, Eric. Or am I forgetting the Ten Commandments of Adler? Thou shalt not book me against Randalls...and here I thought, you'd know better. As for conning Merritt...(shrugs) He came to me."

Ummm, it was Merritt who said Adler couldn't wrestle you or Hornet. Not us.

The same Merritt who came to you out of desparation. Desperation that you took advantage of to TRY to get what you've never been able to in the past... a REAL win over the man.

At any rate, you can continue your 74th quest for a redemption that DOESN'T come with an Eli Lilly lable on the bottle with Cruise at your liesure. Just leave us out of it.

-Eric Wright


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
"Something wrong with being a student, Mike?"

(Fadein to Cruise walking down a sidewalk that runs through a park, where childeren play.)

CC: I've always been about testing myself and improving on my abilities, not just as an athlete in the ring, but as a person out of it. Now that part I'm not going to even get into but the point is, is that either way, I'm always about improving myself, having a belt or not isn't anywhere near an issue.

Evidently you can even be the President of the United States, and still (bleep!) up once and awhile. Fact of the matter is Mike, is that belt on the line or not...I'm always testing myself.

Titles, victories and accolades are how I measure my success? What are you stoned?

For one, the only title I've held around here is the Presidential and I'm not EVEN going to go into that. Next off...Unless beating you is considered something of an achievement, which according to you, it isn't....I look at it like this, and it's very simple.

You're not the lunatic that everyone including myself thinks you to be and that's okay, because you claim not to need blood or weapons anymore to beat someone senseless.

Geez Mike, ain't that somethin' of a concept?

Yeah, I first thought of facing you as something of a dream, but then (snaps fingers) , it's reality-check time pal. Sooner or later I was going to face you and at that time, it was going to be the same way things are now.

I know what you're capable of Mike, and I've seen what you've ALREADY done, but you know what else? None of it bothers me.

Because ever since I first started watchin' you, I've wanted to see what it was like to step in the ring against a man like you.

Now I have that chance and I ain't gonna hold anything back. However, you're probably right in the fact that I don't know who the wolf was.

It's fine that you don't want to be the heartless assassin you once were Mike, that's your choice.

But I'm telling you Mike Randalls, if you don't show me at least some kinda of SUBSTANCE of what you once were in Greensboro, North Carolina?

Then I guess that just makes you a poor...pathetic...little bastard of what you're going to be. Now, that I'm sure wasn't made to piss you off, and it doesn't have to.

But class has just rang into session Mike, and it'll only be a matter of time before we see which one gets to stay after for "Detention".

That...Mike Randalls, is a Reality Check....that you just....won't....like.




Jan 1, 1970
TWhitefield said:
Ummm, it was Merritt who said Adler couldn't wrestle you or Hornet. Not us.

The same Merritt who came to you out of desparation. Desperation that you took advantage of to TRY to get what you've never been able to in the past... a REAL win over the man.

At any rate, you can continue your 74th quest for a redemption that DOESN'T come with an Eli Lilly lable on the bottle with Cruise at your liesure. Just leave us out of it.

-Eric Wright

RANDALLS: "Y'know what? I find that to be quite laughable considering our match is the reason he's going after Hornet. Something about Merritt breaking rules, right? And don't tell me I've AVOIDED Adler since New Orleans - last I checked, he kept a personal restraining order, not myself. Fear is ugly, Wright...especially when I've got to argue semantics with you instead of Tom, himself coming out here and saying something for himself...but hey, I'll tell you what... Instead of being Tom's mouthpiece, just be the messenger...any time he wants me back in that ring, I'll put up my CSWA career versus NOTHING. That's right, all Tommy has to do is put my shoulders to the mat for three seconds and I'm out of here and not another word..."

"...otherwise, go throw stones at other glass houses. Cause frankly, either Adler will want a rematch or he won't..."

"Either way, my point will be proven...that Adler CAN'T beat me or he's just afraid to try."


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Katz said:
RANDALLS: "Y'know what? I find that to be quite laughable considering our match is the reason he's going after Hornet. Something about Merritt breaking rules, right? And don't tell me I've AVOIDED Adler since New Orleans - last I checked, he kept a personal restraining order, not myself. Fear is ugly, Wright...especially when I've got to argue semantics with you instead of Tom, himself coming out here and saying something for himself...but hey, I'll tell you what... Instead of being Tom's mouthpiece, just be the messenger...any time he wants me back in that ring, I'll put up my CSWA career versus NOTHING. That's right, all Tommy has to do is put my shoulders to the mat for three seconds and I'm out of here and not another word..."

"...otherwise, go throw stones at other glass houses. Cause frankly, either Adler will want a rematch or he won't..."

"Either way, my point will be proven...that Adler CAN'T beat me or he's just afraid to try."

Our match had nothing to do with Hornet in any way other than opening the door to something that was destined to happen eventually anyway.

Why? Because Hornet's the only one left.

Face it, Mike, you were used by Merritt. Used because he THOUGHT you could succeed where others have failed.

Had you walked out with the US Title that night, I would have NEVER gotten Hornet. I would have had no grounds to push for it.

But, you didn't. For the record, I don't take any more pride in how I walked out with my belt than you did in how you walked out of New Orleans.

Nothing has ever been settled between us, Mike. And there have been a lot of forces behind that fact. But, rest assured, our day is coming.

Oh, just for the sake of tossing this out to the marks that actually care... those who buy into the "Adler can't beat me" schtick may wanna remember one thing...

I wasn't the one who needed the winner of the Sore Loserman award to knock out his opponent for a win... and I wasn't the one screaming like a sixteen year old girl at a Friday the 13th all night marathon at the end.

I've never had anything but respect for you, Mike. Let's keep it that way, ok?



Jan 1, 1970
RANDALLS: "If you had respect for me, Tom...you'd wouldn't deliver such a bull**** line after all you just said. If you had respect for me, Tom...you'd denounce what Eric Wright just said...cause the last time I checked, you wrestled that match 15 minutes knowing full well who was in that ring. Chemically induced rage? This is who you have working for you? This is what you call respect?""

"And if YOU want to show me respect by insinuating I cried like a 16year old girl...that's fine, Tom...just remember that after 'crying,' I didn't take too much time standing on my own two legs to finish you off cause your decision to agree to the ending of May Maelstrom...well, it bit you in the ass...but its those decisions that have made you who you are - nobody can take that away."

"Our rematch never happening wasn't about me. You shoved a shotgun down my throat in an attempt to make me quit, Tom...and not even THAT worked."

"If you had respect for YOURSELF, you would've walked right back into that ring the week after New Orleans."

"I could go into the logistics of the ending of Anaheim, Tom and what it meant...but where would that get you? Cause honestly, Anaheim was fun for me...I gotta say you did give me one of the better workouts in my last 6 months. Its just too bad your friends had to pull you out before the fun could really start."

"As for succeeding where others have failed - Tom, if I wanted that US Title that night, I would've told Merritt to keep security tight. The problem is and always will be the fact that you're always on the defensive and never thinking ahead..."

"See, I'm not back for titles. I'm back for this sport, Tom. I'm back and I don't care what night, who it is - the fact is I don't need to 'prepare' for you, Hornet, Flair, Windham or anyone else in this league."

"I know what I'm capable of, I know that the path of my future will have more to say than your petty attempt at finding some semblance of closure in what's become a trainwreck of your career."

"Look at yourself, Tom...look at your priorities deeply, think what you represent. And tell me that you believe you've got what it takes to mean anything any longer. Then ask yourself are you just saying that because you refuse to admit error, or you forsaking a title, Shane Southern and now pouring pain pills down Hornet's throat is out of respect..."

" I'll say it once more...you don't need to tell me when, you don't even need to tell me what kind of match..."

"You don't have what it takes to put these shoulders to the mat for three seconds, Tom. What you saw in New Orleans pales in comparison to the passion I have now. And anytime you want to learn the eternal lesson...I'll teach you why learning from the past defeats a life spent living in it."


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Michael, since you seem to be in your typical delusional state, let me clarify a number of things for you.


Eric Wright doesn't work for me. He has a working agreement with Maxwell Diamond to do press work for the <> X-Change. Nothing more. Nothing less.

His views are his own. And, in his own words, he calls things as he sees them. If you have issues with his visions of your dimentia, take it up with him. But, in his defense, let's not pretend you've been even close to mentally stable the last, oh, ten years of your life?

But then, nobody ever said you need to be in this industry to be successful.


If you wanna buy into the "I had it coming after Maelstrom" line of BS, fine. I was there. You weren't.

You weren't there when the boys in the back were b!+tching that two men who hadn't done jack squat in six months were headlining the biggest show in the fed's history.

You weren't there when we all had to sit and watch two men with more rust than the titanic put on a 1/2 star match.

And you weren't there when Stu was told three weeks ahead of time about the awards ceremony and was asked to prepare a speach and couldn't be bothered with it and still wondered WHY he looked like such an a$$.

Ruined Maelstrom? Pal, I saved it. I took a card destined to be totally forgetable and turned it into something that people are STILL talking about NINE years later. So before you criticize somebody for THEIR insights, you may wanna re-evaluate your own.


If Shane Southern has a gripe with how I won the US Title, he knows how to find me. Last I checked, he doesn't. Why? Because he knows what I said that night was right. We don't like each other, and that's exactly why Merritt put us together.

I'm NOT a team player, Mike. Never claimed to be. Never cared to be. Southern and I were both better off without me there. And, frankly, his career is better for it.

He knows that we'll settle up sooner or later. Apparently, he's not concerned with it. I suggest you have no reason to be either.

And finally... I don't think ahead? I need to consider what my priorities are? <laughs>

Think about this for one second, Mike, and decide whether or not youc are to repeat this statement.

I walked into this company two years ago. Into a company I've despised for the better part of my career. Why? Because CERTAIN people decided that there wasn't ROOM for me in their federation.

So, I took Steve Thomas up on his offer... with two thoughts in mind.

One? Make that phone ring. And I knew EXACTLY who I wanted on the other end.

Two? I wanted Hornet.

And, on that night two years ago, I was told NEITHER was a possibility.

What a difference a couple of years makes, huh?

Priorities? They're EXACTLY where they've been all along.

And clearly I thought far enough ahead to not only GET what I wanted... but to know who was the key to both of 'em.

See ya around, Mike.



Jan 1, 1970
RANDALLS: "Things are crystal clear to me, Tom..."

"You're still avoiding my challenge while crying about the past."

"See me around? I've heard that since New Orleans, Tom...just seems that line isn't true unless I don a mask and hop into that ring without your knowledge beforehand."

"Go get Hornet, Tom...I've learned a long time ago that while you can talk yourself out of a bag...not anytime soon are you gonna choose to fight your way out of one. And I'm sure if Hornet puts your shoulders to the mat you'll have a mouthful to explain the clarity of it all to us delusional folk...instead of accepting the fact that you weren't good enough to beat him..."

"The wrestling ring, Tom...that's all that matters...that's where EYE want to settle things and whenever you find the free time again, just say the word...cause you know that's all I'll ever need."

"In the meantime, to CLARIFY how this won't keep happening and waste ALL of our time...just tell Diamond to keep 'his' reporter on a leash and tell yourself that I'm a patient man, so, if you want to avoid it another five years, be my guest...frankly, I've got more important things to worry about then why you're still chicken**** over me."

"Get in the ring with me, or shut the (BLEEP) up Adler..."

"Cause the more you act like a pu(BLEEP!), the more everyone will think you're a pu(BLEEP!). Clear enough for ya?"


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Interresting... you start dropping MY name to get yourself over for a match with a guy I've already beaten and now you think that I need to shut up.

You complain I don't do my own talking, yet backpeddle that you have nothing to say to me when I do.

But, then again, it's not like you've ever had clarity of thought to know what you really want anyway.

Let's set one thing straight for the record, though.

Neither one of us asked for the match in New Orleans, as I recall. It was signed for us. And neither one of us was around the AAWC very long after that.

Now, as for here? If agreeing to a contract stipulation that I wouldn't challenge a guy who, frankly, hasn't wrestled enough over the last two years to be WORTH challenging is suggestive to you that I'm somehow afraid to get in the ring with you, fine, you go on believing that.

Lord knows your dance card is so full up with important matches now that you hardly have a moment to worry about what I think anyway, right?

Tell ya what... if you're not busy laying on a couch somewhere or climbing some sacred mountain in Tibet looking for redemption to a soul you've never had, come see me after Anniversary 15.



League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Katz said:
just tell Diamond to keep 'his' reporter on a leash

My my. The All mighty Wolf has Freedom Of The Press issues.

You and everybody else.

I'll make it easy for you, Mr. Randalls. If you have a problem with the way I report on your career, write your editor. If it's a lie, call your lawyer and sue me.

I've been sued before for a lot juicier stories than your psychiatric care. It's not like it's a well kept secret.

Otherwise, I suggest you and Tom Cruise sit down over mochacinno's somewhere and just accept that the truth hurts.

-Eric Wright


Jan 1, 1970
TWhitefield said:
Tell ya what... if you're not busy laying on a couch somewhere or climbing some sacred mountain in Tibet looking for redemption to a soul you've never had, come see me after Anniversary 15.


RANDALLS: "Now, we're getting somewhere Tom. Consider it signed on my end and sent to Merritt."


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
MDEVON: Gentlemen, or lately as I've seen, LADIES, perhaps you should concentrate at the match you have scheduled at hand, instead of three-four weeks in the future?

Just a thought.

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