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Old Roleplayer finding eW again!

Joshua Powell

League Member
Dec 23, 2015
Arvada, Colorado, USA
Hello everyone, my name is Joshua Powell, and I'm a former roleplayer from the days of theAsylum, aWc and before. I've recently began a new desk job, and in looking to fill the time I was wondering if this little hobby of ours still existed. Then I thought, of course it does... let's see if fWrestling still exists! There it was, in all of its glory, with a lot of new and even some of the old feds I remember reading. In searching the site, my attention was caught by Legacy of Champions, which was just coming into its own when I stepped away. It looks to be the big dog now, in the same vein of fWo or CWL from years past. Anyway, I am very impressed with the skill level of not only the writing but the graphic work, and will be following LoC.

Truth be told, I'm starting to get the bug again. I've been an independent wrestler for the past 14 years, and with a new baby on the horizon, that dream is most likely coming to an end. This might just be the thing I need for my sports entertainment fix, so I look forward to writing with some of you again soon. Happy fedding everyone.

Joshua Powell

League Member
Dec 23, 2015
Arvada, Colorado, USA
Gacy and Oswald(Fall of Adam) are the most notable characters I handled. Mostly in aWc and for a short time in Asylum. I also handled Fait Accompli in Asylum for a bit, and spent the majority of my RP career handling Rome in a promotion called NAWA.


Mar 5, 1998
Pompano Beach, FL
Gacy and Oswald(Fall of Adam) are the most notable characters I handled. Mostly in aWc and for a short time in Asylum. I also handled Fait Accompli in Asylum for a bit, and spent the majority of my RP career handling Rome in a promotion called NAWA.

That's it, right there. You're talking Ike's aWc, right? I handled Rune Winters.


League Member
Feb 18, 2016
Yes sir. I'm working on all my backstory right now. Are you guys accepting applications through the tryout?

Hey Josh, long time. I believe I was handling Jay Jaxxen in the aWc days. I think, if I remember correctly, last time we spoke your were just starting to train for wrestling, glad to see it worked out for a little while.

Anyways, glad to see your back in the game, I recently jumped back on the horse as well. And as far as LoC goes, it's definitely one of the best.

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