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Old School Poll


Jan 1, 2000
upstate NY
Yeah. Why not? With all of the "new faces" around these parts and for maybe a refresher on who is who, etc...

1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

2.) School / Occupation

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

Thanks for participating. Lets keep this fun train rolling.


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

TH/30/Suburban Philly

2.) School / Occupation

Corrosion control engineer

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

In my day, I was known as a uniter among the A1/FW/PTC circles. Depending on where I was, those characters would include Jerichoholic Anonymous, Maggot, Captain Suleimon, the Phantom Republican, Michael Bastard or Cowboy Jimmy Donovan

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Dan West, because he created a ton of characters out of nothing but his own mind with a family and menagerie at home (the family including the challenge of raising a child with special needs)

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

POWERMASTER vs. Professor Tremendous

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Stone Temple Pilots

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?


8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

Interpretive Dance


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Josh. Missouri. Old enough.

2.) School / Occupation

Missouri State. I'm an interrogator by trade... taking a break for finishing school (bachelors in political science).

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

The Sergeant. EPW. Also A1E and TEAM... Ran Midwest Championship Wrestling for a cup of coffee.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?'

The creative and writing aspects since my return a few weeks back. When I was active 5-10 years ago, it was because I loved wrestling.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Santinoholic Anonymous make his long-awaited debut against Dan Ryan.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Jurassic 5. Drunken Tiger.Talib Kweli. Mos Def. I'm a hip hop head

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I still watch and am involved in wrestling. Do some work for former WWE writer Chris Gough in Kansas City from time to time and work with Harley Race, too. Ring announcing and booking duties in the past. Also put on a show in St. Louis. Thought the Lesnar vs Cena and Bryan/Sheamus matches at Extreme Rules were dope.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

I prefer telepathic.


Jan 1, 2000
upstate NY
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?
Paul Brisbin / 32 / north of Albany, NY

2.) School / Occupation
Marketing/Merchandising for local retail chain

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?
Most active in these here parts. Handled Havoc in HEW, SCW, CSWA and CWL, "Mighty" Ric Samson along the way, Cyrus and Max Blackshire mainly in SCW/GXW/EPW. Fun stint with Ice Tre.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?
There's a handful. Most of whom are the guys I've known and worked with, on and off, for close to 15 years. They know who they are. Was blessed to be involved in the hobby during what I view as its peak to date and have seen some of the very best debut, improve, and excel. Very cool to see so many of them active now, even if it IS just for this tournament alone.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?
For purely selfish reasons: Havoc vs Zero in 2012

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster
The Beatles

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?
I follow WWE and have a lazy eye on TNA. More intrigued by independent wrestling these days. Local NY promotions like IYFW or even CT in CTWE. On a larger scale, obviously, Chikara and ROH. I feel more times than not that the indy shows are more fun.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!
No habla anglais.


League Member
Apr 12, 2012
varies depending upon the week
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Andy / 31 / Currently traveling across Ireland, teach full-time in West Virginia, spending my summer back home in Louisiana and also teaching in Maine and Vermont in the second half

2.) School / Occupation

photographer and professor

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Zero… For anything beyond maybe a single post, I participated in HEW, CSWA, CWL, and fWo in the late 90's to early 00's

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Paul Brisbin and Jamar Short… because they write awesome characters and are great friends to chat with and bounce ideas off of.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Zero vs Havoc, the FINAL final rematch

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

It's pretty eclectic… all sorts of stuff. Was recently into Sleigh Bells.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

Not really, no. Every so often, some coworkers and I will turn it on during a Monday night gathering, mute it, and chat about school stuff.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

invisible words


League Member
Apr 7, 2012
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Scott Williams / 25 / Toronto, Ontario

2.) School / Occupation


3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Showtime and Proteus (the tag team known as D-T) and a host of related characters.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

I respect Ern for his longevity and dedication... and for the fact that when something like ULTRATITLE happens he'll pull me in, although I'm still not ready to go back to a permanent fed.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Showtime vs. Proteus (gasp!)

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

It, I, uh... here: http://soundoftheweek.blogspot.com

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I do, somehow not burnt out on it yet... I've loved watching the rise of guys like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan in WWE, and Jericho.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

Limericks. The best RPs are Limericks.


League Member
Jun 1, 2007
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Brian P / 33 / New Jersey

2.) School / Occupation

I fix problems. Specifically with computers.

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Christian Light is most known, here for his brief run in Team's ToC and elsewhere as the primary championship winner. I mostly stuck to the NeWA/WfWA/NWC/CAL interfed circle, but I did occasionally step out of the circle with Black Zack Andrews and Xavier Langston.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Anyone who runs a fed for more than a month.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Jeff Andrews vs. The Word Filter. ****ing filter.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Iron Maiden

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

Yes. WWE/TNA definitely, RoH if it were on TV. I do surf the net for PW:G and other New York/New Jersey indies when possible.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Shinder / 27 (in a couple of weeks) / Amsterdam, NY

2.) School / Occupation

Sports reporter

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Troy Douglas. Cut my teeth mainly in FWC feds (EPW, GXW/GWE), but spent a long time over in A1E and even ventured over to PRIME for a couple of years.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

That's a LONG list, but off the top of my head I'll go with Brunk for being a guy who's done top-notch work as both a handler AND a fedhead while balancing both.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Whoever wins the ULTRATITLE vs. Nova

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Based on what's playing in my car right now, Pink Floyd.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I'm on-and-off with WWE, try to keep up with the indies. Planning on being at CHIKARA's show in Syracuse next month, and I'll be at the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame induction ceremony this Saturday — but that's because it's here in Amsterdam and its my job to be there.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!


User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

pete/32/Displaced New Yorker

2.) School / Occupation

corporate whore

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Depending on the community I'm best known for Eli Flair, Impulse, or Dez Aragon. Also, Poison Ivy.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Siegel, because he's our little brother that we constantly beat up on but he never gives up and keeps coming back with another strong push.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

For me - Eli Flair vs. Dr Silver

For everyone else - Triple X vs. Hornet

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster


7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

Very old wrestling (1970s-1990s) plus CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, plus I check out anything Holzerman really raves about.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

Internal monologue about trash talking


El Gringo Loco
Feb 27, 2008
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Ernie P (No relation to Brian) / 30 / Michigan

2.) School / Occupation

Political Campaigner

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

I'm not really known for my characters. I'm more known for starting Efed Guerillas with Jorden and Jesse. But I used to be sort of known for Pat Gordon/running eWu around here and I'm sort of known for Max Hopper/running INFINITE Wrestling around EWZine.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Anyone who writes and keeps creativity alive.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Max Hopper vs. Shawn Hart, hair vs. hair

Frank Hendrix vs. Justin Voss

Larry Tact vs. Rage (Scott Riktor)

Suicide vs. Triple Cross

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?


8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

Either, as long as it pertains to wrestling.


League Member
Apr 12, 2008
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Jeff/30/Splitting my time between Baltimore, MD, and Braxton County, WV

2.) School / Occupation

I work landscaping.

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

CAL interfed from 01-05, WfWA from 06-10, DEFIANCE ever since.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Anyone who can be consistently good at the game without having baggage of either the emotional or tempermental variety. Brian P, who handles Christian Light, is one of those. And two guys named Raf and Tony who have never handled here or handled anyone whom most of you've heard of (Raf was Big D & Impact, Tony was Freddy Phoenix and Eduardo Domingo).

Justin's an honorable second, but he's about as defective as I am. It's just that our strengths cancel each other's defects and make a pretty good fed running tandem.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Team Danger vs The Untouchables, with everyone in the match at their best.

Eric Dane/Stephen Greer/Christian Light/Tyrone Walker/London Freemantle vs Jeff Andrews/Kai Scott/Heidi Christenson/Ronnie Long/Brad Andrews

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Um. I don't really have one single favorite band. However, Dog Fashion Disco is the only band that has ever released an album where I like every single track (Committed to a Bright Future), so ups to them.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I follow Chikara and Dragon Gate, that's it. I've been a fan of fast paced wrestling ever since I started watching - it was WCW's luchadors that got me hooked on pro wrestling, specifically Psychosis and his kickass mask - and so I can't stand the WWE style. TNA is so stupid I've made a deliberate effort to ignore everything about them, and I loathe shootfighting so I loathe ROH.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

As long as it's not audio RPs I'm happy.

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Mike Stanton/35/Just outside of Boston

2.) School / Occupation

Poker dealer, waiting for the casinos to open in Mass.

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Doc Silver/Bloodhunt/The First FWC, A1E, had a cup of coffee in PRIME

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Brunk cause he tolerates my tomfoolery.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Never happening nonsense - CSWA World Champion Doc Silver losing the belt to Eli Flair. (Stop calling him Dr. Pete, he's been Doc since forever.)

Dream match that didn't get made- Back when they held the EPW and NFW World Titles, Sean Stevens Vs JTP. It was like Mayweather-PacMan that the match didn't happen.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster


7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

Yes, Daniel Bryan/CM Punk, Mark Henry.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

I prefer misinterpretations of statements.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I feel like I may have done one of these before :)....

1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Kent/33 (on Saturday)/Delaware

2.) School / Occupation


3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Blade....eventually went by his real name Kendall Codine (who I have entered in this tournament). The CSWA was my first organization and from there, HEW, SCW, CWL, TCW (ran it with Brisbin/Bloxham), and GXW.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

EZ....I was fortunate enough to get accepted into the CSWA as my very first organization. Initially, I had not clue what I was doing. I was luck enough to have EZ act as my mentor during that time and provide me with a ton of guidance in developing my character and roleplays. I also have a great deal of respect for Mark Vizzacharo (also provided a lot of help in the beginning), Brisbin, Bloxham, Jamar, Pete, Warren, Ed Brown, Dave Brunk, Patrick Shutt, etc....the list could go on for miles. These are all guys that I've worked with throughout the years and they've hand a hand in helping develop my character and style over that time.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Deacon vs. Blade....it happened a long time ago in the CSWA and I've always felt that Deacon has been the polar opposite of Codine. Plus, I really enjoyed rp'ing against Warren.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster


7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

Off and on....I'll be honest, I lost a ton of interest in it after I worked the indy circuit for a few years myself. I wrestled on the indy circuit for the earlier part of the decade. I actually got to bring my character to life in the real ring.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

It all depends on who is doing what style. If it fits the character, then I enjoy reading it.


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?
Voss / 30 / I live an hour west of Melbourne, Australia

2.) School / Occupation
IT Senior Problem Manager

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?
For circles sakes I'm probably better known in angle communities and a bit in PTC as well.

Characters: J. Leslie Voss/Justin Voss/American Panda, "the Raging Fear" August Monday, Brock Shepherd, "Normal" John Johnson

Over time I've created well over 100 characters, I'm sure of it, and I could probably name most them, too, but that's a different thread altogether.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?
I respect the guys who make it possible to play the game. People like Chad, Ross (Argyle) & Katz who maintained things people enjoy for a long time and not only do it for their own enjoyment but for the fact that it brings other people fun as well. The people who make this game possible.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?
Kellen Kinkade v. killjoy - two characters who have intrigued me immensely.

Characters I'D love to work with (again)?
Frank Dylan James
Neige Thirteen
Mark Maverick

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster
I'm a pretty eclectic guys when it comes to music. I love original stuff but if it were made that I could only listen to one artist again I'd force Mike Patton and Nick Cave to have a cage match to the death to see who I should listen to.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?
I've been getting back into it again watching RAW. I'm a CHIKARA Pro fan and am left to the devices of CHIKARA Podcast-A-Go-Go for most of my wrestling enjoyment. Katz recently got me into Kevin Steen so I've been following him around like a bad smell, too.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!
Who cares to be honest? I mean, as long as you're doing it the right way and having fun and not taking away from other people's fun I don't care if you're doing abstract art, prose, teleplay or video RPs to get your guy over.

Not to mention entertaining me. Entertain me or GTFO!


New member
Mar 6, 2012
South Carolina
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?


2.) School / Occupation

restaurant business

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

'Big Time' Michael Gettis(HEW/CSWA/TCW/many many more), Darkness/Youth of the Nation(SCW)

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

I respect anyone who dares to do things different and actually do it well.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

don't really have one

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

too many to name...a little bit of everything

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I might stop on wrestling while i am flipping through the channels but thats about it. It's not interesting to me now a days.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

a mixture of both


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Billy, 28, Long Island

2.) School / Occupation


3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Castor Strife, Peter Windham, Layne Winters. Started on Prodigy in UWA, now most active in NFW.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Anyone with the power to put me over (see #2). Currently it's whoever's judging Bracket 2 of Ultratitle.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Me vs. all my friends!

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Whatever the Bracket 2 judges like is my favorite.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I read Holzerman's blog and Lords of Pain, and if something interesting happened I catch it on YouTube. Still watch a lot of old school stuff - looking to buy ECW Hardcore Television DVD sets. Right now I like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Bobby Roode, James Storm, and uh...not too much else. I miss the days when wrestling didn't come off as so meticulously scripted and performers had a little more breathing room in terms of matches and promos.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

I like good narrative that is germane to the hobby. I like trash talk that is witty and readable. Given these two statements, what would you say are the chances that I read anything in the Zero vs. El Gordo Grande thread, short of them both getting plugged twice in the head?


League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
1.) Patrick / 37 / Vancouver, BC

2.) Library guy

3.) Showtime from the WWA, since around November 2000, though I think I handled him starting March of that year. The other Showtime (scotto) has been around just about as long, and hope he bears me no ill will

4.) This many people working for free towards a thing they enjoy.

5.) What kind of match or a pair of handlers going at it? If the former, an e-fed version of the Crockett Cup/King of the Trios. As for the latter, Iyou probaly never heard of them

6.) Weird Al Yankovich

7.) Stopped watching after Benoit. Only just rejoined efedding last July after a five year hiatus

8.) La Parka
Last edited:


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?
-Jamar Short, *sigh* 31, DC/MD/VA(it's all the same)

2.) School / Occupation
- Food and Beverage General Manager

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?
"Triple X" Sean Stevens, mainly in this circle(CSWA, SCW, EPW, TCW), but I've done the CWL, fWo angle fed thing also.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?
- Paul Brisbin, Andy Bloxham, Pete Russo in no particular order. More than anyone, those guys have influenced my style, helped me get better, and have been good to me for about 14yrs.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?
- Havoc vs. Zero 2012 would be pretty amazing, because I know how awesome those matches were back in the day, and how much Paul and Andy would put into making them better than all the others.

- Stevens vs. JTP - Stanton made a great point. Even though there was a match, there wasn't a match. If one guy was number one, the other was 1a. There was a time where both men dominated their respective federations for years, and it would've probably been the closest thing to a Pacquiao/Mayweather fight if there was one. Just as long as you all agree that Trip is Mayweather. ;)

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster
- I've been told that I'm gay for Jay-Z. Judge me. See if I care.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?
- I follow it, but can't get through a show without nodding off. I usually DVR it and get through it. It usually takes about three days. But, I've been to the last two Wrestlemanias... and, plan on making it three since next year's is in NY/NJ, which is only 3hrs away.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!
- the fuck you mean just kidding!? Let's deal with this... Trash Narrative.

Thanks for participating. Lets keep this fun train rolling.


New member
Jan 1, 2000
Raton, NM
1. Bob Morris / 40 / Raton, NM

2. Sports Editor, The Raton Range

3. On Prodigy Classic, Rocky Ford Meloneer was my most well-known character and he has since gone on to become "Dead End" Derek Martin, my most well-known character at the JTF Squaretable. As for FWrestling.com, that would be "The Hero" Marcus Johnson. Of course, I'm somebody who has had more characters than I can keep track of. These days, I'm active in JTF Squaretable, but who knows -- I may return to FWrestling if time permits.

4. Prodigy Classic: Chad Merritt for keeping CSWA going as long as he did, Bob Burkevics for running a fun fed in NWCI, Joe Keeney for doing a good job with WWL.

FWrestling: Merrit for keeping CSWA going even longer, Erik Zieba, Dave Brunk and Chad Dupree (God rest his soul) for some great times in GXW.

JTF Squaretable: Mike Beeby for keeping the UWF going since 1996, Chris Blue for a heck of a run with EMWC and bringing back old-school territory wrestling in the form of the AWA.

5. If I was to look at dream matches, I'd be thinking about pairing FWrestling vets against JTF Squaretable vets. Here's a few examples:

Mike Randalls vs. Serge Annis: Both are "monster" characters who have been known for heinous deeds and can be pretty intimidating -- and both are excellent characters.

Doc Silver vs. Luke Kinsey: Two kings of trash talking going head to head. It would be a great showcase of who could get the best one liner.

Joey Melton vs. Juan Vasquez: Two unique characters who are filled with one-liners and quips, each trying to outdo the other.

Dan Ryan vs. Alex Martinez: Two strong characters who can play either face or heel effectively and can knock it out of the park with their RPs.

6. Got quite a few, although most are not current artists. Faves would be Def Leppard, Pat Benatar, The Eagles, Seal, Tom Petty, Billy Joel, Pink Floyd, Tears for Fears, Bruce Springsteen -- the list goes on.

7. Nope. WWE Creative can sometimes hit a moment that gets everybody excited, but can never figure how to properly follow it up. TNA is even worse when it comes to looking at the long-term picture. ROH barely registers with me. I do like catching up on wrestling from the past, so I will occassionally buy WWE DVDs, but that's it.

8. Morse Code.

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