Question for your feedback...
One team is run by one handler.
One team is run by two handlers handling one character each.
First RP: Two handler team - handler A (one character written for)
Second RP: One handler team (full team roleplay)
As the deadline approaches, the same handler from the two handler team posts a roleplay just as handler B is prepared to post his own.
So, here's the question...
Should that second handler be allowed to go through with posting his, with perhaps both roleplays together counted as only one roleplay? OR - should he be disallowed from posting that roleplay.
The purpose here is to not discourage two man teams from competing while also maintaining a competitive balance for the one man team. What is most fair for everyone involved?
One team is run by one handler.
One team is run by two handlers handling one character each.
First RP: Two handler team - handler A (one character written for)
Second RP: One handler team (full team roleplay)
As the deadline approaches, the same handler from the two handler team posts a roleplay just as handler B is prepared to post his own.
So, here's the question...
Should that second handler be allowed to go through with posting his, with perhaps both roleplays together counted as only one roleplay? OR - should he be disallowed from posting that roleplay.
The purpose here is to not discourage two man teams from competing while also maintaining a competitive balance for the one man team. What is most fair for everyone involved?