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Paradise Lost: McMillan/Scotty, Copycat/Jade, EDMUNDS!


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
BRANDON JACOBS: Welcome everyone to Paradise Lost, we are live from Boston, MA in front of a capacity crowd which is excited to see the two most evil men in the WFW, Doc Silver and Rat Fink, kick each other’s ass for the WFW World Heavyweight Title! But before we started getting into the card, before the cameras began to roll, McMillan walked out to the center of the ring and demanded his #1 Contender Match for the North American title took place right there and then. After 29:53, Scotty Michaels rolled Chris McMillan up with a handful of tights with seven seconds left to go in the time limit.

VIC WATERS: I love Scotty Michaels. He is a rudo’s rudo. Now the match which everyone wants to see is finally set for the PPV, Michael Manson will take on Scotty Michaels for the WFW North American Title which Manson has held since the initial tournament.

BRANDON JACOBS: But wait, if that wasn’t enough, right after that match, Ebony Jade came out and started to bad mouth Copycat that she was the head cat in the WFW. That prompted Copycat to come out and simply demolish Ebony Jade within a minute. Copycat nailed Ebony Jade with the Kit Kat Kick and then locked her in the Cat’s Claw to which she quickly submitted.

VIC WATERS: She was way out of her league thinking that she could actually beat Copycat at his own game. I doubt she’ll ever show her face in World’s Finest Wrestling ever again.

BRANDON JACOBS: Now that we are all caught up, Southern Thunder will go one on one with Arco Iris, Felix Red will collide with Luster with the winner facing Rat Fink at the PPV, Manson and Andre Eian will be in a handicap match against C.O.C.K.S, and Rat Fink will go one on one with Doc Silver for the WFW World Heavyweight Title belt.

VIC WATERS: I’m worried about Doc tonight. Rat Fink is such a dirty SOB that he is willing to do anything to win. Doc Silver has never faced anyone as devious as Rat Fink before, Manson can be damn close at times but Rat Fink is on a whole different level.

BRANDON JACOBS: I’d be worried if I was Doc too. Rat Fink… wait a second!

((The lights go out and white lights start flashing ... The arena murmurs .. CUEUP: "Brain Stew" by Green Day. The crowd reacts with a mixed reaction. There are a bunch of boos mixed with a few cheers as they realize who it is.. The curtain moves and suddenly pushing them out of the way comes a man about 6', with short bleached hair. He's wearing white trunks with a white sequin top a la Lex Luger at Wrestlemania IX.))

BRANDON JACOBS: Oh my God! Sean Edmunds has come to WFW!

::"Simply Sensational" Sean Edmunds walks down the isle ignoring all the fans that are either trying to slap his shoulder or slap his face .. he walks up the ringsteps taking his time as he walks to the center of the apron and enters through the ropes. He grabs the mic from the ring announcer's hand and waits as the lights slowly come up and the music dies down.::

EDMUNDS: "World's Finest Wrestling..
::pauses as the crowd reacts::

There have been many rumors as to why I've been away since January .. I've heard them all. I heard how I was locked up in jail for violating a drug test .. I heard how I was in the hospital recovering from injuries I sustained from a match .. I heard that I just couldn't take not being in the limelight.

::shakes head::

They're all so ridiculous that I should stay out of wrestling for a few more months until I hear rumors that I'm dead due to an overdose on steroids.

::crowd cheers and Edmunds flashes an angry glance::

But I didn't spend anytime in jail. Nor did I leave due to injuries. I left because I wanted to. Because I could step out of wrestling anytime I wanted. And I did.

::Edmunds walks over to the turnbuckle and rests on it.::

EDMUNDS: But I'm back now .. and I chose WFW because I needed a change of pace. Peace was nice .. but I grew bored fast .. and now, the WFW will see just what boredom does to a man. I've bided my time long enough... it's time to break the silence ... and show everyone here just why I am ... 'Simply Sensational'."

(CUEUP: "Brain Stew" by Green Day as Edmunds leaves the ring and walks up the isle being pelted by trash.)

::Vic Waters gets up and gives Sean Edmunds as standing ovation as he leaves::

VIC WATERS: Stand up for the greatness you see before you! These people are being disrespectful. Edmunds is a man among boys.

BRANDON JACOBS: Can’t we open up one show without someone interrupting us? ::sighs::

VIC WATERS: I sense you would have been more content calling chess matches on ESPN2.

::pats Brandon Jacobs on the back as he sits down::

BRANDON JACOBS: Folks, we are going to take a commercial break, and when we comeback, Southern Thunder will make his debut against another newcomer named El Arco Iris…

VIC WATERS: ::interrupting:: Sean Edmunds has already showed up, who knows what will happen next!


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