FADE IN on a cloudy sky somewhere a few miles down the roads from Parts Unknown. The camera pans down slowly, revealing the empty, broken down facade of the BASHAM-SCHULTZ Wrestling Academy. Throughout the years, this same facade has appeared in countless videos, promos, vignettes. Each time the building has been in a different state of repair, from damn near brand new, to condemned. However, looking at the scene before you, this old building looks about as lifeless as a dead skunk on the side of the road. Windows broken and the frames missing. The huge marquee bent and broken, hanging down to the point where it half blocks the door. As the camera continues to pan down, a lone figure stands in front of the building, looking at it as if staring into some great, and cataclysmic beyond. Clad in a full length black trench coat, his hair whipping around in the chilly January breeze, Jason Payne stands motionless. His hands clasped in front of him, carrying something, but exactly what remains unseen due to the camera being positioned behind him. FADE TO a close up of Payne's face, staring stoically ahead, not looking at the camera. His face is weather beaten and worn. The man looks about ten years older than his true age. He inhales a deep breath, and lets out a long and deep sigh. His eyes flutter downward for a moment, then back up towards the dilapidated building. Taking a breath, he speaks, but instead of the usual gruff, and grumbling voice of the 'Dog of War', the voice that comes out is subdued, almost hushed. As he speaks, he never looks at the camera.
Payne - "It has been said that the past has a way of repeating itself, and that things in life will eventually catch up to you, and come full circle. And at the risk of offending the suits in Boston by even mentioning something outside the confines of New ERA, I believe a little history lesson is in order. Years ago, a couple of guys with nothing but the money in their pockets and a dream walked through the doors of this building for the first time. Though they had never met before then, you just knew it was going to be something special. And for awhile, it was exactly that. But then life got in the way, and some hard choices had to be made. One of them decided to enlist in the Navy in order to provide a better life for his family. The other kept chasing the dream, and eventually found success."
FADE TO a shot of Payne's face from the other side, looking now from his left to right. His eyes are still trained on the building, and his voice is still subdued.
Payne - "In 2001, not long after I was discharged from the Navy, I called my friend, the one who had realized his dream. I had nothing. I had no home, no job, no future. Out of the business for two years, not in shape, not a damned thing to my name. I asked for a favor, and he obliged. And even though no one had ever heard of the Dogs of War, somehow we talked the promoters into booking a feud between us. And you know what the result of that feud was? The result was McMillan, and myself, blowing the ****ing roof off of New Frontier Wrestling. In fact, that feud was so hot, they had to book another match for us, and we took things up another notch for that one. I dare anyone to come say to my face that any other feud in recent memory was as intense, personal, and violent."
As Payne describes the history between him and McMillan, still photos of the clashes they had are softly faded into the picture of Payne's face. One picture shows Payne on his knees, a dog collar around his neck, with McMillan yanking on the chain attached to Payne's collar. Another picture shows them in the same match, both of them laying on their backs, exhausted, their faces both covered in blood. Payne continues as we fade back to another shot of the front of the old wrestling school, slowly panning down the front of the building. The terrible condition of the building so evident from the bricks that have fallen out of the front, rusted electrical tubing running up the side.
Payne - "Now flash forward almost ten years. Now we have come full circle Chris. Now here I sit, realizing my dream. There you are, with nothing. Quite the twist of fate wouldn't you agree? Now, I'm sorry for what's happened to you. I truly am. And it pains me to the core to see someone who was like a brother to me in such a state. But you my friend, brought this on yourself. You forget, that it was I, years ago, that got you a match on a New Frontier card. I tried to get you back into the business after you were off trying to fix your problems. But what did you do Chris? You showed up drunk, and high on cocaine. There was a reason they put you under a mask that night Chris. It was so people would remember you for the way you used to be in the ring. High flying, dramatic, high impact. Not some washed up, drunk, coke snorting has been who didn't give two ****s about the match he was in. So imagine when you call me up, begging me for a shot in New ERA. Remembering what happened the last time I did you a favor, you're right, I turned you down. Now I don't recall saying anything about not wanting to not be buried, or that I would have to carry you. That my friend, you came up with on your own. Another run as the Dogs of War would have been great Chris, but which Chris was going to show up? The sharp witted, technically sound, balls to the wall Chris I knew? Or was it going to be the Chris who only cares about scoring enough scratch to pay for beer, hookers and drugs?"
The camera FADES TO a shot of Payne from the front, staring past the camera, his eyes having not moved off that building.
Payne - "I truly am at a loss here. A loss for words, a loss for reason, a loss for why you would choose to do this to me, at this point in time. But in the scheme of things, it doesn't matter. You have done what you have done, and you and you alone will live with the consequences of your actions. And I? Well, I will have to live with the consequences of my actions..."
Payne rears back and hurls something at the building. The camera quickly cuts to a shot of Payne slowly turning around, a loud, metallic clang heard. Over Payne's right shoulder, what looks like a gas can rests in the door. Payne pulls out a gold Zippo lighter, and flicks the flame alive. As the fire dances within the confines of the lighter, Payne looks directly into the camera, his voice an earth trembling, growling screen.
Payne - "I will live with the consequences of my actions Chris! Even if it means putting an end to the Dogs of War...ONCE AND FOR ALL!"
Payne opens his hand and the lighter falls to the ground. Payne slowly walking away as the flame of the lighter ignites a trail of gasoline that goes streaking backwards towards the door, and the gas can. Payne walks out of the camera shot as the fire trail reaches the gasoline can. CUT TO a wide shot of the Basham-Schultz Wrestling Academy as the trail of fire reaches the gas can. The can explodes into a ball of flame at the door, when a split second later a secondary explosion tears through the old building, blowing out what's left of the windows and sending concrete, brick, and all manner of debris in a million directions. At the bottom of the shot, Payne can be seen slowly walking towards a beat up Dodge Challenger. As the debris and dust rain down around him, FADE to a close up shot of Payne staring at what remains of the old Basham-Schultz Wrestling Academy. As the fire roars in the background, Payne looks on intently, his face showing a mixture of sadness, but also of determination as we FADE TO BLACK.