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Peyton Haters

Mad Dog

Original Gangsta
Jan 1, 2000
I just wanted to let everyone know how much I dislike Peyton Manning. :)

When I was younger and he was the QB at Tennessee, all I heard about was how wonderful he is.

It made me sick. I developed a disgust for the man and when he beats my Titans every years...well the hatred just grows more.

I really wanted the Colts to lose today...and not because of the bet I made on the Chargers to win Straight Up, but just because I wanted him to lose the game he tied the record on.

I am an evil man. I know.

PHEW! I feel al ittle better now that I got some of that out. :eek:

Let the Mad Dog-hating begin.

- Mad Dog


Jan 1, 2000
this post would make King Hater Erik Zieba proud.

FWIW I like Peyton much more than I like his little sh*t of a brother Eli.

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