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"Phenomenal" Frankie Scott

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Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Name: “Phenomenal” Frankie Scott

Height: 6”2’

Weight: 242

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Face/Heel: FACE (it would have to be a major idea for me to be a heel)

Entrance Music: Phenomenon – Thousand Foot Krutch

Appearance: (Please be as detailed as possible.) Full brown hair, hazel eyes, clean shaven (but grows a goatee from time to time), athletic build – muscular with male model looks. Wears dark blue or burgundy, silver ¾ wrestling trunks and sequined robes with “Phenom” on the back and white or burgundy wrestling boots.

History: Being somewhat of a brat when starting out, Frankie Scott changed his attitude after a near career threatening injury to his neck and back after an attack by “Ego Buster” Dan Ryan. Being an only child of a single mother, Frankie always had things for himself and didn’t have to share with siblings but became much of a loner throughout his adolescence. Has a chip on his shoulder and does not like to talk about his past. He made his way through the University of Georgia on an English Scholarship. His attitude grew as he made it as a walk-on to the UGA Gymnastics team and then as a cornerback on the football team as a freshman. Won the NCAA U.S. Nationals in Gymnastics and named second team All-SEC on defense in his sophomore year for the Bulldogs. Was thrown off both teams after demanding that his needs be catered to.

Entered the EMWA “Money Pit” Wrestling School in Baltimore, Maryland after he left school. Was the first graduate of the school to make it to star status. Blends technical expertise with a good knowledge of high flying moves. His workrate is beyond compare and his charisma is a great factor. He really wants to make it to the top and become World Champion. Won the NthWA Rookie of the Year in 2000. The fans grow increasingly behind him. A teacher vs. student match against Dan Ryan, a fued with the legendary “Kamikaze” Randy Cobb and a major tournament to win the first ever NthWA Intracontinental Title helped in gaining a tremendous amount of experience. He still needs to build up stamina and consistency.

Fans started cheering Frankie before the attack which seemed to enrage Dan Ryan and Randy Cobb who were Scott’s Team Phenom partners. After the attack, Frankie could never get back on track in the wrestling ring, so he went into semi retirement, then full retirement. During that time and after a long bout of lingering back and neck injuries, Scott hired a physical therapist, a trainer and gymnastics coach to help get him back into shape. During this time, Frankie and his wife, Aurora who was his valet at one time, divorced. He has been seen recently with another woman who he keeps out of the wrestling business.

While in retirement, Scott had been frequently competing in celebrity golf tournaments and car races. He has set up a non-profit charity organization for children with disabilities called “Phenomenal Kids”. The money that is raised serves the organization in helping children realize their dreams. It also helps with medical costs and sends them to special camps in Savannah, Georgia and San Diego, California.

Titles Held: NthWA Intracontinental Championship

Style: (Compare your wrestler to a real life counterpart, or simply classify them. example: "My wrestler is a mat technician." or "So and So is a hybrid of Rey Mysterio and Tajiri." Whatever you choose is fine, this will just help us write more detailed matches for you. My style is a hybrid of Chris Jericho and AJ Styles. Mat technician with a flair for high flying moves.

Move Set: (Pick 10-25 moves your wrestler performs in the ring.)
Japanese Armdrag, Double Underhook Neckbreaker, Top Rope Elbow Drop, Belly to Belly Suplex, Springboard Frog Splash, Flying Clothesline, Full Nelson into Front Leg Sweep, Leaping Powerslam, Pescado, Basic Textbook Dropkick, Falcon Arrow, Single Leg Boston Crab, Fallaway Suplex, Tilt a Whirl DDT, Sharpshooter, Spinebuster, Rolling Senton Splash, Suplex into neckbreaker, Springboard Flying Bulldog, Side Suplex into Leg Drop, Russian Leg Sweep, High Knee Lift, Texas Cloverleaf

Description of Finisher: Cradle Piledriver

Finisher Name: Phenom Drop

Entrance: (You can be as detailed as you want.) “Phenomenon” by Thousand Foot Krutch plays over the arena speakers. A full video rolls on the huge titantron of Frankie wrestling stars like Dan Ryan and the Sergeant, doing an interview and signing autographs. Fans cheer loudly as “Phenomenal” Frankie Scott runs out and stops in the middle of the runway looks back at the video and then points toward the fans as pyrotechnics blow all around him. Scott emerges from the smoke to run around the ring and shake all the fans hands. After he finishes, he hops on the ring apron and leaps over the ropes to rush to each turnbuckle for a photo opportunity for the fans.
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