There is a light that is rarely seen.
It is the light that transcends night and day; that bridges the gap between darkness so absolute that it is not just the absence of light, but that absence of any chance of light, and the light itself that burns … like the implosion of a thousand suns … so bright it is blinding in it’s intensity.
On clear Winter mornings it is sometimes seen, in that split second as the moon goes down and the Sun is not yet raised.
It is the hazy corona that fuels the imagination when watching a rising dawn, and it goes by the name of twilight, the light that is not quite fulfilled – the light that is not quite real.
Well, that ISN’T the light that brings this scene to life, nothing quite so flashy or romantic, it is simply a normal light bulb, inside a plain lamp, resting on a wooden bedside cabinet.
A hand … tanned and well muscled, well the forearm part that can be seen is anyway … is seen reaching from under a pale orange duvet cover that is covering a large wooden framed double bed, to flick the lamp into life with a muffled groan … a groan that coincides with the ringing tone of a phone going off somewhere near by.
The hand moves to grab a small clock, turning it towards the covers … the display reading 07:23, and another muffled moan is heard from within.
A voice … and yes indeed it is also rather muffled (there is a big heavy quilt in the way between voice and listener after all!) can just about be heard coming from within the bed.
“Whoever is phoning at this time of the day had better have some damn good life insurance!”
With yet another groan, the quilt slowly moves, as a pair of muscled and tanned legs shuffles their way out from concealment, to fumble around on the ground before getting their balance.
The quilt is pushed away totally, to finely reveal the extremely tousled, and not quite awake figure of Jay Phoenix.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Phoenix stretches his arms up above his head, his mouth … which is nearly visible through the mass of hair that resembles more an Auburn coloured hedgerow instead of a head of hair … opening in a wide yawn as his feet fumble around on the ground for something.
He is wearing only a pair of black shorts, and his body is exposed to sight, showing that while not extremely large, Phoenix is very well muscled, his body tone more lithe than bulked.
There is a tattoo of a Dreamcatcher that covers the left side of his chest, three feathers hanging from it to come down to his mid stomach level, and on his left bicep another tattoo ... this time of a Phoenix surrounded by bands of flames … is just visible as his arms raise above his head.
The phone can still be heard ringing as Phoenix pushes his hair back away from his face, exposing strong, regular features to view, his green eyes still a little clouded from sleep, and he shouts in the direction of the ringing.
Phoenix: “ Isn’t anyone going to get that damned phone?!?!? ”
When there is no response, Phoenix … with a long suffering sigh … stands up, looking longingly back at his comfortable and warm looking bed before stumbling towards the doorway, wincing slightly as he tires to avoid contact with the cold floor as much as possible (which is patently impossible because he cannot fly or levitate).
Walking down a hallway … pale white walls and warm yellow wood floors … Phoenix comes to a stop outside a set of double doors, from behind which the sounds of the phone ringing can be heard slightly louder than before, and he mumbles to himself while he pushes them open.
Phoenix: “ … why do I pay money to have people work for me when I have to answer the phone myself?”
The double doors open wide to show a sparsely furnished living room … two large bay windows take up one complete wall, diaphanous white drapes covering them, allowing the diffuse sunlight of early morning to filter through, a marble framed fireplace is the centrepiece of another wall, an ancient looking bow above it in pride of place, two large orange and red patterned couches face each other on either side of a low coffee table, a chess board the centrepiece here, a game in mid flow … in which stands an elderly looking man, with his back to us.
Phoenix suddenly looks like he has woken up completely as his face clears and takes on a look of confusion as he peers around the room.
Phoenix: “ … hang on, I don’t have a phone in here …”
The older gentleman turns around when he hears Phoenix behind him, and there is an immediate recognition of resemblance between him and Phoenix. Though his face is lined with age, and his hair … still long but thinning … is grey, there is no doubt that this man is related to Phoenix, and Phoenix’s next words just ratify that feeling.
Phoenix: “Grandfather!!! What are you doing here?”
The old man smiles in welcome as he holds out his arms for an embrace, and as Phoenix walks forward the sound of ringing is again heard and Phoenix stops in his tracks starting at the mobile phone in his grandfather’s hands, who, noticing the stare, holds it up with a smile.
Grandfather: “ I just bought myself a new mobile, isn’t it great?
It has 101 different ring tones, so I thought that I would try them out … anyway, what are you doing up at this time?”
You can see many different thoughts … many about various forms of violence to a family member… running through Phoenix’s head, by the barely controlled, and not very well concealed emotions that play across his face, but with obvious effort he just smiles … a tight grin with no humour … as he replies.
Phoenix: “ Oh, no reason at all … just thought that I would get an early start is all”
Grandfather: “ … but you only just flew back from that event last night didn’t you … the tournament one?”
Phoenix (with another humourless smile): “ Yes, I got back at 3am last night, and got to bed at 4am … but who needs sleep anyway, I mean 3 hours is more than enough!”
Not noticing the obvious sarcasm in Phoenix’s voice, his grandfather just smiles as he continues.
Grandfather: “ Good, good ... nothing like an early start to get the blood flowing my boy.
So how did the tournament go?”
Phoenix walks over to one of the seats, sitting down as he leans back into the material, rubbing his eyes as he almost visibly resigns himself to being up and about at this time of the morning.
Phoenix: “ Well, I suppose it went pretty well to be honest, I have to say that I didn’t find the match to be any competition at all, it seemed like Minion wasn’t even there.
I am hoping that the next match will give me a little more competition to be honest; I would rather lose knowing that I fought to my best than win so easily again.
… we will have to see though, but as this is the final I am assuming that there will be a little more competition this time, though that is in the hands of Jason Payne now, not me. ”
Phoenix’s grandfather sits opposite him, on the other side of the table, and looks down at the chessboard as he speaks.
Grandfather: “ Well I didn’t raise you to take the easy way out, and didn’t pay for all that training just so that you could sit back and have easy matches … though I am still a little amazed that you have put so much into a tournament that you didn’t even really want to be part off!”
Smiling, Phoenix replies.
Phoenix: “Well, when the tournament started I was still retired remember, it is only because of your meddling that I am even part of the tournament … my history and past achievements are well documented in the industry though and it seems that on that merit I am still welcome.
As for why I have tried so hard after originally saying no to it, that is simple … for the challenge!
What is the point in staying in federations where the competition has run dry … where I have beaten the best that there is to offer there?
What is the point in going after more titles in those same places … just so that I can call myself the best?
This way I am in a tournament in a federation that has supposedly some of the best wrestlers around, and in order to prove myself the best, all I have to do is one thing.
That is a challenge that I find worthwhile, and that is the reason that I am part of the tournament.”
Phoenix’s grandfather reaches down and moves one of the pieces on the chessboard.
Phoenix: “ Grandfather … please … I have been playing this game for weeks now, and I really don’t want to screw it up … I mean you know that you aren’t very good at chess!”
Grandfather: “Don’t be cheeky … I taught you didn’t I?”
Phoenix: “Yes you did, but that was years ago, and I have been playing a lot more over the last few years”
Grandfather (Looking at the board): “Oh, I can tell that you have been practising … anyway, who did you say you are you facing next in the tournament?”
Phoenix: “... someone called Jason Payne I think”
Grandfather: “You think?
Shouldn’t you really KNOW who you are facing so that you can prepare?”
Phoenix: “ Hey I only found out last night when I got home ... give me a chance”
Grandfather: “ … the same sort of chance that you will get when you get in the ring with this man that you know nothing about you mean?”
Phoenix: “ ……………. Ok, you are right.
I have all the matches from the tournament on tape, as well as any interviews that they did in the build up to the matches themselves, so why don’t we go and see what this Payne guy is all about?”
Grandfather: “ Good idea … nice to see that you can still do some things you know.”
Phoenix: “ What is that supposed to mean?”
Phoenix and his grandfather stand up and start walking out of the room, and as the scene closes the older man points back at the chessboard.
Grandfather: “ … well I am glad that you wrestle better than you play chess … that was checkmate!”