{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern is standing in front of a GXW: Battleground Britain backdrop. He's shirtless in jeans and cowboy boots. His hair is pulled back in a short pony tail, still lacking from the haircut received by the Professionals in the CSWA a few months back. He flashes a crooked grin at the camera before speaking...}}
SHANE SOUTHERN: " Hey Troy...s'me, Shane, how ya' been? {{...grins...}} Long time, no see mah' man. "
" First of all, let's get somethin' straight right off tha' bat Boy Troy, all tha' flashy, look-at-me CRAP, all yer ego-bustin' put down promos, well...I've heard it all before, n' quite frankly, not only don't it intimidate me, I'm quite amused by it. Beyond that Troy, I could care less who ya' hang with, or what time mommy wants 'em home for dinner. All I care ah'bout, if you've been followin' along, is winnin'. "
" N' let's be honest, there's not been many, IF ANY, better than YOU at doin' that over tha' last decade. Tha' CSWA's biggest draw, tha' entertainment worlds newest plaything, tha' financial worlds next millionaire. It's all well n' good Troy, n' I'm happy fer ya....I really am. But let's get sumthin' straight, although you, AND our opponents may think this match was set up ta' see who can cut tha' flashiest promos or who can bang tha' youngest rats in tha' back of their daddy's Mazarati...I've gotta' different agenda. "
" Ya' see, for tha' past few months, while you've been sittin' home collectin' yer royalties on CSWA merchandise while Chad Merritt tries ta' pull tha' CSWA outta' tha' crapper for tha' hundredth time, I'VE been wrestlin'. N' durin' that time Troy, I've found out alot ah'bout mah'self. I've found out that all that really matters in this world, in this SPORT, is winnin'. It don't matter how ya' do it, as long as ya' DO it. I've found out that no matter how hard ya' WORK ta' be RESPECTED in this sport, all of it can come crashin' down in a heart-beat if some <BLEEP>bag wants it to. All you've got ta' hang yer hat on in our business, is wins. "
" So that's mah goal Troy. N' right now, ta' tell ya' tha' truth, I'm wonderin' if you ain't lost just a little bit. Out of tha' four of us in this match, I'm tha' ONLY one that's actually been wrestlin' for tha' past few months, I'm tha' ONLY ONE that's kept that edge, tha' only one that hasn't been sittin' home collectin' ring rust. So I gotta' wonder, just how GOOD is this match really gonna' be? "
" You've got Miles n' Mayfield, who...let's be honest here, never REALLY were in our league. As a team, they do OK, but Miles n' Mayfield are all show. They can talk tha' talk fer sure, but when it comes time ta' walk tha' walk, they stumble, n' fall on their ass. Now Craig n' Eddie, before ya' get all bent outta' shape, go back, rewind tha' tape n' LISTEN to what I said. I did NOT say you weren't good wrestlers, I did NOT say that on any given night you can't go with tha' best. What I DID say is, that you're not good ENOUGH ta' beat Troy Windam, n' yer DAMN sure not good enough ta' beat me. "
" Givin' me a haircut, while funny, don't exactly make ya' BIG BOYS. Pin mah' shoulders to tha' mat...ONE TIME...n' then, MAYBE you can call yerselves WRESTLERS. Until then, you can keep on hurlin' tha' insults, keep on makin' tha' jokes, n' seein' who can score higher on SMACKDOWN...I'll be waitin' fer ya'. N' you'll know who I am gentleman, I'm tha' one with tha' size eleven right up YER ASS. "
" So strap on tha' promo bag boys n' take a big ol' chomp. I can't wait ta' hear what you got ta' say. "
" Party's Over. "
{{...FADE OUT...}}