Paddy McDowell
League Member
Anyone want something in particular? I'm mostly good at sigs but I'd like to test myself with some new... wacky-tacky (ties) sorts of... things. What I can't do though is posers which is kind of a bummer. Also, anything with videos because of my twig and leaf connection. For some of my work, or 'portfolio' to look fancy, just shift your vision down a few millimeters.
And don't go PMing me in shame, reply here. I can get whatever you need done in here. Most of these look pretty 'odd' since their not really the wrestler standard, but I can get a wrestling render closely resembling this (probably not the box sized one).
And don't go PMing me in shame, reply here. I can get whatever you need done in here. Most of these look pretty 'odd' since their not really the wrestler standard, but I can get a wrestling render closely resembling this (probably not the box sized one).