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Random Thoughts From Raw

Sean Taylor

League Member
Sep 3, 2004
Kingston, Ontario
- Eugene should have channelled Al Snow, Raven, or Mick Foley.

- I love sparkily red dresses.

- "Bygones be bygones, my Oklahoma behind" -> best line EVER!!!

- Batista should not "Whoo"

- Edge is stole Sean Taylor's personality

- Viscera looked like a woman. (seriously, go back and look. He's wearing an apron you would normally wear when getting a haircut)

- Randy Orton shouldn't "Whoo"

- Making fun of fat people at ringside is hilarious

- Edge's entrance causes seizures

- Note to Benoit: If a ref is helping you after a bloody beating and then suddenly the ref bolts out of the ring, nothing good is coming your way.

- I had no idea "thank you" was the same in French AND Arab.

- When you're older and you go trick-or-treating, you get 2 count 'em 2 Viscera segments

- I want to be Cousin Billy

- Why doesn't anyone wear their championship belts like . . . well, belts?

- Does bandage wrapping injured ribs really help in the healing process?

- The crowd shouldn't "Whoo"

- With his pink and black tights, shouldn't Christian rename his "Peepulation" to "The Peep Foundation"

- Trish is cute when she says "chubby" AND she makes a good point about Lita.

- After watching Trish, I have an overwhelming urge to play basketball


- I HAVE to get the Diva Search Magazine. NOT!

Good Raw. Overall A-.


League Member
Sep 18, 2004
More random comments...

Eugene has to gets through promos on his own more often.

3 diva search contestants down, 7 more potential paternity tests for Vince.

C'mon Sean...someone stole YOUR personality. I'M SHOCKED!!!!! SOMEBODY CALL HIS MAMA!!!!

"Whoo"-ing should be reserved for guys looking for an alternative to coughing during prostate exams.

Bischoff as a face...hmmmmm, this could be interesting....

I'm begging and for the first time in 20 years I mean BEGGING, for Vince to do something about the tag team belts...

So...Maven's in a main event match at Survivor Series? Can anyone tell me the last time he even had a ticket to a Pay-Per-View?

What purpose does Gene Snitsky have? I'm not talking about just in wrestling...I mean in life? I know it's not like it's his fault or anything...

Hmmmm....melons...swwet juicy melons...

Message to Hurricane, "Smackdown called, cruiserweights are over here dumb ass, all you need to do is drop about 400 lbs."

Raw Good, Moh intrigued about Survivor Series...

Moh say Raw get A

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