I must applaud the card. Honestly, it was a great read and PPV-quality in my opinion!
1) FAVORITE MATCH: Well, my own was the favorite, but I think the BEST match was the main event. I really got into the whole thing, all around. And the end of the card was unexpected.
2) LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: I would say the card opener. It's difficult to have a solid, realistic handicap match, in my opinion.
3) BEST LINE: Hmm....not sure. I'd have to look the card over again.
4) BEST SPOT: Well...it's hard for me not to say the finish to the Hansen/McMillan vs. Tact/Iris match. I thought it was an awesome way to finish it. But that probably sounds arrogant and it is biased, so I apologize. Aside from that...hmm....I liked the way Suicidal Killer handled Michaels and the American on the outside, at one point. It was an impressive display, and not unrealistic, as Killer's huge and could actually do that. There were a few memorable spots, though.
Well, I think this was a great start to New ERA of Wrestling! It shows the potential of the talent, and the solid quality of cards. I think one thing to note would be to make sure not to do too many clusters, as it can come back to bite you. This card had a few cluster-like brawls with all four guys getting into the ring, which was okay. But just don't do it for every match. Just a caution.
I think it was good how you made everyone look strong. My match, for example, didn't seem to make anyone look weak. Nobody looked invincible either, which was another plus; everyone had soft spots here and there, and everyone had things exploited about them. I thought it made for a fair match, and it showed that all the talent is neither invincible nor weak. So great job on that.
Enough from me, though. Great job!