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Reward Challenge Results/Immunity Challenge

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Wallen sat out Kevin and Steve.

Vincent went first for Wallen and somehow managed to find a matched pair of Island/Survivor themed objects under the coconut shells that littered the playing field.

The teams then went back and forth failing to find a pair for a while before Wallen ran into a streak of bad luck, constantly revealing something that had been revealed before on their 2nd pick (I.E. a player would pick something here-to-for unseen, then when hoping to match it, would reveal an object who's pair had already been exposed), allowing Shak-No to build to a commanding 4-2 lead.

Wallen came back and got two pairs of their own, but in the end, Blaine found the final pair needed for his team winning the Reward 5-4.

IMMUNITY CHALLENGE (Yes the above was just reward.)

Wallen will sit out two players who are not Kevin and Steve.

Both teams will select an archer, the archer will sit on the sidelines and spend their time getting good and nervous (Or excited, who knows). The other five players will compete in accuracy contests consisting of first a blow dart, and then second, a spear.

Team that gets closest to the bullseye with each weapon will win 2 arrows for their archer, losing each for each weapon will get one arrow for their archer. (So if one team wins both blowdart/spear, their archer will get 4 arrows to the losing team's 2, if it's a split, both archers will get 3 arrows)

Archer who gets it closest to the bullseye wins immunity for their tribe, losing tribe goes to counsel.

Nobody in their bios listed their character as being a 1337 archer, so now's to late to lemme know how your character was in the 96 Olympics for the Longbow.

Each team needs to select their archer, and Wallen has to give me their 2 players sitting out, results posted shortly there after, losing tribe rushes off to politic before vote, show up sometime next week.

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