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Reward Challenge/Tie Breaker rules

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
The Reward challenge will be a log rolling contest, it will be men Vs men and women Vs women, so Wallen must sit out a man.

Winning team gets a day on a cruise ship, which will include showers, food, and various and sundry other forms of pampering.

Once Wallen tells me who's sitting out, I'll do up the challenge and post results.

I just wanted to take this wonderful moment to explain the tie breaking process in case it comes up, as it has changed since it last happened on real Survivor and we'd used an outdated form of tiebreakers on the first two seasons of FW Survivor.

If we have a tie, the there is a re-vote, where the two people who got the most votes the first time are the only two that can be voted against the second time. If it remains tied, then the two people who were voted against get immunity, and everyone who does not have personal immunity must draw rocks from a bag, if you draw the purple rock, you're eliminated.

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