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Rob Franklin vs Nakita Dahaka


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Loser Is My Soldier Match:
Rob Franklin
vs Nakita Dahaka

The offers and counter-offers have been thrown back and forth for days now. The winner of this match will have the services of the other in their "stable" until no longer required!

RP Deadline is August 16, 2006 by midnight Central time.


League Member
May 25, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
(We fade into a dark room, a fire somewhere in the distance, and the cracling of an old fasioned vynl recorder playing the tune of "3 Times a Lady" playing softly in the background. Fade in closer to see an unrecognizable old man sitting in a leather chair. He has dark gray hair and is wearing a pair of glasses, and a silk bathrobe. Despite the Hugh Hefner outfit, the man looks very wise as he mulls something over in his head. Suddenly, a door out of sight slams open and as the camera pans out, Rob Franklin enters the room. He flicks a light switch and hurrys past the man. The man doesn't even notice as he continues to mull. Rob returns with a box of clothes, with shirts falling off of the side.)

Rob- Are you gonna help me old man? You damn lazy son-of-a-

Man- Sorry, I was... Thinking...

Rob- Yeah well, think while picking up some freaking boxes then.

Man- Listen, I don't know what crawled up your ass and died-

Rob- How dare you talk to me like that Dad?

Dad- How dare you?

Rob- the only reason that you are still living, is my doing. You ungrateful son-of-a-bit-

(Rob instead of continuing, walks away with the box. When he returns, his father is still sitting down, and Rob groans.)

Rob- Damnit Dad!

Dad- I still want to know why we have to move out?

(Rob sighs and kneels down on the ground. He talks very slowly in a patronizing voice.)

Rob- Y-o-u h-a-v-e-n-t p-a-i-d r-e-n-t i-n 3 m-o-n-t-h-s!

Dad- I can pay you back! I'm good for the money, you know I am! I thought being your father meant something to ya!

Rob- Nobody means anything to me-not anymore.

(Rob's father starts to cry, but Rob gets another box from out of view)

Dad- But what about your mother? What is she going to do?

(Rob passes his father with a blank look on his face.)


(Rob closes the door behind him and the screen slowly fade as his father sobs)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"The Stage Has Been Set"

[The scene opens inside the underground lair and living quarters/residents of "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka. The large black marble with brass lining desk sits on its stoned three step balcony with the leather throne like revolving/rolling chair sitting being it turned around with the back of the chair facing out and conceiling the identity of the individual sitting in the chair. Almost all of the light sources have been turned off with the exception of one single light directly over the platform giving the proper illumination meaning the the area around the desk and platform is surrounded in darkness. Nakita's laptop sits folded up and closed in the center of the desk. The revolving chair spins around to reveal Nakita Dahaka sitting quietly in the chair. Nakita sits comfortably in the chair with her finger interlocked together in front of her chest. Her long fiery-blood red colored hair is down and hovering over her face, but still her green eyes peer through the strands of hair. Nakita sits with a very calm, but peaceful, but at the the same time a rather melodic casual creepy smile on her face.]

"At last, the stage has been set. The lines have been drawn. After all of the negotiations and arguing over what stipulations should be involved in this match. We have finally agreed on an agreement that is befitting to both parties."

[Nakita pushes her red hair out of her face then leans foward placing her elbows on the desk still her fingers remain interlocked in front of her.]

"It feels like just yesterday that I've beaten you on Center Stage 5. It was there that I had you right where I wanted you locked in the Dragon Snap in the center of the ring and your only choice was to tap out. Your only hope of salvation was that Joesph Justice would come in the nick of time and break up the count. Alas he wasn't fast enough and you surcumbed to the Dark Phenom and embraced your fate. You tapped out."

"I know that I am a demon of deceit and mendacity which means that I could look you in the eyes and tell you to your face but I'd be lying the entire time. But if it mean anything to you Rob Franklin. You are young and talented in the ring, and you have a bright future in this business. You truly are a worthy a worthy foe. Why else would I agree to put my services on the line against you in this match on MCW's Finale?"

"Because I know that you can't beat me that's why. I defeated you once and I am so confident that I know that I can do it again I put myself on the table in an attempt to up the ante. But lets be honest Franklin, do you really think that you can beat me a second time in a one on one contest with the odds much greater and there are more at stake?"

[Nakita just slowly shakes her head "no".]

Is there a chance that fate might go against me and you could even have a chance of coming away with a win and with it the services of THE PERFECT WEAPON? Do you really think that you can honestly aquire the help of the HARBENGER OF FATE? to aid you in your FTO cause?"

[Nakita leaps up to her feet pushes the leather chair she was sitting in fly off behind her and fall off of the platform. She slams both of her fists as hard as she can onto the marble desk with a resounding *THUD* that echoes throughout the lair. Her head lowers as her long red hair falls down in front of her face. Nakita breaths out of her mouth as she regains her composure. Her head raises as she pushes her hair out of her face again.]

"Franklin, have you forgotten who I am? Do you not know what I did to you? I am FATE INCARNATE! I am the instrument of destruction and death. You have no chance in defeating me because I know what it says...LIGHTS."

[On her verbal queue, the main lights come on to give its full illumination. Nakita leaves her desk and walks around the marble desk then steps down the steps and off the plat form pacing around the room slowly.]

"I will tell you Franklin what you will be. I will tell you where your fate lies within my services. You will be my footstool. You will be like my dog. You will be there to lick the s(FCCbeep)t off of my boots and do everything that I say. Then if I see fit and if I see that she has been a good little girl. I will feed you to Delilah who will have her way with you as her sexual appitite sees fit."

[Suddenly, like a thought comes to her attention grabs her. She pauses as she contemplates in that thought and ponders the answer. She then lets out a chuckle as she continues on with her monologue.]

"What? What if fate has other plans and doesn't work out the way I think believe it would happen? What if there is a possibility that Rob Franklin defeats me and aquires my services for his own personal FTO agenda?"

[Her chuckling turns into more of laughter, but she continues on.]

"That's a...how they call it...a 'no brainer'. He can't...he won't defeat me. I'm a f(FCCbeep)kin demon incarnate for godsake. He can't do it. May whatever god he believes in save him because I will show him no mercy or grace...well maybe a little since I want my own personal footstool and what good is he if he can barely function in that role. So maybe I might just throw in a little of that mercy to make certain that he will survive beyond this show."

"So Rob Franklin, I guess this is farwell. Until then."

[The scene slowly fades out to a close.]


League Member
May 25, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
Stepping out

Rob is walking back and forth in a dark parking lot. The lot is part of a large parking structure that looks to be 3-4 stories high. Rob jumps and sits on the edge and starts to whistle the tune from "The Davey Crockett Show" At that moment, a brand new black, limosine pulls up and parks right in front of Rob. Out steps Pieske. Rob does a quick glance to make sure nobody is around, and shakes his hand.

Rob- What's good Pieske?

Pieske- Nothing man, I was just preparing for my match-

Rob- Glad to hear that. You know MY match at the Finale show?

Pieske- Yeah, you and whatsherface in the one thing.

Rob shakes his head at Pieske and looks down

Rob- Her name is Nakita man. This is the most important match of my career thusfar. Some manager you are...

Pieske- Well, I got put in a match too against some-

Rob puts his hand up in front of Pieske's face.

Rob This isn't about you-it's about ME. I will be challenged in the ring like I have never been before-

This time-to Rob's annoyment- Pieske put his hand in Rob's face.

Pieske- By a woman? Yeah right!

Rob- Pieske, I really wish you would shut the hell up for once in your life. You fat good for nothing lard.

Pieske puts his hands in the air and looks at Rob

Pieske- My bad dude, jesus christ.

Rob- Listen, I need you to leave me alone until I beat Dahaka. OK?

Pieske- Fine, I've got a match anyway.

Rob- I'm also going to need you to stay out of my match at the Finale....

Pieske- Untill you really need me, right?

Rob sighs and looks over the edge.

Rob- No-no, untill the match is over...

Pieske- What-what what do you mean? Are we- am I- I still manage you right?

Rob sighs yet again and moves over to Pieske and puts his arm around him.

Rob- Pieske, you know how hard this is for me... I need a break. I break-not a split, a break from you. From your... your... from you man. I need a break from YOU.

Pieske- I don't understand, haven't I been a good manager?

Rob- Well, yes but that was then-this is now-I'm moving one way...

Rob lifts his hand up.

Rob- ...And you're moving another.

Rob moves his hand down.

Rob- I really need to do this on my own, I hope you understand.

Pieske- Yeah, I understand-I won't interfere-

I promise



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"Robby, at last, your finally taking my advice."

[The scene opens within a large bedroom of Delilah Demonik, manager of "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka. The main lights have been turned down dimmed to provide only the minimal but mood setting illumination required. Surrounding the room and also the larger master queen sized bed providing the main source illumination are lots and lots of waxed candles strategically spread throughout the bedroom flickering and dancing. Thousands and thousands of rose pedals litter the floor around the bed and even some lay on top of the red satin sheets and spread of the queen sized bed.]

[Mood setting background music "What It Gonna Be" by En Vogue is heard playing softly lightly on a stereo nearby.]

[Laying on top of the red satin sheets and rose pedals all sensual and seductive like is Delilah Demonik. The beautiful and sultry vixon is wearing a full red Victoria's Secret lingerie ensemble. Her long jet black hair elegantly on top and flowing outward on top of her pillow. Her blue eyes looks directly into the camera as her ruby red lipstick laden lips prepares to speak.]

Delilah: "Its just me and you Robby Franklin. Nobody else. Not even Nakita is here as she went to go train and prepare for our match on the MCW Finale Supercard. You know doing what Nakita does best. She makes sure that she is in top physical condition not only physically but mentally as well. However I'm all here by myself and guess what I've been thinking of for the passed week?"

[She pauses as she awaits for a hypothetical answer, drawing the suspense, and making people like you hang on her every word before continuing on.]

"I've been thinking all about you Robby. I'm been fantasizing about us. I even had a dream about you Robby. You know about the things that you will...I mean I will do for you...to you. I even see that you finally have taken the first step by of course taking my advice and ditching that fat tub of lard Pieske. Granted it maybe only for this match, but its a start. Soon you will see that you don't even need him. All you need is me, and with the Dark Phenom as our perfect weapon, we will be unstoppable."

[Delilah slowly rises from the bed and sits up still looking directly at the camera with her beautiful blue eyes.]

"I know that you and Nakita have negotiated and even argued over these stipulations for over a week before something could be finalized. It has been quite the power struggle to say the least for the both of you. You have even went on record and say that this is the hardest fight that you will ever go up against. That is more than commendable indeed. You even want to defeat The Dark Phenom all by yourself withOUT your manager's help. That is also commendable, and for that makes me shiver with antica*(Pause)*PATION."

"Now I know that I have remains relatively quiet during most of your's and Nakita's beginning afair this week as the announcement that this match will take place, but that was with good reason. I choose to remain quiet until the alotted time when we could discuss what is on our hearts of the matter...when we were all alone thinking of each other"

"In a sense Robby, either way this doesn't change anything for me. Granted I am quite bothered by the stipulation that I have to spend an entire night with Pieske, but I don't think that I have to worry too much of that coming to pass as I know what Nakita Dahaka will do to you. I am more eager to what will happen when I have you all to myself for an entire weekend to have my way with you as my sexual appetite desires me to. I know that deep down you want me almost as much...if not more so than how I want you."

"You and I both know that either way this is not some stipulation or punishment. It is a reward for you. Either way, you win. Looks look at the stipulations more closely."

[Delilah stands up off of the bed revealing the full effect of her sexy red Victoria's Secret lingerie ensemble and her hot, curvy body as she continues on.]

"Point 1-If you happen to win this match. You gain control of the perfect weapon in all of sports entertainment. You have at your disposal the harbenger of fate and destruction to use as you see fit. You have complete control of the 'Dark Phenom' Nakita Dahaka. You will be the master and she will be the puppet on the strings."

"Point 2-Which is the main thing, along with Nakita, you have complete access to me, Delilaha Demonik. Now granted you think that you can just pass me off to Pieske which doesn't set well with me, but lets face it. You don't want Pieske to have me any more than I want to be with him. I know that you want me more than I want you. You're just shy that's all, but it'll pass."

"But even if and when Nakita defeats you. You may become the property of Nakita Dahaka, which is only business. Either way, you still get to have me. Whether you win or you lose Robby, you still get to have me as you see fit. You get to ravage this body and melt in pure ecstacy night in and night out fullfilling all of your wildest fantasies and wet dreams. Won't that be exciting?"

"So either way Robby, whether or not you win or you lose...you still win. No matter what you gain something good in the gain. You think that Nakita's is the richest prize to gain from this little affair we have? WRONG because I am. Like I said, I hold the cards. I hope the keys and I am the gatekeeper to the pandora's box that will be unleashed not only on the final chapter of the MCW, but also onto the entire UCW as well. Robby, you will be safe right here with me while we bare witness to the Dark Phenom laying waste to the entire MCW and soon-to-be UCW, we will watch on our own little mountaintop and marvel at the carnage and destruction that Nakita causes and leaves in her wake."

"You will be king and I will be your queen. Whoever said 'its good to be the king' never said more prettier or true words. Here is your homeworks assignment my dear king to be. You've already begun the process by removing him from ringside, now dig the hole of his grave, and then push Pieske into it. Bury that fat tub of trash six feet under, piss on his grave, and walk away right into my arms."

"You don't need Piesky, you just need me...and together, along with Nakita Dahaka we will seal the fate of the MCW, putting the final words to paper and closing the chapter close. Then we will introduce the UCW of their impending and eniviable fate."

"See you soon Robby."

[The scene slowly fades out.]

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