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Round 2 - December 31, 2006


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO

The brackets are set. It’s time for the second round...

(Cameras pan another capacity crowd in Los Angeles, California at the Staples Center. A simple graphic at the bottom of the screen identifies this as the second round of the MCW Tag Team Invitational. The crowd is going ballistic.)

(The camera fades from this view and into the broadcast booth. Underneath the two men sitting there are their names. The one on the left is a skinny guy identified as Simon Van Helder. On the left, a chubby guy who looks a little like the comic book storeowner from the Simpsons. The name underneath him identifies the man as Creek Wineberg.)

SVH: Hello everyone, I’m Simon Van Helder and this is my partner in crime, Creek Wineberg!

CW: I’m not your partner in anything...

SVH: We’ve got a show for you this week. Last week we had eight matches scheduled, but due to circumstance beyond our control could only bring you six of them. This week we are promised five matches, and the Chairman of Major Championship Wrestling, Mr. Jalen Latham himself, has informed me that we are indeed going to have five matches.

CW: Well, that’s all fine and dandy that the big bad Chairman says we are going to have all five matches. I’ll believe it when I see it!

SVH: We’ve got some amazing second round matchups tonight! Tonight, there will be no fancy pyrotechnics and fancy graphics. Tonight is all about the tag teams and their quests for the holy grail of Tag Team Achievement, the Hegstrand Award!


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Challenge Match: Nakita Dahaka vs Karla Starr

The match that opened the night might very well have been the match of the night as Karla Starr and Nakita Dahaka followed their war of words into an all out war in the ring. As a huge surprise, Karla brought a manager down to the ring to watch the action. His name was “Phenomenal” Frankie Scott. The broadcast team made mention of Nakita Dahaka and Frankie Scott’s battles in Empire Pro Wrestling and how those battles seemed to be spilling over into this match.

Karla seemed to be the more aggressive one early in the match, keeping Nakita off-balance and constantly dogging her while simultaneously trash-talking Nakita and Delilah. Everything came to a screeching halt when Nakita fired up her power game. A couple of big power slams had Karla Starr rocked… a sidewalk slam kept her down on the mat.

Locked into a reverse chinlock by Nakita, Karla worked her way out of the hold and fought to a standing position, only to be hit with a rough-looking gut wrench suplex. It looked as if Nakita would ride the momentum to victory but only scored a two count.

Karla once again staged a comeback about half of the way through the match, eventually sending Dahaka into the corner with an Irish whip and following it up with a clothesline. The crowd really got behind Karla, who had been on the receiving end of abuse for most of the match. From here, the match transitioned into a catch-as-catch-can affair, with both Karla and Nakita hitting some big moves before toppling over the top rope together.

Once the match spilled onto the floor it got even more violent. At one point, Delilah had the referee distracted while Nakita slammed a chair into the skull of Karla. At another point, Karla had regained the upper hand with the help of Frankie Scott and thrown Nakita over the broadcast table, where Creek Wineberg and Simon Van Helder fled the area to escape the carnage.

Shortly after this exchange, the bell rang just as Karla rolled Nakita into the ring. The broadcast team speculated as to what the cause of the bell was, and it was explained that the match had been ruled a double count out. The fans booed vociferously at the decision, but none of this stopped Karla Starr and Nakita Dahaka from continuing their brawl. Once the official announcement was made, Frankie Scott joined the fray. All Delilah could do was watch as Nakita was got double-teamed by her nemeses.

Karla Starr and Nakita Dahaka wrestled to a double count out.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
SVH: What a way to start the second round of the MCW Tag Team Invitational! Even without Frankie Scott involved, there would have been some excellent brawling between these two!

CW: Women’s wrestling at its finest!

SVH: Nakita is usually squaring off against men, so I wouldn’t call it women’s wrestling.

CW: They’re women. They don’t have what it takes to get to the next level! Deal with it!

SVH: Creek, buddy ol’ pal… I hate to point out your inaccuracies, as there are many, but how do you explain Lindsay Troy?

CW: I still have yet to be shown without a shadow of a doubt that Lindsay Troy is, in fact, a woman.

SVH: Give me a break, Creek. That’s just wishful thinking on your part. You want her to show you.

CW: Aye! Caught again… but it’s always worth a try.

SVH: Folks, Let’s get away from the filth that is Creek Wineberg’s mind and instead take a look at the first match of the actual tournament.

(Cameras fade to a promotion victory showing highlights of the New & Improved D-X vs Highland Park Social Club and the Irishred & James Irish vs Celtic Assassins matches.)


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Army Bracket Finals: New & Improved D-X vs Irishred/James Irish

The second round of the tournament officially kicked off with the New & Improved D-X receiving their second A1E challenge in as many rounds. This time around, they faced off against the unlikely duo of Irishred and James Irish.

James wisely optioned to start out the match against Kyle Roberts. The broadcast team made mention of the crazy free-for-all that broke out when Irishred and one half of the Celtic Assassins brawled in round one.

James attempted to keep it a technical affair for the first part of the match. Roberts handled the task well and pressed the attack on a few occasions. Even when James looked to be in trouble he was reluctant to tag in his partner, Irishred, who in segments during the week had made it very obvious he didn’t plan to change his wild and crazy tactics. The tagging began to come more frequently from Kyle Roberts and Bruce Richards, and it soon became obvious that James was hurting himself by not making the tag earlier.

After about fifteen minutes in the match, James finally made the hot tag to Irishred and it was angry fists of fire from anyone looking to slow him down. James staggered to the outside, where his manager Erin Flanagan waited to help him.

Both fairly fresh D-X members overwhelmed Irishred, and it wasn’t long before they were able to put him away with a Down & Dirty. James slid into the ring to break the pin attempt, but was too slow.

New & Improved D-X defeated Irishred & James Irish when Kyle Roberts pinned Irishred after a Down & Dirty. They won the Army Bracket finals and would face the winner of the Navy Brackett Finals in the semifinals.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
SVH: Another big win over an A1E team by New & Improved D-X!

CW: I’d be more impressed if they were able to beat Dan Ryan and Big Dog. I mean, yeah they beat two A1E teams but both were fairly new pairings. The version of the Highland Park Social Club that came to play in the first round was a new incarnation and the team of Irishred and James Irish hadn’t teamed together much.

SVH: Well, it was pretty obvious that Irishred and James Irish weren’t on the same page here tonight.

CW: Either way, the first team to reach the semifinals is a team from NAPW.

SVH: That’s true. I’d venture a guess that they won’t be the only NAPW team to reach the semis, either.

(A short pause)

SVH: I’ve just been told that Karla Starr was ambushed backstage by Nakita Dahaka. This is more than likely retribution for the double-team attack against her in the first match of the night.

CW: It serves Karla right. Her and Frankie wanted to attack Nakita when she didn’t have the help. It stands to reason that Nakita would want payback.

SVH: Yeah, but I’m surprised that it came so quickly. Dahaka didn’t seem to want or need a game plan. She just hunted Karla down and attacked her again.

CW: The Nakita and Karla brawl will get cleaned up soon, as security has been dispatched to the backstage area. Sometimes I hate security. They didn’t even give us time to get the cameras back there to catch any of the fight.

SVH: Folks, we’ll be right back after the next video segment covering how Silver & GOLD and Simply Beautiful and Big Bad Brian Bruno made it to the second round!

(Video package plays. Once it ends, we find ourselves back at the broadcast table with Simon Van Helder and Creek Wineberg.)

SVH: We’re back, but unfortunately it looks like we’re about to get some bad news. We’ll take it to the ring where Simply Beautiful and Big Bad Brian Bruno are standing awaiting their opponents.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Navy Brackett Finals: Silver & GOLD vs Simply Beautiful & Big Bad Brian Bruno

A highly anticipated second round matchup didn’t end up happening, as Silver & GOLD never made it to the arena. Jalen Latham came out to be the bearer of bad news for the second straight week and he was not happy about it. He explained that the tournament had seen two teams become casualties to holiday flying and profusely apologized for the fact to the fans.

With Simply Beautiful and Big Bad Brian Bruno standing in the ring, he informed them that they were officially getting a bye into the semifinals and would face fellow NAPW-ites, New & Improved D-X. The crowd went nuts at the announcement.

Simply Beautiful & Big Bad Brian Bruno defeated Silver & GOLD when the members of Silver & GOLD didn’t show for the match. They won the Navy Bracket finals and would face the winner of the Army Brackett Finals, the New & Improved D-X in the tournament semifinals.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
CW: Two teams? Two teams were unable to make it to the arena tonight? This is ridiculous! I thought that the Hegstrand trophy would be more important than that to all of the teams.

SVH: Calm down, Creek. This has nothing to do with the lack of value that the trophy holds. This has more to do with the fact that holiday traveling has become increasingly difficult over the years. I guess only time will tell who the other team is.

CW: After all the trouble that went down for the Celtic Assassins last week, it better not be them!

SVH: I do believe I saw both of them backstage earlier in the night so I think it’s safe to say that they will be here to compete.

CW: Well, they better be.

SVH: I hate to interrupt you, but it seems MCW has a guest standing in the center ring. It looks like it’s the UCW and EPW fan favorite, The Sergeant.

CW: What is he doing here?

SVH: Let’s go down to the ring to find out.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Make fun of Frankie Scott skit

(In the ring, The Sergeant is in his normal wrestling attire with a microphone in hand. There are good portions of boos from the crowd, as currently in UCW Sarge is an enemy to the MCW invasion.)

Sarge: Ok, ok, ok. Settle down everyone. I know that MCW and I aren’t on the best of terms, but you’ve got to understand. It is only business. I’ve got to defend my company from an invasion. You understand that, don’t you?

(The fan reaction becomes more mixed than the original boos.)

Sarge: Now last week I noticed that there was a brother-in-arms that sat behind an old friend of mine who was in the crowd. The same man who he sat behind is the same guy that showed up unexpectedly this week in the opening match of the night. You all know who it is that I’m talking about. If you guessed “Phenomenal” Frankie Scott, then you guessed right!

(More mixed reactions from the crowd.)

Sarge: With that out of the way, I’ve got a confession to make. All of it is true. My fellow service member let the cat out of the bag and now there is no denying it. When I go on and on week after week about how I’m combat tested and mother approved, we know that I’m talking about Operation Iraqi Freedom for the first part of the catchphrase. Now everyone must know that just as the soldier said by way of fan sign last week, when I speak of being mother approved… well, I’m in fact referring to Frankie’s mom.

(The crowd erupts with a huge positive reaction.)

SVH: I can’t believe that The Sergeant was even paying attention to what was going on here last week.

CW: What are you talking about? Of course he’s been paying attention. The MCW Tag Team Invitational is the talk of the town. You should already know that by now.

(A chant grows slowly louder in the audience.)


(A broad smile crosses Sarge’s face.)

Sarge: That’s all I wanted. I’m out!

(With that, Sarge drops the microphone in the center of the ring and exits back into the crowd.)

SVH: I really don’t know what all of that was about, but one thing I do know… we’ve got another match coming up!

CW: Who’s next?

SVH: It’s Big Dog and Dan Ryan, A1E’s tag team champions. They are facing the Thrillbillies, MBE’s tag team champions. Let’s take it back to the ring.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Marine Bracket Finals: Big Dog & Dan Ryan vs Thrillbillies

Once again, Jalen Latham stepped out onto the stage. The fans were already booing before he even got the chance to open his mouth. Big Dog and Dan Ryan stood by in the ring for the official announcement that they already expected to hear.

Jalen wasted no time. He politely asked for the crowd to calm down and then informed them that due to obligations to Message Board Entertainment (MBE), the Thrillbillies were unable to make their scheduled appearance in the second round of the tournament. Dan Ryan and Big Dog stood in the ring, disgusted.

After Jalen Latham left the entrance area, Dan Ryan grabbed the microphone and explained that he was concerned that the tag team tournament would turn into a similar situation as what he and Big Dog face in A1E with no competition. He followed that up by explaining that in the end it was of no consequence to he or his partner because all it would do is prove that they are the most dominant tag team in professional wrestling today.

Big Dog & Dan Ryan defeated The Thrillbillies when the members of The Thrillbillieswere unable to make it to the match due to other commitments. They won the Marines Bracket Finals and would face the winner of the Air Force Brackett Finals in the semifinals.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
SVH: Big words from a big man, Creek. What do you think about this turn of events?

CW: Well, while I’m upset that we had two teams unable to show up for the second round, I guess I’ll have to accept it. Big Dog and Dan Ryan are definitely two of the best, and their tag team has been getting all sorts of attention for their dominance in A1E. They belong in the semifinals.

SVH: Either way you look at it, the semifinal matchup will be an interesting one. It could be Big Dog and Dan Ryan squaring off against one of Dan Ryan’s best tag teams in Empire Pro, Blitz. That would be a match full of dynamic angles. However, it could be that Dan Ryan and Big Dog will find themselves against the NAPW tag team champions, the Celtic Assassins.

CW: That match would have some strong implications, as NAPW has always been regarded as having a strong tag team division while A1E is on the opposite end of that analysis. To be honest, I’d love to see either one of those matches.

SVH: You and I both, Creek. Well, as you all know, the MCW Tag Team Invitational Tournament is brought to you in part by our financial partner, TEAM. Up next for TEAM is another Supershow! We’ve got all of the information for the Supershow and the 2007 schedule for TEAM coming up in a video package! Don’t go away!

(The cameras fade to a commercial for TEAM, advertising the upcoming Supershow lineup information [http://fwrestling.com/fwc/showthread.php?t=14506]. Once the commercial is over with the program transitions into another commercial for TEAM. This one gives the breakdown for the upcoming 2007 schedule of events [http://fwrestling.com/fwc/showthread.php?t=14659].)

(Once both of the video packages are over with, we’re back to the broadcast booth, once again.)

SVH: What an amazing lineup! With TEAM sprinting into the year 2007, we should have some very memorable moments coming up.

CW: Moments that will go down in wrestling history, no doubt.

SVH: It looks like we’re ready for more wrestling action. Let’s take it back to the ring for the final match of the night!


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Air Force Brackett Finals: Blitz vs Celtic Assassins

The EPW tag team powerhouse met the NAPW champions in the second round, as Blitz tried to use their size and their manager’s cunning against the fan favorite Celtic Assassins. Both teams wrestled a very intelligent match with neither team wanting to make an exit from the tournament. Blitz brought their power and size as directed by their mouthpiece, Leonard Johnson. It had a very solid affect on the match. The Celtic Assassins, on the other hand, strayed from the wrestling style they displayed against Irishred and James Irish in a controversial losing effort in the first round. They tried to be a step-and-a-half faster than their German opponents at ever stage. The game of chess made this the match of the night.

Early in the match, if it would have went to the judges they would have scored it 10-9 in favor of the Celtic Assassins. The aggression was there, and the double-teaming wowed the fans at ringside. The broadcast team commented on the fact that the Celts had won the popular vote to enter the second round in a three-team second chance opportunity. They proved why with an effort worthy of the second chance.

Unfortunately, the man on the outside of the ring proved why he is a front-runner for manager of the year. Leonard Johnson showed himself to be the general in this game of chess. When Blitz would seem unfocused, Johnson would bark commands and get them on the same page. When they finally took firm control of the match it spelled trouble for the Celtic Assassins.

The end came around the thirtieth minute of a hard fought battle. With Leonard Johnson distracting on the outside of the ring, Al Thoes was left with no choice other than to have his face meet a huge big boot from Jecht of Blitz. Max, who was the legal man, then hit a beautiful moonsault to achieve the victory and a birth into the semifinals to face Big Dog and Dan Ryan.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
SVH: Holy crap! How long were these two teams fighting?

CW: I’m looking at my watch and it looks like Blitz and the Celtic Assassins just went at it for thirty minutes.

SVH: Neither team wanted to give up that pinfall. It’s unfortunate that the Celtic Assassins had to go!

CW: You mean had to go for the second time! What does it say when the NAPW tag team champions exit a best of the best tag team tournament for the second time in as many rounds, while their top challengers are still alive and kicking after going through two very strong tag teams?

SVH: I’m sure that will add fuel to the debate of which of those teams is truly better, New & Improved D-X or the Celtic Assassins.

CW: Simon, I think it’s obvious who the better team is. Look at who is still in!

SVH: That is a good point, but the Celts defeated D-X for the NAPW tag team titles. That speaks louder to me.

CW: It doesn’t really matter, anymore. What I’m excited about is that Dan Ryan gets to face his business partner, Leonard Johnson’s team in the semis! Can you imagine the fireworks?

SVH: It is going to be big for sure!


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Closing Segment

(There is a pause in commentary as the broadcast team gets information from the back.)

SVH: We’ve got the tournament bracket finalized for next week, folks. In the semifinals, we have two NAPW teams battling to see who will represent their organization in the finals. The New & Improved D-X will look to continue their push toward tag team dominance in a match against Simply Beautiful and Big Bad Brian Bruno!

CW: Don’t forget about the match I am looking forward to! Dan Ryan and his tag team partner Big Dog face one of Ryan’s premier tag teams in his organization, EPW, when they face Blitz with Leonard Johnson calling the shots!

SVH: We’ve been promised more in the way of matches, but these two matches alone should be enough to drive any fan to the arena or a television set!

CW: Either one of these matches would do it for me!

SVW: Well, that’s all of the action we have for you tonight, wrestling fans. Come back next week to see who will be squaring off in the tag team tournament finals for a chance at the Hegstrand Award!

(Cameras slowly fade out to the MCW logo… All rights reserved.)

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