Just a heads up regarding status of the Round 3 cards. The Bracket 1/Bracket 2 card will likely be up by mid-week, with Bracket 3/4 following shortly.
They didn't send you the link to the results, Hopper? Everyone else has read them.
I can't believe Hornet won.
In fairness, the original schedule said "Card at the end of the week." It just didn't say WHICH week.
Pete, if we ever meet, I need to try some of that beautiful absinthe.
Also, for those wanting short form results, 16 Clones of Hornet defeat everyone in triple threat matches. Then the original Hornet wins a Hornet filled Battle Royal.
Then, in a twist, the REAL Original Hornet comes out and tells the other original Hornet that he's actually the FIRST clone.
But the double twist is that the Second REAL Original Hornet actually was the FIRST Clone all along!
Then the two of them watch the Sixth Day together.