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RP Appreciation

Distorted Angel

League Member
Feb 22, 2015
... With the rp'ing window coming to a close, I thought it might be a decent idea to spread a bit of positivity etc...

Essentially the idea is- if you've not read a fellow competitors work before this event but really enjoyed what they have submitted, let them know :) even if it's just a couple of words...

Show some love to fellow writers :)

Everyone likes to know someone out there has enjoyed what they've written...

Stacy Jones

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
All of them were great so really everyone should be appreciated for their work, for me I particularly enjoyed reading Emevlas Stasias' roleplay and I also hated reading Mike Best's RP...in a good way by the way...I hated reading it because I was like, fucking Hell this guy is good! Not saying nobody else's were good, they all were, and kudos to everyone.

I would really appreciate it if anyone who read my RP would be able to give me some feedback on how to better my RP's, I'm happy to hear anything, good or bad.




League Member
Dec 28, 2014
Knoxville, TN
Mike. Freaking. Best.

I hate the character, but DAMN can the handler write! I'm going to be kicking myself for my flip-flopping time tenses, and that's why I think Mike Best is a favorite.

Emevlas. Freaking. Stastias.

I'm aware of the cheap plug, and I'm aware of the time-tense flip-flopping, but otherwise, I'm pretty proud of my RP.

A. Freaking. Taxia.

I was extremely entertained by Ataxia's RP! I was truly impressed by the "I am all of you, and you all are me" line myself. He may be an alternate, but he's one of THE strongest RPs in the threads.

Just about everyone else had a good RP, notably Damien (as usual), Austen Impact, Stacy Jones (and not just because Emevlas was mentioned), and Derecho had a good one, though the three in bold are my favorites to win the whole effin' show.

Mike Best

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
I'm not gonna lie-- I fucking hated some of the RPs posted for Battlemania. I know it doesn't fit the circlejerk of "HEY GREAT JOB EVERYONE", but I don't like to give unwarranted handjobs in this hobby. How will anyone ever get better if everyone constantly tells them that they did great?

I'm not going to name names or call people out specifically, because that's mean spirited. But I pretty accurately described the things I didn't like in my roleplay, even if it was in a round about way. Text colors aside-- come on, people, it's 2015-- I find that a lot of the roleplays used a lot of description simply for description's sake. The drops of dew on the leaf specifically struck me as a lot of description just for the sake of describing something. I don't mean to call that person out specifically, but it's the example in my head and I honestly don't remember who did it offhand.

If you're describing something to me in a roleplay, it should be because that thing is central and important. Tell me that you're in a kitchen if you're in a kitchen, but don't describe the individual knives if the knives aren't important to the story. Give my imagination some room to attach itself to this kitchen and make it my own. More importantly, don't give me a reason to skim and potentially miss important details. Imagine reading Animal Farm, and having the exact fur pattern of every single animal described to you for two paragraphs. It would not only be arduous to read, but it would also take away from the point you're meant to take away from the book.

Another thing is the strategy of picking out a couple of people to talk trash about. I get the idea in theory, but it seemed like very little research was put into it and the names were just picked because they were hot button names. For example, many people decided to drop my name into their work (which was an honor, by the way). However, one person in particular went on at length about how "Mike Best has only ever worked for HOW". Why risk the inaccuracy? Why give me the additional ammo? If you don't want to do the research, by all means, don't do it-- but maybe leave that person out. Make a bigger blanket statement. I didn't have the time or energy to research a lot of you before I posted my RP, so I simply chose to address you as a whole.

Also, please please please don't be a cliche, unless part of your character is the FACT that they're a cliche. We see a thousand Johnny Darkness type characters in every fed-- make yourself special. Give me a reason to find you more interesting than every other guy out there.

I sincerely enjoyed AMP's roleplay, despite my only slightly OOC disdain for Boardwalk Wrestling sometimes. That was a really stellar roleplay for an event like this, and I really liked how it was more focused on why Amp would win, not why everyone else would lose. I also enjoyed the Stacy Jones roleplay-- it was well written and interesting, though perhaps a bit scattered at times. I really want to go back and read everyone's work again now that the HOW PPV is over and the RP monkey for Battlemania is off my back. If and when I do, I'll add another reply to this thread and properly jerk you all off.


Aidan Morag

Dec 1, 2014
I will jump on the Best wagon here a bit and my hatred was for his rp. Sorry man, not a fan. You rpd about rping...lame.

I Am anti everything you just said too. People rp how they rp. And who the hell died made you king of this game? Everyone is different and different things work differently in different places.

I truely do not see the Mike Best hype, that rp was trash in my opinion. In any fed I have ever been in that would almost border on ooc. Anyway. Sorry if I offend but whatever.
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Distorted Angel

League Member
Feb 22, 2015
It's an 'each to their own game', there will always be likes and dislikes regarding style...

If you like a certain persons style then that's cool, all the better for you and if you happen to hate a style then so be it, no real reason to trash a persons way of doing things purely cause it isn't to a particular taste.
As far as I'm concerned- if you wanna do old school rps and it works for you, do it. If you're more into hyperealism then use it and if you're completely outside the box well then why not...

At the end of the day- it'd be pretty fucking boring if we all did the same thing so why not dare to be different.

I struggle to get into total trash talk rp's but that's cause a lot of Feds I've written in generally don't use that style, so therefore I enjoy them less than something I'm used to.

I'm not going to shout names but there were rp's that made me laugh, some that made me cringe and something that left me wondering what the hell just happened.
Were there any that could be called truly terrible? I don't believe so :)

Mike Best

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
Whoa, lots of hostility here, especially considering I went out of my way not to name any names. I was just giving my opinion-- I never said they weren't good, I just said that I didn't like them.

Anyway, thanks for your opinions too. Great work at Battlemania!


League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Alright, so a couple points.

1 - When we all started this game, we were no where near the level we are currently at. Some of us have taken a few steps forward or even backward. I know I have my lazy days and throw something on the boards just to not no show. But as far as descriptions go. I don't want to read anything with bright colors. It just shows a rainbow of words. However, whacky and crazy might be someones character gimmick, so I give them a kudos for creative and suck it up to do my job and give them feedback. But I also don't want quoted lines followed by "he said" or "she said". Write the name, put a colon or a dash and write the lines out. I always break mine with a pause or a motion or something. I try to make it so you can visualize as much as possible. Not which direction the sharpest blade of grass is blowing in the light 3.5 mph breeze. But "so and so went to the mini bar and poured himself a glass of scotch".

2 - We ALL have those little things someone hates. Mike Best, I hate that you hate everything. (i know, not everything, chill out.) I know my role-play pissed people off because I wrote as much as I possibly could. But I also continued my storyline from my home fed and posted it in the unofficial promo board. now i may last about 3 minutes in this match, cool. thats on the judges and their opinions of my work. but i think my piece was good and was well thought out. because let's face it, you cannot just have a character and create an entirely different world for one match, excluding everything else. especially when someone else brings it up on one of the shows. so i carried every aspect of my storyline into this and continued the character flow. and it turned out wonderfully, in my opinion.

and finally, like it or not, we are all here for the same thing. if no one leaves me feedback on my post, oh well. but if you truly hate someones post for whatever reason, read through it. fight through it. make your notes. type them up and send them as a private message. keep it private so they don't get embarrassed and you don't look like a total fuck face. if it is just about colors, just post the quick reply. hey, use darker colors or no colors at all.

i used to post mine all in red, and people said there was too much red. then i just stopped coloring them. now its all good.

at the end of the day, it is boring if we all put the same crap up. we are different. we all have different styles. i am almost certain the majority of people in the match didn't care for my post, but i don't care because it flowed with my character and his story, and i made it work. this is a hobby and is just for fun. don't take life too seriously. you're gonna miss the fun parts of it.

Aidan Morag

Dec 1, 2014
I respect that everyone has an opinion. Maybe what I said, no, how I said it was a little out of line, maybe it wasn't. I do not apologize for what I said as it's how I feel and as much as Best can run his mouth about everyone else's work I for one will not sit around and just stay shut.

I don't agree with what was said by him and I am going to call him on it. He posted publicly so I did.

I, for one, will say this though, It's great that you all want to give feedback for others work. Personally, I don't want anyone's feedback here. If someone gives it to me then I will read it and thank them but I am not looking for it because I do not need anyone's validation. I have had more than my share of success in my 15 plus years in this game and I am content with it.

You don't like my style, too bad. You don't like the colors, don't read it. You don't like that I use an off-site layout, cry to someone who cares. I will not change my style or my colors or my layout or anything else to accomadate what other people like. I do this for me.

Yes I sound like a total asshole right now and I'm okay with that. It's pretty simple. These events bring people from all over the internet in different feds that run different styles and welcome different styles. For someone to come on here and shit all over EVERYONE'S style is low and I am not that dude that is going to sit here and watch it. I have a keyboard and internet connection (rather than voice in this case) and I am going to defend people and myself. I received a few pm's after my last post in this topic thanking me for speaking up and saying what I said. I wish more people would speak up and defend themselves rather than let people who feel they are other worldly run their mouths when they are not even good roleplayers themselves.

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
Okay, with that out of the way, I'm going to say that this topic can go back on topic and if people want to continue posting in a proper fashion, good. The back and forth is done, if you guys want to have it out that's fine go vent your frustrations in the trash talk forum all you want.

Edit: Furthermore, not everyone is going to have good things to say about other people in this hobby. Thing is you've got to have a little bit of thick skin about you. If you didn't like certain things that you read during Battlemania then you're free to express that, if you'd like to do it in a constructive way then that's encouraged more. There are ways of going about telling people that you didn't enjoy their work without being a total dick about it or coming off like a total dick about it.

Then there are people when they give feedback that it's just going to come off like that and there is nothing that is going to change it because that's the type of person they are. It doesn't matter how you wrote your RPs, I can guarantee at least from the others that I've spoken to that the color in the RPs did not sway the judges against anyone. It's a matter of the context in the RPs.

All I have to say is kudos to everyone who did show up for this tournament and best of luck.

Mike Best

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
Was specifically inspired to come back here and mention Chris King, who posted "From Hick To Prick". It wasn't the new great American novel and it absolutely wasn't meant to be-- it was just a solid roleplay with good characterization. The character felt personable, the RP gave a new audience a great look into the character without having to do any background research, and the points of the roleplay were hit strong.

Could definitely see Chris King going top ten. Great job man.


League Member
Feb 23, 2015
I'm just reading this now and laughing to myself. First of all the title of the thread is "RP Appreciation" not Rp Feedback. It was meant to spread positivity from what I understand in the initial post. So I guess if you have nothing nice to say don't say it, or start a feedback thread I guess if you want to get into the nitty gritty of "promo" roleplays vs "story telling". I like a combo of both personally if I must comment. I don't want to hear some tool on the mic go on about how they are the best thing since sliced bread, the same old song and fucking dance week in and week out. You like that cool. I also don't like reading extensive stories about how you walked in on your grandmother taking a shit and it messed up your head. No relevance to anything there right. Combine the two. . . GOLD! Am I right *Starts typing RP*

So back to the actual topic of this thread what I LIKED! (RP APPRECIATION) No need to wave my dick all judgmentally about how long I've been in the game and the callouses that have formed on my finger tips to match the one on my palms from masturbation. Anyway. . .

I really enjoyed the different styles that were out there. I have been playing this game for while and I have never participated in one of these things and I am glad to fill in as an alternate. First of all the character themselves are great from Blue Suede Bruce (Cheap plug for my fed head) seriously love the character though for something you think would be stale you always make it entertaining. Stacy from VOW also had a very solid rp like normal. Plays a really really good face. I have sadly never been able to write female characters well and it is something I envy.

I liked Al Envy's rp a lot, it might not win, but it got me interested in the character and it is some of the best selling of what I feel like it would be like to be on the road putting your body through hell, only to get the cash for the pain meds that drain the money and continue the cycle. I went and read some of your other work and I like it. It's simple, not over thought. It was a really good view at who Al Envy is.

Emevlas had a good rp that depicted the character well. I liked how megastory4 was able to fit a lot of people in Battlemania into their rp. I saw that there was some history with Stacy and Mike Best, then you manged to get some one liners in on a lot of other competitors. I wish that I could of done that more in my work.

Amp had some good imagery and it was very match relevant and sold the character as a "Living Legend". That topped with the trash talk to back it up that really built Amp believably as one of the best.

Then there was Ataxia. Personally that rp has to be my favorite. It was dark, but not cheesy. Something I have been wanting to do for years but just can't find the way to present it properly. It was almost Jokeresque, but it had it's own distinct "heartbeat if you will." I think our characters would mesh really well. Lets make a love child?

Anyway with that good work guys. Really enjoyed it and if I see anything else I like I'll be sure to stroke your ego. That's what it's all about knowing people enjoy, how you enjoy writing.



League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Ok, so I get it. RP Appreciation. I agree with Johnny English over here. If you don't have anything nice to say about it, don't say it, solely on the fact that this is for appreciating the promo or rp. However, I enjoy constructive critiques of all my work so I can see what I need to tweak or take out or keep to improve. Do I care if all you do is bash my post? No, not at all. I'm an asshole by trade. So chances are I won't value what you said, or you might strike a nerve to where I will attack back, but not as a defense, just because I think you're wrong.

Everyone in the world has their opinions. So, in light of the topic name to this thread, RP Appreciation. If you like it, say nice things. If you don't, ignore the post.

However, I personally disagree with only saying the nice things. Makes me feel like the entire world except a few, have succumbed to the pressures of this "winning hearts and minds" and "participation award" society.

I highly encourage you all to check mine out. If you feel like you have some opinions on what would make it better, by all means, write a reply to it or inbox me if you want to save face and not be an asshole. Again, that's just me. If you are just going to be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole, I will be an asshole too or just ignore because I don't care.

And finally, because I enjoy ranting when I get on a tangent, Everyone has their own style. Mine is a continuous story of life. Real and for my character. I mesh the two. If people don't understand my post, ok then. I do, and the people from my fed do. Did I meet the requirements for this match? Yes. Did I clue the world in on why my post might come off as confusing to some? I don't think I did. I did all this understanding that my actions may only get me 3 minutes in the battle royal and no eliminations under my belt. I wanted to do it, so I did it. If you don't like it, feel free to write your congressman and tell him all about it.

Aside from that, I enjoyed reading everyones work. So many different styles, so many great things. Some better than others, but nothing I hated and wanted to not read. This is going to be a great match! Cheers everyone, hope you all had a lovely spring break. Unless you didn't get one. In which case, I feel your pain.


Ian Bishop

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Thought I'd finally get on this, since I promised the original poster :p lol (I've been busy moving)

I enjoyed the vast majority of the roleplays and I would hate to be a judge in this match. I can honestly say without lying, whether you're the winner of this match, or the loser, everyone gave 110% in their RPs and everyone should be proud of the work they put into this match. I'm glad to know by reading some of these comments that I'm not the only one doing this type of match for the 1st time.

I'm not going to single out names of who I liked, I really don't want to show any bias towards anyone. Again, each RP had tons of life to them and it'll be hard to chose a winner. I'll end this by saying I loved every character and would be nice to see if actions / events that happen in this match become seeds for feuds, partnerships that cross over different promotions - that would be great to see.


League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Pretty sure it's safe to say most, if not all, of those who RP'd for this would like some feedback whether it's from judges or fellow competitors. We're all "feedz whores" in this game/hobby, and if there's a way we can improve it's good to hear it. We've already got two locked threads in this forum. Let's keep it constructive (see: don't be a dick) and informative.

Thanks to those who have already provided feedback, it's appreciated.

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