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Same ol' Same ol'


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern stands in front of a BATTLE OF THE BELTS backdrop. The US Title is slung over his shoulder...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " Don't ya' just love confusion? Don't ya' just LOVE good o' C.M. for givin' YOU tha' fans, quite possibly tha' biggest cluster <BLEEP> in CSWA history? {{..smiles..}} Ya' know, I ain't been very vocal 'bout this here Pay-per-view. N' ta' be honest with you boys, I don't really know WHY. Tha' winner gets a title shot, right? {{...shakes his head...}} Yeah, I don't know...for some reason that little "honor" has lost it's luster lately. Oh sure, I'd live mah' right arm ta' wear that title...but six months ago, I'd given both legs, both arms and my right <BLEEP> for it. "

" I suppose it's got somethin' ta' do with tha' person WEARIN' that belt. ... and tha' person CHALLENGIN' for it next. Two guys, quite past their primes, tryin' ta' hold on to a little magic 'for they go ridin' off inta' tha' sunset. Hell, I may be listenin' ta' GUNS justa' little too much here, but somethin's gotta' be done soon 'bout tha' state of things 'round here. N' I got no DELUSIONS of grandeur here folks'...I ain't Superman, Batman, OR tha' Hulk. If Merritt wants ta' dump tha' CSWA in tha' damn toilet, I ain't enough by mah'self ta' stop it. I guess I've become a little cynical after bein' here for a year now. I'm startin' ta' SEE tha' way things work 'round here. Flair and Aho for the number one spot? Anybody NOT see Flair pullin' out a WIN here? N' it's not 'cause he's better than Evan...it's 'cause SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE wants Flair back in tha' spotlight, n' come HELL or HIGH-WATER he's gettin' there. "

" I know, I know...I'm rufflin' some feathers. I'm talkin' SMACK 'bout some of tha' biggest names in this business....but can ANYBODY out there explain WHY Triple X ain't on tha' card? Somebody up top AFRAID of puttin' TOO MUCH young talent in these matches. It's like I said early on when I came into tha' CSWA...somebody's scared of losin' their spot. "

" All that crap aside, I've gotta' JOB ta' do at Battle of tha' Belts. I'm gonna' do it ONE HUNDRED percent, just like always, n' if I happen' ta' come out ON TOP in this melee, then you can bet yer ASS that WHOEVER is holdin' that title won't have long ta' enjoy it 'for he has ta' DEAL with yers truly. Nobody can ever say that Shane Southern issa' man that ain't got no heart. I'm comin' at this ONE hundred TEN percent. Friend or Foe, you can in mah' way, you get RUN SLAP OVER. "

" Now, I gotta' few {{...clears his throat...}} "competitors" to address here. First of all, Dan Ryan. It's quite kind of you sir ta' WARN me not ta' trust you. I mean, I had ya' 'bout mid-way down mah' "PEOPLE TO TRUST" list before you told me. {{...laughs...}} I mean, seriously Dan, I may TALK a little funny to you, but I didn't get where I got by bein' STUPID. You put tha' GXW thing behind ya'. Good. Glad ta' hear it. That don't change anythin in mah' mind Danny boy. You wanna' SHOW ME you deserve ta' be here, well, you MAY just GET yer opportunity at B.O.B. I can tell ya' this...I WILL be in that Battle Royal, so if yer lookin' for me, just step between tha' ropes and I'll be there. "

" As far as MY elimination match goes, {{...smiles...}} should be fun. Poundin' on Miles n' Mayfield always seems ta' put a SMILE on mah' face. In fact boys, it'll be even SWEETER tha' what...third? fourth? time 'round? I've said all I have ta' say to you boys. It's clear you're not gettin' tha' message, n' ya' know what? That's fine n' dandy by me. Maybe...yet another taste of mah' wrestling boot will change yer tune. "

" And Tom Adler. {{...Shane pauses and looks down, then shakes his head...}} What else is there ta' say. It's clear we ain't on tha' same page, seein' outta' different color glasses. I see a man who can't get tha' job done, a man who, when he loses, makes one excuse after another. You see yourself as some sort of ICON, a man who feels he doesn't have to EARN his respect each n' every day of his career. I KNOW there's no changin' yer mind, I KNOW that even if I pin yer ass to tha' mat, you'll have an excuse. Tha' only thing I don't know Tom is...what will it be THIS time. "

" Yes, ladies n' gentleman...Battle of tha' belts is gonna' be one helluva' ride. Better buckle up, or you're gonna' get thrown. It's got ever'thing you could possible ask for. Mystery, excellent competition, and STAR power. I'm lookin' forward to it. But after it's ALL said n' done, after tha' smoke has cleared and ever'body's gone home....if tha' MAIN EVENT for tha' next card is HORNET-FLAIR, I'll puke. "

" Party's OVER. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}

Hex Angel

(CUTTO: Eli Flair, watching the television inside Terry Cooper's office.)

ELI: "Yeah, come hell or highwater, someone wants Eli Flair back in the main event scene."


"Don't think I deserve it, Shane?"

"Try and stop me. But I guarantee you, you won't be able to."


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{CUT-TO: Shane Southern in a CSWA locker room...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " Don't let yer mouth write checks yer ass can't cash Flair. Yer great, but if ya' think fer one second Shane Southern can't "stop you", then you're more out of touch than I thought. "

" Fact is, that I have no DESIRE ta' stop you Flair. You earned yer shot, take it. But I can just about guaran-damn-tee ya' that when it's all said n' done, n' yer standin' in that number one contenders spot, it won't be because you beat Aho straight up. It'll be 'cause somebody up there {{...points up...}} ... n' I ain't talkin' bout heaven ... wanted it that way. "

"Party's Over."


{{...FADE OUT..}}


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Shane, let me ask you one simple question. Answer it TRUTHFULLY and I'll go in that ring at BotB, play the role of happy tag team partner, and, if you're lucky, I might even just lay down and let you win that little match we've got later in the night. Otherwise, admit you're simply babbling to get some air time and shut the hell up. 'kay?

You tell me I can't get the job done. That all I do is make excuses for my losses. Tell me something. WHO, exactly, have I LOST to since returning here to the CSWA? And, what excuses did I make about it?

Not just in the last year since SOME people seem to think that's meaningless... but since I came back here PERIOD. WHO has pinned MY shoulders to the mat, made me submit, got me counted out... WHO? And, what did I say in response to it?



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...CUT-TO: Shane Southern....}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " I 'spose I should restate mah'self 'eh Tom. I definitely don't want ta' come off tha' wrong way. I mean, what would people THINK 'ah me? OK, so you didn't LOOSE to Windam...but I take a look at you man, and I see a guy that ain't wearin' tha' CSWA World Title 'round his waist. Ta' tell ya' tha' truth, I fell asleep during that ramblin' snore fest at On time, so I really don't know or care why you chose to chicken out on your match with Windam then. In mah' mind, that's a loss pal. You knew you weren’t good enough THEN, and you weren’t good enough at Primetime either. Say what ya' will 'bout interference, n' what not...fact is you ain't wearin' tha' gold...you LOST out Adler, and all I hear from you is that if you would have whatever you WANTED. Spill that garbage ta' Diamond, 'cause he's probably tha' only guy that believes it. You even had HELP to defeat an half-strength Craig Miles. Not exactly a great win there either. "

" Now, as far as our little match at B.O.B. goes...it'll be quite a pleasure ta' make what I said tha' truth. You WILL loose, you WILL make excuses for it I'm sure, n' tha' whole world will see what Tom Alder's "status" in tha' CSWA truly is. I hope you can live with reality Tom, 'cause it's about ta' bite you in tha' over-rated ASS. I might "mis-speak" sometimes, but I can sure as hell wrestle, and you're about ta' find out at B.O.B. that I can SURE as HELL do it better than you. "

" Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Sounds like political backtracking, Shane. Along with a big dose of revisionist history. If I didn't know better, I'd swear your last name was Daschle.

In any event, I have no problems living in reality, Shane. And, for you, the reality is this.

I've spent the last six months being the ONLY person in this place to give you any respect.

I'm the ONLY person in this place who's said repeatedly that you probably COULD have won the title legitimately but was denied the opportunity.

I'm the ONLY person in this place who's said that you CAN restore the prestige to that US Title if you choose to do it.

But, for SOME reason, you take issue with the fact that I also don't have a problem pointing out that neither you nor Windham has, as yet, proven themselves to be a better champion than me.

No, Shane, what's becoming painfully obvious is that you're coming to the REALITY that you're an Also-Ran in this whole thing.

You were fourth choice to become the token whipping boy of the Intruders.

You were SECOND choice to Troy Windham in preferences to deal with the tasks at hand.

And, the only way you seem to be able to bring yourself up to MY level is to try to insult your way through tearing me down to YOURS.

Well, Shane, my patience and tolerance for you has pretty much ended.

If you can stand there on the apron and do what you seem to be best at... ride somebody ELSE's coat tails to victory, then we'll get along just fine for another hour or so.

Otherwise, what little patience I have left for your constant whining is gonna come to an end.



Adler, let's not make the mistake that you were the only one to respect Shane Southern.

My entire dealings with Shane Southern have been about my respect for the man - and the pain I felt in my gut watching a man I respect so deeply be so foolishly naive when it comes to the CSWA. Now, it seems that Shane is starting to get the picture, that the CSWA is just one big puppet show with Chad Merritt pulling the strings - but he's already bitten the hands that offered to feed him.

Shane Southern, we extended the olive branch - we made the offer, you could be wearing an Intruders T-shirt right now and be on the fast track to winning the World Heavyweight title. I would have protected you all the way to the goal line, Shane, and then you could have superkicked Windham's or Hornet's head off and that would have been the end of it. But that's not the path you chose to walk, Shane - you preferred the path of the righteous and the stubborn - you chose Troy Windham, a man who would stab you in the back in a HEARTBEAT if he thought it would get him on the cover of Tiger Beat, to be your friend and tag team partner. What did that get you, Shane? A one-way ticket to the third row while Troy Windham danced to celebrate a "victory." You suffered, Shane, while Troy Windham danced. You laid in the laps of Virginia trailer trash while your partner did a victory lap.

That's the way you wanted it, Shane. You see, I don't begrudge you your dreams - I was more than willing to help you get to the top so you could smell the air up there and see that I'm not just flapping my gums because I like the sound of my own voice. But, now, Shane, my only goal is to make sure you and your boyfriend Troy never make it to the top of the mountain again. Shane, you're the one man who can bring legitimacy and respect back to the CSWA World Heavyweight title, and that's why you must fail. It would be one thing if you did it wearing an Intruders T-shirt, because then we could trust you to do the right thing, to hold the belt hostage and use it to cripple the CSWA once and for all. But you want to win the belt and defend it as a hero, as a call for CSWA wrestlers everywhere to rally around the flag, and that just can't happen.

Shane, you can keep having your little pissing match with Adler over who's the best secondary champion in the CSWA - I won't stop you. But as far as your road to the battle royal goes, your biggest obstacle isn't standing across the ring from you - it's the man standing on the same apron with you.

Again, there's no mystery, there's no drama - who's the mole? I am. One way or the other, Shane, your dreams will end in failure, and you'll want to blame me, but you'll know you only have yourself to blame - because you chose to lose alone rather than join the Intruder Victory Express.

You're right, Shane - the party is over for you at Battle of the Belts. You won't walk out the World champion, you won't be recognized as the best in the business, you'll just be another souvenir for some lucky fan, courtesy of Third Row, Inc.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern is standing in front of a CSWA Backdrop wearing a THIRD ROW INC. T-shirt, and supporting the US Title on his shoulder...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " This what you wanna' see Guns? Yeah, I got hurled inta' tha' THIRD ROW by tha' Strongest Arms in tha' World, n' ya' know what? It hurt. It hurt a DAMN lot. But one trip inta' tha' third row don't exactly wanna' make me turn in mah' CSWA T-shirt forra' Intruders one, or a GUNS one, or a TROY WINDAM one for that matter. Regardless of what ANYBODY back in tha' locker room says, or WHISPERS behind mah' back, SHANE SOUTHERN is his OWN man, he plays his OWN games, by his OWN rules. I'm notta' member uva' faction, I'm not tha' leader uva' GROUP, I'm notta' piece uva' stable. Shane Southern is ONE man, with ONE goal...and that GOAL is ta' BE tha' CSWA World Champion. Plain n' simple. It's notta' GOAL you have, that's fine. I can even UNDERSTAND yer point of view. I even agree with it to ah' POINT. Yes, perhaps I've grown a little cynical, but in reality, I've always been that way when it comes to tha' "Headliners club" partyin' in Merritt's skybox. Just because somethin' is broken Guns, don't mean you can't FIX IT. "

" Now I've got all tha' respect in tha' WORLD fer you Guns. Yer record speaks for itself. YOU ARE a great wrestler n' you make NO excuses for anything you do. You've got yer agenda, I've got MINE. Those two agendas just happen ta' not be able ta' co-exist. I've made mah' bed, and I'm willin' ta' LIE in it Guns...are you? When Craig n' Eddy decide that yer just not COOL enough fer them, or they just getta' bug up their ass and decide you ain't worth their time anymore...what happens THEN Guns? 'Cause rest assured mah' man, it WILL happen. Could be sooner, could be later. Probably depends on what they smoked that day and how tha' quality was. "

" As far as MISTER Adler goes. He's justa' pretender. He WANTS people ta' see in him what they see in guys like YOU and Hornet and Windam and Flair. And the funny thing is, He HAD that. He HAD it until he brought in tha' Diamond Exchange and decided that it was more fun ta' give a two hour speech on what's wrong with tha' CSWA than actually WRESTLE for it's title. "

" But maybe I've got it all wrong here. I've been known ta' be wrong before, and I'm DAMN SURE I'll be wrong again. I've gotta' tongue that runs before this ol' brain can see fit ta' stop it. But in tha' end, what I SAY here, in front of this camera, don't mean JACK <BLEEP>. It's what I DO. "

" So Guns, you do what you gotta' DO, and I'm gonna' do what I gotta' DO. Step in mah' way at B.O.B. and well, I think you know how this ends..."

" Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Ya know what your problem is, Shane? You're too wrapped up in your own little self indulgence to pay attention to anything that doesn't happen to stroke your ego for a couple of minutes.

I was at On Time. I know what happened and why.

Windham was used. Plain and simple. A message needed to be sent and it was.

Why Windham? Two reasons. Because he's the so-called standard bearer in this company... and because he had everything that happened to him coming.

You weren't there a few years back when Windham and Hornet decided it was better to try to end Adler's career than actually wrestle him. So, don't profess to be qualified to come out here and pass judgement now.

And the message was simple, though apparently not simple enough for you to understand it. So, let me simplify it for you even further.

The CSWA has two choices. It can either throw it's support behind so called moral warriors such as yourself... who seem to blow whichever way the wind flutters their paycheck when it comes to loyalty... and WATCH while people like The Intruders make what happened to Windham look tame... or they can take a risk, stand behind somebody who's actually CARRIED a federation before... and is more than capable of meeting people like the Intruders or the GXW head on.

Can you beat Eddie Mayfield and GUNS in a straight up wrestling match? Maybe. So can we. The difference is that we're not stupid enough to think that anything they have in mind is straight up.

Should the CSWA trust us? Nope. We've said that from the start. We also think it's more than a little niave to throw it's trust behind a man who just a month ago was practically wetting his pants over the possibility of getting a new NFW contract.

And, one has gotta wonder... if certain individuals, who shall remain nameless, started pressing you to make a career choice, which one would you make. Assuming you haven't made it already. The walls have ears, my friend.

And, by the way, don't insult anybody by suddenly claiming you respected Adler until Diamond showed up. You've been badmouthing the man for months. Max just gave you a new bitch of choice.

But, you are right about one thing, Shane, all your babbling DOESN'T mean jack. It's what happens after that bell that matters. It's all in what you do.

All you've gotta do, of course, is prove Adler wrong.

-Eric Wright
Press Agent


(FADEIN: GUNS sitting in his ranch house, wearing a "Party's Over" T-shirt.)

GUNS: Shane, it's good to have goals. It's good to have dreams. You see, Shane, I once thought like you did - that I could fix the CSWA. You can't cure cancer, Shane, and you can't fix the CSWA. The only way to fix the CSWA, Shane, is to destroy it, and to destroy it from within.

You could have been a part of that legacy, Shane, but you were too stubborn, too naive, and too stupid. You let Troy Windham play you like a fiddle, Shane, and you ended up in the third row while he danced around the ring in celebration. So you want to stir something up between me, Eddie, and Craig? (Laughs.) Trust's not really high on my list of priorities, Shane - the Intruders are a marriage of convenience, three men with common goals. The day Eddie and Craig decide their goals differ from mine, at least I know where we stand - and I'll be prepared to deal with the situation. For all I know, that day may come at Battle of the Belts. It's an eventuality, Shane. One thing the CSWA has taught me is that all relationships in this business come to an end, and they come to an end violently.

Hornet and Mark Windham taught me that lesson years ago, Shane, when a little illegal immigrant referee screamed "NO ENGLISH! NO ENGLISH!" while my so-called buddy Hornet prepared to stab me in the back and help his so-called arch enemy steal my EN World Heavyweight title. And, now what do we have in the main event of this little show? Hornet versus Mark Windham for the CSWA World Heavyweight title? And you wonder why I think this place needs to be bulldozed to the ground.

The bottom line is this, Shane - your goals are noble, but they're also futile. And you're right, Shane, when you tell me that I know how this play ends. Because I've already written the script. Shane, you're going down, and you're going down hard, because nice guys finish last in this business, and even moreso in the CSWA.

I may be the man to take you down, Shane. It could just as easily be Adler. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if the second you turned your back on him, Troy Windham hit you with the Slacknife to take you out. Relationships end violently in this sport, Shane, and at Battle of the Belts - it doesn't matter to me who does you in. I could have protected you, Shane...I could have helped you climb that mountain and smell the filthy air for yourself. Now, you'll never make that climb - because trust me on this, even if I don't get you, somebody will. It's the natural order of things, Shane.

The Party's not over, Shane - for you, it's never even gonna get started.


Eric Wright, it's nice to see that someone in this business still signs a paycheck for you, and it's even more nice to finally find out that it's Maxwell Diamond. It's also nice to see that Diamond is smart enough never to come down from his penthouse and stick his nose around ringside, because Lord only knows what might happen to him.

Eric, you said the CSWA has two choices. Wrong. The CSWA has no choices, because I'm not here to pick and choose targets. At the end of the day, both the so-called "moral warriors" like Shane Southern and the cutthroats like Adler will be buried underneath the rubble of the CSWA. I'm an equal opportunity offender, Eric.

You're right, Tom Adler HAS carried a federation on his back before, until he finally collapsed under the weight. I'll admit, I've never had that privilege, but I also know this simple truth - it is far easier to destroy than to create.

You see, the factions are piling up here in the CSWA - gang warfare has become the norm, and the Intruders have dominated. Kevin Powers tried to generate a little blast from the past with a watered-down version of the PLR and was met with a collective yawn from the general populace. The GXW pulled the "swerve" of the century and got Wicked Sight to climb aboard. Of course, that happened on the same night that I pounded the little bastard into a greasy spot on the canvas, so you can forgive the CSWA fans when they weren't particularly impressed. And then, I joined forces with Eddie and Craig to form the Intruders and captured the imagination of wrestling fans everywhere. Now, the PLR and the remaining GXW guys are left to fight among themselves at the bottom of the card, for the scraps that we leave behind while the Intruders dine at the main event table.

That brings us to the Diamond Exchange, who hopped aboard the faction train a little late but at least chose a suitable target to help get noticed. Now, I'll admit that Mr. Magnificent and the Adlerettes have made a few more waves than the other factions I've mentioned, but at the end of the day, only Tom Adler gets to play with the big boys and that means he's trumped. You do really think that Eddie and Craig are losing sleep over the unholy alliance of the human bump machine Nathan Storm and some random midcarder from the past whose name I can't be bothered to remember?

No, Eric, the Diamond Exchange is little more than filler to give Adler a little bit of support, and that's fine. But he's walking into Battle of the Belts all alone, and that doesn't bode well for him if he wants to fight the good fight and bump uglies with the Intruders.

Bottom line, Eric, give your boy the same advice I've been giving him...the same M.O. he's been following ever since I've been back in the CSWA. Lay low, fly under the radar, and you might survive. Try to attack against the odds, and no matter how "Magnificent" you are, you'll get overrun.


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
First, let me correct something, GUNS... I'm an independent contractor. I'm currently associated with the <> X-Change by preference, not financial mandate. But, who does and doesn't pay me off isn't really at issue, is it.

Adler collapsed under the weight? Ya know, GUNS, I was around the AAWC for quite a while. I RAN their sister promotion for the better part of a year. So, I think I'm better qualified than most to talk about it.

And, the way I recall it, your buddy Mayfield was running around there pretty comfortably riding on a reputation whored away by Mystic while they thought Adler was dead.

And, if memory serves... and it usually does, two days after Adler returned Schmid pulled the plug on the whole deal... either out of lack of desire or lack of will to weather the s#!t storm that was about to happen. Only to call Adler back up when they wanted to open up again.

No, GUNS, Adler didn't collapse under the weight of the AAWC... the AAWC buckled under his. So, save the revisionist history for somebody who wasn't there.

Would this place be easier to destroy then save? Probably. It's practically on life support as it is. Of course, when it comes to shutting a place down, we've had more than a little experience at that, too. But then, that wouldn't be much fun, now would it?

We don't do things because it's easy, GUNS. If that's the Intruders' gig, that's cool. There's clearly more than enough success to be had that way. We do things because we can.

We don't over or underestimate your role in all of this, GUNS. Our pathes have crossed more than enough times to know where you fit in. The question is whether or not YOU overestimate your partners.

Granted... they're the CSWA World Tag Team Champs. Of course, with the current level of competition for that title, you could melt down those belts and MAYBE get each of ya an Big Mac Extra Value Meal for your efforts. They had to create this riddiculous eight man match just to find somebody to wrestle for the friggin things.

And, don't misunderstand what I'm saying here... the Intruders are good at what they do. I just simply don't think they're quite good enough.

-Eric Wright
Press Agent


Eric, I'm not here to debate you on the fate of the Adler Always Wins Conference and its many incarnations. That's another story for another time.

Let's focus on this story. Right here, right now. Tom Adler and the Adlerettes trying to take on the world. I know how good Adler is, Eric, but let's not glorify the rest of your little goof troop, yourself included, by using the term "we." If you want to piggyback off of Adler's success, you're more than welcome to do that, but let's call a spade a spade here.

When it comes to talking about partners, Eric, I've got Eddie Mayfield and Craig Miles, and Adler's got a bump machine and a sparkler, not a blast, from the past. Regardless of the merits of the CSWA World Tag Team titles, I'll still take those sides any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

This is about Tom Adler choosing sides in the CSWA versus the Intruders war, and the side he chose was himself. Nothing wrong with that - it's not like he had much choice. On the one hand, he knows as well as anyone what a cesspool Merritt's running here, and on the other hand, Adler's never really been one to be a part of a group that he wasn't running. Not that Eddie or Craig would ever let Tom wear the Intruders T-shirt anyway, but I'm not foolish enough to think that Adler would run with the pack. No, Adler did the only thing that made sense for Adler - he started his own group.

But at the Battle of the Belts, the Adlerettes are out of the equation and all three Intruders are in. Fact of the matter is this, I'm going to do everything I can to hand this thing to Eddie and Craig on a silver platter. I'll do everything I can to preserve their titles and advance them, Deacon, and Stanley to the battle royal - but at the end of the day, they've got to take it. If Adler, Southern, Windham, and I make it to that battle royal, that's partially my failure, but the lion's share of the blame will fall on them.

The thing is, Eric, unlike you - I've never relied on other people to do things for me. If Eddie and Craig drop the ball, that means I get another chance to make things right.

Understand one thing, Eric - I didn't come to Eddie and Craig asking them for help. They came to me and asked me to join the Intruders, and since our interests were aligned, I decided to go for it. But I was perfectly prepared to go it alone before Eddie and Craig, and I'll be perfectly prepared to go it alone after they've fallen to the wayside. Nobody knows better than me that in professional wrestling, partnerships are made to be broken, and the only man you can trust is the man in the mirror.

So at the end of the day, Eric, it doesn't matter how good Eddie and Craig are. It matters how good I am - and I'm more than willing to depend on myself.


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
What's this... GUNS destroys the CSWA v. 5.0? I mean, really...isn't this about the umpteenth time you've tried this little gig of yours?

And, damned if anybody can figure out why you have such a bug up your @$$ about this place anyway. At least any more than anybody else.

But, that's your cross to bear, not ours. Here's a little word of advice for ya, though.

If you're REALLY interrested destroying this federation, you might want to consider whether or not everybody on your team is on the same page.

I mean, honestly, GUNS... do you REALLY think that if your partners had to choose between remaining the tag team champs in the top league running or tearing it down for some beef that really has nothing to do with them... that they'd choose the latter?

-Eric Wright
Press Agent



Let's get a few things straight - I've never set out to destroy the CSWA before this last go-'round. The first time around, I was out to destroy Hornet, but Mike Randalls and a little wooden stake got in my way before I could finish that job. Despite that, I took Hornet to the limit and back at Disney World - a one hour draw on one leg. (Chuckles.) Of course, Merritt wasn't satisfied with that, and re-started the match so Hornet could finally get a victory over a one-legged man headed out to pasture. At the time, I didn't hold a grudge - after all, I was never going to wrestle again.

Some time on the shelf gave me some perspective, and thanks to the combination of desire and modern medicine, I was back in action within months - and forged a new friendship, a friendship with the fans of the CSWA, and a friendship with their greatest hero. And I was dominant, Eric - I defeated everyone in my path, including beating Mark Windham and Mike Randalls in the same night to capture the EN World Heavyweight Championship. I made Mike Randalls submit on Death Island. But, I was a little too dominant for the tastes of my new-found best friend, and we all know how that turned out. (Grins.) Adler was there for the re-formed America's Team era - I teamed with him, I teamed with Randalls, I teamed with everyone I could find to help get revenge. But my bitterness grew, Eric, each time Hornet and Windham would cheat and the CSWA faithful would cheer for them out of habit - and finally, I decided I didn't want revenge. I decided I wanted out.

And so the JobTour Era began, Eric - but it didn't end the way I planned. Hornet versus GUNS, Loser Leaves the CSWA - it seemed simple enough - Hornet had the greatest home court advantage in professional wrestling history on his side...

and I still came out on top. We can debate the merits of that victory until the cows come home. We can all have a good laugh at Hornet's long-winded retirement speech, but the story still remains this - I defeated Hornet, and he was gone from the CSWA. (Chuckles.) Right.

With Hornet gone and me still stuck in the CSWA, I decided to suck it up and give it the old college try one more time, even going so far as to capture the CSWA World Heavyweight title. Maybe this place isn't so bad after all. (Chuckles.) Right. Then came San Antonio, and I don't need to re-hash what happened there, do I? After all, Troy Windham tells his own version of the story so often that there's not much point. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, Eric, and that's when I decided to get out. Oh, sure, I hung around a little while longer - until the next special referee Merritt could pull out of his ass, Julius Godreign, screwed me for the last time.

After that, I was gone and vowed never to come back. Until my phone rang a year ago and Eddy Love was on the other end and told me Merritt was so willing to get revenge on Randalls that he would re-open Pandora's Box and let me back into the CSWA. (Grins.) So, I broke my own promise - I came back to the CSWA, but with one intention - to bring this company to its knees.

I underestimated how far Merritt would go to slow down the process - running cards at a snail's pace, bringing in rival federations to "invade" and then pitting them against me - but all he's doing is delaying the inevitable.

But, back to your original point, I said it once and I'll say it again - I came back to the CSWA with the intention of destroying it all by myself. I never asked for any help - Mayfield and Miles offered it. Considering that the value of the CSWA World Tag Team titles right now isn't enough to buy a Big Mac, I think it's pretty safe to guess which camp they're in. If they're not on my side, then they'll be buried in the rubble with everyone else. That's the choice they have to make - which devil to support - GUNS or Chad Merritt. And at the end of the day, it's not too tough a choice, because I'll tell you upfront where you stand. There's no guesswork with Third Row, Inc.

So, Eric, if you're trying to stir up trouble within the Intruders, if you're trying to get me to forget my original intentions in this match and powerbomb Eddie Mayfield through the ring instead to help Adler get to that battle royal, you're barking up the wrong tree.


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
GUNS, we told you when this whole thing started we had no intentions of splitting the happy threesome up.

I simply made an observation. I'm a reporter, my man. I'm predisposed to do such things.

And, the observation is simple...and it's nothing that everybody else around here isn't thinking right along with me. I've just got continuous wood for freedom of speech and a bad habit of saying what's on my mind.

And the observation is that you're on the short end of the stick with this deal.

You protect Miles. Eddie protects Miles. You protect Eddie. Miles Protects Eddie. And, by your own admission... you ALL protect the tag titles.

What's missing out of the equation? I've got a liccorice whip for the first one who figures it out.

I suppose the real message here, GUNS, is that if I was really intent on destroying a company, I wouldn't spend 90% of my time defending people who don't share my interrest. At least with DOMAIN and the Armed Forces you had that much.

-Eric Wright
Press Agent



For someone who portrays such an air of intellectual superiority, you sure do have your head placed squarely up your rectal cavity.

My interests happen to be very much aligned with those of Eddie and Craig at Battle of the Belts. All of the undercard titles in the CSWA happen to be on the line, with the exception of the Greensboro title, which was liberated and returned to obscurity by Kin Hiroshi with a minor assist from Kevin Powers a few weeks ago. So, on one side of the ring, Southern and Adler are defending two singles belts that don't mean anything to me, while Mayfield and Miles are defending the tag belts that already belong to us. Simple math would dictate that my winning this match doesn't really add anything to the equation, while Eddie and Craig winning could potentially bring two more pieces of gold to the Intruders' camp.

Now, Eric, I suppose I could have petty jealousy about Eddie and Craig piling on gold while my waist remains naked, but quite frankly, it's a bitch going through the airport with fifteen pounds of gold these days, so I'd just as soon spare myself the extra luggage. I don't need a gold-plated leather strap to tell me how good I am, Eric...especially the fool's gold around here.

Furthermore, if Eddie and Craig win, that means that Troy Windham and Shane Southern lose. I've made no secret that their failure is my top priority here at Battle of the Belts. I've made no secret from the moment I got here that I wasn't here for my own personal glory but to make life miserable for everyone else - first and foremost, the self-proclaimed Mr. CSWA and his newfound best friend.

Unfortunately for your boy Adler, he's on their team, which also happens to be my team - and he knows that as Magnificent as he might be, it's going to be pretty tough to overcome a tag team match when one of your partners is admittedly and openly working for the other side. And that gets his panties in a bunch, because no matter whether his motivation is simply hanging on to his own worthless piece of tin, or moving into position to be the #1 contender to the most worthless piece of tin of them all, my goals are in direct conflict with his.

So he sends you out here to try and create some dissention, to try and light a fire of distrust, and try to get me to work for the common good of Tom Adler. Well, the common good of Tom Adler has never really been one of my primary concerns.

Finally, Eric - you point out that I protect Eddie and Craig and get nothing out of it. (Smiles.) Maybe that's true - maybe it isn't. But the one thing you're missing in that equation, Eric, is that if there's one man in the CSWA who doesn't NEED protection, you're looking at him. I play offense, Eric- I don't play defense. I attack, not the other way around.

Eddie and Craig weren't there to protect the Greensboro Heavyweight title because the championship of the third largest city in North Carolina wasn't worth protecting. As far as protecting the tag titles goes, well - to be perfectly honest, Eric, it hasn't exactly been a full time job, now has it?

You're trying to spark a fire but you don't have a match - and you don't look like you were ever much of an Eagle scout.

Bottom line, Eric - is that I commend your efforts, but they're futile. Nothing you can say, no spin you can put out, no Jayson Blair story you can print can deter me from my course. And if your boy happens to be buried in the rubble and you end up out of a job, I'm not going to shed a tear.



League Member
Apr 16, 2004
No, actually, GUNS, I don't expect you to care about Adler. You never have. It would be niave to think that even if you suddenly agreed with me that you would now.

No, GUNS, I'm saying it for a couple of reasons. One, because whether you like to admit it or not, everything I just said is true.

And two, because I have enough respect for this sport and your position in it to say it when nobody else will.

You're being used. Plain and simple. You'll come out here, throw away your title, protect theirs, and work to make sure THEY walk out with not only their titles but probably two more... that, if you're lucky, they'll let you hang around long enough to protect for another couple of months... as if you or anybody else honestly believes that they really wanna see this place shut down.

Take a good look, GUNS... it's not like Mayfield and Miles have offers out the wazoo for places to go if you somehow managed to succeed in this little quest of yours.

But, like I said, GUNS, I don't really care what you do. I'm a reporter. I report. Whether or not you choose to believe or respond to any of it is your choice.

But, for the record, GUNS? I AM the type to say "I told you so."

-Eric Wright
Press Agent



I'll be the first to admit it - you amuse me, which is the only reason I've continued to give you the time of day this long. You've made me laugh from the moment you started writing your little dirt sheet in the AAWC, and now that you're "officially" aligned with Adler's interests as opposed to promoting him based on your own agenda, you continue to amuse.

You think you know all the answers, Eric, but you don't even know what the questions are.

You say I'm being used, as if it's some shocking revelation. If Mayfield and Miles didn't think there was something in this alliance for them, Eric, they wouldn't be in it. That's the nature of alliances. You, Eric, are being used by the Diamond Exchange, to hype and spin and try and start fires where there aren't any. And, it appears, on occasion stick your nose into the ring and help Adler when he needs it.

You're being used, Eric, but I assume you get something out of it - a healthy paycheck and a chance to rub elbows with the man you've had wet dreams about since you first broke into this business.

I'm being used, Eric? Perhaps. But, at least on the surface, Mayfield and Miles promote my agenda - and they're usually quite talkative. Whether they believe what they're saying or not, Eric, is totally irrelevant to me. You're forgetting one simple point, and I wish you wouldn't lose sight of this - I was completely prepared to go it alone prior to the formation of the Intruders, and I continue to be so prepared. Mayfield and Miles are welcome to stay along for the ride as long as they choose. If and when they decide to get off, they have to deal with the consequences.

Take a look around, Wright - at Battle of the Belts, no matter what the true motivations might be, our interests are completely in sync. I want our team to lose - they want to win - it all fits quite neatly.

So, Eric, I appreciate the concern, but it's unwarranted. One thing I learned about the CSWA a long time ago is - the only one you can depend on is yourself.

And trust me, Eric, I won't let me down.

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