The scene opens up with Lord Antharg and some unidentified men seated in a bar. Antharg is drinking a pint of Becks beer, as are his entourage. Listening to the other occupants of the premises talking, it becomes clear that it is a British orientated pub. English voices, Welsh voices and even the odd trace of the Scottish accent. Antharg and his cronies suddenly have a laughing fit.
Lord Antharg: Sparky, you are telling me that Craig actually scored with that bird, what was her name?
Sparky: Donna, Donna James.
Lord Antharg: He's been after her for months, she is nothing much more than a village bicycle, everyone has had a ride.
Sparky: Yeah, the dull twat even went as far as proclaiming he loved her...and then she walked out the next morning, taking his credit cards, rolex and the keys to his car. He still hasn't had any of 'em back.
Lord Antharg: She's probably sold them or pawned them or something. He'll never get them back, knowing him he's probably having a good whine and complaining.
Lord Antharg and his friends burst out laughing for a second time, at the expense of the same person. The door to the pub opens and as it is a common occurence in a pub, it draws very little attention. In walks a tall, redhead woman wearing a dress that exposes plenty of cleavage to the viewers. It also gives a good view of her long, slender legs. Ignoring the wolf whistles and cheesy comments from the men around her, she makes her way to Anthargs table. Antharg, who is still deep in the throes of laughter does not notice her until she clears her throat.
Lord Antharg: Uhh...Staci, what a pleasant suprise. Please, do me the honour of joining me and my friends here for a drink.
Staci: can I refuse?
Lord Antharg: I see no way for which you possibly could.
Staci pulls up a chair and sits on it. Flicking her hair back the speaks to Antharg.
Staci: Well, when was you planning on introducing me to your friends?
Lord Antharg: Ah, yes. Staci, this is Sparky, Drew, Luke and Anthony. Boys, meet Staci Seymour, this is the woman from work I've been telling you about.
Staci: Good things I hope.
Lord Antharg: How could I possibly utter any words that are untrue of you?
Staci: Good boy.
Lord Antharg: Sorry to be blunt but why do you grace us with your prescence?
Staci: What is wrong, do you not like being around me?
Lord Antharg: Forgive me, but through my past experiences, a person in your profession rarely venture out to seek their clients this late unless there is an element of work involved.
Staci: Hmm...okay, I want to speak to you.
Lord Antharg: What could possible be so important?
Staci: Roundtree....he has made an appearance.
Lord Antharg: I didn't know he had the guts to say anything. What did he say?
Staci: Basically that you are a waste of space, he does not know why you was put in a match with him and he's going to wipe you out...also you are an imbecile.
Lord Antharg: unoriginal...the amoeba brain can't think of anything to call me or how to counteract my 'blast from the past'. So typical. You resort to petty insults. How trivial.
Staci: He also mentions Team Danger...
Lord Antharg: Oh...showing yet another weakness....He can't do things for himself. Speaking about Team Danger....there is no team in a singles match for the United States crow. You are all on your own, Roundtree. Me versus you. I hope you can handle that. For your sake, and the 'prestige' of Team Danger.
Staci: He...or rather, one of his assistants got a dictionary for him and he gave some sort of description about you...
Lord Antharg: Elaborate...
Staci: "Antharg is a noun. Antharg is a 300 pound mass that serves no useful function in civilized society. Anthargs take up space and generally annoy the piss out of anything that it comes in contact with."
Lord Antharg: I'm touched he's noticed...although what he does not know is that 'Antharg' actually means 'Walking Devastator' in Manx. This 300 pound mass with no useful function in society, who take up space and who will generally annoy the piss out of anything shell be your downfall, Roundtree...make no mistake about it.
Staci: I think we've got the points covered...
Lord Antharg: Good...are you still up for that drink?
Staci: Sure. how could I refuse?
Lord Antharg: Barman, another round of your finest...and a large glass of white wine for the young lady here.
Barman: Comin' up!
The scene fades to black as the group all recieve their respective drink.