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Sane vs. "Showtime" Steven James



In this Corner

The camera opens on Sane as he is sitting on a street corner sprawled out like there is no tommrow. he is singing as folks who step over him as they walk by look on. he seems to be signing a song as he appers to be highly intoxicated. ":Let me introduce myself I am a man of great wealth and taste, been around for a long long year." (burps) Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name."

Sane looks around briefly before he notices the camera that is focused on him. "My Goodness I can't ever shake you peple, your like leeches trying to suck the very life blood fro my soul. Just wanting to catch me drunk and high so I can be embarrassed and get fired or go to jail.. but you won't." Sane shakes his head as he pauses then continues "Okay I guess you just did but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I have to mail weekly videos to some high paid judge so he can determine whether or not I am meeting his so called high standards of wrestling. Guess what, thats a problem, why is that a problem you ask? I'll tell you why because I Sane the King of TVs is not being on televison, nope I am instead wrestling a non televised match against a man called Slowtime Pain in my behind Dummers or something like that."

Sane trys to stand up but doesn't have much luck. "You see all my life I have been a garbage can wrestler, a hardcorfe in your face, would rather choose to set you on fire and powerbomb you through barbed wire tables then waste a breath putting you in a headlock. It doesn't make sense to me. I am a purveyor of violence. I like to listen to men scream as I torture them, I love the chants of the blood thristy fans as I put my opponents through hell. I am Sane.. the most unsane man in the universe."

Sane again trys to stand up and is finally succussful as he staggers to his feet. "Okay what was I talking about, umm yes anyways I did not know that girls age and. (Suddenly Sane stops talking and the cameraman tells him he was talking about Showtime."

Sane continues "Anyways I got a match with Showboat Shane Jefferson or something and anyways its going to be a wrestling match because I am going to show this 2 bit should be working for some small time promotion instead of wasting my time, ayways I wonder if Primetime Steven Somethingarather has a valet because I have a valet, in fact I have 2 of them." (He says this as he raises 3 fingers then loks at his hand and changes it to 2)

Sane begins to sway in the wind as he trys to gain some composure before he continues " Oh yeah I was talking about how I would do anything to be on television, I mean anything and how I once dressed in drag to get on a reality television show."

Sane suddenly falls to the ground and there is silence until you hear the cameraman ask outloud "Hey dude are you dead or did you just pass out?

Suddenly Sane sits up with a enoromous grin on his face. "Okay you idiots thought I was drunk. Look I smoked a little something something but I want you idiot cameramen and you idiot fans at home who are sitting lifelessly by your television sets hoping that I blow my last chance for fame and that I am truly an embarrassment to all those that know me and that your catch me on camera doing something stupid... Well I hate to break our little hearts but you won't. I staged this whole event because I wanted to screw with your minds. Yes I am a felon, Yes I am in a relationship and have a girlfriend on the side. Yes I do drugs and Yes I have blown many matches because of my horrible lifestyle but guess what you pathetic vomit worms.. I am not going to screw up this time. I am going to the top.. i am going to ride out my one year's probation and I am going to be your Great Lakes Champion someday but in the meantime I am going to spend my time, staging events to keep you guessing as I work my way up to be your future God."

Sane stands up with bounce and begins to smile at the camera. "Okay lets talk about my first match for GLCW. Okay yes I am disapointed that I didn't make TV because I am the King of Television and I once stole a Television set to prove to a promoter that I was the King of TV's but thats okay... I have been dealing with an entire life full of disapointment and I won't allow another one to break my stride. I am wrestling and I use that term loosly some dumb redneck hick named Shane Summers, Steven Summers. Steven I don't really care about you because all you really will be is a small memory on my way to superstardom. I think you are probably excited. I think your probably sitting at home in your scooby doo boxers about to vomit because you are wrestling a man who has competed in Japan, a man who has been in several promotions and was named by Wrestling.com as the sickest pro wrestler in America two years ago. I don't know what your story is and I hate to break it to you baby by Steven but your stuttering hme grown buttocks is about to take a ride into hell that he will soon never forget. I actually am taking pride in the fact that I will be known to your friends and family as the man that finally gave you an awakening to the fact that your not a wrestler but you would be better suited either flipping burgers at Burger World or selling Tractor Parts for John Deere and I am blown away by the fact that you have the guts to call yourself Showtime.. I mean Come On Deion Sanders isn't failing at two sports good enough for you or did you just get a wankering to fail at a third. I mean whats sad Boy Blunder is I don't know anything about you. I don't know if you are black, white or indonesian. I dont know if you put fearin the hearts of men or if you make the handicapped children laugh. All I know Mr Showtime is that you lost your match last week which means that in my book you are a loser. The guys in the locker room said you were an underdog but had potentional to be a superstar someday."

"Well Someday isn't today nor is it anytime soon and it won't be at my expense. Maybe they said they found you under a dog.. I don't know and really I don't give a rats. (Sane Pauses then continues as he ctchs himself before he curses) A Rats something something... Anyways I was told by my grandmother before she was hit by that boat that Potentional is just an excuse for dreamers to fool themselves into beleiving that they will make something of themselves. I on the other hand prefer the more realistic take on things. You couldn't beat your last opponent and unless you bring an uzi and kill me, then you are not going to beat me, okay let me rephrase that, even if you do shot me with an Uzi, in my last dying beath I am going to raise up and knock the living crap out of you and with a dying breath then pin you 1 2 3. Anyways It's gettng late and I got things to see and people to do and you my friend are wasting my time.

Sane smiles as he turns his back quickly and walks away leaving the cameraman in shock as we slowly



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Stay in Your Corner Son

Fade in to Showtime Steven James sitting down in a Dunkin Donuts drinking a coffee, however there is a mysterious second coffee on that same table probably left by a past customer. He sips his coffee, looks at the camera, and begins.

Sane...What the HELL is up with you son? First you're drunk, then you're not, then you try passing yourself as some hardcore wrestler...whatever. You can say all you want and try to intimidate me all you want but you know what? When the sun goes down i'll still not give a damn about anything you think, do, or say. Oh yeah, and another thing, your messing up my name was really funny...NOT! Dude, you've gotta think of something better than that, because i honestly don't feel like listening to anymore promos with you acting drunk and trying to sell how much of a hardcore wrestler you are. You wanna go hardcore? Fine, i'll follow you, beat you, then pin you. You see like i may have lost in the past, but that was then, this is now. So get ready kid, because you're in for the fight of you life, and you will never be the same.


I Say I Say I Say Son

The camera's fade in at the same Dunkin Doughnuts as was featured in Steven James Promo.

Sane is standing next to a table that looks fresh and clean. Sane is smiling as he begins to speak.
Sane" I just finished watching Steven James Promo, it was well how can I say this... Interesting."
Sane sits down at the table "Okay I would like to make a couple points. The first one being the fact that I look around and everyone being seated has a clean table not trashed by previous customers coffee cups and I of course had no problem as well. You of course Steven James had to occupy a table that had other people's used coffee on it. Perhaps you were impaitent and didn't care to have a televised audience see you wallowing in other people's trash. Maybe it was just the fact that you have been poor white trash all your life and back home in the sticks, it's common to occupy dirty trashed tables.

Suddenly a large female fan comes up and interupts his promo
Fan" Hey aren't you Sane?"
Sane: No!!!
Fan: Can I have your Autograph?
Sane: Why would you want my Autograph?
Fan: You look like him.
Sane: You like Rosanne lady but your not, so go figure.
Fan: Why are the camera's taping you?
Sane: Because I am a serial killer and they are making a documnetary.
Fan" All I want is an autograph?
Sane: All I want is twenty minutes with JLo naked and willing, so if u can give me that then I will sign your napkin sweetie."

The lady looks disgusted as she walks off.

Sane: Anywhere where did I leave off? Oh yeah you are trash but lets move on. The second point I would like to make is that you seemed to have an obsession with calling me son. Well I am sure that you would love to be my father because I am a superstar and would make any father proud. Yet it isn't happening Slowtime. I mean you sound like Foghorn Leghorn on crack. " I say.. I Say.. I Say Son. I am not a chickenhawk. Anyways Foggie.. you need to learn to respect me, so next time you talk about me refer to me as God.. Cause thats exactly what I will be to you sparky after we wrestle..

Sane" Now let me elaborate something for you.. I know I confused you with the whole drunk thing but sometimes I forget that your retarted. I was faking.. Soemthing any of your girlfriends could relate to. Now lets move on. You also seemed to have a fondness for not being to original. Whats up with the What? I mean I hate to break it to you but that catchphrase belongs to somebody else so quote the Sane nevermore If you smell what the gimmick stealing retard is cooking in his methlab."

Sane smiles as he catches his breath. it "Okay.. I was just having some fun with you, if you like being unorignal then thats okay with me but it is just a little boting but I'll make up for it when we wrestle because our match will be anything but boring. Well Steve, I am going to take off now, I am getting weary from watching cops and fat people scarf down calories bt I did want to let you know that in all your mistakes.. You got one ting right... You said you would follow me and your right. I will lead and you will follow and once again be We will see what it's like to be not quite Sane.

The camera fades as Sane stands up and walks to the door.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Get Out

Fade in to Showtime Steven James standing in his gym's office watching tv that is showing Sane's latest promo. After it is done, he turns off the tv. He then looks at the ground for a few beats, then looks at the camera.

Sane, i'm gonna say this once and once only, you made a terrible mistake by coming into this state, and for that sin, you will pay dearly, in the ring.

Now onto your promo...What %$&^in' promo did you watch? Did you even listen to me? First of all, the main focus of your promo was a freakin cup of coffee? Is that about it? Why even waste your breath? What are you trying to prove? That i'm white trash? Well sorry to disappoint you but i'm anything but, i'm a ring master, will beat you faster, knock you down, to the ground, stylin showing, never match blowing, no other wrestler's the same, Showtime Steven James.

Now, onto this other dillusion you have, lets get one thing straight, i called you son once and due to your stupidity you don't even know i'm insulting you. And trust me, if i woke up and found out i was the father of a dissapointment like you, i'd kill myself.

And another thing. You actually think for one single second that i didn't know you were faking being drunk? Did you even listen to the words i said? If i had to bet the farm, i'd bet that you didn't know enouth about me and were searching for something, anything even, to throw at me. You don't know me too well so you went ahead and made up stuff to have anything to insult me with or throw pathetic insults. Hopefully next time you'll have more information so you don't have to make up or distort facts.

Get ready son, because it's Showtime.

Out of character note: The "What" at the end of my promos is not being said in the promo. It's just the quote i decided to use when i made my profile.

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