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Setting The Bar


Jan 1, 2000
(CUT TO: Troy Windham, lounging in the back seat of his stretch Humvee. His hair is artfully tossed, he's wearing a white suit jacket over a matching golf shirt, shades tucked into his suit pocket.)

TROY: Dan Ryan, before I head out for a night in South Beach, I just wanted to address the latest comments that came from your mouth. You see, naturally, I watched your comments with great interest. I wanted to see how you respond in the position you're now in. I wanted to see how you respond holding onto the belt that *I* made famous.

You responded just as I thought you would.

You see, Dan Ryan, the thing I found most interesting coming from your mouth is the phrase "taking a page out of my game." That's the point that I wanted to address with you. With the entire world watching at home.

Because you "taking a parge out of my game" means that think that... it means that you think that you're somehow on MY level. That we're somehow even in the same ballpark. Somehow in the same tax bracket. Somehow in the same area code.

Let's be honest, Dan Ryan. You're not on the same level as me.

Let's talk about what happened at The Gold Rush, Dan. A challenge was put forth and was open to EVERYONE WHO EVER WANTED TO BE A PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER. The ads went out everywhere. PWI. Craig's List. Variety. If you ever wanted a chance to be a part of the CSWA... the greatest promotion of all time... here's your chance. If you ever wanted a chance to be a part of a wrestling league that has an actual HR department, a wrestling promotion that has direct deposit, a wrestling promotion that actually means a damn... if you ever wanted to cut off the dyed rat-tail and escape from your EPW alphabet soup league indie hell.. here's your chance.

And on top of that chance, you also get a shot to take on Troy Windham. Big mouthed Troy Windham, the man with the biggest ego in this industry, the biggest star we've ever seen, Troy Windham.

Most of the folks, they sat it out. They KNEW they didn't belong in this promotion. They KNEW that if they came on board here, they'd be embarrassed and back to the gangrenous dressing rooms from whence they came in a few short weeks. Those that came... I took them all on. I called each and every single one of them out from day one and addressed every single one of them. I humbled everyone who came in my path. ANd I told everyone to come into my ring and TRY to take me out.

Dan, I set myself a new bar that night. I challenged THIS ENTIRE SPORT. I DARED people to stop me. And not ONE person did that. Not ONE person. I walked out of that match victorious, Dan Ryan. I set a new bar for this league. For this sport.

Because that's what I'm ABOUT, Dan Ryan. That's what I DO, Dan Ryan. I'm the man that you think of when you think of professional wrestling. That's the level where I'M at, Dan Ryan.

You had an opportunity at Gold Rush and you took it, Dan Ryan. That's something that you should be applauded for doing. I'm guilty of doing that myself several thousand times in my career. Congratulations.

But like I said, Dan Ryan, I set the bar. Higher than anyone has ever set it before.

And you think you took a page out of MY game?

(Troy cackles.)

Dan Ryan, before I did the impossible... let's examine what I've done.

Beat you in a straight up wrestling match? CHECK.
Outwit you and your dinosaur arms? CHECK.
Run roughshod through your promotion? CHECK.

What you've don, Dan Ryan, is just a little payback to yours truly. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing I haven't seen or had done to me a million times already.

So go ahead. Defend that title against anyone you see fit. I hope you win every match. I am ROOTING for you, Dan Ryan.

Because sooner or later, to get into MY game... to get at MY level... to even come within distance of the bar I set, you're going to have to put the belt on the line against yours truly.

And I've already proven I'm more than you can handle.

Windham OUT.



Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
FADE IN.....

Dan Ryan, standing in front of a wrestling ring on his property on the outskirts of Houston, TX. The indoor facility is dimly lit. Ryan leans back a bit, onto the apron of the ring.

Ryan: "Troy, I know how you feel. Truly, I do. Did I take a page out of your book?.." (laugh) "...Yep, I sure did. But you're inconsistent, Troy. You had different things to say when you slid into the ring and stole the title after Mark and I went almost forty-five grueling minutes for it."

"Here's the deal, Troy. Work smart my friend, not hard. Work smart, not hard."

"You challenged the ENTIRREEE WUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRLD!!!!" (BOLTS OF LIGHTNING AND INTENSITAY!!!~~!) "And yet, you still lost."

"Congratulations, Captain Dumbf**k. You outlasted an entire company....oh oh oh....oh!...EXCEPT!!...for me. You didn't outlast me, Troy. Think about it. Think really hard. Even you had to be surprised that they eliminated me so easily. Come on, Troy. Not at your level?"

"How long was your reign, really? What have you done against me exactly,aside from that one pinfall you're so proud of? Run roughshod over my company? Did Lindsay crack you upside your head harder than I thought? Seems you left the company in shame, defeated - and I do actually have the videotape to prove it."

"Outwit me? Troy, come now. What happened at Gold Rush again? Or is it the past that matters now. Here's our boy Troy, wins his matches now and then, and nothing else matters. Gets one-upped, and the past is all that matters."

"Congratulations on outlasting...ALMOST...everyone in the wrestling world that mattered. And I'm glad that the new Troy 'everyone respect mah lega-cah!!' Windham is proud of his ability to make said challenge...and end up losing. It's truly noble."

"Bottom line, Troy? I'll say it again. I beat you at your own game. You can't handle that? Well, I just don't really care."

"Now, as for going into your world? I wouldn't give two hunks of baby s**t for your world or your legacy as it stands right now. You're the former champ, I'm the champ. You have your thoughts on raising bars and levels and blah blah blah - I have the belt. I'll take my spot. Although, make sure you get that moral victory updated into your bio post haste."

"As for you, take your buuuulls**t on down the road to the next show and get to making Cameron Cruise look good. That's the role for former World Champions who try making me look bad around here."

"As for needing you to make my reign look good?"


"The beauty is? I don't care. No title shot for you, Troy. You've had your chance."



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