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Sheikspeak....Did I strike a chord???


League Member
Jan 12, 2005
Bradley, Il.
(No music....no fancy garb....fade straight into the Sheik's face....)
Sheik:Did I strike a chord??? I see your little sad face on my last Sheikspeak and I pray the whole WFW also shall see it.... and know the truth.... the TRUTH that CANNOT be denied any longer....The TRUTH behind it all....ALLAH HELP the WFW when WE are through with you....ALLAH guide you to see DESTINY before you....(Sheik makes a few agitated moves toward the camera with a fork in his hand)....WE WON'T BE DENIED!!!!!....And NOW the POWERS that be are running SCARED....they MAR my WORDS with little signs....THEY KNOW THE TRUTH THAT HAS FALLEN ON THEM!!!!....THEY KNOW THEIR GUILT!!!!!....ALLAH HELP THEM to see The Noble Sheik get his just desserts after ALL this time....MY ADVICE to the other 3 teams is to RUN....Run far away....PSYCHO and I will give you your opportunity to lose in an honorable way....but I KNOW FROM WHERE YOUR LITTLE SAD FACE CAME....IT IS FATE....AND IT WON'T BE DENIED....NOT even from YOU....NOT NOW....NOT this CLOSE....NO WAY....So....did I strike a chord????....You who KNOW your GUILT....YOU....You go out of your WAY to PROTECT your OWN....You....stand at the WALL of FATE and PROTEST....YOU KNOW BETTER....And you KNOW who you are....The world may know you as ICONS....yet I KNOW YOU as the fodder you are and see how you hold PSYCHO's nose in it too....you are RIGHT to fear us....but FEAR breads RESPECT....Sleep safely kiddies....it shall be a LONG and BUMPY NIGHT!!!!
(Camera abruptly cuts to black....)

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