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Silently watching my prey


New member
Jan 1, 2000
Boldon UK
(Lawrence Stanley looked at the camera, he had better things to be doing than cutting this promo, namely getting prepared for his match at Fish Fund. However he had contractual obligations and he waited patiently for the cameraman to signal for him to start before talking.)

LS: Silence, the sound of nothingness, blissful and enveloping. Silence is viewed differently by people, to some it is a joy and a pleasant change from the constant droning of everyday life. To others it is concerning, for silence cannot last forever and when it is finally broken it is usually by something unpleasant. For the last few weeks I have watched Cruise and Adler be interviewed and discuss my silence, my seeming no-show before Fish Fund. Tut tut men, you really don’t know me at all do you?

Do you really think that I, “The English Gent” Lawrence Stanley would forget I had a title match at a CSWA PPV? Do you think a man of my standing and etiquette would break an agreement with my employers and not turn up to work? No, of course I wouldn’t, that is not the way of “The English Gent”, and I had hoped the pair of you would have had the intelligence to work that out, how wrong I was.

No, I have watched and taken in all that has been said by my upcoming opponents, I have listened as they have let their feelings be known by all. What becomes obvious is that Lawrence Stanley is playing gooseberry to an explosive relationship in the ring. Cruise and Alder have several beefs with each other, and for whatever reason I have been thrust in between them, with the Presidential title used as my bait. I have no real quarry with either man, if the truth be known I look upon Cruise favourably, we have worked together before and I have no real urge to injure him. Similarly my relationship with Adler is largely non-existent, I respect him as a wrestler but I have no real ambition to cause him harm.

What is apparent however is that there is a CSWA title on the line, and suddenly the match becomes very interesting to me. The Presidential title is a prestige I have never been bestowed with, and to capture it would mean a boost to my changes of capturing the only other singles belt I have yet to wear, the World title. I’ll be honest chaps, if the Presidential title weren’t up for grabs I’d have been straight to CSWA headquarters and demanded to know what I was doing in this match, clearly there is a feud brewing that needs to be sorted between you two and I have no intention of being there in the middle when you do get it on. As it is your obvious dislike of each other could benefit me greatly, I believe that your desire to tear into your foe will cause you to forget about my presence in the ring, thus allowing me to pick you off at my leisure.

You see silence to me is a good thing, I will stand silently in the corner of the ring and watch you two destroy one another, just as I have sat quietly and listened to your thoughts and opinions. I like silence, it is the companion of the intellectual and also the astute. If you use silence correctly it can help you gain knowledge on your opponents and also unsettle them psychologically. Fear not future opponents, “The English Gent” will be at Fish Fund, just make sure you can tear your attention away from your enemy long enough to look for me, otherwise the Presidential title will be gone before you’ve noticed it. Until next we speak I bid you all a good day.

(Fade to black.)


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Silence Is Golden? Not in your case

Nice of you to join the party, Lawrence. It was getting awfully boring around here without ya.

But, in the interrest of fairness... and contrary to popular belief, I DO play fair, I figure I ought to comment on a few things.

First, if it's just now coming to your attention that this is a title match, it may be too late for it to matter. The match was signed weeks ago. You may wanna pay more attention in the future. But, you're aware of it now, so, we'll move on.

As for Cam and I. Sorry, but you seem to be in the dark on that as well. I don't have any more thoughts toward Cruise than I do you. He'd earned a match. He got one. Same as you.

No, Cruise has issues with me, because he lost. It's nothing more complicated than that. Cruise can show up, not show up, wrestle, pass, or punt all he wants. It's not gonna change my approach to the match all that much. Basically, because whether you opted to chime in on this little affair or not, I've still been preparing.

Rest assured, most of my match preparation takes place away from the mic, not in front of it. You're no more or less a part of the plan than Cruise. So, whatever advantage you may have thought you had in that respect, it's probably non-existant.



I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
Just say 'no'.

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-02 AT 02:43 PM (EDT)]Lawrence, glad you could make it, I guess the phrase does hold true for you after all....better late than never.


Not that you were ever on time to 'after-match' social events in the UWF anyway.

Pal, as much as I wanna side with you in this thing, I gotta say no on this one.

Because you were silent this whole time, you think that just becauseI gotta bit of a beef with Adler, I'm just gonne forget about you and the belt. I just gotta say no.

Ya see Lawrence, while we did have a hell of a run over there, there was just one thing that I kept back from you while you were crowned King of the world:

I always wondered how the Raptor would fare against the T-Rex.

And now, I'm going to find out.

Adler, I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Move on.

Yeah, you pinned me. You won the match.

Good for you.

However, and I know that it doesn't matter to you, but in my opinion, I kicked your ass. Plain and simple.

You just got lucky.

Fish Fund is a different story, in a different venue, in a different atmosphere.

The countdown to another Ass-kicking is already on. Larwrence, we're the best of friends, and you know I don't intend you much harm, but this is for a belt that is actually worth something. Don't hold back, 'cause I guarantee...

I won't.

See you gentlemen at Fish Fund.



League Member
Apr 16, 2004
RE: Just say 'no'.

You kicked my ass? (shrubs) Perhaps. I could probably debate the issue, but, there's really no point.

Perhaps handing out an ass kicking means something in the circles you're used to running in, Cam. But, you're right, it doesn't mean all that much to me. I've had my ass kicked before. I'm sure I'll have it kicked again before I'm done in this sport.

Why can I say that with such calm? Simple. Because, from day one in this sport, I've made it a point to wrestle the people who COULD walk out of virtually any arena with any belt they went after. Any belt, that is, except mine.

So, if you get wood telling people you kicked my ass, have at it. Because that and a couple of bucks will get you a bear you can cry into the NEXT time you lose.


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