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Simply Beautiful vs Johnny Nash


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Rebirth in the Midwest
LIVE! from the Cowan Civic Center in Lebanon, MO
Capacity Crowd: 2,000

Simply Beautiful vs Johnny Nash

We're proud to announce that two top notch wrestlers from a top Canadian territory are making their way to MCW! In one of the bouts of the evening, Simply Beautiful of New Alberta Pro Wrestling (NAPW) will come in to square off against a young up-and-comer who recently made his debut in Ultimate Championship Wrestling, Johnny Nash!

STACKING RULE IN EFFECT (Please allow 48 hours before stacking).
DEADLINE: February 11, 2007 at 11:59 PM
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Bruno N' Beauty

League Member
Nov 26, 2006
Fade in. SB, standing in front of an NAPW banner, looking stylish as ever. Navy blue suit jacket and pants, with a silver shirt and tie to match. His brand new Armani shoes complete the look. His trademark sunglasses are on, and his goatee is neatly trimmed. He looks like what he says he is – the picture of style.

SB: Ah, time for my glorious return to MCW. New name, new place, same old promotion, I say. Great wrestling, great fans, and of course, the newest, brightest star; Simply Beautiful! You know, when Mr. Latham contacted me, I was bit skeptical at first. I am, after all, under contract with New Alberta Pro Wrestling. But when I thought about the opportunity, I just couldn’t resist. Surely, I thought, SB’s name will be in the lights, getting his much deserved Heavyweight title match with MCW’s paper champion, “Coach” Chandler Maxwell. You know, the punk I plan to toss over the top rope in TEAM’s Free For All match, en route to taking that championship. But it appears there’s either been a mistake, or Mr. Latham is sorely mistaken as to what kind of wrestler I am.

SB smiles, and rubs his chin.

SB: Because rather than placing me in my proper position, right in the main event, it appears I’m stuck somewhere in the mid-card with….Johnny Nash? Now, not to be rude, I’m sure he’s a hell of a guy, but…Johnny Nash? Who the **** is Johnny Nash? Well, it doesn’t matter. His name may as well be Stepping Stone because that’s all he is to me. MCW is going to be MY promotion, like it or not. Rumor has it that this is a “ranking” match. Winner gets put in line for a crack at the champ. Well, sign me up daddy-o. Because SB is your NEXT champion.

SB: Now, Nash, I hate to just write you off. I’ve heard some good things about you, I won’t lie. Supposedly you’re all the rage in UCW – I wouldn’t know, I don’t follow them all too closely. But for you to think that you can rumble with SB, the mat ****in’ master? That’s a bit foolish for someone I’ve been told is a rookie, wouldn’t you say so? Then again, I’m sure you didn’t CHOOSE to wrestle SB for your first MCW match. I mean, who the hell wouldn’t actually want to wrestle me? Sure, it’ll get your name out there, but not the way you want it to. They say losses can help your career, don’t they? Well, they’re wrong. There’s no such thing as good loss, my friend. Losing is for losers, and that’s what you are to me heading into this match. It’s also what you will be heading out, and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

SB: Chin up though, sport. I’m sure you’ll rebound and be a hell of a contender elsewhere, where you can tussle with guys down on your level. You’d probably make a heck of a Television Champion in NAPW, where we like to put the guys who just don’t have “it”. Yeah, I think that would suit you just fine, cub scout. So you can take your loss to me like a champ, and then go wreak havoc on whatever mom and pop promotion you call home, in their lightweight division or whatever equivalent that may be. Because plain and simple, you just aren’t ready for the Italian Icon. Don’t hate me, hate the booker.

SB: Now, not to let our “champ” off the hook so easy. Listen real careful, Chandler. After I take this punk out, I want YOU, sunshine. The challenge was already laid down over at team, and conveniently have yet to even respond. What’s it gonna be, champ? You ready to lose your title to a man who actually deserves it, and can actually claim to be a REAL champion? I mean, you should be, and if you aren’t just yet, then allow me to prove it by eliminating you and everyone else in my way at the TEAM Supershow. ****, if you’ve got any sort of sack, put your MCW title on the line in the Free For All Match. That is after all how you won your title; in a complete JOKE of a battle royal, with a talent pool about as impressive as the UCW roster our friend Nash comes from. Nah, you wouldn’t have the guts to do that, I should know that already, shouldn’t I? You’re a punk, Chandler, a COWARD, and I’m gonna rip through Nash, Casino, Cruise, and anyone ****ing else who tries to stand in my way en route to becoming the Midwest Championship Wrestling HEAVYWEIGHT. CHAMPION!

And that’s not just the coolest, that’s not just the best, that’s SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!

fade out.

Johnny Nash

League Member
Dec 8, 2006
The scene begins with a shot of MCW’s Johnny Nash at some sort of kids party. Doesn’t seem like the right place for him, but he is here. The children all wow as Johnny does stunts with them like picking them straight off the ground by their feet, He also has two on each arm as he flexes his arms and lifts them all off the ground. He’s not quite on the same page as Barney or a Power Ranger but to these kids he is sort of a hero. The kids all sit in a circle as Johnny, looking quite goofy in a little party hat, begins a game of Duck, Duck Goose. The kids all cheer as Johnny finally says Goose!. Johnny looks a little funny scampering around the circle with these kids.

JN: I am gonna take a little break outside now. You guys continue on with the game and I will sit in when I come back.

The children all look at Johnny with wonder in their eyes as Johnny heads for the exit. He proceeds to walk outside and around the corner out of the children’s sight.
JN: I been coming here for six years. It was part of my original plea agreement to get out of prison. I don’t really need to keep coming but I do. In many ways these kids keep me sane. Its only a day care service but the young children do something special for you that I just can’t explain. So I come play some games with the kids for a day. It makes me feel good inside.

Johnny pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his hip pocket, Pulls one out and cups his hands to light it with a match. He flicks the match as he takes a drag off it
JN: This child’s play for a day is great. Soon it will end abruptly. The newest star in the MCW has something to prove in his new fed. The proving grounds in straight ahead of me. My debut match is against Some guy named Simply Beautiful. I’ll be honest I don’t know a hell of a lot about this guy. All I can tell you about him is he has diarrhea of the mouth and a brain the size of a pea. This guy don’t know me from his own asshole but feels he has the right to put me down. He goes as far as to say that I will be his stepping stone? The only way that will happen is if he kills me. That isn’t going to happen. All of my concentration and focus is on you.

Nash takes a drag off of his cigarette then flicks it away.

JN: The other thing I noticed was that this guy seems to be disappointed to be facing me. He acts like he got cheated. Holy ****, lets get out the crown and royal robe for Mr. Beautiful! No, your not new to this business you know the deal. Remember this, I am not a scrub or a pushover. I will take you to hell and back if you can handle it. Truthfully I’d rather have you underestimate me. Just makes my job easier. Last but not least, you’re already talking about the champ? You should be concentrating on ME! Do us all a favor, try not to lose your focus.

The scene ends

Bruno N' Beauty

League Member
Nov 26, 2006
Fade in. SB, standing in the middle of an MCW ring.
SB: Johnny Nash. You seem like a good enough guy, taking care of the kids and all. I mean, we all make mistakes. Sometimes we get lucky and stay out of jail, and sometimes you get ****canned.

But...some guy named Simply Beautiful? Do you have your head in the clouds, or up your ass? Because it sure as hell can't be firmly on your shoulders. Not if you're talking like that. You wanna know who I am? I'll tell you as plainly as I can.

I'm the guy who's gonna kick your ass and send you back to UCW with your tail between your legs. Make no mistake about it, chump. You know, it's kind of funny that all you did was come out and show that all you could up with is....repeating what I just said. Now, if that's as gifted as you are intellectually, then I suppose I really DON'T have much of a challenge ahead of me. But I'll give you the benefit of a doubt.

But in all honestly, do you think that I'm going in here expecting a cake walk son? Well...yes, I am. You're not on my level. And you never will be. There's a spot on the card for you guys. It's in between the opening of the show and the second match, curtain jerker. You wanna step up to me and shock the crowd? It ain't in the cards for you. I don't need to know you; it doesn't matter. I'm one of the finest wrestlers in the WORLD, Johnny Boy. You're run of the mill, average at best. And yes, you are my stepping stone, but not of your own merit; Latham wants the winner to be a title contender - that's the only thing that makes you matter to me, son. You're in my way of the MCW Heavyweight Championship. Wanna stay in my way and get your ass kicked? That's up to you man. But I AM going to steamroll you and everyone else, and take the championship, just as promised.

Don't worry about where my focus is - worry about being able to feel your face after our match, sunshine.

fade out.

Johnny Nash

League Member
Dec 8, 2006
The scene begins with a shot of a new model pickup truck pulling up in front of a small, local bar. The engine stops running as the newest star in the MCW, Johnny Nash, steps out of the truck. He walks around the front of the car and opens the passenger side door. A beautiful blonde lady steps out and entwines her arm with Johnny’s as he slams the door. We here the ominous beep of the alarm as the two enter the bar. Once inside Johnny grabs a table.

JN: Amy what do you want to drink?

A: Bud light, I’ll be right back I am going to the bathroom.

Johnny walks over to the bar.

JN: Hey Bobby! Two Bud lights!

Johnny walks back to his table and lights a cigarette. He takes a long gaze into the camera.
JN: You know I am tired of hearing this fool shoot his mouth off, he is totally off in so many ways. First off, I am not flexible enough to get my own head up my ass. I do not have a tail. I really think you are in desperate need of some serious human anatomy classes. Plus, the thought of you kicking my ass brings a smile to my face. If you think I am going to just lay down because you, in your own mind think you’re a somebody, its not going to happen. You seem to think I am some punk looking for a shot. I have had plenty of shots in my time. You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be last. Lastly , you can tell me all the great things about yourself. You can tell me how you are the best wrestler on the face of the earth. I will tell you what I think after the match. You haven’t prove yourself to me. Until then I am not impressed. After I defeat you maybe we can think of different words from the acronym SB. That would be fun. Bring you’re A game there blushing beauty, cause your going to need it.

The bartender comes walking over with two bottles of beer

JN: How are you Bobby?

B: I am good, what are your plans for tonight?

JN: Well to get a load on and then take that beautiful lady who is with me home for some real fun. If ya get what I am saying?

B: Very cool man. Later Bro!

With this Amy comes walking back to the table.

JN: Here ya go baby, here’s your beer.

A: Thanks Johnny, This a really cool place. I like it. I don’t really care for waiting to get into the bathroom.

JN: Don’t let it get you down. We’re at a nice place on a beautiful night.

A: You are so right.

The scene ends

Bruno N' Beauty

League Member
Nov 26, 2006
Awww, Johnny, how cute! I'm sure the viewing audience is really friggin' interested in you watching you try to nail some bar room skank!

Fade in to SB, leaning against a brick wall.

SB: You ok, Johnny? Did my last promo knock you for a loop? Because you sure seemed a little dazed in that....promo, if you'll call it that. All I saw was you trying to bait some unassuming sea donkey back to your appartment for a night of disappointment, I'd presume.

SB starts walking off to his left, and the camera follows him.

SB: You seem to have it stuck in your head that you can compete with me. You want to keep kicking and screaming about it, be my guest. I'll respond with something to the tune of this just about every time: You don't have a PRAYER, Johnny, not a prayer in this world.

SB: I haven't impressed you yet? That just shows how green and naieve you are, Nash. If you ain't heard of SB, and you wrestle anywhere in the Western Hemishpere, then you're nothing but a Grade A jackass....Oh, wait, you fit that description perfectly. Dammit Johnny, we only just met but I feel like I know you oh so well. You're the annoying new kid on the block who thinks that just because you know **** about **** you can say anything you want to say and ya won't get slapped in the mouth for it. Well, news flash - you will, and I'm so much more that glad to be the one to do it for you, punk.

SB: You say you've had plenty of shots? That's strange, I'd think that if you've had so many you'd have already made it big by now. I'm a two time former World Champion, I've headlined Pay Per View events all over the United States and I'm the fastest rising star in Canada. Those are my credentials, asshole. By all acounts, you seem to be little more than enchancement talent, on a good day. You know, those poor saps they roll out their, the one's who couldn't possibly compete with the top-tier competition they've been matched up against. That's you, John; you're the losers MCW is gonna use to help other guys get over, since they sure as hell know you'll never surprise anyone and actually pick up a win with any sort of sigficiance to it.

SB: And I? I'm the top-tier, the elite. I'm the guy who walks all over you, and then goes on to bigger and greater things. So make a nice nest egg on the bottom, and enjoy you're stay - you're gonna be there for a long, long time.

SB stops and flashes the killer smile, and we fade out.

Johnny Nash

League Member
Dec 8, 2006
The scene begins on a Texas morning where the camera catches Johnny Nash in his own home. We see him pour himself a cup of coffee out of a pot on the counter as he heads to the couch. He sits on the couch as he sips from his cup. He grabs the remote and turns on the television. The screen comes on to reveal an ad for the newest MCW card. Johnny begins to chuckle to himself.

Johnny sips his coffee.

JN: Who the hell is this SB guy to say what I bring home with me at night? No matter what I bring home it’s still better then his own hairy palm. I mean the only female this guy has ever been with is that five year old beagle that lived next door to him when he was growing up. Get a life! It is obvious by your promo that you have a lot of pent up rage. You really need to get laid.

Johnny gingerly sips from his mug again.

JN: Speaking of elite, you’re an elite loser. That is the only thing that makes you elite. I can and will wrestle rings around you. Generally talk is cheap. Your talk is worthless because you can’t back any of it up. The best part is you think it is going to be an easy match with me like I am no competition. Unfortunately you will find out too late that this is not the case. By the time you figure out that my wrestling skill is much greater and I am much tougher then you thought, it will be too late. Although being elite you should know that already. Rule number one, never underestimate your opponent. Don’t fret, I will teach you that lesson first hand. You will not forget it, that is for sure.

Johnny sips his coffee and lights a cigarette.

JN: You know your right, I have never heard of you. That’s probably because I’m not into gay porn. What wrestler would call himself Simply Beautiful. Sounds like a gay porn name to me. It definitely sounds like you play receiver. That is just nasty. Of course you also admit to slapping, stay away from my ass you freak. Maybe that is what your elite at? Hmmm makes sense. You’re an elite gay porn freak. Now it all comes together.

Johnny takes a drag off his cigarette

JN: You know what SB, you can’t handle me. You can’t beat me in the ring. It isn’t going to happen. I am a driven man with one purpose in life. To pin your shoulders to the canvas for a three count. That is very simply where it is at. Your focus is here and there, I remain focused on one thing, That is winning my debut match. You want to talk about how great you are and what a big name you are, my focus is still on beating you. You focus on who I am going home with, I focus on you and how to beat you. You focus on winning the championship. I am only concerned with beating you. That’s it, that’s what its all about.

Talk to you later, Sleeping beauty

The scene ends.

Bruno N' Beauty

League Member
Nov 26, 2006
Black Screen

O/S Voice: Alright, picture this Johnny.

Lights, cameras, SB!

SB: You and me at the Rebirth of MCW. Live in the Mizzou. Rumors abound that the winner will get a Heavyweight title shot. It doesn't get much bigger than a match like that on the indie circuit, I'll tell you. Everyone in Missouri is talking about it, brotha. But it's gone beyond even that. All over the country, independent wrestling fans, wrestlers, and promoters are talking about the show. About the talent of the men involved. And you know what they're calling the show-stealer?

SB rubs his injured shoulder from the NAPW Cold Snap pay per view - don't worry ladies and gents, he's a hundred percent.

SB: You guessed it; SB vs. Nash. The story sells itself - high caliber star like myself vs. the newcomer - you. Can this kid Nash stop the crazy train that is Simply Beautiful? Or will he fall like all the others? I can see why they might like the underdog. After all, it's not every day that a major star who plies his trade in Canada wrestles on such a high profile indie match in the States for another promotion. They wanna see if Little Ms. Upset is gonna rear her pretty little head and bite me on the ass, and send me back to Edmonton in shame.

SB smiles - and several women no doubt feint in front of their TV or Computer screens.

SB: Well, let me put your mind at ease, Nash - that ain't gonna happen. You're not gonna be the Bradley to my Kansas, the Chaminade to my Virgina. No sir, not on this day you won't. All you're gonna do is what everyone expects you to do, and that's get thoroughly schooled and airmailed back to UCW with your dick in a sling.

I already told you. I'm elite. I'm top flight, baby. I'm the Beautiful One, the Italian Icon, and you just can't compare. At the rebirth, a new star won't be born on my account, Johnny.

It's just gonna be another SB win, and another step towards the MCW title.

And that's not just the coolest, that's not just the best, that's SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!

fade out on a focused, intense looking SB.
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Johnny Nash

League Member
Dec 8, 2006
The scene begins with a shot of beautiful white house. The grass is green the trees are flowering. The morning sun shines as the camera pans across the home. All is calm. All of the sudden the door of the house opens to see Johnny Nash. He looks a tad gruff as he is wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts we can see that he has a scruffy looking five o'clock shadow. He looks up with a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth to see the few reporters standing on the sidewalk. He quickly grabs the butt from his mouth as he looks

JN: Umm, the morning news?

Johnny points to the newspaper on the lawn

A reporter screams out.

R: Can we get a word Johnny?

JN: Well sure, I guess so. Gimme a sec.

Johnny takes a moment to clear his head.

JN: What would you all like to talk about?

R: Your upcomming match with Simply Beautiful.

JN: Yeah right. Well here ya go.

JN: You know what SB you are on hundred percent correct in saying that this is a big match for both of us. This match certainly has title implications. I know we will both put it all on the line. I admit it is huge for a guy like me to come into a new fed and get put in such a big match. I will even go as far as to say that I realize I am the underdog in this one. Although you can never count the underdog out.

Johnny flicks his cigarette away.

JN: I know that you have been on a hot streak as of late. You say a frieght train. I say a cattle train. You know why I say that? Cause anyone who has heard what you have had to say knows you're full of bull****! Elite my ass. I can beat you and I will beat you, it's that simple. To put yourself up on such a high pedistal must feel good, huh? WEll when I bring you back down to earth it will hurt like hell but not in the physical sense. I am gonna squash you and that large ego of yours like a bug. You like to use sports analogies well how about this one, consider yourself to be Mike Tyson and I'll be Buster Douglas. It's nice to say how great you are it's another thing to prove it. Remember talk is cheap!

Johnny in anger throws what remains of his coffee on the lawn and suddenly remembers the reporters.

JN: Ugh, forgot to water.

The scene ends

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