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SLAM 35 - Answers and Questions abound

Spike Saunders

Super Moderator
Oct 7, 2004
Good evening Knight-watchers! We are just coming off a wild ride of a show with SLAM 35. Our Main Event saw the Keystone Championship in defense against a previous holder, when Derecho faced Matt Haddon. First however we got a bit of a glimpse into why he did what he did to Daniel Wheeler last week. Also As was announced last week on SLAM 34 Saphire took on Tremoid in a straight up one on one match, as to how she fared well you just have to watch and see.

Coming off his loss against Techno Dragon, the leader of the XYZ Affair Zed faced off against Alyx Norwood. Warren Spade was also in action and to the shock of this reporter, as well as Fenton and likely the fans themselves - he was cheered. Briefly. Why? Tune in to find out as well as for the rest of the action!

SLAM! Episode 35 - Stream it now!

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