[FADE IN: on the RLW green screen with the GREATEST SOCIAL PHENOME-NOM-NOM-NOM SINCE YA MOTHER'S GAPIN' GAPE HOLE, BOOKFACE, standing in front of it. The screen shows selfy image after selfy image of college girls in next to nothing. BOOKFACE is wearing his patent lucha mask with the book wedged in and a t-shirt which reads "#BROS" and underneath "#SEXTASTIC".]
"Listen, Kid Koala... you and them uggos you hang around with are, like, total douchebags. Me and my hashtag bro Johnny Dorn are gonna, like, totally make you scream like a pledge gettin' paddled with my baby maker to get in some sorority that was SOOOOOOO yesterday, right?
"I'm the Greatest Social Phenome-NOM-NOM-NOM since ya mother's gapin' gape hole and the most LIKED wrestler on the freaking planet. But when YOU and your hashtag FAGHAGS enter that ring against me and Johnny Dorn?
"Friend request DENIED!
"And we'll be trending worldwide while you and your boyfriend are laid out gassed and bleedin'. I can see it now...
"HASHTAG BanginBrosBestInTheWorld."
[He stepped up into the camera's barrel.]
"Retweet THAT!"
[And he stomped off.]