[Back from black.]
[Habby's still on the floor.]
[He totally passed out like a bitch, like a itty bitty, little baby bitch after the news of his first opponent in RLW.]
[The Czar of RLW, the Champ, the Big Cheese, the Head Honcho of all things Red Line Wrestling.]
[Who also out weighs poor Habby by 200 pounds and change.]
"Hey, hey, kid!?"
[That'd be the voice of Danny Dalton, believer in all things Habanero.]
"Where'd you find this loser?"
[That'd be someone with a dissenting opinion. He doesn't deserve a name for said crimes.]
"Quiet, he's going to be something special one day, you'll see."
"He's going to something alright, probably a gore fill stain on the mat, but he'll definitely be something alright."
[With arms splayed out and mouth agape, a hand flashes into the screen as it slaps across Habby's unconcious face once, then twice, the second one waking our hero from his terror induced slumber.]
Wh... Wat? What happened?
"You took a nap..."
[Says the non-believer.]
Oh... Right. Uh, that's cool, because I just had a dream that I was going to be wrestling Ivan Dalkichev on my first night.
[Habs sits up and looks at the crowd of two people, Danny Dalton and the aforementioned nameless non-believer.]
"Afraid not, loser."
[Habs brings the flyer up and, yep, sure enough there's his name along side that of Dalkichev's in the Main Event of Slamtrack 7.]
"Hah, look at him, he's gonna..."
[Habby looks at them, then the paper again, then them, then the paper, again and again, each time the doubt and worry shining through his luchador mask.]
"Hush! Now don't worry kid..."
HABANERO: [backing away as he scoots on the floor]
Uh... Yeeeeah, I uh, you know...
[Habs' back hits the wall behind him.]
Is it too late to, aaah, y'know...
"Nonsense, you're going to be fine, kid..."
[Habs hears Dalton's words and wants to believe, but there are always a second opinion.]
"And by fine, he means Ivan'll turn you into a fine paste on the mat, but..."
"I said quiet!"
"Bah! Is this kid even old enough to drive? And you want him to be Dalkichev's first match since Rush Hour?"
Y... Y'know he might have a point, I heard that Ivan once ate a polar bear.
"Oh come on, where do people get these ideas from?"
"Not me, but I heard he killed it with his bare hands, heh heh heh..."
"Funnnnny. Now kid, don't worry, you'll be fine, and any of those "rumors" you've heard, they're just that..."
"Complete fact. There might even be a video of him choking out a Siberian Tiger on Daily Motion, or so I've heard."
[Habs eyes go wide as he pushes himself up to his feet with his back against the wall.]
Y'know Mr. Dalton, maybe I should like, uh, make sure my moms really okay with this.
"Wait a minute. Your mom? Since when did we need to start having permission slips from home to get a main event off the ground?"
"Enough! You, go away, you're not helping... Now kid, I believe in you, I think... NO! I know that you can do this! Sure, this is an extraordinary challenge to throw at you on your first night in RLW, but we wouldn't do this if we didn't think you could handle it!"
HABANERO: [skeptically reassured]
"Yeah! Absolutely!"
[Rising to his feet, Habs looks at the flyer once again and nods confidently as he looks to Danny Dalton and takes a bite out of the pepper that never left his hand.]
If you say so, Mr. Dalton!
"Good, good. You'll see kid, you're gonna knock 'em dead out there..."
[The nameless non-believer chimes in one last time from off in the distance.]