Ace Mason.
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NOVA: (Lighting a cigarette) “If a sh*tty mockery winds up embarrassing the mocker more than his intended target, is that ironic?
"Say all you want, ACE – though I and I suspect tens of thousands of others wish you wouldn’t – but you still didn’t answer my one single question, even though I know this is wrestling and I tried to choose my words REAL CAREFUL-LIKE.
“Why…the F*CK…are you
here? 'I'm not Erik Mateo' gets you a failing grade, sorry.” (Looking around) “People, damn! I don’t think I’ve tried to shroud this in a boatload of mystery or anything, it’s like ‘Do you love her,’ it’s a simpler question than you think and if you’re having trouble coming up with something DAYS after the question is put to you then maybe that’s a bad thing.”
(NOVA grabs a remote and switches on a TV in the corner of the room. ACE MASON appears on-screen, lips moving.)
NOVA: “I don’t know what this sh*t is.”
(He reaches into his pocket and removes a pair of reading glasses. He pulls up a stapled packet from underneath his chair and begins leafing through it.)
NOVA: “I don’t know what THIS sh*t is!” (Looking up into the camera) “The mental picture I’m getting in my head is an Olympic-sized swimming pool FULL of little orange Gatorade lids, each one bearing an inspiring word like “challenge,” “triumph,” “sunset,” “mountain,” or “strength,” and then there’s YOU, Ace, walking the pool perimeter with a big net fishing out random piles of these things to assemble into your TRAINWRECK of the English language that comes off about as mystical as a dreadlocked college freshman lazily quoting passages from his dog-eared copy of the
Tibetan Book of the Dead.”
(The EAGLEstar reaches forward and grabs the camera with both hands, pulling it closer to his face. He loses the reading glasses, probably a good idea because they look real gay but what the hell, they accomplish their purpose and Nova’s thirty now, so it’s like one foot in the grave basically, right?)
NOVA: “I’m bored with this already, Ace…so let me paint a picture for you, real
general so everyone can savor the themes instead of getting lost in the semantics. I put my trust, my FAITH, in a company – really you could say a single person – for a long time. For YEARS. When no one else seemed to care I was there like a f*cking PUPPY, all smiles,
reddy ta’ WORK, boss! And then when the wind shifted a little bit I got thrown out with the bathwater. Left for scrap.” (Lighting a cigarette) “I could’ve expected it, SHOULD’VE expected it, and I have other irrelevant plans for dealing with him and with that place.”
(NOVA grins broadly.)
NOVA: “But I’m working in reverse order, because you see while I was laid up SOMETHING ELSE TOTALLY AWESOME happened, and I got sh*t on by Company Number Two – but HEY! You already know that story, right, Ace? Your ‘best bud’ Fusenshoff is the Champion of Champions after all…man, that must’ve been SOME match, sorry I missed it with the neck injury ‘n all, who’d he clobber? Lindsay Troy? Ooh, was it Dan Ryan? Did that rapscallion come back for another taste? Huh?” (His face loses the sarcasm) “No it wasn’t any of that, was it? It was the guy with the worst market re-branding in wrestling history, and Ravager, who if victory was p*ssy and his d*ck was made out of PURE 100% UNCUT COCAINE would still emerge ‘winless’ from a <st1><st1>Playboy</st1> <st1>Mansion</st1> </st1>party.
“But I digress, tell your friend to enjoy the trinket.” (Flicking his cigarette away) “What’s IMPORTANT here isn’t the Championship of Champions, believe me, I’ve done that thing and done it UNEQUIVOCABLY better than anyone else did it. I also won the Tournament of Champions and got to watch young beautiful women dance naked around the Harvard Avalon Memorial Trophy for the better part of a year before my secluded lake house was blown up by one of my good friends. But even *I* know that the TEAM Invitational Tournament is in a class of its own. It’s like the f*cking PROM around here, except less disturbing, more violent, and three or four months long. So here’s my GRAND VISION, Ace – you still with me, buddy? Here it is…”
(NOVA stares off, raising an arm theatrically.)
NOVA: “It’s the Wherever Arena, site of this year’s EPIC SHOWDOWN TIT FINALS, and the crowd is LOSING IT. Confetti, all that bullsh*t, it’s all comin’ down all over the place and there I am, standing in the middle of the ring, none the worse for wear. Lying on the mat – oh, let’s see, let’s toss Ryan in there, he’s a hoss, odds-on favorite from the other side were I a betting man – so Ryan’s down there, hands folded around his head and neck, we’ve seen this before so it shouldn’t be mental gymnastics conjuring up the picture…and then the attention turns to the entrance ramp!”
(Clasping hands together, batting eyelashes) “Ooooooh, it’s the Chad Merritt trophy
YOU-GUISE!!! They’re bringing it down, isn’t it radiant, what a wonderful night, we all kind of knew or loved good ol’ Chad maybe, just THINK about the competitors who have gone to WAR for that trophy…now they’re giving it to him, what a moment! The FEELING, the EMOTION in this arena…oh, he’s calling for a mic! He wants to say a few words! Let’s all listen!”
(NOVA holds up a finger.)
NOVA: “And THAT is when I grip the mic in my hand, and I turn, and I BAT that stupid little man right off the top of that GARBAGE f*cking trophy. But that’s just the beginning. As Merritt’s tiny commemorative golden statuette hurtles through the crowd, I’m gonna take that mic – or if there’s time and I feel randy maybe a chair or something – and I’m gonna chip off every piece of that monolithic monument to this SINKHOLE that I can. And when I’ve done that, and there’s nothing left to disfigure except the base itself, I’m gonna tip the big f*cker over and PISS ON IT. This will come after DAYS of careful bladder conditioning and water retention training exercises, so I’ll be up there all night watering this thing down. Don’t ask me how I intend to make it through the Finals matchup with a bladder full to the bursting point, that’s my problem, not yours. I just want to make sure there’s enough time for EVERY fan, and EVERY employee and suit backstage to soak in the reality of a potentially beautiful moment…completely F*CKED…
“…just like TEAM f*cked me.”
(NOVA lights another cigarette.)
NOVA: “THAT’s why I’m here, Ace. That’s why I told Erik Mateo to get out of my way, that’s why I’m going to drop you on your head and move on to Asshole Number Three…so I can get to the end…”
NOVA (V/O) “…and hopefully ruin everything.”