“I guess I should make this quick and insignificant, you know just like me…”
(FADE IN: Devin Shakur is sprawled out across a couch in his Raleigh mansion, waving like a dork to the camera resting on a coffee table six feet away.)
Devin Shakur: Because after all, if we are to believe the gospel according to Nova, there’s going to be a long line of people after me sitting in the challenger’s chair.
(Shakur rolls his eyes)
Devin Shakur: Although, I suppose that I should accept the verbal gift basket introduction into the wonderful world that you have made your home in, Caes. Well, cept considering the fact that I was in the 2007 TiT, or as you might better know it the TEAM Invitational Tournament, SECOND ROUND ELIMINATION REPRESENT, this isn’t me-
(Shakur throws a cherry up into the air, pulls out a pistol, and shoots the fruit on its descent, letting it splatter all over the floor.)
Devin Shakur: But I mean it’s not like you believing I’ve never been here had ANYTHING to do with your argument against me…Right…
(Shakur gives a fake television style elbow to the camera.)
Devin Shakur: …Oh, whoops. Smoke the blunts AFTER you cut the promo, kid, after. Now then, since your proclamations so far have been about as effective as Uri Geller on The Tonight Show after his people couldn't manipulate the spoons backstage, let's get to the rest of what you said.
(Shakur takes a drag on a candy cigarette.)
Devin Shakur: How's it going to be when ol’ frightened Devin Shakur steps out of the PRIME limelight into a place that HE'S NEVER BEEN BEFORE, away from being able to make a complete and utter fool out of myself by poking fun at Dusk? Oh I'm gonna be a’scared Caes, suckin' my thumb, holdin’ my blanket, jumping into Shaggy's arms quivering like all get out! Oh help! Someone find me a night light and check underneath the bed for monsters...
(Shakur shakes his head)
Devin Shakur: Bloody hell, Caes, I've traveled the world for almost a year and a half going into new places each and every time the cameras roll. Unless you guys greet me with full body cavity searches and have old Western style shootouts instead of wrestling matches, I think I'm going to be plenty fine stepping into the ring against you.
(Shakur pauses and takes a sip of water.)
Devin Shakur: Next, according to you, the Championship of Champions is not at the top of my priority list. One could easily figure this to be true, seeing as how I am a month off winning the Universal Championship, FRESH OUT DA KITCHEN as you said. That would make me very vulnerable for an encounter like this. Add to the fact that you are coming off a plethora of successful title defenses, which only sweetens the pot in your favor...Heh, or so you think.
(Shakur moves closer to the camera, leaning down so that his face is about a foot away.)
Devin Shakur: Ever since I've won the Universal Championship, something that you are all too familiar with, I have ascended into a new echelon that I never knew before. Yes, I hold another Championship that I won outside of PRIME, but being the top dog in an organization with the prestige of PRIME raises my value a lot. No longer am I stuck in two star hotels with no air conditioning, finding my own rental cars that have half tanks of gas and can barely start themselves, and no longer do I have to wait in line wherever I go even though I prominently display the "Do you know who I am card?"
(Shakur continues to move closer to the camera, now with his face about six inches away.)
Devin Shakur: Now...I'm somebody. First class accommodations everywhere I go, limousines, private jets, women flocking to me like bees to nectar. Whenever I walk down the street, no longer do people shout, "Hey, that’s Jared Leto!” They know who I am. Most of them hate my guts and they aren't afraid to tell me so. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been jacked up on the sidewalk and had my life threatened because Lindsay Troy can’t seem to beat me. They spit on me and tell me to go back to China with that Communist whore I date. They pelt beer bottles at my Rolls Royce and try to start fights with me when they get drunk...And I love each and every second of it.
Devin Shakur: The fame that goes with being somebody of this magnitude...I can't get enough of it. It intoxicates me. And the thing is Caes…I want more of it, a lot more. That is where you come in.
(A devilish smirk appears on Shakur's face.)
Devin Shakur: You are Nova, NFW World Heavyweight Champion, longest reigning PRIME Universal Champion to date, holder of the Championship of Champions, and the king of this world. Can you imagine what would happen to my stock if I were to knock you off and hold the CoC, the I3C Championship, and the PRIME Universal strap at the same time?
(Shakur's entire body starts shivering.)
Devin Shakur: That would be nothing short of epic. So yeah, Caes, I'm losing sleep over this match. As for my PRIME commitments, yeah we have Colossus, but I know how to come up clutch there and Tsonda is already scared of me so I don't have to worry about him for a good month and change. You, yes you, are my sole focus. The darkness around the next corner drives you, and the potential to have my name etched amongst a select few drives me.
(Another smirk from Shakur)
Devin Shakur: Guess that whole immeasurable argument moment you had earlier just got wiped out, eh? You only THINK you can make it through me Caes, you don't know that for fact. You gotta go into this match just like I do, with the possibility that you can lose. There's a 50/50 chance that you'll win and a 50/50 chance that you'll lose. Considering that I have legitimate knockout power in one punch or one kick, I like those odds a lot.
(Shakur leans back and takes another drag on his candy cigarette.)
Devin Shakur: Locking horns with you is something that I've wanted to do ever since I saw you walking around with Jason Snow, Rich Rollins, and Angelo Deville when you held the Universal Championship and sat atop the PRIME world with **** You. I'm ready for it Caes, and I'm ready to take that belt off your shoulder and place it on mine. Then, there is no limit for me. Not the sky, not the edges of the universe...No where. I'll be THE man.
(Shakur flicks the cigarette over his shoulder.)
Devin Shakur: When the times are hard Caes, I’ve seen you time and time again come up clutch. I can’t argue against you being pure grain when your back is against the wall. However, I’ve been against people who have made the same arguments as to why they’ll defeat me…And this
(Shakur extends his left leg out to the camera for all to see and points to his shin bone.)
Devin Shakur: This puts them all down and out. Your big match record be damned, should this find your temple, all of those instincts you’ve garnered in those tumultuous times in the wrestling business won’t save you. This puts people THE. ****. OUT.
(A final courteous smile)
Devin Shakur: And I intend on adding you to my own list of history when I hold that belt high come the conclusion of our match.