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Survivor Africa Ep 2

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: A man bursting from the ocean water SFX: A horn plays, follows by tribal chanting. CUTTO: a map of Africa, with it saying "Mother Africa" on it...CUTTO: The words "18 Survivors" CUTTO: A snake swimming in water. CUTTO: The Orange Flag of Tribe DDT, as quick shots of ALPHA, BOOGIE, CINDY, FELICIA, GREENIE, and MALONE hit the screen. CUTTO: People walking in the night time with lit torches. CUTTO: The Pink Flag of Tribe Sharpshooter. CUTTO: Quick shots of DOUGLAS, MYSTIQUE, NIXON, RABESQUE, and SANDS, hit the screen. CUTTO: The words "39 days" appear. CUTTO: The Blue Flag of Tribe Power Bomb. CUTTO: Quick shots of BORDEN, HOLLY, KRISTEN, POE, MICHAELS, and SHANE. CUTTO: The words "One Survivor" SFX: A quick drum beat ending the intro.)

(FADEIN: Tribe Sharpshooter, Day 4.)

(CUTTO: Nixon gathering plants in the wild.)

VOICE OVER NIXON: "Well the guys were sick of the girls leading them, and that led to Mystique going home...I got a vote at me...I'm most likely next. There's 3 more votes till the first merger, so the only question is if we can win out and keep me from counsel and keep me in the game. Hopefully things work out, if not...Well as long as I don't attack anyone and get thrown off the island, I'll have ended up doing better then the hubby."


RABESQUE: "So we're good right?"


RABESQUE: "If we lose again, Nixon goes."

DOUGLAS: "Well let's not lose again and not worry about a vote."

RABESQUE: "Agreed."

(CUTTO: Rabesque in an aside.)

RABESQUE: "There's a bit of comfort knowing my head won't be on the block next vote. Gotta say I was a bit worried going down to the last vote last time. But in the end the best way to avoid those problems is to not go to counsel, if you gotta go, bring an alliance."

(CUTTO: Tribe Power Bomb, Day 4.)

(CUTTO: MICHAELS, wearing a grey wife beater, black shorts and his Giant's cap, talking to BORDEN.)

MICHAELS: "Look, I got Beckett and Poe in with me, with you we got 4, we can pick off either of the other two if we want to."

BORDEN: "Well that sounds like a good idea."

MICHAELS: "All we can do right now is make it to the first merger and see what happens from there, to get there we'll most likely have to survive a vote or two, you get into this alliance with us, and you'll survive those votes."

BORDEN: "Count me in."

(CUTTO: Michaels in an aside.)

MICHAELS: "I got an alliance with three people now and we're all set up. I'm all set for a vote or whatever comes up...It's going well...This is my game buddy."

(CUTTO: Tribe DDT, Day 4.)

(CUTTO: ALPHA talking to BOOGIE.)

BOOGIE: "So bro, what's been goin' on in this piece?"

ALPHA: "Dealing with airhead women and wackjobs."

BOOGIE: "It's all good man. Just relax, I got the J...It's all set."

ALPHA: "What? I figured that stink was what you finished on the boat on the way to shore."

BOOGIE: "Look, I found a spot, cameramen don't follow me really, so it's a piece of cake. If you wanna hook up. We can head over there."

ALPHA: "No thanks..."

(CUTTO: ALPHA in an aside.)

ALPHA: "I don't think Boogie really figured it out that a buncha starving mid-card tag team guys like me, and I'm sure Malone's rich, the two girls might get hook ups from their men, and greenie might have a good living mooching off Doc...But for us, a mill is real money, for the champ, he must think this is a vacation looking for primo bud...(Shakes head.) some people."

(CUTTO: MALONE and GREENIE getting some wild apples off a tree.)

MALONE: "So look, what's your deal?"

GREENIE: "What do you mean? What is my deal?"

MALONE: "The outfit, the lack of eyebrows, which is a nice touch, what you trying for here?"

GREENIE: "I provide counsel for those who seek it, I seek to improve the lot of all those under the noble rule of our hallowed King Theoden."

MALONE: "so you're not breaking character...Ugh."

GREENIE: "Character, praytell what does one mean by that?"

MALONE: "Forget it, you make my head hurt."

(CUTTO: ALPHA and BOOGIE at camp, with a deck of cards.)

BOOGIE: "So anyhow now it's your turn to play a card on my cards..."

(CUTTO: Alpha in an aside.)

ALPHA: "I beat Boogie in a buncha card games I had never played before, I have no idea if he let me win or not. I think he's playing the game differently then the rest of us really..."

(CUTTO: Tribe Power Bomb, day 5.)

(CUTTO: HOLLY, and KRISTEN working on making fishing spears.)

HOLLY: "So, how's the gang been treating you?"

KRISTEN: "Well everyone's been real nice, it's been pretty good living, not very political, I didn't expect that ya know, was figuring everyone would be making deals and stuff."

HOLLY: (Avoiding eye contact.) "Yeah, I'm not really much for deal making."

(CUTTO: Holly in an aside.)

HOLLY: "I feel bad for her, she's on the outside and she really doesn't know it, and well, I don't know if a five person alliance really works when it's very possible we could face a vote with only the five of us left...If we go to counsel it's really her or Shane...And well, I'd like her to stick around, but I'm not ruffling any feathers right now to save anyone's ass but my own."

(CUTTO: BORDEN on the beach near by.)

BORDEN: "Well, the shelter is done, nothing else really to do around camp, so I figured I'd build myself a bowling alley...I got this sand all smooth...I got some sticks worked out for pins...It's gonna be so cool.

(CUTTO: BORDEN bowling on his bowling alley. POE watching on.)

(CUTTO: Poe in an aside.)

POE: "Boredom will drive a man to many things, but beach bowling is a first for me...I figure Michaels is good on his word for now, so I'm safe, so I'll let the kid bowl, let the girls work, I'll just do my share and write whatever name Beau tells me to when the time comes..."

(CUTTO: Day 6.)

(CUTTO: The Tribes marching into a clearing in the forest, Sharpshooter is missing NIXON, DDT is missing FELICIA and Power Bomb is missing HOLLY.)

DOC: "OK, tribes, here's the drill, we've got 3 stretchers here for you, your tribe mates are missing in the forest hanging from a tree, get them down, put 'em on the stretcher and get back here and you win...Now for the winning team, you get immunity, AND, canned foods...Some Spagetti O's, soup, all that junk, something better then rice and rats or whatever you're living of of...2nd place, wins the right to not have to vote, and the team that comes in last, will be losing somebody tonight. Who's sitting out for DDT and Power Bomb?" (GREENIEand KRISTEN raise their hands.)

(CUTTO: The Tribes ready to go.)

DOC: "Survivors ready...GO!" (The tribes rush into the woods. CUTTO: Sharpshooter and DDT getting to their comrades, Power Bomb right behind...After a few moments all three teams have their people on stretchers and rush back to the start point. All the tribes racing back. CUTTO: Sharpshooter getting to the finish line just ahead of Power bomb, who beat out DDT by about 10 feet.)

DOC: "Sharpshooter and Power Bomb win immunity! Sharpshooter, you also get the canned goods, take 'em back to camp, enjoy...DDT, tonight, tribal counsel."

(CUTTO: DOUGLAS and RABESQUE loading up on the goods. CUTTO: The defeated tribe DDT looking annoyed and worried.)

(CUTTO: Tribe DDT Day 6.)

(CUTTO: Tribe DDT heading back to camp. FELICIA is in the mist of the tribe.)

FELICIA: "GOD Malone...How could you SCREW THIS UP SO MUCH?! Honest, EVERYTHING you've done on this damn show has SUCKED...You burn the food..."

MALONE: "I don't cook--"

FELICIA: "Look, I understand it's OK, it's not your fault you're a MORON."

(CUTTO: Malone in an aside.)

MALONE: "I have no idea what on earth is her problem with me, she just snapped after we got back from this challenge. I'm just stunned...GOD...I do not want to go home first again...This is so stupid..."

(CUTTO: MALONE and CINDY talking on the beach.)

CINDY: "So you have no idea why she hates you so much."

MALONE: "No, I have no idea...She hasn't dealt with me for like more then 30 seconds really...We interact never...I have no idea what her problem is."

(CUTTO: MALONE rushing over to ALPHA and grabs him by the shoulders, stunning the larger man by the brazeness of the gesture.)

MALONE: "ALPHA... I Know I can count on you! YOU... are my NUMBER ONE... ahGUY...."

ALPHA: "What ya mean?"

MALONE: "I got issues, Felicia's looking to get rid of me, and you know word musta got to Boogie by now that he's not held in high esteem...I'm just saying I'll take care of you, you take care of me..."

ALPHA: "You come to me with a request on the day of my daughter's wedding, knowing that I could not refuse" (MALONE Smiles.)

MALONE: "Something like that...We're still good for Boogie right?"

ALPHA: "Yeah, we're good."

(CUTTO: CINDY and GREENIE alone near the camp site.)

CINDY: "So have you talked to Felicia about her problem with Malone."

GREENIE: "Yes, we discussed this...I urged her to be...Well, less transparent, her motives while pure, are best kept hidden in a game such as this...Outright dressing down of a target is far from a logical game plan."

CINDY: "True, so hopefully she'll be on the same page as the rest of us, you're voting Boogie tonight..."

GREENIE: "Oh...Very well."

CINDY: "Good." (CINDY leaves.)

(CUTTO: ALPHA and BOOGIE working on a raft.)

BOOGIE: "People be down on me here dawg...I don't get it...We gotta stand together me and you."

ALPHA: "Mmmhmmm."

BOOGIE: "Malone's been stirring stuff up, he's avoiding me, I know what's going around bro. I can't be dealing with this. I need some support, some brotherhood..."

ALPHA: "I hear ya...It's cool man...But we would need other people to help out."

BOOGIE: "I'll go find 'em."

(CUTTO: BOOGIE and GREENIE in the woods.)

BOOGIE: "So Dude, what's up?"

GREENIE: "Just dealing with events in the camp, issues as it were."

BOOGIE: "Yeah man, I'm having issues, people are haterizing on me...I need some help from some peeps, I get your back you got mine, you hear me? Word is bond bro."

GREENIE: "Bond? What kind of a bond is it to be with a dying man? What good does it do me to side with you...THey conspire Boogie, they hide in shadows, they speech in hushed tones and they plot Boogie...They LIE..."

BOOGIE: "Who is they?"

GREENIE: "Malone speaks ill of you, Cindy has already told me to get rid of you...There is much going on Boogie. Much that is seen, and much more, unseen."

BOOGIE: "I got another person with me that would boot Malone if you join us."

GREENIE: "Oh really now? Who praytell is this?"

BOOGIE: "I can't name names dawg, I'm not putting their neck on the line here just to get your help."

GREENIE: "Why not? We all hang together or we all hang seperately..."

BOOGIE: "Dude, what are you, a snitch, you wearing a wire?"

GREENIE: (Smiles wickedly) "I may very well be...What choice do you have?"

BOOGIE: "Look man, I'm black, your green, we're the only folks of color here, we gotta stick together."

GREENIE: "Really I'm rather pale, dread the sun, awful thing...Sorry but we can not work things out in these conditions..." (GREENIE leaves, BOOGIE looks a bit annoyed.)

(CUTTO: Boogie in an aside.)

BOOGIE: "I dunno what everyone's got against me, I'm just here trying to make this place a better place...And well we got nothing going on but a buncha haters..."

(CUTTO: Greenie in an aside.)

GREENIE: "I was never in a million years going to support Boogie, I just wanted him to rat out whoever it was who was backing him so I could throw them to the wolves if we have a another vote...Bastard stuck to his guns...Honorable sort...Tragically won't do him any good..."

(CUTTO: The tribe heading towards counsel. DOC SILVER stands in front of the cookie jar.)

DOC: "Well, this always sucks, time to vote somebody off...Let's go"

(CUTTO: GREENIE voting.)

GREENIE: "Oh...He must have died in the night...What a pity for the King to lose his only son and heir...That's when if you were here, you would say 'leave me alone, snake" and then I say...(Holds up vote reading "Boogie") Oh...But you ARE alone"...(Smiles...Puts vote in cookie jar.)

(CUTTO: MALONE voting.)

(CUTTO: ALPHA voting.)

Alpha: (Holds up vote reading "Boogie") You spent too much time watching your back when you should have been watching your front.

(CUTTO: BOOGIE voting, he holds up his vote reading "Malone.")

BOOGIE: "Don't know why ya had to hate Dawg...But well, peace brother..."

(CUTTO: CINDY voting.)

(CUTTO: FELICIA voting.)

(CUTTO: DOC with the cookie jar.)

DOC: "Time to read the votes...First vote...Boogie...(reaches in) Malone...(Both look emotionless.)...Boogie...Boogie...3 for Boogie...One for Malone...(Reaches in) 2nd person voted out of Mother Africa is...BOOGIE...(BOOGIE walks over with his Torch...DOC goes to put it out, BOOGIE holds up a hand telling him to stop, he pulls out a joint, lights it on his torch and begins puffing...DOC puts out the Torch as BOOGIE makes a peace sign to the rest of the tribe and heads off. MALONE breathes a big sigh, as the rest of the tribe look pretty unfazed by the vote.)

(CUTTO: Credits.)

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