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Survivor Africa Ep 9

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
FADEIN: A man bursting from the ocean water SFX: A horn plays, follows by tribal chanting. CUTTO: a map of Africa, with it saying "Mother Africa" on it...CUTTO: The words "18 Survivors" CUTTO: A snake swimming in water. CUTTO: The Orange Flag of Tribe DDT, as quick shots of ALPHA, BOOGIE, CINDY, FELICIA, GREENIE, and MALONE hit the screen. CUTTO: People walking in the night time with lit torches. CUTTO: The Pink Flag of Tribe Sharpshooter. CUTTO: Quick shots of DOUGLAS, MYSTIQUE, NIXON, RABESQUE, and SANDS, hit the screen. CUTTO: The words "39 days" appear. CUTTO: The Blue Flag of Tribe Power Bomb. CUTTO: Quick shots of BORDEN, HOLLY, KRISTEN, POE, MICHAELS, and SHANE. CUTTO: The words "One Survivor" SFX: A quick drum beat ending the intro.)

(FADEIN: Tribe DDT, Day 26.)

(CUTTO: MALONE and GREENIE walking on the beach.)

MALONE: "Well this is it, the merger...We got to find a way to boot somebody from their side tonight or we're in trouble."

GREENIE: "I have faith...All will go as planned, in the end Michaels will fall."

MALONE: "Well he better or we're done for."

(It starts to rain.)

GREENIE: "So it begins..."

(CUTTO: Tribe Power Bomb, day 26.)

(CUTTO: Poe and Holly walking on the beach.)

POE: "So you ready for our new friends."

HOLLY: "Ready as I'll ever be."

POE: "Going to be a long day today."

HOLLY: "Yup."

POE: "We can hold onto this, I think we'll be fine."

(CUTTO: The two tribes standing on a platform in the water. DOC SILVER stands with them.)

DOC: "OK folks, it's merger time...So well, you are now one big happy family. You will live on Sharpshooters abandoned beach. And because last year nobody came up with a name for the final tribe, I'll dub you all Tribe Clothesline From Hell, or CFH. (Everyone looks pretty horrified at their sucky new tribe name) now today is simple. I'm going to give out 2 immunities...First you'll all go underwater, whoever lasts the longest wins one. Then you'll all swim back to shore, whoever gets their first wins the other. Then after a day of getting to know each other, you'll vote somebody out. Hope you all enjoy the fun."

(CUTTO: The 10 remaining Survivors going underwater...After about 3 minutes, RABESQUE is the last one still underwater and wins immunity!)

DOC: "OK Jean, here ya go (Hands Jean a copy of the 'Big Gold' belt that is HHH's personal property. RABESQUE throws it over his shoulder.) OK, now everyone else we're going to have swim back to shore...Whoever crosses the line in the sand first wins."

(the Survivors dive into the water and swim to shore, after a few minutes...MICHAELS is the first one across the line, the second member of the former Power Bomb to win immunity!)

DOC: "Michaels is our second player to win immunity...(DOC hands him another 'big gold' belt which Michaels grabs with one hand and just lets hang near the ground.)

DOC: "OK folks, enjoy the new digs..."

(CUTTO: Tribe CFH, Day 26)

(CUTTO: Everyone doing various tasks at the new campground, building shelters, fishing, gathering food, digging a latrine, and other tasks.)

(CUTTO: GREENIE talking to HOLLY.)

GREENIE: "You do understand that Michaels is a cancer...He must be stopped...We must vote out Borden tonight, we must begin the process of saving everyone from his plague."

HOLLY: "How's he better then you?"

GREENIE: "Look at Borden, look at Jean...Look at them selling themselves to him. He's got them all held under his sway. My former tribe is far more divided, Alpha and Malone think for themselves, as does Nixon and Cindy. It's a conflict, a struggle between them. There can be shifts and turns...With Michaels...Only the slow relentless progess of his agenda can be achived."

HOLLY: "I'll think about it."

GREENIE: "This is very important, think long about it."


MICHAELS: "Look, it's simple, me and you we'll go to the final 3. I'll let you pick whoever you want to get rid of from your tribe and they are gone."

ALPHA: "So you want me to sell out my tribe, and I make final 3 with you?"

MICHAELS: "That's as far as I can take you, it's up to you to get immunity for yourself to make it to final 2 then."

ALPHA: "Well then that's cool...I'm in"

(CUTTO: Michaels in an aside.)

MICHAELS: "My tribe is solid, I just turned Alpha, and well, the fool doesn't know he'll be leaving tonight. So we'll be taking care of him and then their whole tribe goes...Then me and Jean make it to the end and I win this thing..."

(CUTTO: Alpha in an aside.)

ALPHA: "I'll never trust Michaels as far as I can throw him...I hope he thinks I'm with him, cause I'm not...Sucks he won immunity cause now we merely have to get rid of Borden."

(CUTTO: A quick series of GREENIE talking to every member of the former Power Bomb except for MICHAELS.)


MICHAELS: "What's the little nutjob doing?"

RABESQUE: "He's lobbying everyone to vote out Borden."

MICHAELS: "Then I can't stand for that, he goes tonight."

(CUTTO: The tribe at counsel. DOC SILVER stands in front of the cookie jar.)

DOC: "OK...Time for the vote..."

(CUTTO: MALONE voting.)

(CUTTO: POE voting)

(CUTTO: CINDY voting)

(CUTTO: BORDEN voting.)

(CUTTO: MICHAELS voting, he holds up his vote reading "Greenie")

MICHAELS: "Sorry man, you've picked a losing battle."

(CUTTO: NIXON voting.)


(CUTTO: GREENIE voting. He holds up his vote reading "Borden.")

GREENIE: "Funny how we should suffer such a fate over so small a thing...Such a little thing..."

(CUTTO: ALPHA voting.)

(CUTTO: HOLLY voting...She debates for a bit...Then votes.)

(CUTTO: DOC with the cookie Jar)

DOC: "I will now read the votes...First vote...Borden...(Reaches in) Borden...(Reaches in) Greenie...(Reaches in) Greenie...(Reaches in) Borden...(Reaches in) Greenie...Three for Greenie, three for Borden...(Reaches in) Greenie...(Reaches in) Borden...(Reaches in) Borden...(Reaches in) Greenie...We have a tie (MICHAELS shoots a look at ALPHA, while GREENIE looks deflated.) Now then we'll have a re-vote...Everyone but Greenie and Borden will vote, and you can only vote for one of them."

(CUTTO: Everyone re-voting. CUTTO: Doc with the cookie jar)

DOC: "Now time to read the re-vote." First vote...Greenie...(Reaches in) Greenie...(Reaches in) Borden...(Reaches in) Borden...(Reaches in) Borden...(Reaches in) Greenie..(Reaches in) Borden...(Reaches in) Greenie...Well we've come to a deadlock...So now it must be decided by the cruel hand of fate...Everyone without immunity form a line, you'll all draw from this bag, whoever pulls the purple rock from this bag is out of the game."

(Holly draws from the bag...Pulling a WHITE rock...She relaxes and walks away...MICHAELS winks at MALONE as he draws his rock...Which is also white...ALPHA is next he reaches in and pulls out the PURPLE rock...He shakes his head in disgust and glares at HOLLY as his torch is put out and he leaves...MICHAELS looks supremely confident as the former DDT look defeated as the tribe heads back to camp.)

DOC: "Fate has spoken, ALPHA is the 9th person to leave Mother Africa...Good luck to the rest of you."

(CUTTO: Credits.)

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