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Survivor New Zealand Ep. 1

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: The Survivor Logo, with the graphic showing wildlife and the words "New Zealand" in it. CUTTO: The word "Shak-No" written in black on a yellowed piece of parchment. CUTTO: A scene of MARK swimming in the water. CUTTO: MARK smiling in a photo, CUTTO: RUTH walking the beach. CUTTO: RUTH in a photo glaring at the camera. CUTTO: NED eating at camp. CUTTO: A Picture of NED smiling nervously. CUTTO: CHRIS cutting down a tree with a knife. CUTTO: CHRIS smiling big in a photo. CUTTO: CYNTHIA chopping food up. CUTTO: CYNTHIA smiling warmly in a photo. CUTTO: MARY praying on the beach. CUTTO: MARY smiling in a photo. CUTTO: BLAINE climbing a tree. CUTTO: A photo of BLAINE with a big toothy grin. CUTTO: OLIVIA carrying wood. CUTTO: OLIVIA looking grim in a photo. CUTTO: The blue flag of Shak-No.

CUTTO: The word "Wallen" in black on yellowed parchment. CUTTO: EMILIA washing her face in the ocean. CUTTO: EMILIA smiling in a photo. CUTTO: VINCENT carrying a big knife CUTTO: VINCENT smiling in a photo. CUTTO: KARLA sitting on the beach CUTTO: KARLA grinning broadly in a photo. CUTTO: KEVIN, face covered in mud, shaking his head at the camera. CUTTO: KEVIN with a weak smile in a photo. CUTTO: TIFFANY dancing in a bathing suit CUTTO: TIFFANY smiling in a photo. CUTTO: STEVE sunning himself on the beach. CUTTO: STEVE with a wide grin in a photo. CUTTO: MARGARET making a necklack out of strings CUTTO: MARGARET with a tight lipped grin in a photo. CUTTO: JASON walking through the forest CUTTO: JASON smiling in a photo. CUTTO: The orange flag of Wallen

CUTTO: The graphic "39 days" CUTTO: The outline if a person standing on a cliff, lit torch over their head CUTTO: The graphic reading "1 Survivor")


(WALLEN has just been left on shore, everyone is getting to know each other. We hear shouts of names)

STEVE: "I got the map for water...I can go get that."

KARLA: "I'll go with you"

STEVE: "That's cool...Let's head out"

(They leave)

MARGARET: "We should look for a cave for shelter."

VINCENT: "That sounds good, I'll go look with ya."

EMILIA: "While you two are going to look for a cave, I'm going to get started with gathering wood for fire and shelter if there's no cave around..."

MARGARET: "We'll be quick about looking, not more then 2 hours for sure."

(CUTTO: Margaret in an aside.)

MARGARET: "Looking for a cave could backfire on me and Vincent...And it was my idea so it's more on me, if there's nothing out there, I'll look lazy to the rest of the tribe, who all seem like a buncha worker bees. Hope I can keep up with them."

(CUTTO: JASON starting a fire with a magnifying glass. CUTTO: JASON and TIFFANY in the woods)

JASON: "Just got to go slow, and let them not think you're a problem and then (LUNGES with the knife) chop their heads off."

TIFFANY: "Oh geez...(Shivers) well, let's kill some more."

(CUTTO: STEVE and EMILIA working in the woods.)

STEVE: "So what you think about us working together."

EMILIA: "So far so good."

STEVE: "In a game sense..."

EMILIA: "I'm all for being with somebody if it'll get me further along."

STEVE: "We can help each other out..."

EMILIA: "Perhaps we could."

(CUTTO: Steve in an aside.)

STEVE: "Emilia's a hard worker, she's good around the camp as far as I can tell, so I don't know why I wouldn't want to trust her...But it's all a game in the end, who knows what will happen."

(CUTTO: SHAK-NO day 1)

(CUTTO: The tribe on the beach, it's the standard Meet and Greet.)

RUTH: "I'm not Ruth, anyone who calls me that is in a lot of trouble. I'm Lucious Booty Diva X."

NED: "O...K...Diva...I'm going to get water."

MARY: "Me and Chris are going to work on Shelter."

DIVA: "Hey hey...We all gotta stick together, we be crew now, and we got to be tight as a crew. I think we should all be in everything together."

NED: "So all 8 of us should get water at the same time?"

OLIVIA: "Sure, why not? Water is...Heavy...And stuff."

BLAINE: "I really think we need to work in smaller groups to improve the situation for the whole group. We'll be better off if we do."

DIVA: "Well we can't be having cliques or haters...We gotta be Shak-no through and though, no Tupac nad Biggie here...We gotta vote somebody off, we'll be straight up about it. No feuding, no 50 cent and the Game stuff goin' on...We tight..."

MARY: "OK...We're going for wood now."

(CUTTO: NED in an aside)

NED: "Man, my job just sucks and I come out here and just have to deal with a group that's just nuts. They make my boss seem tame...Diva and her Raiders Jersey...We got a Red Sox nun, and a guy without legs...This is a trip."

(CUTTO: BLAINE failing to start a fire...CUTTO: MARY and CHRIS getting a shelter going with help from DIVA and CNYTHIA.)

(CUTTO: WALLEN eating JASON's kill of Kiwi birds and drinking water. CUTTO: SHAK-NO eating fruits from trees.)

(CUTTO: DAY 2, Shak-No)

(CUTTO: BLAINE starting a fire)

BLAINE: "We got fire! WE GOT FIRE! Let's get this water boiled!"

(CUTTO: The thirsty and hungry SHAK-NO tribe drinking all the water they can get down their throats. CUTTO: NED, MARY and OLIVIA going to the water hole for more water.)

(CUTTO: Mary in an aside.)

MARY: "We were truly blessed by the fire Blaine was able to start...Oh this day has been truly wonderful"

(CUTTO: NED lugging his water behind the two girls, who have a bit of a lead on him.)

OLIVIA: "You know Mary...You're pretty hot..."

MARY: "I am warm..."

OLIVIA: "No, I mean...Sexy...You got a great body..."

MARY: "Well...Thank you..."

(CUTTO: OLIVIA in an aside)

OLIVIA: "The nun wouldn't put out, not that I was hoping she would, but man, that woulda been a head trip banging a nun...So man, now we're stuck with these stupid fruits and whatever we can find, there's no drugs out here...Mebbe we can turn some of the fruits into booze like the professor on Gilligan's Island did...I need a drink real bad, or a smoke...Or some (BLEEP) action..."


(CUTTO: Rain having put out the fire, those of the tribe who can fit in the cave found by Vincent and Margaret are standing inside it. JASON and STEVE are hanging out in the rain.)

JASON: "Figures everything's going so well and now this."

STEVE: "Yeah, we were running good before the rain."

JASON: "Just hope it stopped before sunset so we can get it going again...I'm beat, two days of running around like this is pretty draining...Lot different then spending months in a hospital bed."

STEVE: "Yeah...Must be a rough trip trying to stay alive with cancer."

JASON: "It's hell...Just a total hell."

STEVE: "I bet..."

(CUTTO: Steve in an aside)

STEVE: "Jason's really busting his ass for all of us, I hope he can keep this going for as long as he'll be here...Hate to see him crash after 2 weeks with 3 more weeks to go...Hope he knows how far he can push himself before he breaks down.)


(CUTTO: The tribe in their shelter watching the rain.)

BLAINE: "Dammit...Just got the fire going and now this..."

MARY: "Be thankful we had it as long as we did, we'll get it going again tomorrow."

BLAINE: "Hopefully, hopefully."


(CUTTO: MARY leading the girls of Shak-No in Yoga...The girls are stretching in various somewhat suggestive poses as the men watch on...OLIVIA falls out of her shirt, her chest blurred out preventing America's youth from being corrupted. CHRIS seems pretty pleased by this turn of events.)

(CUTTO: The two tribes heading towards a beach, DOC SILVER stands on the beach awaiting the tribes.)

DOC: "OK guys, come on in...Here's today's challenge...It's both reward AND immunity. Your reward is a flint, so you can make fire all the time, well except when it rains...And this (DOC holds up a wooden Kiwi Bird statue about feet tall" this is the immunity idol you'll be playing for, when your tribe has this, your tribe is safe."

DOC: "Today's task is simple, 4 of you will row out to that platform where you see those two large fire pots (CUTTO: Two pots with fires billowing out of them, on platforms.) with stands under them, you'll tie the stands to the back of your boat and row back to shore, where the other 4 in your tribe will then have to carry the stands with the pots to a finish line 200 yards away, first team across the finish line wins. OK guys, divide your teams and let's get started.)

(MARK, BLAIN, MARY and CHRIS are in the boat for Shak-No, while STEVE, EMILIA, TIFFANY, and JASON for WALLEN.)

DOC: "Survivors Ready...GO!" (The tribes row out to the platforms...WALLEN falls behind as SHAK-NO gets to the platforms first...The teams row back with SHAK-NO still holding a good lead...SHAK-NO hits the beach first and their foursome of NED, CYNTHIA, DIVA and OLIVIA grab the platform and begin carrying it towards the finish line...WALLEN land their platform and VINCENT, MARGARET, KEVIN and KARLA rush off and grab their pot...NED and CYNTHIA can't hold up their side of the platform and the whole SHAK-NO tribe has to put it down and switch off sides, allowing WALLEN to catch up and make it close. with NED and CYNTHIA on opposite corners they now try to keep up, but WALLEN gets the lead and crosses the finish line about 10 paces ahead of SHAK-NO winning immunity and the flint!)

DOC: "WALLEN WINS REWARD AND IMMUNITY!" (DOC hands STEVE the flint and MARGARET the immunity idol. The WALLEN tribe leaves cheerful, While SHAK-NO looks disgusted with the results of what happened.)

(MARK wheeling himself over to DIVA.)

MARK: "So, Ned and Cynthia really screwed up today, who you think we should get rid of?"

DIVA: "Cynthia is a sista, Ned's just a creepy old man...So I'd vote out his old ass."

MARK: "So it's Ned."

DIVA: "Uh-huh, he's cooked like a turkey."

MARK: "Ummm, I don't think we're gonna eat him."

DIVA: (Shot from the neck up) "You can eat this...If you're lucky"

MARK: "OK..."

(CUTTO: MARK wheeling himself over to NED.)

MARK: "Ya know you and Cynthia really screwed up today."

NED: "Yeah...So what you thinking?

MARK: "I think it'll be you or her going home."

NED: "Well, if I vote her, if you vote her as well, I'd give you my vote next time."

(CUTTO: MARK talking to a few other people in SHAK-NO)

(CUTTO: MARK in an aside.)

MARK: "I know people might see me as a liability, without legs and all, but I did my part in the challenge, and others failed us, working around the camp I've done all I can, Cynthia kinda has to be led around, Ned's just not that big on labor, so I think one of them should go."

(CUTTO: CYNTHIA talking to NED)

CYNTHIA: "Look, Mark was the one who split up the tribe, he put us in the position to fail."

NED: "True."

CYNTHIA: "So we should vote him out...Besides he's got no legs...Sooner or later we're gonna have to run or do something and he's gonna screw us."

NED: "that's OK, I'll vote him out...I'll carry his ass into the ocean and throw him in if need be."

CYNTHIA: "Great..."

(CUTTO: NED in an aside.)

NED: "Well, I got two people wanting my vote and I'm kinda in a cross fire, I don't know which way to go really, in then end I'll just have to vote for what's best for me...(Adds quickly) and for the tribe."
(CUTTO: CYNTHIA talking to DIVA.)
CYNTHIA: "Look, I got me and Ned to vote out Mark...Would you be willing to help?"
DIVA: (Pauses) "Oh sure...Bye-bye tree man, booty shakes for Ned!"
CYNTHIA: "Mark's not going to help us, and I got a few people who'll vote with me to get rid of him."
OLIVIA: "I just think it's no reason to vote a guy off cause he has no legs...It's just bad..."

(CUTTO: Tribal Counsel, SHAK-NO walk in and light their torches.

DOC: "Take a seat everyone, OK guys...3 days, you've gotten to know each other...Olivia, what's the toughest part of being on this island and dealing with your tribe?"

OLIVIA: "Prolly, like, I donno. They're always telling me to do **** I don't want to do. Usually I don't mind that so much. Like at my job? They're like "fold these shirts." and I"m like "Okay, just let me smoke first." But I can't smoke here. So it's harder to do things. Plus it's more difficult to get laid than I would've thought. I mean it's an island for (BLEEP) sake. What else are we supposed to do?"

DOC: "Chris I noticed you had a bit of a reaction to that."

CHRIS: "Well I didn't know she was serious really, and I didn't know if it was the best of plans really, you start sleeping with somebody and well, everyone notices it and you're gone."

DOC: "Mark, you clearly have a handicap, why should this tribe keep you around?"

MARK: "I did my best in the challenge, we had a big lead in my section of the contest. I've gathered fruit, climbed trees, I've done a lot for the tribe, so I don't see why I should go. I've shown myself to be pretty able."

DOC: "Ned, you were part of the reason the tribe lost, why should you stay?"

NED: "I did what I could, I just hope my help around camp is seen as being important, I'd like to think I'm needed."

DOC: "Mary, how tough is it to vote somebody out of the tribe."

MARY: "It's dreadful...I've prayed all day...I only hope I'm making the right decision..."

DOC: "Has anyone in the tribe talked to you about your vote?"

MARY: "Yes, I'll take their words and what I think the Lord wants me to do into that booth."

DOC: "Cynthia, you were also a party to the loss...Why should you stay."

CYNTHIA: "Because I'm good for the camp, I've made friends here...I'm not ready to leave..."

DOC: "Blaine, have you connected with anyone here?"

BLAINE: "I have...Mary's very spiritual, different way then me, but still kinda the same, Ned's got his thing...Mark's got his...I think everyone here is very good for the group...it's a good vibe."

DOC: "Ru...Diva...You're kind of brash, don't you think your attitude could get you in trouble here?"

DIVA: "Look, I sling truth. I don't hide nothing from nobody, so if I'm in trouble, it's cause all ya'll is haters, plain and simple."

DOC: "With that it's time to vote...Diva you're up"

(DIVA votes, we don't see it)

(BLAINE votes, we don't see it)

(MARK votes, he holds up his vote which reads "Cyn")

MARK: "We can't lose to many more, so...Sorry...Bye"

(NED Voting, we don't see it)

(OLIVIA voting, we don't see it)

(CYNTHIA voting, she holds up her vote reading "Mark")

CYNTHIA: "You led us into this loss, and well, I don't think you can do much for us."

(MARY voting, we don't see it.)

(CHRIS voting, we don't see it.)

DOC: "I'll tally the votes."

(CUTTO: Doc with the cookie jar o' votes)

DOC: "First vote...Cynthia...(CYNTHIA nods) second vote...Cynthia (CYNTHIA looks worried)...Next vote...Mark (MARK looks a bit concerned)...Next vote Mark...That's 2 votes Cynthia, two votes Mark.
DOC: "Next vote...Mark (MARK looks a bit annoyed)...3 votes for Mark and 2 votes for Cynthia...Next vote...Cynthia...(CYNTHIA shakes her head.) 3 votes Mark, three votes Cynthia."
DOC: "Next vote...Olivia (OLIVIA opens her mouth, looking like she's going to shout, and then catches herself and stops.) Three votes Mark...Three votes Cynthia...One vote Olivia...I will read the final vote..."
DOC: "The first person voted out of Survivor New Zealand is...Mark..." (DOC reveals the final vote reading MARK. MARK grabs his torch and wheels himself over to DOC. OLIVIA looks saddened by the vote, and still looking shocked at the vote against her.)
DOC: "The tribe has spoken" (DOC puts out MARK's Torch...MARK looks back, at the tribe before wheeling himself off without saying anything.)

DOC: "Well you've had your first vote, best of luck to you to avoid coming back here next time, grab your torches and head back to camp.)

(SHAK-NO heads back to camp. CYNTHIA looking a bit happier to have made it through, MARY looks drained by the process.)


DOC V/O: "Next time on Survivor"

(CUTTO: Night vision shot of SHAK-NO's campsite) "Olivia blows up"


DOC V/O: "And an important Reward challenge will test both tribes's teamwork"

(CUTTO: Both tribes working through an series of obstacles.)


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