The Great Eye
I came to cut you up
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- Jan 29, 2004
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(FADEIN: The Survivor Logo, with the graphic showing wildlife and the words "New Zealand" in it. CUTTO: The word "Shak-No" written in black on a yellowed piece of parchment. CUTTO: A scene of MARK swimming in the water. CUTTO: MARK smiling in a photo, CUTTO: RUTH walking the beach. CUTTO: RUTH in a photo glaring at the camera. CUTTO: NED eating at camp. CUTTO: A Picture of NED smiling nervously. CUTTO: CHRIS cutting down a tree with a knife. CUTTO: CHRIS smiling big in a photo. CUTTO: CYNTHIA chopping food up. CUTTO: CYNTHIA smiling warmly in a photo. CUTTO: MARY praying on the beach. CUTTO: MARY smiling in a photo. CUTTO: BLAINE climbing a tree. CUTTO: A photo of BLAINE with a big toothy grin. CUTTO: OLIVIA carrying wood. CUTTO: OLIVIA looking grim in a photo. CUTTO: The blue flag of Shak-No.
CUTTO: The word "Wallen" in black on yellowed parchment. CUTTO: EMILIA washing her face in the ocean. CUTTO: EMILIA smiling in a photo. CUTTO: VINCENT carrying a big knife CUTTO: VINCENT smiling in a photo. CUTTO: KARLA sitting on the beach CUTTO: KARLA grinning broadly in a photo. CUTTO: KEVIN, face covered in mud, shaking his head at the camera. CUTTO: KEVIN with a weak smile in a photo. CUTTO: TIFFANY dancing in a bathing suit CUTTO: TIFFANY smiling in a photo. CUTTO: STEVE sunning himself on the beach. CUTTO: STEVE with a wide grin in a photo. CUTTO: MARGARET making a necklack out of strings CUTTO: MARGARET with a tight lipped grin in a photo. CUTTO: JASON walking through the forest CUTTO: JASON smiling in a photo. CUTTO: The orange flag of Wallen
CUTTO: The graphic "39 days" CUTTO: The outline if a person standing on a cliff, lit torch over their head CUTTO: The graphic reading "1 Survivor")
(CUTTO: Shak-No Night 3.)
(CUTTO: The whole tribe heading back from counsel)
(MARY begins to pray. The rest of the tribe look kind of confused at the outrage.)
MARY: "I'm sorry, but, you made me uncomfortable...The way you look at me..."
OLIVIA: "Didn't Jesus tell ya to tell people what you thought?! I'm pretty sure like the (BLEEP) bible doesn't say that you should like stab somebody in the back like you tried to...That's (BLEEP) Mary! Period, it's (BLEEP) I can't BELIEVE you would do that! I'm sorry there's nothing to do on this miserable island and that you got a nice ass. (Glares at MARY) well just tell me ahead of time that you got this problem with me and maybe it'll be worked out, none of this (BLEEP) with the secret votes, that like were cast against me for NO REASON!"
(CUTTO: Ned in an aside.)
NED: "We got back from the vote, Olivia lost it, well, that's fine with me, anyone else who wants to draw attention to themselves is great by me."
(CUTTO: Mary in an aside.)
MARY: "I really think Olivia is a girl who's lost, I wish that she, like me could find the Lord and accept his blessing, but I can see that it is not part of his plan to enter her heart yet. I do hope she is able to find peace."
(CUTTO: Shak-No sleeping.)
(CUTTO: Wallen Day 4)
(CUTTO: EMILIA and MARGARET sitting on the beach.)
MARGARET: "You can call me Peggy, hardly anyone back home calls me anything but that."
EMILIA: "That's cool, man I'm glad we won that challenge...(Leans back on the sand.) avoiding the vote and staying in paradise for another day."
MARGARET: "Yeah, it's a good night knowing the other tribe has to pick somebody off and we get to relax, enjoy fire and have the good life."
(CUTTO: Margaret in an aside.)
MARGARET: "It's kinda like I'm in charge of the camp for planning stuff, everyone works, but in the end, I just feel like I'm the boss, I totally didn't expect to get that job...It's kinda stressful...Uneasy is the head that wears the crown and all that."
(CUTTO: KEVIN and JASON walking around in the woods.)
KEVIN: "So you see any birds?"
JASON: "Yeah, one went into that bush over there...Thankfully they can't fly...Just get around to the other side, so if I don't get it, hopefully you can grab it..."
(KEVIN gets into position and then JASON charges at the bush with his knife, the camera pans away for a second, and then JASON pulls out the body of the bird.)
KEVIN: "Good job man"
JASON: "Thanks" (hands him the knife) "You're up for the next one."
(CUTTO: Jason in an aside.)
JASON: "If my dad was still around, man he'd be so impressed to see me here, on TV, doing physical stuff working around the camp, just fitting in. He was there to see me beat the cancer...Wish he coulda stuck around for this...Sucks, but sometimes it's your time, thankfully it wasn't mine."
(CUTTO: Shak-No Day 4.)
(CUTTO: NED working on the shelter, he's a man obessed with trying to get some extra support for a wall. DIVA is trying to help him.)
NED: "Gotta get this pole into place, the wind could pick up and if it did we would be stuck laying on the beach."
DIVA: "Honey, we be set up like what in this crib. It would take like a bomb to bring this bad boy down."
NED: "Or some more wind...Let's get this done."
(CUTTO: Blaine in an aside.)
BLAINE: "Ned man...He's just all about chores and work, 24/7, he's just a worker bee, he's one of those guys who's gonna die at his desk, because without a job he'd go crazy...Either that or he hates his job so much he's trying to earn our favor to win the million dollars...Either way he really needs to just ease off...The world takes care of things, whoever wins this will be the right person."
(CUTTO: The Tribes arriving at the Reward challenge.)
DOC: "Welcome tribes...Shak-No is one short as you can see, Mark, voted off last night...Today's challenge is simple, each team will pick two players to be defenders, they will stand on platforms beside these balance beams and throw medicine balls at the opponents who try to cross them to get to other side. Before you get to the balance beam you'll go under a belly crawl and then up a cargo net, if you cross the beam you grab a flag and bring it back to your tribe. First tribe to get 10 flags wins...You're playing for the trademark Survivor Fishing gear, a fishing spear, snorkel, a mask, and swim fins..."
"Wallen, you have an extra member, who are you sitting out (TIFFANY raises her hand) OK...Get your positions..."
(CUTTO: JASON and KEVIN defending for WALLEN, while DIVA and OLIVIA defend for SHAK-NO)
(CUTTO: The tribes having players running the course, OLIVIA knocks VINCENT off the beam, while both sides Navigate the beam and the course quickly...DIVA is totally unable to do anything with her ball...While KEVIN knocks MARY off...The tribes get up to 7 flags each as JASON hits NED in the head with his medicine ball, but NED somehow keeps his balance and makes it across...STEVE gets hit by OLIVIA and falls off, giving BLAINE a change to get the 9th flag for SHAK-NO...Finally CHRIS gets the 10th flag for SHAK-NO winning reward.)
(CUTTO: Shak-No Day 5)
(CUTTO: BLAINE with the gear, swimming in the water, he spear fishes for a bit, catching a couple of good sized fish.)
(CUTTO: Blaine in an aside.)
BLAINE: "I feel bad about the fish, but I feel that I'm hunting for the good of my tribe and in a way that is at peace with nature, when I'm swimming and looking for fish I feel at peace...There's nothing but endless water all around me...It's so serene, it's incredible...I think the duality of the violence of the task I am performaning and the peace it fills me with says something about the nature of man...Or that man feels good catching fish." (laughs)
(CUTTO: CYNTHIA and OLIVIA getting water.)
CYNTHIA: "So how was your childhood?"
OLIVIA: "Yeah, I’m an only child…Well, I had a brother for a while, but ch’know it’s ah…"
CYNTHIA: "What? What happened to him?"
OLIVIA: "Well, he ah, y’know. Died." (eyes get watery)
CYNTHIA: "That’s terrible."
OLIVIA: "Yeah…(softly sobs) The worst part is, like…my last memory of him is this awful fight he had with my parents when he came out of the closet…My father um…(outright crying) threw him through a table, so he set the porch on fire, and threw a water balloon full of urine on me"
CYNTHIA: "You poor thing!!"
OLIVIA: "And then…he ran away, y’know?....And I didn’t see him for years, and all of a sudden we got this weird phone call, saying he got A.I.D.S and died!!!" (collapses into Cynthia’s lap, crying like crazy…)
CYNTHIA: "Hey, isn’t that kind of like in the book “Invisible Monsters?”
OLIVIA: "Yeah. We thought it was weird how similar it was."
OLIVIA: "It's just how it is...It's so weird...Thank you...You're so kind...(Puts her hand on CYNTHIA's shoulder, and then her face.) "I just feel like I can trust you...I feel so...(Pause for a beat or two) protected around you...You're so kind and sweet..."
CYNTHIA: "It's OK...I'm just sorry you went through so much"
(OLIVIA out of the blue kisses CYNTHIA. The kiss goes on for a few seconds with CYNTHIA apparently confused, then she starts kissing back.)
(CUTTO: Diva in an aside.)
DIVA: "Those two girls, they went out for water like, nearly an hour ago, they come back like, Olivia's acting all weird around Cynthia the rest of the day...Dunno what they be doing, but they can leave me out of it, I'm all about the men...Well except for
Kelly Clarkson, I'd hit that, not that I've ever watched American Idol, peeps on that show be fakes and posers..."
(CUTTO: Shak-No Night 5)
OLIVIA: "Mary, check the fire would you Mary" (Nudging MARY awake. MARY gets up and walks over to the fire, which is roaring and needs no help...She looks confused at Olivia who's asleep again.)
(CUTTO: Mary in an aside.)
MARY: "I like to think the best of people, but I might think Olivia is trying to get on my bad side...I really hope she isn't as angry a girl as she appears, it can only lead to problems."
(CUTTO: the tribes heading towards the Immunity challenge. TIFFANY hands over the immunity Idol to DOC)
DOC: "Immunity is back up for grabs...Today's challenge is simple. Each memeber of each tribe will carry twenty pounds of weight, they will carry them while walking clockwise around thie quarter-mile circle. If anyone drops out they must hand their weight off to another member of their team, first team to catch the other team wins immunity. Who's sitting out for WALLEN? (MARGARET raises her hand.) OK...Let's get ready"
(CUTTO: The tribes starting...NED, and CYNTHIA drop out shortly, with CHRIS and DIVA taking the extra weight...A bit later TIFFANY gives out for WALLEN and KEVIN takes the weight...A bit later OLIVIA can't handle the weight and BLAINE takes it...Time laspe photos show the larger WALLEN group slowly gaining on the smaller SHAK-NO group until finally they catch them and win immunity again!)
(CUTTO: WALLEN celebrating as they grab the immunity idol)
(CUTTO: NED sitting on the beach. CYNTHIA walks up to him.)
CYNTHIA: "We need to talk"
NED: "Sure thing, what's up?"
CYNTHIA: "We're clearly the weakest members of this tribe, and Olivia's with us there...We have to stick together or we're going to get picked off."
NED: "I'd agree with that."
CYNTHIA: "I can talk to her...So we'll be able to vote in a group."
NED: "Who you want to vote for?"
CYNTHIA: "I don't know...Well...I know you, me and Diva voted Mark...So somebody had to be the 4th vote."
NED: "I'd guess it was Olivia...She was miserable the whole day, I think she felt bad about voting against the legless guy."
CYNTHIA: "I'll talk to her about it...I got three votes cast against me...So it had to be Blaine, Chris and Mark, since Mary voted against Olivia. So it's Blaine or Chris."
NED: "Hmmm...Well Blaine's bringing in fish, so let's keep him around, Chris should go, he might be a big muscle head but all these tasks won't be about jumping 10 feet, and if they are we'll just lose anyhow cause he's the only one who can do that stuff."
CYNTHIA: "True...I'll talk to Olivia"
OLIVIA: "I want to get rid of Mary...Like (BLEEP) her...That little (BLEEP)"
CYNTHIA: "She's meaningless right now, Chris and Blaine are two votes...Mary's only one...And besides we can get her later, let's break up the group that voted against me."
OLIVIA: "Fine fine...But that (BLEEP) is going down sooner or later."
CYNTHIA: "We'll be OK"
(OLIVIA talking to BLAINE)
OLIVIA: "Just so you know, tonight me, Cynthia and Ned are voting out Chris..."
BLAINE: "Oh really?"
OLIVIA: "Yeah, so like, you could help out, get rid of him with us..."
BLAINE: "Well, I'll have to think about that...I need to meditate to really find what I feel is right..."
OLIVIA: (Looking a little confused or annoyed) "Oh OK...That's cool"
BLAINE: "Thank you for the talk." (Smiles and nods to OLIVIA as she leaves)
CHRIS: "So who you voting out?"
CYNTHIA: "I dunno...It's tough" (Looking away from him) "Sucks having to vote people off..."
CHRIS: "Yeah...I know...But we gotta do it...Hope we win next time...So you got any ideas?"
CYNTHIA: "Not really...You?"
CHRIS: "Hmmmm...Blaine...I'd vote out Blaine..."
CYNTHIA: "That works for me"
CHRIS: "Cool...Good to know"
CYNTHIA: "Yeah..."
(CUTTO: CHRIS talking to NED)
CHRIS: "So you're voting Blaine?"
NED: "Yeah, he's gone"
CHRIS: "thanks man"
NED: "No problem"
(CUTTO: The tribe heading towards counsel)
DOC: "OK Everyone, welcome back...Chris...As an athlete, how does it feel to lose like this?"
CHRIS: "It hurts...I hate losing...But it happens, I'm sure we won't be losing to often, we did beat them today for that sweet fishing gear, Blaine did a great job the last two days getting us food."
DOC: "This is true, Blaine, do you feel safe in tonight's vote due to your role as the tribe's fisherman?"
BLAINE: "There is always chance in the universe, and I am really gaining a lot from this experience and want to continue on, I am trying to do what is best for the team, and I think they recognize that, they are people of good character and values, and I know that whatever decision they make will be what they feel in their hearts is the best one for the team."
DOC: "Mary, you admitted to voting against Olivia. (OLIVIA glares at MARY) do you fear that vote could come back to haunt you tonight?"
MARY: "I can only pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will keep me away from anything negative."
DOC: "Very well...Olivia, how are you voting tonight?"
OLIVIA: "Well, I dunno if Jesus can protect her from everything...(laughs) but no, tonight's not about revenge for me, it's about what's best for me."
DOC: "and so voting against Mary isn't what's best for you?"
OLIVIA: "I don't think it's what is best for me."
DOC: "Cynthia, why would Olivia not vote against Mary, do you know of any reason why she wouldn't?"
CYNTHIA: "Well, you have to vote based on who's a threat, or what you see would be the best plan, you have to do what you can to keep yourself in the game, that's first and foremost in anyone's mind, it has to be."
DOC: "Ned, two challenges, two losses, and twice you've fared pretty poorly, why should you stick around?"
NED: "I work hard in camp...I do what I can for people...I stayed on the balance beam and helped win us the fishing gear, and I don't think all these challenges will be all about how buff you are."
DOC: "Diva...From what I could tell today you didn't do much in the way of talking to people, had you already decided on your vote?"
DIVA: "I'm not about talking and sneaking, I'm gonna speak truth, I'm gonna vote truth...That simple"
DOC: "With that it's time to vote...Diva...You're up."
(CUTTO: DIVA voting...We don't see it.)
(CUTTO: MARY voting, she holds up her vote reading "Olivia" with a sad face next to it.)
MARY: "I'm sorry my child, but I can not vote against myself, and through all my prayers, the only name I ever am told to write is yours"
(CUTTO: OLIVIA voting, we don't see it)
(CUTTO: NED voting, we don't see it)
(CUTTO: BLAINE voting, we don't see it)
(CUTTO: CYNTHIA voting, we don't see it)
(CUTTO: CHRIS voting, he holds up his vote reading "Blaine")
CHRIS: "I'm sorry man, but it's the nature of the beast"
DOC: "I'll get the votes.)
(CUTTO: DOC with the Cookie Jar o' Doom.)
DOC: "Once read, it's final and all that, person voted out will leave at once."
(DOC reads the first vote.)
DOC: "Olivia"
(OLIVIA glares at MARY, who holds her head down.)
(DOC reads the second vote)
DOC: "Blaine"
(BLAINE doesn't react as the vote is read against him)
(DOC reads the third vote.)
DOC: "Chris...That's one vote Olivia, one vote Chris, one vote Blaine" (CHRIS looks a little stunned by the vote.)
(DOC reads the fourth vote)
DOC: "Ned"
(NED nods)
(DOC reads the fifth vote)
DOC: "Ned"
(NED shakes his head now)
(DOC reads the sixth vote)
DOC: "Chris"
(CHRIS looks concerned.)
DOC: "That's two votes Ned, two votes Chris, one vote Blaine, one vote Olivia, I will read the final vote."
(DOC reads the final vote)
DOC: "Second person voted out of Survivor New Zealand is...Chris (DOC reveals the fatal vote...CHRIS gets up from his seat looking a bit stunned...He shakes his head as DOC takes his torch.)
DOC: "Chris...The tribe has spoken" (He puts CHRIS's torch out...CHRIS nods and looks at the tribe, waving goodbye as he walks off.)
DOC: "Well, tonight it's clear, that the power of a group can always overcome the power of a single person...Get your torches and head back to camp."
(CUTTO: SHAK-NO heading back to camp, CYNTHIA and NED looking relieved, OLIVIA looking angry, and the rest of the tribe generally looking non-plussed.)
DOC: "Next week on Survivor...Immunity rests on one member of each tribe, as the stakes just keep getting higher."
CUTTO: The word "Wallen" in black on yellowed parchment. CUTTO: EMILIA washing her face in the ocean. CUTTO: EMILIA smiling in a photo. CUTTO: VINCENT carrying a big knife CUTTO: VINCENT smiling in a photo. CUTTO: KARLA sitting on the beach CUTTO: KARLA grinning broadly in a photo. CUTTO: KEVIN, face covered in mud, shaking his head at the camera. CUTTO: KEVIN with a weak smile in a photo. CUTTO: TIFFANY dancing in a bathing suit CUTTO: TIFFANY smiling in a photo. CUTTO: STEVE sunning himself on the beach. CUTTO: STEVE with a wide grin in a photo. CUTTO: MARGARET making a necklack out of strings CUTTO: MARGARET with a tight lipped grin in a photo. CUTTO: JASON walking through the forest CUTTO: JASON smiling in a photo. CUTTO: The orange flag of Wallen
CUTTO: The graphic "39 days" CUTTO: The outline if a person standing on a cliff, lit torch over their head CUTTO: The graphic reading "1 Survivor")
(CUTTO: Shak-No Night 3.)
(CUTTO: The whole tribe heading back from counsel)
(MARY begins to pray. The rest of the tribe look kind of confused at the outrage.)
MARY: "I'm sorry, but, you made me uncomfortable...The way you look at me..."
OLIVIA: "Didn't Jesus tell ya to tell people what you thought?! I'm pretty sure like the (BLEEP) bible doesn't say that you should like stab somebody in the back like you tried to...That's (BLEEP) Mary! Period, it's (BLEEP) I can't BELIEVE you would do that! I'm sorry there's nothing to do on this miserable island and that you got a nice ass. (Glares at MARY) well just tell me ahead of time that you got this problem with me and maybe it'll be worked out, none of this (BLEEP) with the secret votes, that like were cast against me for NO REASON!"
(CUTTO: Ned in an aside.)
NED: "We got back from the vote, Olivia lost it, well, that's fine with me, anyone else who wants to draw attention to themselves is great by me."
(CUTTO: Mary in an aside.)
MARY: "I really think Olivia is a girl who's lost, I wish that she, like me could find the Lord and accept his blessing, but I can see that it is not part of his plan to enter her heart yet. I do hope she is able to find peace."
(CUTTO: Shak-No sleeping.)
(CUTTO: Wallen Day 4)
(CUTTO: EMILIA and MARGARET sitting on the beach.)
MARGARET: "You can call me Peggy, hardly anyone back home calls me anything but that."
EMILIA: "That's cool, man I'm glad we won that challenge...(Leans back on the sand.) avoiding the vote and staying in paradise for another day."
MARGARET: "Yeah, it's a good night knowing the other tribe has to pick somebody off and we get to relax, enjoy fire and have the good life."
(CUTTO: Margaret in an aside.)
MARGARET: "It's kinda like I'm in charge of the camp for planning stuff, everyone works, but in the end, I just feel like I'm the boss, I totally didn't expect to get that job...It's kinda stressful...Uneasy is the head that wears the crown and all that."
(CUTTO: KEVIN and JASON walking around in the woods.)
KEVIN: "So you see any birds?"
JASON: "Yeah, one went into that bush over there...Thankfully they can't fly...Just get around to the other side, so if I don't get it, hopefully you can grab it..."
(KEVIN gets into position and then JASON charges at the bush with his knife, the camera pans away for a second, and then JASON pulls out the body of the bird.)
KEVIN: "Good job man"
JASON: "Thanks" (hands him the knife) "You're up for the next one."
(CUTTO: Jason in an aside.)
JASON: "If my dad was still around, man he'd be so impressed to see me here, on TV, doing physical stuff working around the camp, just fitting in. He was there to see me beat the cancer...Wish he coulda stuck around for this...Sucks, but sometimes it's your time, thankfully it wasn't mine."
(CUTTO: Shak-No Day 4.)
(CUTTO: NED working on the shelter, he's a man obessed with trying to get some extra support for a wall. DIVA is trying to help him.)
NED: "Gotta get this pole into place, the wind could pick up and if it did we would be stuck laying on the beach."
DIVA: "Honey, we be set up like what in this crib. It would take like a bomb to bring this bad boy down."
NED: "Or some more wind...Let's get this done."
(CUTTO: Blaine in an aside.)
BLAINE: "Ned man...He's just all about chores and work, 24/7, he's just a worker bee, he's one of those guys who's gonna die at his desk, because without a job he'd go crazy...Either that or he hates his job so much he's trying to earn our favor to win the million dollars...Either way he really needs to just ease off...The world takes care of things, whoever wins this will be the right person."
(CUTTO: The Tribes arriving at the Reward challenge.)
DOC: "Welcome tribes...Shak-No is one short as you can see, Mark, voted off last night...Today's challenge is simple, each team will pick two players to be defenders, they will stand on platforms beside these balance beams and throw medicine balls at the opponents who try to cross them to get to other side. Before you get to the balance beam you'll go under a belly crawl and then up a cargo net, if you cross the beam you grab a flag and bring it back to your tribe. First tribe to get 10 flags wins...You're playing for the trademark Survivor Fishing gear, a fishing spear, snorkel, a mask, and swim fins..."
"Wallen, you have an extra member, who are you sitting out (TIFFANY raises her hand) OK...Get your positions..."
(CUTTO: JASON and KEVIN defending for WALLEN, while DIVA and OLIVIA defend for SHAK-NO)
(CUTTO: The tribes having players running the course, OLIVIA knocks VINCENT off the beam, while both sides Navigate the beam and the course quickly...DIVA is totally unable to do anything with her ball...While KEVIN knocks MARY off...The tribes get up to 7 flags each as JASON hits NED in the head with his medicine ball, but NED somehow keeps his balance and makes it across...STEVE gets hit by OLIVIA and falls off, giving BLAINE a change to get the 9th flag for SHAK-NO...Finally CHRIS gets the 10th flag for SHAK-NO winning reward.)
(CUTTO: Shak-No Day 5)
(CUTTO: BLAINE with the gear, swimming in the water, he spear fishes for a bit, catching a couple of good sized fish.)
(CUTTO: Blaine in an aside.)
BLAINE: "I feel bad about the fish, but I feel that I'm hunting for the good of my tribe and in a way that is at peace with nature, when I'm swimming and looking for fish I feel at peace...There's nothing but endless water all around me...It's so serene, it's incredible...I think the duality of the violence of the task I am performaning and the peace it fills me with says something about the nature of man...Or that man feels good catching fish." (laughs)
(CUTTO: CYNTHIA and OLIVIA getting water.)
CYNTHIA: "So how was your childhood?"
OLIVIA: "Yeah, I’m an only child…Well, I had a brother for a while, but ch’know it’s ah…"
CYNTHIA: "What? What happened to him?"
OLIVIA: "Well, he ah, y’know. Died." (eyes get watery)
CYNTHIA: "That’s terrible."
OLIVIA: "Yeah…(softly sobs) The worst part is, like…my last memory of him is this awful fight he had with my parents when he came out of the closet…My father um…(outright crying) threw him through a table, so he set the porch on fire, and threw a water balloon full of urine on me"
CYNTHIA: "You poor thing!!"
OLIVIA: "And then…he ran away, y’know?....And I didn’t see him for years, and all of a sudden we got this weird phone call, saying he got A.I.D.S and died!!!" (collapses into Cynthia’s lap, crying like crazy…)
CYNTHIA: "Hey, isn’t that kind of like in the book “Invisible Monsters?”
OLIVIA: "Yeah. We thought it was weird how similar it was."
OLIVIA: "It's just how it is...It's so weird...Thank you...You're so kind...(Puts her hand on CYNTHIA's shoulder, and then her face.) "I just feel like I can trust you...I feel so...(Pause for a beat or two) protected around you...You're so kind and sweet..."
CYNTHIA: "It's OK...I'm just sorry you went through so much"
(OLIVIA out of the blue kisses CYNTHIA. The kiss goes on for a few seconds with CYNTHIA apparently confused, then she starts kissing back.)
(CUTTO: Diva in an aside.)
DIVA: "Those two girls, they went out for water like, nearly an hour ago, they come back like, Olivia's acting all weird around Cynthia the rest of the day...Dunno what they be doing, but they can leave me out of it, I'm all about the men...Well except for
Kelly Clarkson, I'd hit that, not that I've ever watched American Idol, peeps on that show be fakes and posers..."
(CUTTO: Shak-No Night 5)
OLIVIA: "Mary, check the fire would you Mary" (Nudging MARY awake. MARY gets up and walks over to the fire, which is roaring and needs no help...She looks confused at Olivia who's asleep again.)
(CUTTO: Mary in an aside.)
MARY: "I like to think the best of people, but I might think Olivia is trying to get on my bad side...I really hope she isn't as angry a girl as she appears, it can only lead to problems."
(CUTTO: the tribes heading towards the Immunity challenge. TIFFANY hands over the immunity Idol to DOC)
DOC: "Immunity is back up for grabs...Today's challenge is simple. Each memeber of each tribe will carry twenty pounds of weight, they will carry them while walking clockwise around thie quarter-mile circle. If anyone drops out they must hand their weight off to another member of their team, first team to catch the other team wins immunity. Who's sitting out for WALLEN? (MARGARET raises her hand.) OK...Let's get ready"
(CUTTO: The tribes starting...NED, and CYNTHIA drop out shortly, with CHRIS and DIVA taking the extra weight...A bit later TIFFANY gives out for WALLEN and KEVIN takes the weight...A bit later OLIVIA can't handle the weight and BLAINE takes it...Time laspe photos show the larger WALLEN group slowly gaining on the smaller SHAK-NO group until finally they catch them and win immunity again!)
(CUTTO: WALLEN celebrating as they grab the immunity idol)
(CUTTO: NED sitting on the beach. CYNTHIA walks up to him.)
CYNTHIA: "We need to talk"
NED: "Sure thing, what's up?"
CYNTHIA: "We're clearly the weakest members of this tribe, and Olivia's with us there...We have to stick together or we're going to get picked off."
NED: "I'd agree with that."
CYNTHIA: "I can talk to her...So we'll be able to vote in a group."
NED: "Who you want to vote for?"
CYNTHIA: "I don't know...Well...I know you, me and Diva voted Mark...So somebody had to be the 4th vote."
NED: "I'd guess it was Olivia...She was miserable the whole day, I think she felt bad about voting against the legless guy."
CYNTHIA: "I'll talk to her about it...I got three votes cast against me...So it had to be Blaine, Chris and Mark, since Mary voted against Olivia. So it's Blaine or Chris."
NED: "Hmmm...Well Blaine's bringing in fish, so let's keep him around, Chris should go, he might be a big muscle head but all these tasks won't be about jumping 10 feet, and if they are we'll just lose anyhow cause he's the only one who can do that stuff."
CYNTHIA: "True...I'll talk to Olivia"
OLIVIA: "I want to get rid of Mary...Like (BLEEP) her...That little (BLEEP)"
CYNTHIA: "She's meaningless right now, Chris and Blaine are two votes...Mary's only one...And besides we can get her later, let's break up the group that voted against me."
OLIVIA: "Fine fine...But that (BLEEP) is going down sooner or later."
CYNTHIA: "We'll be OK"
(OLIVIA talking to BLAINE)
OLIVIA: "Just so you know, tonight me, Cynthia and Ned are voting out Chris..."
BLAINE: "Oh really?"
OLIVIA: "Yeah, so like, you could help out, get rid of him with us..."
BLAINE: "Well, I'll have to think about that...I need to meditate to really find what I feel is right..."
OLIVIA: (Looking a little confused or annoyed) "Oh OK...That's cool"
BLAINE: "Thank you for the talk." (Smiles and nods to OLIVIA as she leaves)
CHRIS: "So who you voting out?"
CYNTHIA: "I dunno...It's tough" (Looking away from him) "Sucks having to vote people off..."
CHRIS: "Yeah...I know...But we gotta do it...Hope we win next time...So you got any ideas?"
CYNTHIA: "Not really...You?"
CHRIS: "Hmmmm...Blaine...I'd vote out Blaine..."
CYNTHIA: "That works for me"
CHRIS: "Cool...Good to know"
CYNTHIA: "Yeah..."
(CUTTO: CHRIS talking to NED)
CHRIS: "So you're voting Blaine?"
NED: "Yeah, he's gone"
CHRIS: "thanks man"
NED: "No problem"
(CUTTO: The tribe heading towards counsel)
DOC: "OK Everyone, welcome back...Chris...As an athlete, how does it feel to lose like this?"
CHRIS: "It hurts...I hate losing...But it happens, I'm sure we won't be losing to often, we did beat them today for that sweet fishing gear, Blaine did a great job the last two days getting us food."
DOC: "This is true, Blaine, do you feel safe in tonight's vote due to your role as the tribe's fisherman?"
BLAINE: "There is always chance in the universe, and I am really gaining a lot from this experience and want to continue on, I am trying to do what is best for the team, and I think they recognize that, they are people of good character and values, and I know that whatever decision they make will be what they feel in their hearts is the best one for the team."
DOC: "Mary, you admitted to voting against Olivia. (OLIVIA glares at MARY) do you fear that vote could come back to haunt you tonight?"
MARY: "I can only pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will keep me away from anything negative."
DOC: "Very well...Olivia, how are you voting tonight?"
OLIVIA: "Well, I dunno if Jesus can protect her from everything...(laughs) but no, tonight's not about revenge for me, it's about what's best for me."
DOC: "and so voting against Mary isn't what's best for you?"
OLIVIA: "I don't think it's what is best for me."
DOC: "Cynthia, why would Olivia not vote against Mary, do you know of any reason why she wouldn't?"
CYNTHIA: "Well, you have to vote based on who's a threat, or what you see would be the best plan, you have to do what you can to keep yourself in the game, that's first and foremost in anyone's mind, it has to be."
DOC: "Ned, two challenges, two losses, and twice you've fared pretty poorly, why should you stick around?"
NED: "I work hard in camp...I do what I can for people...I stayed on the balance beam and helped win us the fishing gear, and I don't think all these challenges will be all about how buff you are."
DOC: "Diva...From what I could tell today you didn't do much in the way of talking to people, had you already decided on your vote?"
DIVA: "I'm not about talking and sneaking, I'm gonna speak truth, I'm gonna vote truth...That simple"
DOC: "With that it's time to vote...Diva...You're up."
(CUTTO: DIVA voting...We don't see it.)
(CUTTO: MARY voting, she holds up her vote reading "Olivia" with a sad face next to it.)
MARY: "I'm sorry my child, but I can not vote against myself, and through all my prayers, the only name I ever am told to write is yours"
(CUTTO: OLIVIA voting, we don't see it)
(CUTTO: NED voting, we don't see it)
(CUTTO: BLAINE voting, we don't see it)
(CUTTO: CYNTHIA voting, we don't see it)
(CUTTO: CHRIS voting, he holds up his vote reading "Blaine")
CHRIS: "I'm sorry man, but it's the nature of the beast"
DOC: "I'll get the votes.)
(CUTTO: DOC with the Cookie Jar o' Doom.)
DOC: "Once read, it's final and all that, person voted out will leave at once."
(DOC reads the first vote.)
DOC: "Olivia"
(OLIVIA glares at MARY, who holds her head down.)
(DOC reads the second vote)
DOC: "Blaine"
(BLAINE doesn't react as the vote is read against him)
(DOC reads the third vote.)
DOC: "Chris...That's one vote Olivia, one vote Chris, one vote Blaine" (CHRIS looks a little stunned by the vote.)
(DOC reads the fourth vote)
DOC: "Ned"
(NED nods)
(DOC reads the fifth vote)
DOC: "Ned"
(NED shakes his head now)
(DOC reads the sixth vote)
DOC: "Chris"
(CHRIS looks concerned.)
DOC: "That's two votes Ned, two votes Chris, one vote Blaine, one vote Olivia, I will read the final vote."
(DOC reads the final vote)
DOC: "Second person voted out of Survivor New Zealand is...Chris (DOC reveals the fatal vote...CHRIS gets up from his seat looking a bit stunned...He shakes his head as DOC takes his torch.)
DOC: "Chris...The tribe has spoken" (He puts CHRIS's torch out...CHRIS nods and looks at the tribe, waving goodbye as he walks off.)
DOC: "Well, tonight it's clear, that the power of a group can always overcome the power of a single person...Get your torches and head back to camp."
(CUTTO: SHAK-NO heading back to camp, CYNTHIA and NED looking relieved, OLIVIA looking angry, and the rest of the tribe generally looking non-plussed.)
DOC: "Next week on Survivor...Immunity rests on one member of each tribe, as the stakes just keep getting higher."