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Tag Teams and more


Jan 1, 2000
1) There DESPERATELY needs to be an influx of tag teams. Tag team wrestling allows you to really do a lot with your characters. Your singles dude toils in the mid-card? Pair him up with someone and go for the gold.

2) There DESPERATELY does NOT need to be another Unified title. Not once has it worked. The last Unified thing I was a part of was an unmitigated disaster-- a lot of which was, admittedly, my own fault. The reason why it didn't work-- too many people who had no connections had to work with each other. Unfortunately, not everyone sees things the same way and it caused a lot of tension and wasted everybody's time.

3) How many people RP more than one character these days? In most of the leagues I'm in, it seems like guys RP one character. Personally, I love having a large stable. I think it lets me be way, way more flexible with angles I run and what-not. Any thoughts on this?


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
I agree there aren't as many tag teams as there could be. I handle one and have ideas for another, but am loathe to use the second team because I don't want them to be one of a small number of regular teams. Blitz can do that, but the new team would be better in a more established, LARGE field of regular tag teams with regular competition.

Unified title: I'm too new to this to remember any, so I'll refrain.

Larger stables: A lot of people I notice may handle one in a fed, but I see a few of the same names cropping up with different characters in other feds. I use the same singles wrestler because I'm still fleshing out another one in my mind. Also, you don't want to burn out RPing for too many people now, do ya:p

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