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Take Your Motivation and Shove It




CSWA House Show. Two days before Anniversary 2001. A small arena crowd of about 6,000. Evan Aho uncharacteristically in the ring with a microphone. He wears his wrestling gear with the CSWA World Heavyweight Title draped over his shoulder.

AHO - Either I'm simple or CSWA's roster is making this more complex than it was ever intended to be. For the longest time a wrestler could do his job without any need to explain himself, assuming of course that he wrestled because he loved to wrestle. That's changed. It's not good enough to just wrestle anymore. Now you need an itch to scratch. It's en vogue to have an ulterior motive...something that gives you an extra edge.

Suddenly everybody's looking for a motivation. Hornet wants it because he thinks that Merrit thinks can't do it. Adler wants it because he's tired of being called an underdog. Wicked Sight wants it because he's desperate to carry the company. Stanley wants it because he'll have to go through Hornet to get it. Powers wants it so he can retire on top...

This belt. Fifteen pounds of metal and leather with the words "World Champion" encrusted on its face. Plett said that this is why we all came here. From the slew of motives being blurted out, it would be easy to assume that. Just don't ever speak on my behalf, Mike.

This belt is a goal? A dream? Half this roster is saying that this is the only thing they've ever wanted. Well if any of you want it that bad...if you pine after it that much...have it.

Aho drops the belt to the canvas with an audible "clank". Without a second glance he turns his back on the strap and slides out of the squared circle. A murmur runs through the crowd as Aho backs away from the ring and sits down in a chair near the timekeeper's table.

Go ahead. Take it. Anybody. Someone else can be World Champion.

A minute passes. Aho leans back in the chair casually and eyes the entrance ramp. The crowd is buzzing with whispers of who might be coming out. Time ticks by.

Just walk into the ring, grab that strap and walk out. I won't stop you. I don't care. I never wanted it as much as you.

Evan leans forward in the chair resting his elbows on his knees. He's staring at the entrance ramp as if daring someone to walk out. The arena is getting restless and random shouts can be heard through the crowd...."Powers!" "Pick it up!" "Hornet!"

I'm turning my back. You can take the title without me even seeing.

Aho stands up, crosses his arms over his chest and turns his back on the ring. The crowd pops and begins clap rythmically hoping to bring someone out. Evan slowly shakes his head with his eyes on the ground. The clapping speeds up into a frenzy and the crowd pops again...no one comes out. Suddenly he spins around and stalks back into the ring with microphone in hand. With an uncommon bite in his voice Aho challenges the empty ramp.

Who wants this? Huh? Not one of you. I'm the one you want!

Huge pop that Evan completely ignores and talks through still glaring back towards the locker room.

Like it or not I'm the standard now. Whether you've beat me or never wrestled me, it doesn't matter. Anything and everything that is proven from here on out depends on whether or not you can OUT-WRESTLE me!

Aho thumps his chest once with the microphone and paces the ropes closest to the ramp. The crowd is rockin', seeming to eat up Evan's speech. He seems to calm slightly and he picks up the belt without taking his eyes from the entrance.

I'm taking this to Anniversary and I'm taking this out of Anniversary. Anyone who wants to stop me can come and get it.

(CUE UP: "Control" - Puddle of Mudd)

The crowd erupts. He flicks the microphone to the mat and drapes the belt over his shoulder. Aho saunters up the ramp without a glance back.



League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Simple Is As Simple Does

Ya know, Evan, I really didn't plan to deal with you at the moment. But, since you decided to name drop, and because I seem to have a couple of seconds free, I'll throw you a little advice.

Right now, you've got the right to stand up on a stage and be all full of yourself. After all, you're the big man on campus. But, you wanna know what the difference is between you and I?

If, by the grace of God, I manage to come up a little short at Anniversary, people like you will still be dropping my name. If YOU lose, you become fishwrap faster than a Baltimore Ravens headline.

For now, that's pretty much all I've got to say to you. I've got my own match to prepare for. If you're lucky, good, or blessed by devine intervention, we'll have this talk all over again in a couple of weeks.

But, let me leave you with this. Don't drop that belt and my name in the same sentence again. As good as you may be, Evan, make no mistake... in some cases, the clothes DO make the man.


Hex Angel

.... and Tom Adler is VERY simple.


I'll give credit where it's due. When I broke into the sport, you were the man. Nobody could mention greatness, nobody could mention the ELITE of the business, without talking about Hornet. Windham. Randalls. GUNS. Adler. Not necessarily in that order.

Defending that World Title fifteen times in thirty days.... impressive.

That match with Randalls? Definitely impressive.

But this is the year 2002, Tommy, and there's a new breed of wrestler running the show. The only reason anyone of substance is paying you an ounce of attention is because you have a one- in- six chance of coming out of Anniversary with a title shot.

If you win, you'll remind us all about how this has been too long in coming, how you're an eleven time World Champion who should've been pushed to the moon to start because you're a name brand.

If you lose, you can go back to being the underappreciated, overhyped former World Champion who can't get over his own hype.

I've been in the ring with you, Tom, and I've been in the ring with Evan Aho. I've beaten both of you, and in my expert opinion.... should you come out of Anniversary with a World Title shot against Evan Aho, he's going to smack you down and make you his bitch before he has a chance to break a sweat.

It's a new breed of wrestler in the CSWA today, Adler.... Instead of sitting back and whining about the opportunities that come your way, you might want to get off your ass and DO.

Hornet might argue that I've got no right to tell anyone not to whine.... and who knows, maybe he's right. But not even Hornet would have the balls to say that I haven't fought my battles and continue to fight 'em every single time I step into the ring. Hell, I won my first CSWA World title by BEATING Hornet. Trust me on this, Tommy.... I've earned it just as much as anyone else.

Look around, Tom.... the men who are dominating the CSWA right now are doing so because they didn't sit back and wait for things to come their way. Hornet. Randalls. Myself. Eddy. Troy. Aho. Radder. Powers. Stanley. Every single one of your opponents.

We are where we are because we earned it and continue to prove that we belong there. So far the vaunted Tom Adler of the new millennium has been a bitter old man who doesn't understand why these young'ns don't want to hear his tales of the AAWC Universal Title and the Magnificent Tour II.

The Tom Adler of the new millennium doesn't deserve a World Title shot. The Tom Adler of the new millennium doesn't deserve to be wrestling past the second f**king match of the night.

Don't like the truth, Tom? Then f**king DO SOMETHING to change it.

Because if you don't.... then you don't deserve to be here.


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
And you're doing what at A2k1?

Ya know, Eli, when, exactly, this discussion became any of your business is beyond me. But, if you're gonna interject yourself, at least do yourself the favor of keeping up so you don't look like an ass, ok?

Because, while you clearly have a keep grasp of the obvious, it should also be apparent that everything you spouted off about, I've already admitted to. Including wrestling half assed against you in a match I didn't ask for and knew would get me nowhere whether I won it or not.

I'm not standing out here blaming Merritt, you, or anybody else for my status in this federation. I made my choices, good, bad, or otherwise.

I don't belong in this match? Thank you Mills Lane for rendering that decision. I've already said why I thought Merritt put me in this match. If you have issues with it, take it up with him and stop wasting my time. On the other hand, maybe we're both wrong and Merritt just happens to realize that I've got pinfalls on the two men I've faced in this match and none of 'em have a win over me. Who knows.

Now, while I whole heartedly (definite sarcasm in the voice) appreciate the subtle irony of a man about 10 years my senior explaining the nuances of the "new" generation... why all of a sudden you feel the need to get on my case remains a mystery. I gave you the match you asked for. You got the win, and you've never heard me whine about it even for a second. And, last I checked, I never failed to give you all the credit for anything you've done.

So, if you've got a particular reason for coming out here and getting on my s<bleep>, then spit it out. Otherwise, take the props I've given ya and worry about your own match.


Hex Angel

RE: And you're doing what at A2k1?

Talking about getting facts straight, Tom.... let's start with the easy ones. Unless you're twenty years old right now.... try a calculator. I'm sure you can afford one.

And I'm well aware of the reasons Merritt put you in this match. I'm well aware of your feelings on your recent resurgent career. So why did I get up in your face?

Because I can.

Because I wanted to.

Because it's amusing to me to see a man with an ego stretched so far past his ability to back it up, either in or out of the ring.

But mostly, I think, because I wanted to see if "Mr. Magnificent" could still go toe to toe with the best of 'em.

Guess I was wrong.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: And you're doing what at A2k1?

[font color= red]WS:[/font][font color= black] Tom Adler, do you deserve to be in this match? I guess so, seeing as how you've won so many dozens of titles about a decade ago or something... Um... Tom... I don't mind you touching on history, but when you start dwelling on it, then we've got a problem. "Mr. Magnificent", you may have once been, but now... You're in the ring with five hungry guys, and you're about to be dragged along for the most STELLAR performance of your life. And as of late, it doesn't look like you DESERVE it anymore.

But Eli... one phrase can sum this up. BUTT OUT. Flair, we've come and gone, and we will again, but this isn't about "extreme", Troy Windham, or Poison Ivy, so you need to back off. It's like Evan told me, you might be right, but don't EVER speak for Mike Plett. Because I'm letting you know right now, as a trend, as a friend, as an old enemy, whatever... You stay away from the ring at Anniversary, or you will end up regretting it. Because, Eli... Tom... TRIPLE X... Apocalypse... Shane-O... Cammy... EVAN...

The FREAKS run the pageantry.


[font color= red]end[/font]


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
You're Repeating Yourself

Ya know, Mike, if I didn't know better, I'd swear that you, Eli, Shane and a couple of other guys around here all have the same script writer. Because you all just keep singing the same old song and dance.

So, let spell it out for ya before you start talking about fighting the evil doers or touting how your STELLAR performances will soon be FIVE STAR classics. Whatever.

I'm through speculating on why Merritt decided to throw me into this match. You clearly don't have any more thoughts on it than anybody else who's been using your script.

Mike, you wanna believe that I can't cut it any more? Go right ahead. Because I took my frustrations of that notion out on the man who first suggested it and moved on.

But, ya know what? In retrospect, I should probably be thanking Benson instead of threatening him. Because while he may be a little p!ss ant who couldn't beat a midget with a stick, he was also probably right. So Sammy gets a nod for the wakeup call.

You wanna whine, cry, and complain that I'm in this match? Go ahead. It seems to be the sport of choice around here. Feel slighted? Good. But, like it or not, I'm in this match. And, like it or not, I plan on being 3-0 against this group when it's all said and done.



League Member
Apr 16, 2004
RE: And you're doing what at A2k1?

(OORP: Eli's only 30? I thought he was nearly 40? Oops, blew that one. CHAD! Get the profiles back online! LOL Anyway....)

Or maybe, just maybe, somewhere in the back of your mind there's a thought that since YOU came back to this league, YOU haven't done much else but play around with a bunch of guys who haven't done much else but ride on THEIR past reputations either?

How many title matches have YOU won since you got back? Or, even HAD Title matches?

Better still... I haven't seen a strap around the waist of you, Hornet, Randalls, Eddie, Troy, or anybody else you've rambled on about being the elite either. Although, Hornet at least recognized the issue and is doing something about it.

So, if you wanna ride the ego horse, maybe you should as yourself why YOUR meaningless non-title matches always seem to get bumped to the main event while the champions get to suck hind tit.

Eli... you walked into this federation... said "I'm Eli Flair, I want Adler," and ya got him. Ya got the big win you were looking for (does the obligatory Doc Silver golf clap).

But, if you think back to that night... I didn't whine... I didn't cry... I didn't make excuses. I admitted I lost... and said I needed to make some decisions about the direction I wanted to take my career, and that you'd have to decide if that was the match you were really after, because somewhere along the line I was gonna step up to the plate. Remember?

Well, I can stand out here and admit that for the first time in my career, the decisions I made were the wrong ones. I was so wrapped up in the fact that the CSWA was probably my only option that I was willing to lie down and not tell anybody who stood in my way to go to hell. I made that decision, so, I'll live with the consequences and the image they created.

The question you should ask... while you're wrestling NameFest2K1... is not whether beating two of these guys warrents me a title shot... but whether or not YOU'VE made the right decisions.


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