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Taylor Mathis status


League Member
Jan 4, 2005
Steele, Mo.
Hey guys, first of all I apologize for not rp'n for my last match. It was lame on my part and i apologize. I am STILL IN NEW if i havent been fired. I am about to post a rp in the General RP Boards to kinda fill in on where I been. Hope Sean accepts my apology and hope to get back to rp'n against all the chumps, i mean champs :D Take care guys.

Ya Boy aka The One and Only Taylor Mathis :D


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Don't worry 'bout it, man...

As you can see, you haven't missed much. This last show has taken a lot ... LOT longer than I ever expected it to. But I'm glad that you're still aboard... some people aren't used to the delays that the leagues on FWCentral sometimes incur, bt the wait is always worth it. :)

Once I get this show out and get out the next lineups, things should move a little bit smoother.

The next show is going to act as a roll call ... that way we can trim the roster back down without me having to make cuts to people who want to still be active. My goal is to have 20 - 24 male singles and 12 - 15 female singles ...

But things are still going on here and I'm still very much loving running a league, which is a good thing ... I hope. :p Anywho, once I get this show out it'll be a big rock off my shoulder so that we can all move ahead with our storylines... :)

But anywho, thanks for posting and letting us know that you're still here ... and hopefully I'll catch you on Yahoo sometime soon. :p

owner, new era

About FWrestling

FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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