Leviathan approaches....
(Our camera fades in on none other than Dakota… Standing in front of the MCW logo minus Rico Suave… An unusual sight since it is Rico who always starts the show… The cameraman is a bit hesitant, that is until Dakota glares down at him and the camera begins to roll…)
DAKOTA: The more they try to change s(bleep)t, the more it remains the same… Here we are on the threshold of change, or so they would want us to think, but it’s nothing more than the same crap, only with a different stench… As if teaming me up with the likes of Chris McMillan and Nakita Dahaka to go up against, (pauses as a devious grin crosses his face, his eyes narrow; he begins to laugh…)”The Sergeant, Kin Hiroshi, and Frankie Scott”… (Shakes his head as if in disgust) Tell me something Latham, is this your version of punishment 101!?
(Begins to pace slowly, rubs his chin stops momentarily and then commences to pace again…)
DAKOTA: “Frankie Scott…” Is this the same “phenomenal” Frankie Scott that was a damn no show when I first arrived at the MCW!? Your no show caused Steve Marlay and Blade a lot of pain… Fate can be a b(bleep)h huh Frankie, here you tried to avoid me at the MCW for whatever damn reason, and now you are forced yet once again to face me… Tell me Frankie, will you decide to show up this time, I mean you got some form of back up this time or will you once again b(bleep)h up and be a no show, forcing your comprades to take the blunt of the punishment alone… I really don’t care Frankie… I going to beat them senseless whether you’re there or not… You’re an insignificant little gnat Frankie, riding on the coattails of others, trying to make a name for yourself and at Scars and Stripes, I’m going to take you out …
(He pauses… Comes closer to the camera…)
DAKOTA: And then we have “The Sarge” a man whom I personally introduced to a chair and they hit it off real good Frankie, it was a smash… Ain’t that right Sarge!? I came into your backyard Sarge and busted your ass, laid you out… I bet by now you are festering inside dying to get your shot at me… Well guess what Sarge, your wish is about to come true… Only you should always be careful what you wish for, you just might get it…. But hey, I can understand how you feel… Hell I would be pissed off too if someone came and leveled me with a chair from behind… I don’t blame you for being pissed Sarge, I can empathize just how you must feel right about now… But quite frankly Sarge I give a rat’s ass about your feelings towards me… You want payback!? Come get some… Only don’t be disappointed when I stomp the crap out of you yet again… And now that I got your attention, let me enlighten you on a few well known facts… First off, yea while it’s true I don’t know much about you, the same can be said about me, you don’t know crap about me… but then again, what is there to know about you… You’re most likely some disgruntled grunt with a hard on for military life and some payback, so you come on and get you some Sarge, I’ll be waiting… And bring a chair… Secondly Sarge, don’t believe that crap your so-called team mates are saying, because when the s(bleep)t finally hits the fan, they’ll stick their tails between their legs and haul ass… Come into this with the knowledge and understanding that you will be left alone...
(Smirks deviously as he pulls out a cigar from his shirt pocket, lights it up and takes a long drag, slowly exhaling it onto the camera and the cameraman, who we can hear coughing…)
DAKOTA: And then there is “Hiroshi:.. Add an “m” and an “a” and you get “Hiroshima”… That’s exactly what I am going to do to you Hiroshi… I am going to go “Hiroshima” on your ass… Other than that Hiroshi, there isn’t much I need to say to you, other than pray Hiroshi, pray real hard…
(He stops his pacing, takes another drag and as he exhales he begins his pacing again…)
DAKOTA: And now a word of advice to my two so-called team mates… Nothing’s changed; don’t think that for one damn second I won’t lay your asses out also… Nakita, the so-called “Harbenger of Fate”… The self proclaimed true phenom. The Dark Phenom Nakita Dahaka.", screw you girlfriend… I saved your narrow ass from an UCW beat down, only because it was a matter of convenience, nothing more… Chris, once again fate has deemed it necessary to team you with me, or better said the MCW has…
(Grins cynically as he takes another drag and once again blows it into the camera…)
DAKOTA: Now I’m not trying to blow any smoke up anyone’s ass, just trying to let you know exactly how’s it going to be… Three on three, five on one, it doesn’t matter to me, I go down I’m taking all of you down with me…
(Stares disdainfully into the camera and without saying another word he walks away… As our camera watches him disappear, out of the corner of our lens, we see Rico, looking in the direction Dakota walked off to… Once he is certain Dakota is gone, he starts barking orders to the camera crew…)
RS: That’s right, point that damn camera over here, get a close up damnit, I have something to say… And don’t you ever interview Dakota before me!!! I should slap the crap out of you!!! (Begins to smirk…) But I’ll let it pass this time… THIS TIME!!! Well folks, it’s just like I’ve been saying all along; Dakota is as unpredictable as the weather… That was one of the longest interviews he’s ever given… Go figure… Anyways… Let me get to the business at hand… Now Nakita, correct me if I’m wrong, but did I hear you say that Dakota’s and Chris’ services were not required!? (Rubs his chin) Hmmm… Mighty strong words there girlfriend; words that you will live to regret if destiny goes your way… I wouldn’t go around spewing that around too much, face it you and Chris are going to need Dakota in this match… Them guys over at the UCW are under the belief that this battle is for honor, respect and all that crap; and they’re out for blood… Yes sir, you will need Dakota for this one… So shut your damn yap and listen Nakita, (waves his hand in front of the camera) no, no girl YOU LISTEN!!! Stop all this bravado crap and listen… Stop talking out your ass Nakita, it’s bad for your health… And besides, unless this is all a charade you’re sending out the wrong signals sweet cheeks… Where’s that team spirit!? You, Chris and Dakota are supposed to be representing the MCW, get with the program babe… (Bursts out into laughter) I can just image what will happen if Dakota and Chris take you up on your offer and sit it out… Face it girlfriend, like Frankie, you’re the weakest link in the chain, but yet has the biggest mouth… I do give you that… And now it’s on to my good old amigo Chris McMillan… Que pasa amigo!? Too bad about your match with Storms, I lost a hell of a lot of money on that one; I still say you had him beat, he just got lucky… So Chris, what do you think of all this nonsense!? Unreal huh!? One night they have you running down to ringside alongside Dakota to make the save, the next day they have you facing Dakota and then turn around again and team your asses up… Go figure the reasoning behind that one… Who would have ever thought that you and Dakota would be representing what is true and pure… (Smirks) That’s putting it mildly huh Chris!? Can’t say much about your opponents either, Frankie, Hiroshi and the Sarge… (Shrugs his shoulders, his facial expression shows disgust) Like I said, I can’t say much about them… But I am a bit concern about the third member of team MCW; namely Nakita… She’s going around thinking she’s all that and a bag of fries… Her head is so far up her ass that she’s forgotten that had it not been for you and Dakota, she would have gotten her ass handed to her…. Ungrateful wench!!! But damn, she looks good, so does her manager… However good looks aren’t going to win this match… I know that you have what it takes, but face it dude, whichever way you try to slice this one, the key factor to this equation is Dakota!!! Without him, team MCW doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning… (Grimaces) No, I’m not talking out my ass nor am I trying to blow smoke up yours… Face it Chris, they really put your balls to the wall on this one… On one hand you have Ms Super Nature herself, Nakita and on the other hand you have Dakota… The loose cannon, the unpredictable monster… Who do you trust!? Who do you depend on!? Who can you really count on … Who has the answers to your questions!? I do Chris, listen to me and you just might make it out of this one… Trust Dakota, he’s your one and only hope Chris… Yea I know, why would you listen to me… Simply put Chris, who would you really want in your corner!? A lot is riding on this one Chris, Team UCW will most likely be out for blood; I know the Sarge will, after what Dakota did to him… Nakita is nothing more than a one trick pony, Dakota on the other hand is an enigma… Tough choice lies ahead, choose wisely my son… Will it be option A or will it be option B!? Forgive me for being so blunt and to the point here Chris, but I am compelled by a higher force to tell it like it is… You see Chris, I’m outside the box and am able to see from a different perspective; I know Dakota very well, I know his father, I know the NEH/UA and believe me when I say, Dakota by far is the most unpredictable of them all… However in a crunch, he’s the man you want by your side; Nakita is nothing more than a counter balance for Frankie… Her brazen mouth is doing nothing but polluting the air, sending the wrong signal at a time when silence should be the main strategy… Well Chris, I’ve said too much already, so in parting just think about what I’ve said… And to Team UCW, good luck… You’re definitely going to need it!!! Your worst nightmare is about to become a reality… Leviathan approaches and hell comes with him…. Good night Chris, good night folks and as always the pleasure has been all yours….
(Camera slowly fades off into a commercial promoting UCW’s Scars and Stripes….)