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Team UCW vs. Team MCW


League Member
Jun 9, 2004
The Sergeant, Kin Hiroshi, and Frankie Scott lead the charge for UCW against Chris McMillan, Dakota Smith, and Nakita Dahaka in six-person tag action!

The RP deadline will be Saturday, August 19th at 11:59 PM.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"F.A.T.E. is coming very soon to the UCW."

[The scene opens backstage in front of the UCW pay-per-view Scars & Stripes banner set up. Standing in front of it ready to speak is "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka standing by with a microphone in her hand. Her manager, the sultry and seductive vixon, Delilah Demonik, stands quietly right beside Nakita.]

Nakita Dahaka: "Last night, on UCW Revolution, the world bared witness and marveled in majesty as 'Harbenger of Fate and Death' unleashed her power and wrath upon the UCW roster and making one huge and unforgetable impact; however, it was only a taste...a simple forshadowing of what will soon be barreling toward UCW's future like an out of control freight train that can not be stopped. You hear it rumbling in the distance on the edge of town, but you know it will any attempts at even slowing it down or futile and vain."

"Kin Hiroshi was the first amoung the UCW roster to feel the impact taking the wind right out of his sails. Hurts don't it Kinny? If you thought that spear was bad enough Kin Hiroshi, your fate calls for more punishment than that in the six man tag team match that pits the UCW's best and brightest against the MCW. After I'm done with you 'Muffin Man', your beloved UCW fans will be chanting an new phrase that you will be hearing in the afterlife...

Delilah Demonik: [Chiming in leaning into the mic and speaking immitating ala Southpark]

[Nakita looks at Delilah as she looks up and appears mock devilishly innocent with her blue eyes as she slyly smiles back at Nakita.]

Delilah: "What?"

Nakita: "Boy the nerds and geeks are gonna love you."

Delilah: "Great, and I thought Pieske was bad enough, now I have to tend to fanboys to."

Nakita: "Anyway...staying on topic. But don't don't worry Hiroshi, you won't be alone, because you will not be alone. You're UCW compatriots The Sergeant and Frankie Scott will soon be joining you. There's Frankie 'I'm trying to get more than my 15 minutes of fame' Scott, and that other guy who still thinks that the USA is still A-Okay to me."

Nakita: "First, we talk about Frankie Scotch."

Delilah: "Scott."

Nakita: "So?"

Delilah: "I don't think he would like you diliberately mispronouncing his name."

Nakita: "Oh no, what does he want me to say? Great Scott, its Frankie Scott."

Delilah: [Serious sarcasm] "You're being cyncial aren't you?"

Nakita: "Quite. Anyway, Frankie, so you had a brush of fame. So what if you got fed to Dan Ryan? So what if he beat your ass to sleep. All of a sudden that makes you phenomenal? What the hell do you even know what that is or means? Point is, you thought Dan Ryan was an utter ***** before. You've never set foot in the ring against me. There are *****es and then there's...me. Only your not going to bend me over like one, but I am going to run all over you. How do I know this? Because its it is written all over you. Its YOUR FATE. It happened once, and it will happen again. Only this time you will come face to face with the auther and finisher. You will meet the Harbenger of Fate. The true phenom. The Dark Phenom Nakita Dahaka."

"Then there is The Sargeant. Mister America himself comes face to face with The Demon Incarnate. I'm your personal anti-christ. You think that just because some people might still chant an occasional U-S-A chant in your direction that you think that you might have the will to defeat me? One thing that you must know about me. I don't care how much blood you have spilt or how many infidels you've killed all for the sake of democracy. It will not give you any edge against your FINALE. All good things come to an end; however, they don't always end with one of those happily ever after endings. Often times they end with lots of screaming, some pain and agony, oh and my personal favorite, blood being spilt. Fight for the pride of the UCW. I'm not fighting for the pride of the MCW. I'm fighting for the pride of ME. Its all about ME, and just like America in its endtimes, you will embrace your finish."

"Now as per my so-called MCW comrads, Chris McMillan and Dakota Smith. My advice is sit back in the corner and enjoy the special up close and personal ringside seats as I single-handedly dismantle of UCW's finest and best before your eyes. I don't need your help and this match will be nothing than a walk in a park and I'll be lucky if I break a sweat against these three jokes. So just sit in the corner, drink some beer, eat some popcorn, maybe make a couple of signs in my support, and even lead the crowd in a couple of chants in my honor, but know this that your services will not be required."

[Nakita starts to walk off, but then stops as she remembers something that comes to her mind like she is reminded of something at the last minute. She raises the mic up to her mouth and leans in closely toward the camera. Her green eyes stare laser beams back into the camera.]

"Oh and McMillan. Just because that the hand of fate known as Ken Cloverleaf and the UCW has booked the two of us on the same team this week. Don't think that for a moment I've forgotten...or forgiven what you did to me back in the NFW. You know when you reminded me what you did and took a steel pipe smashing it into my face. I said before to you after you ran your mouth bragging about what you did to me and how it made you into what you are today. I said that I am no hurry but I knew that our paths would cross eventually. How right I was. When this match is over with. Be ready, willing, and able for judgement to befall on you, and I will show no mercy. You will get what's coming to you."

[Nakita drops the mic. She and her manager Delilah walk away as the scene fades out.]


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Leviathan approaches....

(Our camera fades in on none other than Dakota… Standing in front of the MCW logo minus Rico Suave… An unusual sight since it is Rico who always starts the show… The cameraman is a bit hesitant, that is until Dakota glares down at him and the camera begins to roll…)

DAKOTA: The more they try to change s(bleep)t, the more it remains the same… Here we are on the threshold of change, or so they would want us to think, but it’s nothing more than the same crap, only with a different stench… As if teaming me up with the likes of Chris McMillan and Nakita Dahaka to go up against, (pauses as a devious grin crosses his face, his eyes narrow; he begins to laugh…)”The Sergeant, Kin Hiroshi, and Frankie Scott”… (Shakes his head as if in disgust) Tell me something Latham, is this your version of punishment 101!?

(Begins to pace slowly, rubs his chin stops momentarily and then commences to pace again…)

DAKOTA: “Frankie Scott…” Is this the same “phenomenal” Frankie Scott that was a damn no show when I first arrived at the MCW!? Your no show caused Steve Marlay and Blade a lot of pain… Fate can be a b(bleep)h huh Frankie, here you tried to avoid me at the MCW for whatever damn reason, and now you are forced yet once again to face me… Tell me Frankie, will you decide to show up this time, I mean you got some form of back up this time or will you once again b(bleep)h up and be a no show, forcing your comprades to take the blunt of the punishment alone… I really don’t care Frankie… I going to beat them senseless whether you’re there or not… You’re an insignificant little gnat Frankie, riding on the coattails of others, trying to make a name for yourself and at Scars and Stripes, I’m going to take you out …

(He pauses… Comes closer to the camera…)

DAKOTA: And then we have “The Sarge” a man whom I personally introduced to a chair and they hit it off real good Frankie, it was a smash… Ain’t that right Sarge!? I came into your backyard Sarge and busted your ass, laid you out… I bet by now you are festering inside dying to get your shot at me… Well guess what Sarge, your wish is about to come true… Only you should always be careful what you wish for, you just might get it…. But hey, I can understand how you feel… Hell I would be pissed off too if someone came and leveled me with a chair from behind… I don’t blame you for being pissed Sarge, I can empathize just how you must feel right about now… But quite frankly Sarge I give a rat’s ass about your feelings towards me… You want payback!? Come get some… Only don’t be disappointed when I stomp the crap out of you yet again… And now that I got your attention, let me enlighten you on a few well known facts… First off, yea while it’s true I don’t know much about you, the same can be said about me, you don’t know crap about me… but then again, what is there to know about you… You’re most likely some disgruntled grunt with a hard on for military life and some payback, so you come on and get you some Sarge, I’ll be waiting… And bring a chair… Secondly Sarge, don’t believe that crap your so-called team mates are saying, because when the s(bleep)t finally hits the fan, they’ll stick their tails between their legs and haul ass… Come into this with the knowledge and understanding that you will be left alone...

(Smirks deviously as he pulls out a cigar from his shirt pocket, lights it up and takes a long drag, slowly exhaling it onto the camera and the cameraman, who we can hear coughing…)

DAKOTA: And then there is “Hiroshi:.. Add an “m” and an “a” and you get “Hiroshima”… That’s exactly what I am going to do to you Hiroshi… I am going to go “Hiroshima” on your ass… Other than that Hiroshi, there isn’t much I need to say to you, other than pray Hiroshi, pray real hard…

(He stops his pacing, takes another drag and as he exhales he begins his pacing again…)

DAKOTA: And now a word of advice to my two so-called team mates… Nothing’s changed; don’t think that for one damn second I won’t lay your asses out also… Nakita, the so-called “Harbenger of Fate”… The self proclaimed true phenom. The Dark Phenom Nakita Dahaka.", screw you girlfriend… I saved your narrow ass from an UCW beat down, only because it was a matter of convenience, nothing more… Chris, once again fate has deemed it necessary to team you with me, or better said the MCW has…

(Grins cynically as he takes another drag and once again blows it into the camera…)

DAKOTA: Now I’m not trying to blow any smoke up anyone’s ass, just trying to let you know exactly how’s it going to be… Three on three, five on one, it doesn’t matter to me, I go down I’m taking all of you down with me…

(Stares disdainfully into the camera and without saying another word he walks away… As our camera watches him disappear, out of the corner of our lens, we see Rico, looking in the direction Dakota walked off to… Once he is certain Dakota is gone, he starts barking orders to the camera crew…)

RS: That’s right, point that damn camera over here, get a close up damnit, I have something to say… And don’t you ever interview Dakota before me!!! I should slap the crap out of you!!! (Begins to smirk…) But I’ll let it pass this time… THIS TIME!!! Well folks, it’s just like I’ve been saying all along; Dakota is as unpredictable as the weather… That was one of the longest interviews he’s ever given… Go figure… Anyways… Let me get to the business at hand… Now Nakita, correct me if I’m wrong, but did I hear you say that Dakota’s and Chris’ services were not required!? (Rubs his chin) Hmmm… Mighty strong words there girlfriend; words that you will live to regret if destiny goes your way… I wouldn’t go around spewing that around too much, face it you and Chris are going to need Dakota in this match… Them guys over at the UCW are under the belief that this battle is for honor, respect and all that crap; and they’re out for blood… Yes sir, you will need Dakota for this one… So shut your damn yap and listen Nakita, (waves his hand in front of the camera) no, no girl YOU LISTEN!!! Stop all this bravado crap and listen… Stop talking out your ass Nakita, it’s bad for your health… And besides, unless this is all a charade you’re sending out the wrong signals sweet cheeks… Where’s that team spirit!? You, Chris and Dakota are supposed to be representing the MCW, get with the program babe… (Bursts out into laughter) I can just image what will happen if Dakota and Chris take you up on your offer and sit it out… Face it girlfriend, like Frankie, you’re the weakest link in the chain, but yet has the biggest mouth… I do give you that… And now it’s on to my good old amigo Chris McMillan… Que pasa amigo!? Too bad about your match with Storms, I lost a hell of a lot of money on that one; I still say you had him beat, he just got lucky… So Chris, what do you think of all this nonsense!? Unreal huh!? One night they have you running down to ringside alongside Dakota to make the save, the next day they have you facing Dakota and then turn around again and team your asses up… Go figure the reasoning behind that one… Who would have ever thought that you and Dakota would be representing what is true and pure… (Smirks) That’s putting it mildly huh Chris!? Can’t say much about your opponents either, Frankie, Hiroshi and the Sarge… (Shrugs his shoulders, his facial expression shows disgust) Like I said, I can’t say much about them… But I am a bit concern about the third member of team MCW; namely Nakita… She’s going around thinking she’s all that and a bag of fries… Her head is so far up her ass that she’s forgotten that had it not been for you and Dakota, she would have gotten her ass handed to her…. Ungrateful wench!!! But damn, she looks good, so does her manager… However good looks aren’t going to win this match… I know that you have what it takes, but face it dude, whichever way you try to slice this one, the key factor to this equation is Dakota!!! Without him, team MCW doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning… (Grimaces) No, I’m not talking out my ass nor am I trying to blow smoke up yours… Face it Chris, they really put your balls to the wall on this one… On one hand you have Ms Super Nature herself, Nakita and on the other hand you have Dakota… The loose cannon, the unpredictable monster… Who do you trust!? Who do you depend on!? Who can you really count on … Who has the answers to your questions!? I do Chris, listen to me and you just might make it out of this one… Trust Dakota, he’s your one and only hope Chris… Yea I know, why would you listen to me… Simply put Chris, who would you really want in your corner!? A lot is riding on this one Chris, Team UCW will most likely be out for blood; I know the Sarge will, after what Dakota did to him… Nakita is nothing more than a one trick pony, Dakota on the other hand is an enigma… Tough choice lies ahead, choose wisely my son… Will it be option A or will it be option B!? Forgive me for being so blunt and to the point here Chris, but I am compelled by a higher force to tell it like it is… You see Chris, I’m outside the box and am able to see from a different perspective; I know Dakota very well, I know his father, I know the NEH/UA and believe me when I say, Dakota by far is the most unpredictable of them all… However in a crunch, he’s the man you want by your side; Nakita is nothing more than a counter balance for Frankie… Her brazen mouth is doing nothing but polluting the air, sending the wrong signal at a time when silence should be the main strategy… Well Chris, I’ve said too much already, so in parting just think about what I’ve said… And to Team UCW, good luck… You’re definitely going to need it!!! Your worst nightmare is about to become a reality… Leviathan approaches and hell comes with him…. Good night Chris, good night folks and as always the pleasure has been all yours….

(Camera slowly fades off into a commercial promoting UCW’s Scars and Stripes….)


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Traditional promo setting, only this background has an even larger U-C-W on it...

The Sergeant: It's time for me to set a couple of things straight for a few of these Major Championship Wrestling rejects. They've come into my house and started throwing their weight around as if they actually matter that much.

Don't flatter yourselves, boys... er... and girl. The reaction that UCW is giving you is like the reaction that a person would give a fly on a mid summer afternoon. Yes, you're really annoying with all of that buzzing and the running off at the mouth. You even stink as if you've been hanging around for a long period of time on a moist pile of dog crap. But in the end, the person just swats the fly away without so much of a second thought. The person knows that the life span of the fly is so short and that it is no real threat so it's not that big of a deal.

It's the same with you maggots.

You realize thta UCW has sent some relatively new people at you as it's reaction, right? You understand that they are not sending the World Champ or any of the top contenders, right? Even though I'd love to consider myself either of those things, I am not. I am just the proverbial fly-swatter in this defense against the big "MCW INVASION".

It must be really hard for you all to come to terms with.

Sarge cracks that goofy smile that he is very well known for. It's the smile that shows his ultra-confidence in his abilities to deal with the issue at hand.

TS: So now I'm teaming up with a new good friend of mine, Mister Kin Hiroshi, against three of MCW's jabronis?

Sarge pauses for long enough so as to give the impression of forgetting his second tag team partner.

TS: Oh, that's right! The boss hooked Hiroshi and I up with that backstabbing son-of-a-you-know-what, Frankie Scott! That was a really smart move boss, I must say. Your frontline defense consists of two guys who have been working as a team for the greater good, and a third guy who is all about himself and what he can do to get over on everybody.

Frankie proved it again last week when he almost came after Hiroshi and I in addition to his attack on the MCW Craptacular Force. I won't complain, though. He makes one small slip up and I'll be all over him as well... he's not going to surprise me with his underhanded tactics in UCW, that's for sure.

But enough about him. I need to take a moment to acknowledge the competition. We've got a guy who calls himself North American Champion, but the only wrestling I've seen the guy do is with a chair in his hand so he isn't all that impressive. Yes, I'm talking to you, Dakota Smith.

Why don't you put that chair down for long enough to get the butt-kicking that you deserve at the hands of the combat tested, mother approved veteran with nothing but time on his hands? After I stomp your ass in this six man tag, maybe you'll put that MCW North American title on the line so that I can rechristen it the UCW North American Heavyweight Championship! I'm sure you are just as confident as ever, but with it being my first chance at singles wrestling gold, I promise you that it will be the toughest fight of your life.


TS: Let's not forget about Chris McMillan, though. The guy has a reputation for knowing just enough wrestling tactics to NOT end up with wrestling gold for his effort. He's got teh life of your typical Army Basic Training graduate. You know, the guys who learn just enough in the combatives and hand-to-hand course in their basic training to get their butts kicked at the local bar.

That's what I compare you to.

Bring all of that wrestling ability to the ring at Scars and Stripes, my friend. It'll be all that you can do to keep up with this technical wrestling wizard!


TS: Last but not least, let's break it down for the newest reject to join the MCW Invasion fray... Little Miss Chikita MaCaca.

Chikita, I thought it was really interesting... this decision to take up the MCW banner and step into a UCW ring. I don't know what you could possibly be thinking, but this is know love trist angle where your opponent makes up a wrestling belt in order to maintain his Wrestler Self-Image.

No, this is where the larger wrestling organization makes an example out of MCW at your expense. This is where UCW sends in a guy by the name of The Sergeant... that's me, by the way... who could beat your three man-slash-woman team by himself.

Chikita MaCaca, McMillan, Con-Chair-toe Smith... your days of having any semblance of importance are over.

Meet Ultimate Championship Wrestling, and meet YOUR END!

Scene fades...


(Frankie Scott finishes watching all the promos for the six man match TEAM UCW vs. TEAM MCW. He shakes his head in disbelief and heads toward the video truck. Once inside, Frankie grabs a video camera and one of the cameramen who was just sitting down to eat a SUBWAY (tm) TUSCANY CHICKEN SANDWICH. (Jon Lovitz voiceover: SUBWAY... Official Sponsor of the TEAM UCW vs. TEAM MCW Six Man Tag Team Match... EAT FRESH!). Frankie drags him down the steps and to a brick wall that is part of the arena. As the cameraman sets up, Frankie walks a few steps away to try to calm down and gather his thoughts. The cameraman, still with chicken and cheese hanging out of the side of mouth, motions for Frankie to come over and get started with the promo.)

" I'm not going to play around here. I'm going to name you one by one and tell it like it is. Whether you like it or not... I DON'T CARE! "

(Frankie paces back and forth for a few moments and then returns to the front of the camera.)

" Nakita Who? Normally, I would never ever hit a woman. But, you sir are no woman!! And I will be knocking your teeth down your throat! You trash my name? Go ahead.. mispronounce my name and make fun of me. At least I have had my 15 minutes of fame.. you are still searching for yours. The True Phenom? Please! You think that tying your shoe laces correctly is phenomenal. It's so cute to watch you make the little bunny ears and tie them around. Back off sister! You don't know what you are getitng yourself into!"

(Frankie, full of anxiety, paces around the area set up for wrestler's arrivals. But, after a few minutes he returns to the camera.)

" Dakota Smith, My, my, my... Hard to believe that some people can just hold a grudge for all that time. Just because I didnt walk to the ring for you in MCW. Blame your fearless leader on that one. Dakota, you are nothing but a little fish in a big pond. You are trying to do all of these tricks to impress the higher ups. You figure that maybe if you raise your voice high enough and cuss, that someone will actually care about what you are saying."

(Frankie reflects on the promos that he had seen.)

" Smith, you are lucky that I didn't take you on, one on one in MCW. You would've never made it to this match. Let me tell you someting else, I don't ask to ride the coatils of anyone. Ask Ol' Sarge. He's still crying over the wipping I gave him a few weeks ago. Seriously...Dakota... You are you? You don't even show up on anyone's radar. It's like thinking that every 7 footer born will always be a center in the NBA. Just because you know how to put someone in a headlock doesn't mean you will ever be worth anything in the wrestling business. Trust me, It's time for you to grow up."

(Frankie again shakes his head in disgust.)

" Rico, You tell the world that I am the weakest link in the chain. (laughs hysterically) I'm the counter balance for Nakita? Get a grip on what you really believe and know that one time that your man underestimates me in the ring that I will kick his huevos so far up his skull that he will be tasting leather for a week! Does that get across to you? If I get the pin on Team MCW I will take an extra five minutes to take the celebration out on you!"

(Frankie takes a deep breath and proceeds.)

"Chris McMillan... You are doing exactly what you should be doing. Keeping your mouth totally shut. Not that you would have anything of merit to say to me anyway. Your two co-horts have spent enough time in front of the camera spouting off for you to do five promos. I wouldn't think any worse of you if you didn't show up to back up those morons you have as partners. But, since you are from MCW and a Jared Lathem lackey you more than likely will show up. Oh well, you too will get your behind handed to you."

(After speaking toward his opponents, he shakes his head knowing that he has to give a lecture to one of his teammates.)

"Sarge...Ol' Sarge. Keep your focus on the team in front of you!! Stop bringing up the past from a different company. I beat you fair and square. You dropped a notch down the ladder and I jumped right into the elite group. Just as it should be. But, you see..I'm a different person here than anywhere else. As long as you don't stab me in the back. I won't stomp you into the ground. I am here for UCW. I am UCW. If Cloverleaf drops me into a situation such as this one he must obviously know that I will hold up my end of the bargain. So, once again..get off your high horse and be my partner and not my enemy or we won't be able to win this match at all."

(Frankie steps away from the camera and takes a drink of water from his water bottle.)

" Kin Hiroshi, last but certainly not least. We aren't the best of friends... Who...am... I...kidding? We arent friends at all. But, I did find a ton of respect for you recently after the first match we ever had against each other. I know that I would want you alongside of me in a dark alley anytime. I extend my hand to you and your work in helping you succeed toward the greater good of UCW."

(As the cameraman finishes up, Frankie takes a deep breath and slowly releases.)

" One last thing to all of you... Whether you are for me ...or against me... The one true thing I know is... that TEAM UCW will come out on top!!"

Frankie stares into the camera as it... Fades out...



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"Dahaka addresses to the UCW populus."

[Fade In...]

[The scene opens in on a UCW locker room where we find "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka sitting quietly in her locker room on a wooden bench. Across from her, the array of a television moniter and VCR is playing the most recent promos of her oponants for the UCW pay-per-view, Scars & Stripes in the MCW vs UCW match. She sits with a rather calm and surreal smile on her face as she watches the remaining moments of Frankie Scott's promo. The remaining tapes of the other promos sit neatly stacked on top of the television. While the tape(s) were playing, she taped up her hands with tape just above her wrist. The final promo ends as she stops it. Nakita picks up her padded fingerless gloves and puts them on over the tape. Nakita cracks her knuckles as she now focuses in on the camera drawing attention to it for the first time.]

Nakita Dahaka: "My, my, my. Things have been busy since I last appeared on UCW television. You UCW fans just come right out of the woodwork. Almost everyone has responded except for Kin Hiroshi and my so-called partner Chris McMillan who hopefully should be coming on to comment any day now."

"I'm sure Mr. Hiroshi is a very busy man. I'm sure that he has his reasons why he hasn't shown up yet. He's probably baking a muffin or something. I mean it must be a really good muffin."

"As far as The Wolf is concerned, McMillan probably took one look in my eyes last week and got so scared of the fate that will soon befall upon him that he hasn't crawled out from under my bed. I would be scared of taking on these three other UCW simpltons, but I did say that I can handle them without any of my partners' help. I meant what I said then and I stand by what I said even now. I do not fear these UCW pissants for nothing and they can't take me on. They have no idea who the hell I am. McMillan knows that he messed up when he bashed me in the face with a steel pipe all those years ago and is just scared that his past really has come back for retribution. He's the one that took pleasure in my pain and credits it for why he is who he is today. Its like that old chinese proverb says, revenge really is a dish best served cold. He will regret what he did to me back in the NFW now and even forever in the afterlife, but still if you feel like crawling out from under your bed Chris and showing up at this UCW pay-per-view, then by all means show up. But don't be surprised if you receive a peice of that retribution that has long hounded you since the days of our time in the NFW...even if your just here in his match as a ringside spectator who has really good seats."

"But I digress back to the impending business at hand."

[Nakita reaches behind her and pulls out a bottle of scotch. She looks at the label.]

"1999...it really was a good year."

[Nakita unscrews the caps, she takes a sniff of the top of the bottle. Then begins chugging and downing the bottle of scotch by the head. She finishes it and slams it down on the bench shattering the bottling into peices.]

"Great SCOTT...that really is great scotch. I'm gonna be feeling that in the morning...but I assure you that I will be all clearned up in time for our match at Scars and Stripes, but this does move me onto my next subject...Frankie Scott."

"Frankie, its kind of ironic that you said that how you would never hit a woman, but then you attempt to insult me by saying that I am no woman. I actually don't find your insult insult as much as it is amusing. If you only you knew the real me Frankie, you'd have to eat those words. Well wait a minute, I guess you'll know me soon enough. Although I may be inhabiting this mere woman's body, the real fact of the matter is that I am neither man nor woman. Call this a small confession, but I am demon and this woman's body is my temple. I'm sure that you will laugh, but then again you will see that no mere woman or man for that matter can do the things that I will do to you, Kin Hiroshi, and Sergeant at Scars and Stripes. You brag about how your little brush with Dan Ryan has at least given you your 15 minutes of fame while you claim that I am trying to find mine. Well I think that I can do one better than Dan Ryan could do for you. I will be more than happy to bring unto you 15 minutes of pain. You feel me...Frankie? After I'm done with you Frankie, diliberately mispronoucing your name will be the least of your problems."

"Next we move onto the UCW's patriot Sergeant. I suppose that you think that turnabout is fair play. I diliberately mispronounced Frankie Scott's name and so you thought that it was only fair that you mispronounce my name confusing it with a banana. How cute, but what you fail to realize is that I didn't take up this MCW banner for the pride of the MCW or to take up arms against the UCW. I did it simply because I saw lambs being lined up for my slaughter. I saw people like you, Kin Hiroshi, and that band wagon turncoat Frankie Scott all ripe for the picking. With the merger in full effect and how I knew that I needed to make an true impact introducing all of you to me and my reign of terror. I did exactly that. It all started with Kin Hiroshi, but it continues with you and your cohorts at Scars and Stripes. It is funny how you think that you can do the same thing that I have sworn what will be done. You think that you can defeat me alone let alone all three of us by yourself in the name of democracy or UCW for that matter. Well I guess that will remain to be seen until showtime and then the REAL FATE will come to pass...your fate because I'm fate incarnate. I am the harbenger of fate and destruction. I am where all paths end and it is with me that you will meet your's."

"Then there is my other MCW tag team partner Dakota Smith and his manager Rico. Your words have rung true to me, but I laugh at your little comment you made to Frankie Scott. Fate really can be a b(FCCBeep)tch. I should know, that's my name. Afterall that's what Dahaka means, it really does mean fate. So I take pride in your ironic statement. It couldn't have been said any better. You saved that you saved my narrow ass on Revolution. Sure, I'll humor you for a little bit. Sure you conveniently saved me, but it means absolutely nothing between us. My impact was well felt...ask Kin Hiroshi who can tell for certain what it was felt like. I gave Kin and company a small taste of what I will do to them at Scars and Stripes and more importantly I foreshadowed to every single person what I will do when the merger is complete and I am running rampent in the UCW with my F.A.T.E. army. Rob Franklin will be the first, and others will follow, but in then end my puppets and I will destroy everything that the UCW is and stands for. In the end when the dust has finally settled we will be all that remains. People like you Dakota, Hiroshi, McMillan, Scott, and anybody else that opposes me will be littered at my feet like rosepeddles. So if I were you, I'd know your role and stay out of this match if you don't want to get hurt or fed to the demon fate incarnate known as Nakita Dahaka."

"I've said enough, I must retreat for now and continue my mental and physical training. I must be in top form for my match and the impending slaughter of Team UCW and if they should get in my way, Team MCW as well...

"So it is has been said...

Let it be known...

So it has been written...in their blood...

So it shall com to pass...

And become MY Gospel...

[The scene slowly fades out.]


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Another traditional promo from a rookie known to be a very traditional wrestler, The Sergeant.

The Sergeant: Oh my God! I've listened to about all I am going to listen to of this back and forth child-like banter. Chikita, did you really have anything worthwhile to say or were you simply filling up the void of airtime left by your less-than-spectacular partner, Chris McMillan?

I mean really... I listened to you for what seemed the better part of three hours last night on the television talking about this and that and referencing various UCW members of this six man tag team. Throughout the entire thing, I can't recall one single thing that you said having any importance whatsoever. It was you blabbing. There was no substance.

Much like you.

I don't want to get into an argument with you over the outcome of this match, though. It's painfully obvious who will be winning if I can keep Frankie Scott from stabbing me in the back again. My main concern is picking up this win before continuing on to a more pressing goal I have.

Revenge on Dakota Smith.

Dakota, I want to take everything of yours from you. Your pride, your dignity, your ability to compete in a wrestlign match, and that North American Title. Most of those things I will take from yuo simply because you tried to take them from me by way of multiple chair shots to my back and the back of my head. The North American Title, though, I will be taking from you because it'll be my first gold... and obtaining that first belt at your expense will make the acquisition that much sweeter.

Chikita... Dakota... McMillan... I'm not trying to tell you that the three of you individually won't continue on to have respectable wrestling careers. On the contrary, I'm sure you all are at that stage already. What I am telling you is that you WILL NOT step into my house and make a name for yourselves here at my expense.

I have come here and fought hard to put together a great first year in professional wrestling. When the bossman eploys me to the frontlines to take care of a job, and I'm sure it's going to help my standing in the company, needless to say I will do everything in my power to make sure that job gets done.

MCW, you're dealing with a combat tested and mother approved juggernaut... A rookie who would like nothing better than to send your crew home packing early on in this "Invasion".

Don't expect anything less than an ass whoopin at Scras and Stripes!

No tippy toeing around the issues... Straight forward promo delivered for MCW by the Sarge...

Scene fades...


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"From the words of Delilah Demonik."

[Fade In...]

[The scene opens with Delilah Demonik, the manager of the "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka. The sultry, seductive, beautiful, vixon stands in front of the UCW Scars & Stripes pay-per-view banner backdrop wearing a sexy red evening gown revealing all of her lovely curves. Her long jet black hair flows elegantly down passed the middle of her back. She has a UCW microphone in her hand as she begins to speak.]

Delilah Demonik: "At last, I have finally grazed UCW television for the first of many many times ready to speak forth my truth before you. You'll have to excuse Nakita, but she has said more than her fair share what needs to be said and has taken this time to cease the banterings and the perverbial trash talkings saving it for the UCW pay-per-view Scars & Stripes when she will single-handedly dismantle all of Team UCW in one foul swoop. She has said more than what she needs to be said and so I am here to do the talking in her stead from now until showtime."

"Its obvious that her words were heard loud and clear and even managed to touch a few insomniac ears during the overnight rotation. Namely our beloved Sergeant who has been so kind to graze our ears with a nice healthy reply."

"Yes Sergeant, you call Nakita's words as nothing more than useless or even senseless babblings, ramblings, and utterings before you. You complain that you heard her speech in the span of three hours. Well that's the rotation, not her. But then again even you can't complain. Because yes she maybe long winded, but to my beloved pupil's credit every single words that she said was the truth. She will dismantle Team UCW single-handedly and run wild on people like yourself. You say that you don't want us coming into your house and make a name for ourselves at your expense. Your right that isn't going to happen, but let me tell you a little secret."

[She motions for the camera with her finger to zoom in closer on her face as her beautiful blue eyes peice through seductively responding with a sadistic smile on her face.]

"Your right, Sarge. The MCW won't be doing it because Nakita will be doing it all by herself, and don't worry you won't have to worry about Frankie Scott stabbing you in the back. Because both of your collected heads will be sitting pretty on Nakita's trophy shelf for her to marvel and revel at, and if you must we can even even satisfy your need for revenge by gift wrapping Dakota Smith's head and setting it down right next to you. Now I know that Dakota is on our team and not your's, but then again that's why they call it an aftermath."

"But look on the brightside Sarge, at least with you being remembered as being the first of many trophies of The Dark Phenom, at least now you won't have to shed your blood or sacrifice your life needlessly overseas. We'll make sure that your life will be remembered and we will bury you with full military honors in some national cemetary...Arlington is it? Oh yes, so do not fret about backstabbing partners or cold vengence. Just worry more about being fed to the demon incarnate known as Nakita Dahaka, the harbenger of fate."

[She brushes off the camera to back off as she looks at her gold watch.]

"How am I doing on time?"

[The camera operator gives her a thumb's up to let her know that all is well.]

"Perfect, but for the sake of time and how all good things must come to a temporary close. I think that it would be wise to end our little talk on a good note. You know give you something to think about and ponder. Let those hampster's wheels start turning in response to some sort of comeback or retort. This is Delilah Demonik signing off."

"Oh and Sarge, one more thing. At Scars & Stripes is when you will stop diliberately mispronouncing Nakita Dahaka's name. Because when she is done with you, there will be chance for you to forget or disrespect her again. You will marvel at her greatness and lick the spit off of her feet, or even better what's left of you will clean off the blood off of her boots because chances are that blood will be your's...

"So it is has been said...

Let it be known...

So it has been written...in their blood...

So it shall come to pass...

And become HER Gospel...

[The scene fades out.]


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
The darker side of life....

(The camera fades in on Dakota who once again is sitting in Rico’s chair and is telling the cameraman something… Something that makes the cameraman nervously say….)

CM: Mr. Dakota, with all due respect I was told by Mr. Suave himself that I am not to tape you before I tape him… And he was rather angry when he said it… I …

(Dakota cuts him off…)

DAKOTA: Who would you rather have pissed off at you!? Rico or me!? Now turn that camera on!!!

(Camera starts rolling… Dakota glares hard into the camera…)

DAKOTA: Is that the best you got!? Don’t waste your time Sarge, I give a rat’s ass what you think about me; so say whatever the hell you want, it’s neither here nor there… So you’re supposed to be the proverbial fly-swatter in this defense against the big "MCW INVASION"!? (Laughs) Invasion Sarge!? You got it all wrong… I am in no way, shape or form part of any damn invasion, what I am a part of, is your worst nightmare!!! Face it Sarge, the only reason none of your so-called superstars aren’t in the mix, is because the last thing the UCW wants is to get even more embarrassed by seeing their stars fail, that’s why you, Hiroshi and little Frankie were chosen, a bunch of second rate peons to try to take us on… You got yourself caught up between a rock and a hard place Sarge… You got a partner that you can’t even trust, and another one that might have your back… Me!? I know what to expect from my so-called comrades… NOTHING!!! And like I said before Sarge, you want a piece of me, come and get some… And as for you getting revenge on me, that’s a two way street dude; that you want to take everything from me, my pride, my dignity and my ability to compete… (Pauses and with a very cynical glare continues…) Get in line chump, you’re not the only one after my ass, and like all the rest you’re going to go down in flames… But hey, you’re welcome to try your best, only don’t b(bleep)h when you’re left lying on your back like a damn beached whale staring into the rafters… Sarge I look forward to our meeting, I am not only going to step into your house and make a name for myself, I am going to burn the mother down!!! Better set your sights on someone else’s title Sarge, ‘cause you’re going to hit a freaking brick wall where my title is concerned… Nothing but pain and disappointment awaits you here dude… So if you want to keep your bosses happy, stir clear of those foolish notions that are clouding your rationale, don’t become a devil's advocate here, you’ll lose hands down…

(Gets up from chair to do his usual pacing…)

DAKOTA: Frankie, if you think that I’m holding a grudge, you’re even more ignorant than what you make yourself out to be… Why should I blame Latham, it was you who decided not to show up, not that I can blame you… You knew deep down inside what was going to happen, you knew that you didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell against me… So you decide to do the bird and fly away… (Smirks cynically) I show up on a lot of radars Frankie, it’s just that you’re too freaking moronic to actually be able to read it, much less understand it… And you want to know something else Frankie, I don’t need to impress anyone, all I do comes naturally, it’s a basic instinct I was born with, most likely inherited from my predecessors… And really Frankie, you need to stop the stammering and stuttering, maybe then I will be able to understand this horse s(bleep)t that you keep rambling on about… Face it you’re an insignificant gnat Frankie, so eat s(bleep)t and die you spineless hairless twat… Oh, and another thing… The last thing you want to do is to get into a war of words with Rico… (Again he smirks, he looks on as Rico approaches, and shaking his head says…) Ah, and speaking of Rico, here he is… Welcome to my show Rico, care to comment on anything that might be bothering you!?

RS: Hey man, what’s going on around here!?

(Looks at the cameraman angrily and as he is about to lash out on him, Dakota cuts him off…)

DAKOTA: Hey dude, chill out… He did what he was told to do, so shut the hell up, pull up a chair and listen… Speak when spoken to… Now that we understand each other, do you care to comment about anything!? Anything at all Rico… Today’s your lucky day… So take advantage of it…

(Rico is about to speak and again gets cut off by Dakota…)

DAKOTA: So Rico, what’s up with this Frankie guy, talking all that smack about you!? From where I sit, it looks like he has a hard on for you… And knowing you the way I do, I just know you have something to say…

RS: Yes I do… (He looks at Dakota momentarily, they lock stares and it is Rico who lowers his…) But I can tell by that stare, what is really going on here…

DAKOTA: (Smirks deviously) Do you!? So let’s talk about it… Let’s talk about Team UCW…

RS: Okay Dakota, you win… (He pauses for a moment and when he turns to look into the camera, his malicious smirk tells the story) Team UCW… The team they have sent to the slaughterhouse… The lambs sent to be slaughtered… And when I think about what the public at large is about to witness, it scares me… Are they prepared for what awaits I ask myself time and time again; dear lord, … And the answer is always the same… HELL NO!!! The Sargent, he’s out for some payback… He out for blood… Dakota’s in particular, but anyhow I want to wish him luck… ‘Cause he’s going to need a hell of a lot of it… Hiroshi… Hmmm… Now he’s somewhat of an enigma… Has remained silent, who knows maybe he’ll grace us with a few words of his mundane wisdom… Hopefully that’ll break the monotony… Hopefully… But you Frankie… Hell I don’t know if I should even dignify you with any comments… I mean, who pays attention to bottom feeders!? (Laughs) I can count the people that take you seriously with the freaking finger Frankie… Better bring a ladder, diminutive piece of fly s(bleep)t!!! You’re going to need it to be able to reach Dakota’s conjones… So do yourself a favor little man, get a life and a clue, this way you’ll eventually one day finally realize that you’re nothing more than an insignificant little schmuck… That’s right, I called you the weakest link and you are the counter balance to Nakita; but my money’s on her to kick your ass Frankie… And while she is the weakest link in team MCW, she’s a hell of a lot stronger link than you’ll ever be… So take your head out your ass, take a few deep breaths of fresh air and let it clear your membranes so you can actually think clearly… Team UCW is in deep s(bleep)t Frankie, so instead of coming out here and making an arse of yourself; you should huddle up with your comrades and strategize how you intend on surviving the night… Teamwork Frankie… Teamwork may be your only salvation; either that or just stab your compadres in the back, like you most likely will… Hiroshi and the Sargent don’t know what they’re walking into, do they Frankie!?

(Looks at Dakota as if awaiting approval… Dakota just stares…)

RS: I know your type Frankie, you talk a lot of crap and when the s(bleep)t hits the fan, which it will Frankie, you’ll be the first one gone, and by gone I don’t mean eliminated, I mean you’re going to haul ass, that yellow streak in your back can be seen for miles… You talk a lot of nonsensical crap Frankie, you know it, I know it and anyone that comes within earshot of you knows it… So spare us your crap and talk like you have a pair; hell Nakita has more balls than you… But enough of you, like I said before, you don’t merit that much attention… So team UCW, there you have it, think about what we have said and most importantly think about what we didn’t say… And as for the other two members of team MCW, (smirks) not to worry, Dakota will be there for you… He’ll be there to pick you up when you fall, his hand will be extended out in your time of need… He won’t let you down, he knows that there isn’t any damn “I” in team, comprende Frankie!? And after it is all said and done and the smoke clears, team MCW will be the only ones standing… Nikita, stay gorgeous and keep the faith… Dakota will be there…

DAKOTA: Wrap it up Rico, you talk too damn much…

RS: Well last but not least, hey Sarge, what the hell is this crap about “revenge"!? (Shakes his head) Bad mistake Sarge, don’t come into this with that mentality, it’ll blind you… Too bad you can’t trust Frankie, and as far as Hiroshi goes… Maybe you know something we don’t, but anyway good luck hombre; you’re going to need it… Chris drop us a line if you have the freaking time dude, let us know that you’re alive… Hey Dakota, here’s a thought, why don’t I finish the show with my usual!?

(Looks at Dakota, who slowly begins to grin…)

DAKOTA: Knock yourself out… (Without saying another word, he gets up and walks away…)

RS: Well as always the pleasure has been all yours… And be sure to order Scars and Stripes; it’ll be one for the books…

(Camera fades into a UCW Scars and Stripes promo…)

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